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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 7, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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struck the city of tulkam, fighting has been going on for several hours, including in the refugee camp. ice and massive road accidents in the khabarovsk territory and primorye, the far east was covered by a powerful cyclone. and weather forecasters are warning about a new disaster, when to expect it, let’s ask our meteorologists. the imf will review the financing program for ukraine, how will the assistance plan change and how much does kiev expect to receive? germany is increasing its military presence in the baltics. on a permanent basis, the bundeswehr will station two tank battalions, and the number the number of german military personnel deployed will quadruple. 450,000 people, and this is only in the first 3 days of work, the russia exhibition at vdnkh is already setting records. our correspondents will show the most interesting exhibitions, we are waiting for the live broadcast. and let's start with the news
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of the last hour from the security forces. the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs exposed a large group of counterfeiters. several people were detained. they, according to departments, operated in seven russian regions in a year and managed to print and sell up to 2 billion rubles. as reported by the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs, the criminals did high-quality counterfeit banknotes with a face value of 5,000 rubles. they distributed their goods through couriers, as well as online through a shady store. segment of the internet, buyers paid for counterfeit cryptocurrencies, after which they received the coordinates of caches of bookmarks. and to the situation in the middle east, the israel defense forces took control of the military stronghold of the palestinian hamas movement in the gaza strip, the idf press service reported. israeli soldiers discovered anti-tank missiles in the facility, launching installations and other weapons.
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ground bombing operations of the palestinian enclave, meanwhile, continue in detail, our special correspondent in israel pavel melnik, the ceasefire does not contribute to a speedy resolution of the conflict, hamas can only be influenced by military pressure, this is the statement made by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to western journalists. in addition, we should not forget that israel is now facing new challenges; yesterday, for example, it had to carry out targeted strikes on targets infrastructure. hezbollah were amazed. warehouses where ammunition was stored, launchers destroyed, this is sahal’s response to the massive shelling of the northern territory of israel, they were carried out from the territory of lebanon, it should be noted that what they hoped to avoid in israel is apparently becoming a reality, this is the second front , here the explosions of lebanese missiles are heard more and more often, although the missile defense system is working quite effectively, the iron... does not let in almost anything
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one, here are some other statements made by prime minister israelminyah. if the middle east loses to terrorists, europe will be next and no one will be safe. this is not a local battle, this is a global battle. the primary task is to defeat this axis of terror; in the fight we are now waging against hamas in the gaza strip, there is no alternative to victory. alternatives to victory. no, with such slogans, now the tsakhal army is carrying out an operation in the gas sector, it must be said that there may be a turning point in this offensive the operation is close, now that the gas has been cut in two by units, northern and southern, journalists, including israeli ones, are starting to make, let’s say forecasts, there is information that, assessing the objective picture of the hostilities, that in 48 hours, even
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in less than 4-8 hours, the israeli military can begin ground-based clearing of the gas territory and the tunnels that are located under the gas, but there is another pressing issue that should not be written off the agenda: what is the current state of those who is being held hostage by hamas, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in particular, spoke about this the day before, as well as prime minister of bulgaria nikolaikov, he came specifically to israel to discuss issues including, pauses, of course, no truce, as the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, says, there is no talk now, but humanitarian pauses are possible, and these issues will also be worked out. it should be noted that for a month now the hostages have not been able to return home; yesterday in jerusalem, the walls the old city were illuminated with their faces, and where the wailing wall is located, a mourning event was held, 1,400 candles in memory of the victims. were married, and this is the memory of those
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who cannot be forgotten today, and these are the names of those who have already been forever inscribed in the history of the jewish people. pavel melnikov, news from israel. the gaza strip has been experiencing, quote, a forced displacement of people and a humanitarian tragedy of colossal proportions for a whole month, the middle east agency for palestinian refugees said. it was noted there that people in the gas are being killed and driven from their homes by bombing. let me remind you that the conflict escalated exactly a month ago as a result of an attack by hamas fighters on israeli territory. for situations. our special correspondent in the region, stanislav bernwalt, is monitoring the gas situation. israel is stepping up attacks throughout the gaza strip, but at least eight people were killed and dozens wounded as a result of the recent israeli attack on the nasser hospital complex in gaza.
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the palestinian ministry of health reports this, and replies that the medical complex, which includes children's hospital, ophthalmological psychiatric, was attacked both directly and nearby, and the hit... by israeli missiles happened at a time when there were a lot of people there, the wounded from this hospital were taken to the hospital, all of them were children, not a single one adult, among the dead only children and women, an entire building collapsed on them, so these are your goals netanyahu, may allah take revenge on you for this, there are a lot of wounded and dead, we have already managed to get some from under the rubble, but until we simply cannot reach many, there is a fire going on inside, this is a new, terrible crime against people. the voices of officials are beginning to sound increasingly louder; the secretary general of the united nations, antonio guterres, again demanded the earliest possible ceasefire in the gas sector. gaza becomes
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a cemetery for children. according to available data, hundreds of girls and boys die or are injured every day. more journalists were killed in 4 weeks. colleagues, about journalists, our colleagues from arti and aljazeera continue to work in the gas sector now, despite the fact that it is indeed very, very unsafe there, the guys continue to do their work, many, as you heard, really died in this conflict, please take shelter in a safer place, there is no safe place. indeed, these terrible words, there is no safe place, this is all about the gaza strip, there are no safe places neither in the south, nor in the north, not in the center of the country, meanwhile,
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the israeli leadership urgently continues to demand from the palestinians to move to the south of the enclave, not everyone is able to travel this path, or people fall under airstrikes or artillery strikes. israeli army, or are subject to total search. as we approached the israeli troops, we saw several bodies lying on the ground. it seems they were dead people, we cried all the time, it was very scary, imagine walking over dead people, i can’t even describe my horror. the israeli military deliberately frightened us while we were walking, shooting at the sand around us. we couldn't stop. i have my shoes fell through and i had to walk barefoot. there was an official statement that... the safe corridor for refugees will be open from 10 to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we all decided to go, there were no cars, there were no vehicles at all, we walked to the shifa hospital, then we got into the car of our friends, they took us to the border with kuwait , and then we walked again to the refugee camp, they were aiming at my sister
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, she was forced to jump over the bodies of other people, this is not normal, this is terrible, since we arrived yesterday, we could not to fall asleep even for a few minutes, in lebanon nazrael... the borders are also restless, shelling continues on one side, and on the other side, the situation is heating up on the west bank of the jordan river, where the israeli military continues to comb the territory in search of, it’s unclear whose, it’s unclear who, and local skirmishes, there are civilian casualties, stanislav bernouwalt, andrei patapov, beirut-lebanon, russia has completed the procedure for withdrawing from the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, or shortened to everyone. as stated in our foreign ministry country, the document signed in 1990 provided moscow with security guarantees in the first decade of its existence, but then the united states accelerated the process of nato expansion. the european countries of the alliance began to openly circumvent the restrictions; all
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russian attempts to adapt the treaty were sabotaged. in 2007, our country suspended its actions. but the west ignored the opportunity for dialogue. as he emphasizes. bears direct responsibility for inciting the conflict in ukraine. finland has joined the alliance, sweden is about to join, under these conditions, even formal preservation and everything contradicts the indigenous ones. russia's security interests, the states are not capable of reaching agreements and moscow does not regret leaving the duma, confident that it is right, the russian foreign ministry said in a statement. the german authorities will station two tank battalions in lithuania on a permanent basis. this is stated in a statement by the head of the german ministry of defense boris pistorius. it noted that the new brigade, numbering approximately 4,800 people, will be stationed in lithuania. by the beginning of 2025. the germans are slow are going to serve abroad, so
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the defense industry promised in advance generous bonuses to those who still go to lithuania, spiegel reports. i will add that so far about half a thousand bundesphere military personnel are stationed in the baltic republic. and now, in addition to the weather in the far east, the cyclone has covered sakhalin. rain and snow hit the island. the roads and sidewalks were covered. gusty winds in places, due to bad weather the bridge crossing between sakhalin and the mainland was closed, air traffic was disrupted, flights to kunashir island were not sent, passengers could not take off for almost 24 hours. in two urban districts where an emergency warning was declared, schoolchildren were transferred to distance learning. the magadan region was also covered in snow, this is the second cyclone in a week. utility workers are actively removing snow from city streets, and climbers are helping. lyudmila shcherbakova saw how to clean off the roofs of houses and how they deal with the consequences. all
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weekend and the first working day, residents of magadan do not part with shovels, digging out cars and passages to the entrances of houses. the main thing here is to clean it in time, then he will it will get stiff and start digging harder, but it’s fine, it’s quite soft. snow covered the coast of the magadan region; throughout the past week, two cyclones arrived in the region, one after the other. according to the weather forecaster it fell out. 66 mm of precipitation, which exceeds the monthly norm for november. residents exchanged videos with each other, finding themselves in snow captivity on the roads of the region, this is our situation, we dug out a little and drove back, also in the back, there is no road in front, the same in the back. on monday, the cyclone left the region and it became sharply colder; on the one hand, there was no more snow. falls on the roads, on the other hand , it becomes more difficult to remove it. many sidewalks, even in the center of magadh. now it looks like this, people move along the paths, one-way traffic is impossible for two people to get through here.
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utility workers and road workers promise to first clear the center of magadan, access roads to clinics, kindergartens and schools. all services have switched to enhanced operating mode. there was a lot of snow, so we will work actively, we are strengthening our efforts, attracting people from other areas. at the moment, around the city we employ 56 people cleaning stairs and pedestrian crossings. and all possible technology is involved. snow removal, round-the-clock work, the night shift has already been organized, not yet at full strength, but we will catch up , magadan rescuers are also helping to cope with the consequences of the disaster, they also clear the city of snow, knock down icicles, due to the temperature difference they formed on the roofs of many houses. a devastating request from residents of the city of magadan not to pass close to five, or better yet 7 m from the building itself. that's all for today administrative buildings are in danger of
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having their roofs torn off by icicles. he promises to clear the city within the next week , especially since new snowfalls are not yet expected , a sharp cold snap has arrived in the region, in magadan they promise up to 14 degrees below zero, in the central regions of the region the thermometer will drop to -35° and below. lyudmila sherbakov, alexey gilev, vesti magadan. on the green day, you will receive a gift contribution when you open an invest-piggy bank, protection for any occasion from savings insurance with a discount of up to 55%. cashback with bonuses in scooters promo code for new customers. and with a subscription with berp, the green day is even more profitable and starts 3 days earlier. at bigfest, four nuggets for. and other offers at a very competitive price. open a free account with alfabank
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of sberbank and take advantage of the best offers for your business, only from november 9 to 17. the first in russia to cancel commissions for all transfers and payments, order a free debit alpha card , it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, if you’ve already spent the whole day on meetings, don’t spend too much, the scooter in the selection has a profitable shelf, delivery is free, scooter without unnecessary expenses. the international monetary fund has begun reviewing ukraine's financing program, there they must determine whether the country
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has done enough to receive the next tranche. in kiev they expect to receive about a billion out of almost sixteen. which are planned for 4 years. alexandra nazarova will tell you the details. the international monetary fund has begun a review of the extended financing program for ukraine. the mission will have to assess the implementation of obligations in the field of fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies, in ensuring financial stability and carrying out structural reforms. in particular, they will look at how the transition to managed flexible hryvnia exchange rate, and how to close the budget deficit? international monetary fund. this is a tool - the de facto foreign policy of the united states of america and joining the rules of the international monetary fund leads to the fact that the country begins to live to the detriment of future generations, that is , there can be no talk of any sustainable development, this means, give everything away today and still pay for it tomorrow.
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the four-year support program from the imf includes 15 billion 600 million dollars, the first tranche for 2.700 million was received by kiev in april, then 890 million in june, next time they hope to receive approximately the same amount, but first they need to undergo an audit, experts note that based on its results, the fund may tighten its requirements, now the imf will be able to demand something more from kiev, because the fund’s program was it was not adopted this year, in my opinion, last year, there is a monetary amount of about 15 billion dollars, and accordingly, kiev will now need this money, and the imf will be able to impose its additional conditions on the ukrainian authorities, it will depend on the fulfillment of these conditions and requirements will no longer be able to evade. according to the ukrainian ministry of finance, without western help, dera in the state budget for next year will amount to $29 billion, almost a third of
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expenses. the ministry warned foreign sponsors that this would be traumatic for the whole of europe due to increased migration and rising food and energy prices. without funding from outside , the ukrainian economy will not be able to fulfill its obligations. in an interview with nbc , vladimir zelensky once again called for more money to be given to kiev, even if loans. and he promised to return everything after the end of the conflict. it’s just not clear how the country will pay , experts say. there are two options: either ukraine is simply bankrupt, or it finds sources, again in debt. covers its debts with this money, or it simply starts printing hryvnia, this may help for a while, but after some time ukraine will go bankrupt. that is, by and large, if the west does not help it, then ukraine will be bankrupt, because it will pay off its debts, including debts to the imf, they cannot.
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the national bank of ukraine predicts that western financial assistance will gradually decrease; if this year the country can receive more than 45 billion dollars, then next year 38.5 billion, and a year later only 25 billion, but against the backdrop of the conflict in the middle east, the reduction may turn out to be more rapid. let's be honest, the crisis in the middle east is already having a long-term impact on our policy on ukraine. during my last visit to the usa summit, together with representatives of the european commission and the european council, i received the opportunity to express our concerns directly to president biden and my colleague blinken that our support for ukraine may begin to erode in light of what is perceived as a policy of double standards is a pressing issue. brussels admitted that it and washington failed to convince the countries of the global south to oppose russia. meanwhile, in the european union , disagreements on the ukrainian issue are only
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growing: the desire to patch holes in someone else’s budget is becoming less and less, and some are acting contrary to the interests of kiev. yes, according to according to german media, polish customs is strangling the ukrainian economy, delaying the export of its goods, and polish carriers are blocking checkpoints, demanding restrictions for ukrainian ones. competitors, thank you, it was alexandra nazarova, with economic news. in sochi, thermometers have been showing almost summer temperatures lately. thanks to this, the resort experienced a real influx of tourists during the holiday weekend. kristina kolesnikova will tell you what she managed to see. november, the beach is literally dotted with vacationers, and it’s not a classic one autumn relaxation on sunbeds in jackets, now the coastal area is more like a velvet season, but we swam, we were all wet from
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swimming, he swam, everyone swam, everything just surprises, in general this year the weather is unique, and these people decided to run on the weekend , the traditional sochi marathon brought together about 5,000 participants from 17 countries, as well as sochi residents and guests from other regions, many of which already have snow. look how beautiful the weather is, i came from the leningrad region, we have completely different weather there, so maximum charge, complete your task and have fun. that year it was an indescribable holiday, so i wanted to come here again, that year i won this marathon, i hope that i will repeat it. this is the fifth time such a race has been held at the resort, and as always, it is supported by volunteers and fans. come on, come on, come on, go ahead. it’s also warm now, it’s comfortable to walk along the trails with your family or , for example, in the ropes course. can i help you? hotel occupancy in the krasnaya polyana resort
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is now 90%. holidays in the off-season are loved by many tourists, but now people they prefer to come spontaneously rather than book many months in advance. in our country as a whole , domestic tourism has been developing very strongly over the past few years; people have already tried, so to speak, holidays in russia. we now have a lot of places in our country where it’s interesting to go, a lot of entertainment , tourists have tried kuban products , today on the restaurant chef’s table there is chicken liver pate with a candy made from bright berries and fruits of local origin, the autumn menu will soon be replaced by a winter one, we will launch with new products fihua , persimmon, tangerine, we will bake homemade pies, we will make homemade goulash, but for now the slopes are green, it’s good outside and nothing prevents you from enjoying a truly southern autumn.
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the beginning of november in sochi turned out to be quite warm, it was more than 20° outside and it seemed as if it was only the beginning of autumn, but according to weather forecasters, this should not affect the climatic winter; soon it will get colder in the mountains; already in december the first skiers and snowboarders should appear on the slopes . kristina kolesnikova, victoria soshnikova, vlad fotkudinov, nikita ekimov, vesti sochi. and now let’s return to the weather in the far east, let me remind you that they continue to eliminate the consequences of the passage of a powerful cyclone, we’ll talk more about this with tatyana bilova, tatyana, hello, your colleagues warned that a new cyclone will soon come to the south of the far east, should we wait? collapse again? fortunately, during the passage of a new cyclone there will not be conditions for such heavy precipitation as this time. by this time the khabarovsk snowdrifts had grown so much so that snowmobiles appeared on the streets. probably, they were guaranteed to make it possible to get to the goal, the rest of the transport literally got stuck in the snow, sometimes the buses could not move from the stop without outside help, but in some cases the trip did not last
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long, the bus... turned around in a snowy mess, what can we say if you overcome some even a snowblower couldn’t lift it, however, today on the city street there were other extremely rare incidents, ready, oh so good, a traffic cop in a traffic cop, i’ve never seen anything like this, here’s the footage everyone has dispersed, gone their separate ways, the weather situation there, from november 5 to 7, in some places up to 109 mm of precipitation fell. in the lazovsky district, a river overflowing its banks after a rainstorm washed away the road. traffic to the village of valentin is blocked, while in other areas they continue to eliminate the consequences of freezing rain. the state of emergency continues to operate in the dalnerechensk urban district due to freezing rain and tree branches falling on power supply lines. without electricity, according to the latest data, 13
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apartment buildings or more with a small the wave cyclone, which brought bad weather to the south of the far east, first pulled still very warm air from the waters of the east china sea to the coast, and then pushed it against the arctic cold and from the depths of the continents. now you see footage from yakutia, a colorful frosty bareness, residents have been watching for the second day in a row. today in the east of the republic of sakhaskovka, thermometers dropped to almost -40. in yakutsk the temperature has already dropped below -30. everyone. freeze-up is actively occurring on the rivers of the region. the day before , the last voyage was made by the ferry on the lena river. now the cyclone has reached the kuril islands. tomorrow it will be in the east of kamchatka, and then go into the ocean. and on thursday a new active whirlwind will approach the seaside and will again clash heat and cold, but this whirlwind will no longer be as powerful as the previous one. precipitation will be of incomparable intensity. in the epicenter of nena, in the vicinity of the long-suffering dalnerechensk, it may
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fall out. up to 15 mm. in the continental part of primorye and the khabarovsk territory, cages will be observed mainly in the form of snow and wet snow; in the island part, they will still may turn to rain. in vladivostok at night there will be fewer clouds, the air will drop to -4°. tomorrow afternoon +2. temperatures will continue to rise on thursday, during the day +5, rain, then snow and sleet. the wind will change direction to the north and the temperature will begin to drop. on friday -1 no precipitation, strong wind with gusts up to 18 m per second. in khabarovsk , snow showers are still possible at night, the temperature will drop to -12, and by morning the weather will calm down. tomorrow there will be a pause. snowfalls will return to the capital of the region on thursday-friday, but so heavy like today they won't. at the same time, it is warmer up to -3. then the weather will finally take a course for winter on sunday with only -12 in the afternoon. well, these are the forecasts for this minute.
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look before everyone else, four children, ex- husband, endless stress at work, vosnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, huh?


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