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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 8, 2023 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] very many times that side, i mean the nato countries, was violated openly, well, let's look at the reaction that came to this decision, the united states will also suspend the implementation of obligations within the framework until everything, then the nato member countries will suspend participation in treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, after russia’s withdrawal from the agreement, says their collective statement, which contains the following phrase: nato countries condemn russia’s decision to withdraw from the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe russia is the latest in a series of actions that systematically undermine euro-atlantic security, end of quote, well, for the sake of fairness , let’s still quote the ambassador of the russian federation in washington, who said, also quote: conversation on the merits was not part of washington’s plan. the conversation refers to the implementation
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of the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. further, quote: here they believed in their own impunity, accelerated the process of nato expansion, openly bypassing group restrictions, but everyone finally got involved in a hybrid war with russia at the hands of the ukrainians. in such conditions , even formally maintaining our participation in the treaty is unacceptable from the point of view of the national interests of the russian federation. end of quote. the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, vladimir jafarov, vladimir mikhailovich, is in touch with us. we greet you. hello, it still doesn’t seem to you that this reaction of the nato countries is hypocritical, accusing russia of withdrawing from the conventional armed forces treaty in europe, from a treaty that they themselves sabotaged, from a treaty that they themselves violated many times, many of its provisions, listen, not just hypocritical, super hypocritical, i’ll just remind you, the treaty
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was signed here in the nineties, it was like mikhail gorbachev’s swan song, when they sat down at the same table as the head of the country and then there were only 16 from the warsaw pact country, there were six of them, russia, czechoslovakia, then this was one state, hungary, and so on, bulgaria, romania , that means, after when the treaty was signed, it was ratified by only four countries, and all these countries are fragments of the former soviet union, russia , kazakhstan, belarus and ukraine at the very beginning, no other nato country ratified this treaty, and did not implement it from the first day, in the end it turned out that we seemed to be trying to fulfill this agreement, repeatedly, they provided data on our weapons, which we had located up to the urals, there was also an agreement on weapons from the atlantic to the urals, but they did not provide us with any information, nor once
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russian... the delegation was not allowed into any nato country to conduct an inspection. in this regard, in 2007, a decision was made to suspend the agreement, we also stopped implementing it, but some data, a special commission that existed, gave inertia, and then it stopped working. therefore, on may 29 of this year, the agreement was denounced, first by the lower house, then by the upper house, and signed by the president of the russian federation, exactly 150 years later. that is, on the night of november 7, which means the procedures for our final withdrawal from this treaty were completed, that’s all, and during this time not only did the numerical strength of the armaments of european countries and nato countries change, it increased manifold, remember how much armament came to ukraine, remember all the conflicts that were there
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untied, and i think that in europe, i think that this agreement was practically completely archaic, it no longer had anything in its content, but it was very beneficial for western countries that allegedly participated in this agreement, i repeat, allegedly because neither one nato country and even the former countries of the warsaw pact, which became members of nato, did not ratify this treaty, which is why this treaty is dear to them. yes, as you quite aptly noted, the swan song of the gorbachev era, vladimir mikhailovich, as for how this agreement was violated, there is no need to go far, you can just look at any front-line footage now that shows destroyed leopard tanks being destroyed our fighters use them with enviable regularity, and not only, of course, these are howitzers, those same three sevens, and british-french storm shadow missiles, which hit hospitals,
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kindergartens, which destroy peaceful areas... the united states can change the balance of power in europe after russia withdraws from everything, as you think, what they think, what they mean. i don’t even assume that they think that it is still possible, well, to change what kind of arrangement, what was changed a long time ago, by the time, well, by the beginning of the 2000s, everything was clear that nato countries were preparing for open confrontation with our country, these unrestrained pumping of ukraine, with these weapons the west says that they were really preparing for the stink, in fact, now the nato countries are at the head of the united states and... with the hands of ukraine they are fighting with the russian federation, what else can they change there, i can hardly imagine, well, they will pump up more weapons, well well, our guys will destroy abrams like leopards and we will earn bonuses from this, i think nothing will change significantly, on the contrary, we
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kind of made it clear that guys, that’s it, we don’t play such games with you anymore, this is a game making a fool of yourself with insulted cards, sorry, here it’s really a game of playing the fool, about those who... are being made fools here , i wanted to ask you too, don’t you think that here the nato countries, which are located on the european continent, are just being made fools here, strictly speaking, they remain because they are being drawn into this arms race, now, they are being drawn into this confrontation, i mean that here there is a cautious reaction from germany, which suggests that despite the fact that countries nato is now also withdrawing from the agreement on conventional weapons in europe, some points there, you can even quote this phrase: they will continue to implement some points, that is, this whole situation of course does not suit them, it is very frightening, unlike the united states, what do you mean they are leaving, they really never entered
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, so they have nowhere to go, as i say, this is an absolutely fictitious agreement , which in general existed, the situation was already there for us at the beginning of the 2000s, in the seventh year of the 2000s, by the decisions of our president, we suspended its actions, i think that the nato countries , now we... can be left alone, i mean the european part, alone with russia, which very successfully repels attacks on everything, all the attacks that ukrainian troops make, have great, some, some success, let's speak carefully, and i think that the americans will not throw themselves into the water for their european allies, i think that they have their own interest, they will, as it were, pursue it, but nothing more, no one for the europeans, in general, their own is not going to lay his head on the battlefield, i mean from the americans, so i think that such cutting off by the europeans will still come soon, in fact it has already come,
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what i mean is that some european politicians are quite pragmatically starting to declare, starting to act, i mean, hungary, for example, yes, which just the day before announced that it had, or rather , promised... to block, for example, the start of negotiations with ukraine on eu accession. and the day before there were also publications in the british press, if i’m not mistaken, which said that if this happens, it will be like this will happen, sorry for such an archaic language, then countries, nato countries, countries of the european union, which are not very rich, will suffer very much from this, they probably also mean hungary, they meant, well, not only hungary, also france . said that ukraine has practically fulfilled all the conditions for joining the european union, we now have until the end of the year, which means we will decide on this, the french said that if this happens, it will be the death of the european union, death with france, they
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are not embarrassed to say this , it's already the leading countries of the european union say, well , hungary is understandable, the country is not the largest in this regard and one that is authoritative for other europeans, but hungary has its own position, worthy of respect. and now france is talking about this, i think, and germany itself will now talk about this, because the svolyain, it seems to me, has become divorced from the realities of her country, where she is, where she generally comes from, and i think that the problems of the european union will only increase every day and leave them alone with ukraine, i think they understand that this deadly, so i think this is where the biggest disagreements will begin, in fact, this is what ours talked about. the president about 15 years ago, when he said, well, we are afraid of the expansion of the european union, let them expand, the more countries there are in these unions, the less these unions will be forgiven, in fact this is how it appeared, yes, it’s better, it’s better
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of course this situation cannot be analyzed, vladimir mikhailovich, i would like to turn now to the topic, the situation in the gas sector, where a simple conflagration continues, which has cost the lives of more... peaceful people people, these are the latest estimates, these figures were published the day before, but today they will probably also be updated somehow, unfortunately... there was also news that it is clear that now in this territory people are really waiting for humanitarian assistance , doctors are waiting for medicines, people are just waiting for some trivial things, like food, which will simply allow them to survive until the next, until the next day, and a convoy of cars of the international red cross came under fire in the gas, this suggests that people now those who they break through there with humanitarian aid, they risk... their lives , here there is now such a disagreement among
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israeli politicians, some are talking about the need to now declare an indefinite occupation, i mean benjamin netanyahu is talking about this, about that this will most likely happen, but former prime minister ehud barakak says that israel cannot afford a long operation in gas and generally proposed transferring the palestinian enclave liberated from hamas to the control of many national arab forces, that is, something that current official israel is unlikely to ever agree with? you know, if at the beginning of the whole situation, starting from october 7, in general, sympathy was on the side of israel in many countries of the world, when we saw the victims of innocent israelis killed after an attack by hamas militants, then israel, as they say, itself i ruined everything for myself in the sense that the response actions were, of course, disproportionately more cruel and when... they see the death of children, the death of old people, women, of course, sympathy
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their, in general, their experiences are turned towards the palestinians, and israel itself is harming its reputation, thereby, i think that it is making a mistake here, because what is happening and the methods that are now being used to deal with its enemies, with hamas, in general, these are very reminiscent of the terrible methods that were once used against the jewish people themselves, i mean during the holocaust, this is a strategic mistake of israel, for which, unfortunately, one generation will have to pay, the worst thing that will happen again untied in there is a terrorist war all over the world, because the same palestinians, hamas, first of all, are different, they usually switch to terrorist methods, we have the olympics of the twenty-fourth year in paris, remember munich in the seventy-second year, and i think that wherever they are
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can strike the israelis, they will do this, so i repeat once again, there are only two countries that can stop this bloodshed, first of all the americans, who have enormous influence on israel, no matter what israel says, nevertheless, one at a time a tough team from washington, israel can stop the fighting, and there is the russian federation, which enjoys great authority in the arab world, these two countries must still force both countries, both sides... of the conflict, in general, to bring them to a truce , the most important thing is to exchange hostages and begin long-term negotiations on the further coexistence of two states, the future palestine, the current israel, on the territory of the current, well , current, current israel, the gaza strip, the west bank of the jordan river, and so on, to which, in fact, and with him, the resolution called for, the security council resolution and the united nations organization, which some countries
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, let’s not point fingers, did not accept , vladimir mikhailovich, thank you very much, vladimir dzhabarov, first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, was
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guest of the fifth studio, thank you for your attention. well, we continue with the fifth studio, now we will turn our attention to the zone of the special military operation, and of course it is worth paying attention here. attention to the last a statement on some recent attempts made by the kiev leadership, we are, of course, talking about zelsky, that he will either hold elections or not hold elections, because in the united states, for example, they are already saying that
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that they say, this is already in accordance with the constitution, that elections there may not take place due to the fact that there is martial law in the country, and so on and so forth, despite this, many ukrainian politicians seem to like... these elections frankly preparing, we heard here all sorts of attacks by arestovich and with him, but to what extent is this really possible now, it is impossible, can this really change something, lead to something, contacts with us nikolay azarov, prime minister of ukraine from 2010 to 2014, nikolay yayanovich, greetings, good afternoon, nikolai yayanovich, this is the current whirlwind around the presidential elections in ukraine. not very far, but still , there is a lot of talk about this here now, in your opinion, are they needed there, can they happen, if they happen, then can they should i change something or not?
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well, generally speaking, elections are a constitutional obligation to be held once every 5 years on march 31, so zelsky, if he respects the constitution, he is obliged to hold elections, because war has not been declared, so nothing prevents him from holding these elections, otherwise , which does not interfere, but he is obliged to carry them out, but the constitution in ukraine was not given a damn a long time ago, so to speak , it was trampled on, it does not exist, in fact, all this rests, so to speak, on some specific agreements between zelensky and americans, well, i don’t think so, i’ve said the word, i’ll finish: right away, that means, let’s say, i’ll think that if the americans do decide that elections need to be held, then they will be held if they select a worthy one from their from the point of view of a candidate who can replace zelensky, then elections will be held, although yesterday or the day before yesterday zelensky
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so confidently stated that the time for elections had not come, he did this after a meeting with ruslova von leanen, and 100% at... their meeting such there was a question and he discussed it with her, well i don’t think there’s any need to explain who she is, she’s also a pro-american politician who, so to speak, clearly doesn’t throw around words without some sort of direction or direction from the americans either, well, we’ll wait and see, that means according to the election law, they must be announced no later than 3 months before... they said the phrase that until the united states finds some politician who can replace zelsky, that is, in your opinion, this is exactly what we are talking about right now, then that zelsky is not anyone i’m happy that it’s time to change him, yes, well, i’m saying that they won’t change him if they don’t
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find a worthy candidate from their point of view, that’s what they’re doing now, because look, what’s happening around zuzhny now. there is information that the zelsky administration conducted a closed survey, so to speak , and they were sadly surprised that zauzhny has every chance of winning against zelsky, this is precisely what is connected with today’s attacks on this zauzhny, and the fact that there are disagreements between him and zelsky, that means they exist, well, it’s already been a year this topic is being discussed, but it did not find, let’s say, documentary... confirmation , now such facts have appeared, but first of all, the publication of my article in the economist magazine, although this is a biased magazine, but still, enjoys very wide popularity in certain circles, and so, from the point of view of the normal, normal functioning of the state apparatus, no
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narrow-minded person, especially in such conditions, could publish any articles without the consent of the presidential administration, this is the abc. and to present his theses there, which go against what zelsky says, this also should not have happened if there were normal relations, that is, this is an election platform, it turns out, well , look, it means that he did not agree on his theses, did not ask permission to publish at all, this is generally speaking nonsense, because he is a military man, his job is to command troops, to carry out the tasks that the supreme commander sets for him. which, according to the constitution, unfortunately, is zelsky, that’s his business, and not to come out with some general strategic messages, there with an analysis of the situation, and in addition, bypassing his... immediate supreme commander, the president. this, of course, immediately raises the question
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that there is no unity between them, this is absolutely clear. and the second point is that zelsky, that zauzhna considers himself an independent political figure who can , in general, go to the polls, but someday these elections will not take place, and for this he needs to gain certain points. it followed immediately, well , not immediately, there was a time delay. a little inconsistency, but before that i was fired the commander of the special operations forces without the consent of the local government, which means the representation of a certain umerov, in general in ukraine, of course, which, so to speak, says that everything should be presented, everything, so to speak, means powers, rights to the indigenous people, then there are ukrainians, rich ukrainians. the supreme commander-in-chief is a jew, the minister of defense is a tatar, so this is a peculiar interpretation
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of nationalist slogans, but still let’s return to the real topic, the dismissal of this kharenko, the undermining of a strange gift from an assistant, a narrow-minded one, in general, of course, creates the impression that not everything is in order there and not all are at home, those who , unfortunately, now rule ukraine, so, so this is such a difficult situation, i think that in the near future , literally a month, the situation will still clear up, yes, the situation should somehow clear up, although it’s not a fact, of course, if there is this situation with elections in the future, somehow it’s completely unclear how to manifest itself somehow , i mean that they will or they won’t, in the end, there may be these statements for quite a long time and, accordingly, this will spur political presidential, i mean, the ambitions of the same zaluzhny, the same aristovich, well, here
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is the situation that you outlined nikolai yayanovich already now, for example some western people with a certain influence , and quite a lot of it, larry johnson, a former member of the cia, who already had quite a lot of very interesting publications, he started talking about what i mean is that he directly directly says that now there is such fertile enough soil for a military coup to take place there , well, i know after all, it means the structure of today’s ukrainian reality, i don’t think this will happen, because everything is under strict control. under the control of the americans, and the army, the ukrainian security service, and the main intelligence department
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, the ministry of defense, so all sorts of them there, that means alpha, beta, gamma, there and so on and so forth, there are a sufficient number of special forces with special purposes, appointments and so on, these are exactly the forces that could carry out a coup, they are under the strict control of the americans, well... it’s naive to think that there is some budanov or the same zuzhny there, they would have decided on this on their own, so to speak, it just doesn’t fit in my head, it’s absolutely obvious that if the americans, so to speak, decide to take zelsky, by any means, elections, well, elections are the most worthy way from their point of view sight, or through a revolution, then such an action will be carried out, i have no doubts, because i emphasize once again, these... those forces that can carry out a coup, they are under the control, direct control
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of the americans, while there is no such evidence, and therefore zelsky will be kept, i emphasize once again, until they find a worthy replacement for him, they find a worthy method of eliminating him, either through the maidan, which will definitely precede the coup, or that means through elections, then zelsky can lose in the election, that too now it’s completely obvious, especially since no matter how he’s trying to discredit this mortgaged guy, a publication has appeared that he’s allegedly preparing a dissertation at mr. kivaov’s law academy, but it’s hard to imagine a mortgaged guy and a dissertation, so you are incompatible for me, frankly speaking, well, sometimes completely different people write a dissertation, it is clear that of course, he, so to speak, put his finger on it, and
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he didn’t hit his finger on this dissertation, but the very fact that he during, so to speak, , they can’t do that either don’t pay attention to western creditors for whom zelsky is no longer news, everyone has already mocked him, i mean what he says, if you can’t just give money, give us a loan, we’ll pay it back sometime after, after the war , and here many people are already saying, say that they will keep zelsky until the united states finds some more suitable candidate who can replace him, so they will keep zelsky without that cash flow, it turns out, which he was promised before, but in every possible way it implemented, well, nikolai ivanovich, thank you very much for being on our live broadcast, let me remind you, on the air, on the air of the fifth studio, nikolai yayanovich azarov, prime minister of ukraine from 2010 to 2014, was with us,
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thank you for attention. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of a car which will be called the gospel of louis véton. i hope you understand why we called it that, i look
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forward to seeing you. israel is ready to announce a pause in combat. in the event of the release of a significant number of hostages, but for now this is only a media report with reference to sources, whether there will be official statements and agreements, an emergency meeting of the sofbe zaon in connection with the shelling of donetsk was requested by russia, as a result of massive strikes the day before , six people were killed, 55 were injured
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. why did washington report in such detail on arms supplies to ukraine, and now. dozens of us military transport planes have already arrived, what's inside. dense fog has enveloped tyumen, planes cannot land at the airport, six flights have already been delayed, minimal visibility on the roads, what forecasts and whether to expect warming in the region? the west is trying to separate russia and the countries. central asia and we are talking not only about political and economic pressure, but about attempts to destabilize the situation in certain regions. this was stated by nikolai patrushev, secretary of savbe russia, at a meeting with colleagues from the cis countries. he also assured that moscow, during its chairmanship of the commonwealth next year, will strive to strengthen integration between its participants. and here is how nikolai patrushev


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