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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 8, 2023 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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it's me, alexander osachiev. i discovered two ocean currents, and global climate forecasts became more accurate. and this is the moment when i realized that there is a whole sea of ​​seas in the world. and i wanted to know everything about them. develop an interest in science from childhood. enter science majors. rfovich. this past weekend was marked by a number of world events. we had a day of national unity. these are actually not just words, now it is clear that russia has united very seriously, all regions as one, that is, relatively speaking, we are now they were talking about ukraine, wherever you go, there is disintegration everywhere, decay, that is, everything is falling apart, the russian language is constantly in conflict, there is already a farion there, which means they have linked it with azov, as they say, if it didn’t exist, they need was invented simply to discredit the idea itself, which means that zelsky’s conflict with zaluzhny is generally very ostentatious. history, because zelensky
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was preparing for this, i will remind you that in ukraine , small, compact armed forces in the form of some kind of nationalist battles are not just an element of an attack there to capture business, this is also protection, you thereby protect yourself so that you are not physically destroyed, and what kind of protection did zaluzhny have, the special operations forces that were personally subordinate to him, and on the eve of this special operation to eliminate his assistant, his leader, they were removed, that is deprived... of his ability to defend himself, so now that this signal has been sent to him, of course, he will be cleared out, because there are problems for zelensky at the front , he needs to give results, he needs to show the west something, we understand perfectly well that cannot achieve real results, he will do terrorism, he will look for something loud, informational, now he is looking for the moment when information on israel will be released on some kind of board, well, when the world will get used to the news, although this weekend
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there were some of the most powerful... demonstrations around the world, including at the white house, even biden can’t just ignore this story, too many people are against it, in this regard, zelsky understands that he can make some event that information will stir up again, we we understand that this will be another act of terrorism, possibly nuclear at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, perhaps he wants to develop the so-called operation day d, cross the dnieper and go somewhere, it is clear that this will not give results, but he can only get some picture. .. our defensive lines, of course, and then he will have the problem that he will be cut off from the main group, that is, this is the very problem that they created for us, that is , well, that does not mean in any way that we must allow this, well, in principle we have talented military men, the fact that we trust them for such a time shows that we were right, they were right, igor said this very precisely today, and here it is very , very important.
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by the way, we, we are often right here that we trust them, in the studio we discussed when this counter-offensive was being prepared that they cannot be sent without aviation, but it cannot be that there is no help, they will just all die, it cannot it could be that they announced a trip to takmak and 96 lines will go there, i have a feeling that this is what they said, that’s what they’re doing, it’s contrary to the law of wartime logic, they still continue to knock, which means in the direction of takmak, verbovoe settlements, well, it’s just in some part... suicidal tactics, but now we see that there is an ideological struggle , in principle, a change in values ​​is taking place around the world, and the americans have long been accustomed to carrying out social engineering in regions, entire areas, i remember when they were investing billions of dollars in the balkans, trying to tear ideologically away from russia, from russians, they came to the conclusion that the memory of the klia power generation, the so-called one, is of primary importance, it is impossible to convince her, to force a hamburger
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to live, it is transmitted, it only needs to be cut off, we see this in the example of ukraine, and the day of the liberation of kiev is removed from the star from the paste, the russian language, the orthodox church, that is, they clearly hit the bonds that connect us all, but what’s most interesting is that the west is eroding its society, we see the imposition of the lgbt agenda, it’s just prohibitive to some extent called fascism, this weekend there were two events that were, well, the largest in the world, hong kong, the largest gay. 160,000 people, well, that is, it’s even impossible to imagine, or rather in taiwan, in hong kong, not in taiwan 160,000, yes, 160,000, they came from all over the world, in hong kong they were the first to hold a gay olympics, well, that is, once 10 years ago, tell us that this is even possible, we would have said, well, it can’t be, this is some kind of humor beyond the bounds, and what sports, what teams, by the way, should see whether the ukrainian team is represented there or not, because they are now legalizing marriages, we understand.
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how this will happen, but judging by how our people on the front line call them, they have a lot of people who can participate in the gay olympics, but excuse me, because the blurring... of human values, it has not yet reached the bottom, here is the leader or canada is probably such a testing ground for testing these things, we see how they notice the nazis calmly passing there, but canada is now the leader in the so-called euthanasia to this legalized murder, the numbers are just something outrageous, that is, relatively speaking, every twenty-fifth person undergoes euthanasia, it is included in the list of medical services, you have depression, you can be given a ticket for euthanasia, germany is nazism by murder disabled people there and so certain categories are really not even statistically close, what is happening in canada, because in the twenty-second year alone, this is about, which means that 13,000 people were killed there in this regard and
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we understand that this will continue to be imposed, partly this has already been introduced in ukraine in the form of finishing off the wounded, barriers, detachments, and so on, this is legitimizing the economy of the state. okay, he’s trying to legitimize, to help the wounded, like you, you have all kinds of pain, zelensky was wounded all the time, that’s it, zelensky was wounded quite a long time ago, they made it even worse, zelensky has been wounded for 10 years already, and yes, they’re mixing in drugs, not even asking, and then they take a blood test from the dead, they say drugs, still no payments, they don’t even ask, they’re already in boots drugs, you know, this is generally excuse me, andrey, they grab people on the street, you know, that is, so to speak, don’t ask them , they lie to you about sending them to slaughter and then no more payments from the family, this is generally a disaster, here the statistics are more 2,000 refusals for narcotic and alcoholic substances in the body, and 15 million hryvnia, in my opinion, there for mortality
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, that is, relatively speaking, and the state’s savings or resources are all human, this is a resource, everything has been used up, it is not needed, we need to find opportunities to save, it's so wild in regarding how russia is now uniting, like the west, what values ​​we bring, although they are trying to pump us up through dagestan, and those in the west are trying to pump something from there, today, as i understand it, arrests have begun in dagestan, so the question arises , cause and effect, that’s all that was invented, the approach to the airfield, a strategic object, was not accidentally connected with the fact that they expected that arrests would be made in completely different cases, for corruption, and not an attempt by a number of clans to simply disrupt, they have already pulled up different ones fighters and are trying to interfere with something completely different , it may be that we have seen this kind of tricks a lot, we remember all these
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movements there; moreover, in dagestan they performed such tricks for several years, but this is always when a warehouse with some kind of then the property burns, the first version of the investigators, covering up their tracks, so we understand what could have happened there, but i want to say a few more words about the gas sector that this ongoing, well, inhumane, relatively speaking , situation that is happening there is continuation of this policy that people are different at different levels, if a conditionally poor disabled person can be offered euthanasia instead of being supported by the state, this is economical, then what kind of gas can we talk about, but this does not end yet, the americans are raising the bar, we are raising it, what is the last... the time of escalation or the nuclear rhetoric that they are talking about, when the british say, the americans have made a new 300 kiloton missile, so if it hits moscow, they are already considering how many will die, and what zones, here they are necessary
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remind you that one sarmat missile is enough for the british commonwealth in the form of islands, in general it simply ceases to exist, they do not have systems that will stop this, and indeed now , lately, aircraft carriers and submarines are being driven up, they are beginning to raise the escalation with iran higher and higher the possibility of a real outbreak of serious hostilities there. i think this is already inevitable, you’re surprised at the gaypads, but today i ’m reading information, and 4 billion women live on planet earth, and the women’s magazine glamor elects a man as woman of the year, well, that’s not fagots, in a very precise definition , now let’s get to our topics, i don’t share the point of view... no, it’s just that they tried to impose the illusion of unity on all of us, on all of us, throughout all of this
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period, the illusion of the unity of power of ukrainian society, the power of the political and military leadership, and we lived with this illusion, cemented this illusion, from the outside, the americans, the conflict with the americans, they made it clear to us that there is no unity, there is no unity, and these conflicts will will only increase in relation to attempts, or planting information that the zelsky administration wants to remove the zaluzhnaya, it also did not appear by chance, because everyone has already understood that this administration is inclined to make simple decisions, into simple political decisions, which in their opinion should solve a very complex issue , well, for example, here’s zelsky, zelsky was charged with corruption, he says, listen, don’t publish on corruption, which means i’m already fighting corruption. volodya says: “i don’t like elections, we don’t hold them.” elections, he wanted to remove this kharenka, he took it, removed it, so when there is a rumor that
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zelsky is inclined to remove zaluzhny, everyone believes in it, because he is inclined to this, you know, but i want to say, zaluzhny is not yulkinulit, you can’t take him down, by the way, behind him there are a million armed people, a million armed people, and for these people, the authority is really lost, because he was at the front, and zelsky and his gang , along with these corrupt officials, have claims against them much more, that's why i don't first i am sure that he will be allowed to remove the zaluzhny in principle, because he is not an independent player, judging by the way he is positioning himself now, for example , it’s hard for me to imagine such a zaluzhny sitting, let me write an essay, as a lawyer, hello , you can write, but it doesn’t happen like that, it doesn’t happen like that, there is a coordination center that coordinates all these publications, they cannot be considered at all in isolation from each other, i already said,
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publication in time, followed by the publication of the economist, it's all completely thought out, absolutely logical publications with the ultimate goal, these are elements of the information war, they will be, they will continue, i remember, probably a year and a half ago a photograph of skivalo appeared, we were just watching zaluzhny at the academy in odessa, i now understand why the front failed. zaluzhny is writing his dissertation, while he is writing his dissertation, apparently kivalov is commanding the troops, i don’t know, but i don’t know how to explain this, and hence the question, if zaluzhny has such an intention, and i don’t rule it out, maybe i’m not saying about what he he’s sitting there writing, i know how it’s all done, yes, but he probably has some kind of political ambitions, this of course annoys zelsky, of course, this bothers him, this annoys zelsky about it, about where i don’t know a single one a ukrainian who has no political ambitions.
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about this speech by zelsky on nbc like: well, okay, okay, you don’t want to give us money, give us a loan, well, in general, in general, do you even know what your financial situation is, well, vladimir rudolfovich , not the best twenty-first year, which means the volume of ukraine’s debt at that time in the twenty -first year, even before the start of the war, was 43.3% of gdp; a year and a half had passed since the beginning of the war. this debt has approached 100% of gdp, next year they, it’s not us, they are forecasting, 104% of gdp, excellent negative growth dynamics, twice for a minute, so in 2 years, and you know how much it is - in real money, yes , what it looks like, it’s 8.2 hryvnia, you know how much it is in dollars, 200 billion dollars, debts, 200 billion, well, let’s say 200, that’s what it is. of which 184 billion are repayments
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state external debt, 421 is the repayment of internal debt, that’s not all , and another 422 billion to service these debts, internal external debt, this is what ukraine must pay, now you can ask one question, please tell me: throughout period of time when the ukrainians convince, or ukraine in general, or zelsky in particular, convinces that he is fighting for the interests of the united states and europe, he protects them, he is the shield of europe, but why is he not asking to write off this money, but you know why is he not the simplicity of europe, no, no, not because if he asks, zelsky, if he only asks to write off these debts, he will not be there, then the western creditors. will say, wait a minute, we have only one trough, but let’s sort out your internal debts, and behind
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these internal debts the ears of ukrainian oligarch officials are sticking out, these are rats in the barn, you see, they are gnawing from the ukrainian budget all this time, they tell the ukrainian soldier, how hard it is for everyone and how hard it is for them, at this time all this is being taken offshore outside the country, and then they are caught security chief with $20 million. everyone shrugs, it’s unclear how this happened, i agree, listening to ukrainian military experts , in recent weeks, i don’t quite agree with you, what the attack will be or what the so-called ukrainian special forces and, of course, the military will do, the first thing is that this will continue , and even increase attacks by drones and attacks by sea drones towards sevastopol, the bay and
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what is called the territory of crimea, the second is - yes, in ukraine they say: what is needed bring terror, and mass terror to the territory of the russian federation and terror does not necessarily have to be against people, the kurdish nuclear power plant and other objects are named, the third is not just a continuation, but an intensification of the work of tsipso, the information war will be intensified, it will be intensified precisely by territory of the russian federation, approximately, that this simply does not affect the front end, that’s why i, why ukrainian military experts, there are still battles going on, you can’t say that everything is over, yes, i hear what danilov started to say that others, well, let’s say, from zelensky, yes, even zelensky
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speaking today, says, we need victories, we need defense, and today he announces that ukraine has received several, so we are strengthening our air defense. in particular, the battles are most vivid, if you listen, to political experts, not so military in ukraine, yes, they analyze the situation, such as the battle, battles, here between the odessa region and the crimea, odessa against sevastopol, sevastopol against odessa, that is they are already silent about aremovsko, this is this come back. it’s going on slowly, but it’s as if you understand that you need to highlight what is called the failure of the counteroffensive, it needs to be highlighted, you need to talk about something in the future, that’s it, that’s why i did my analyzes, no one talks about what -the offensives there in the area of ​​​​kherson or zaporozhye, and this topic is simply not relevant , as for, that is, i made my forecast,
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as for the analysis, let me carry out my analysis, i ask... all of us to move mentally for six for 6 months ago, the first ten days of may, the russian armed forces began massive attacks on may 3-4, in particular on may 9 , on may 9-10 there was a massive attack by the all-russian red army of the russian army in the pavlograd area, if you remember, then there was a lot of information about that they went somewhere, well, let’s say by the side, where, yes, yes. some decision-making centers, including in kiev , for what is called the sbu project, and on the rybalsky peninsula and in pavlograd, where , as it were, the command where the generals or senior nato officers gathered
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and the ukrainians somehow hit there in a crowd, but one of these centers was hit by a lot of shells, then the french generals suddenly disappeared alone in the mountains, yes, but then information appeared, especially on may 10, that zaluzhny was at a meeting in in pavlograd, most likely they either killed him or wounded him, because he disappeared from the airwaves, that is, he simply disappeared, and for about three weeks the person was not shown and they walked around him in the wrong place, heavy uranium, well, volodya, there were rumors that he was seriously ill wounded, he killed, me maybe he specifically named pavlograd, but that’s not the point, the point is that the commander-in-chief, zaluzhny, who is the authority that leads the army, he disappeared somewhere, he simply disappeared from the air, he disappeared, in ukraine there were two versions, the first version , at the same time, it means that ramtime is going to ranchtime at the end of april and they call zaluzhny via video conference so that he reports where, what and how, the offended zaluzhny
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sends these ramstein generals and says: i won’t go, i won’t report to you , that is, he... he was invited by videoconferences, he refused to start, that is, such events somehow overshadowed zaluzhny and sent him into the shadows, at the same time, at the end of april, at the beginning of may , the theme of the spring counteroffensive was heated up in ukraine, it was just like in a frying pan, i emphasize, spring counteroffensive, now it will begin, here it will begin, here it will begin, here the tinning goes into the shadows , this is associated even more now, well, at least the experts talk about it with the fact that the plan was about against the spring counteroffensive, because that he believed that the ukrainian armed forces are not ready and the west blamed this most of all. zaluzhny then said that they didn’t give it, didn’t give it, at the wrong time... not this, not this, not ready, it was pushed aside, does not correspond to reality, because he asked in the article
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, which we talked about, in the fall there was one amount, by the middle of spring i received significantly more , that’s right, here in the middle of may an interview with him comes out, although they say he was recorded earlier, where he talks about what kind of military man he is, that he started to fight, the war has begun in the fourteenth year, how they prepared, how he met the first days of the war, that is, he talks about himself as a military man who... thoroughly, he then praises gerasimov and so on, he, he says, he speaks cool, he talks about that, well, he says, he shows himself as a politician, but i finish , the decision on the counterattack was made by nezalny, the decision on the counterattack was made without zaluzhny, i would even say that the decision was made by zelensky and there reznikov, but not by zaluzhny, so that’s the whole point of him leaving, zaluzhny they pull him out, he fights, they lost, who lost, the loser lost, but he says
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, yes, i lost, because look , they didn’t give it, not this, he reports, but he reports, but everyone understands that yes, he could n’t win because he did not make the decision to start the counter-offensive, the decision was made by zelsky, and zelensky has now politically lost this counter-offensive, not the audience. that’s why zaluzhny is not in a white cloak, but in a gray one, he comes out and talks about what happened in ukraine, he reports, you can’t imagine the level of criticism that happened in ukraine and is still happening because zaluzhny said two things, he doesn’t believe in victory, he doesn’t believe in a beautiful victory, listen to what danilov says, what is this, we don’t need people like that people who don’t believe, will, strength, courage and so on, so on , this is the second, and what and yelling at zaluzhny , how many days did he spend on the front end again, well,
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danilov, who insults zaluzhny, how many days did he spend on the front end, here he is, who terribly believes in victory, how much does he days about what is on zelensky’s mind , he hasn’t been at the front for at least one day, he excuses himself if elections are going on, and no one has yet... the situation is such that any person who was actually at the front , has a much higher chance against zelensky than the same one, listen to what they say, let’s not let the military have a choice, let’s not thin it out, but let’s at least let them fight among themselves, the main thing is that they should understand well. what am i afraid of? i'm not talking about you, i'm talking about
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that the military will take up arms and go to kiev, the ukrainian military will take up arms and go to kiev, it will begin, this kind of civil war will begin, take up arms, drive away the power of the satanists, and then what will remain of those sitting in kiev, what will remain, what will remain? this is what you deserve, that will remain, that's all, see you tomorrow, russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world, we proudly look forward, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity, we are proud our successes, but we never stop there, discover ... the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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i must fly around the entire globe at once and
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never land. oscar, uruguay does not give permission for the flight, they will not shoot it down, master of the wind.
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russia requested an urgent meeting of the un security council on november 8 in connection with the ukrainian armed forces’ strikes on donetsk, six people were killed and more than fourteen were injured as a result of the shelling. three brigade medics are among the wounded ambulance. according to preliminary data, kiev militants used american hymers missile systems. but the russian army repelled eight attacks in the ssu, zelsky’s formation lost almost 800 more soldiers, officers


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