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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 8, 2023 10:30pm-10:54pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] for example, they helped sell this apartment, buy another, and carry out a transaction, over there, you see, plane plus, over there, get on plane plus, service for apartment solutions from the transaction to renovation and furniture, on a green day you will receive a gift contribution when you open invest - piggy banks, protection for any occasion from sberginsurance with a discount of up to 50 more profitable and starts 3 days earlier, one of my friends, well... i really need mega powers, but why? megapowers will make your internet unlimited, free of charge, only for megafon subscribers. reinforced concrete, clearly, we check work plans and celebrate them, choose a job with confidence, avito magnit. open an investment in tenkov with a yield of 15% and move towards your
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goals. we have increased the rate for new and for opening a deposit with a yield of 15%. tsenkov. if you've already spent half an evening choosing a movie, don't waste too much. order from a selection of advantageous shelves in the scooter. delivery is free. the almighty black friday. 22% on everything. and eldorado, alfabank was the first in russia to cancel commissions for all transfers and payments. order a free alpha debit card. not easy profitable, alpha profitable. officially designated as a faux fur hat for military personnel. well, that is, we are talking about ordinary winter earflaps, which are a traditional element of uniform.
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they have been in the ukrainian state reserve for years, but now, as stated, they are already outdated. the independent government expects that thanks to the auction of ushana caps, kiev will save the funds spent on their storage and in return will acquire more relevant material values. but however, behind these formulations there are easy paths of corruption, evgeniy traced tishkovets. and they will eat, but they will not be full. the insatiable banking street has again put its hand into the state reserves of ukraine. ushankas purchased for needs will go under the hammer. in soo at the beginning of 2000, well, little things, grain and motor oil with an expiration date, will they put something in return, a rhetorical question , of course, reserves also need to be updated, everything needs to be sold, and even today, football will be possible there soon playing in these storehouses, for the kiev rulers the state reserve is traditionally easy money, there was
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a story about missing grain from the state reserve, when they attributed the loss of many tons of grain to the fact that mice allegedly ate it, it’s just a gesheft, another gesheft performed by a ukrainian thief, but the news about the sale, specifically the hats, could be the theft of budget funds from the sbu, the darling with the acting director of the state procurement department was almost stolen billion hryvnia for the purchase of low-quality winter military uniforms in 2022; the clothing is unsuitable for use in the cold season under conditions of intense combat operations. moreover, even if nato caps there were enough for everyone, in any case, they will only warm the souls of the vssushniki, but not their heads. if we are talking behind earflaps, it, of course, also has such a political background, but really these hats would not hurt ukrainian military personnel in the winter . but for everyone who is shocked, let me explain,
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this is just such a national ukrainian thing. from warehouses, which is why soldiers have to wear uniforms that don’t fit, and ordinary soldiers have grenades, we had a case when a military man tried to sell a tank for 3500 dollars, as the fire of patriotic frenzy goes out in the eyes, as the awareness of their situation grows in the predators and ordinary ukrainians, national corruption takes on more and more wild forms, the main feeding trough is, of course, war, weapons from... no, everyone wants it in the ground, they catch whoever they can, they couldn’t pay off, they ended up here, from the military registration and enlistment office it was possible for thousands of dollars in the regions, and already from scratch at eight, the media, of course, will present it by selling off the extortion from the population, as something excusable, they say in
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there is a gaping hole in the budget of 26 miles. if there is no external financing, the ukraine project will close, no one is going to receive a refund from ukraine, all this is clear, everything that could have already been written there, that is, lands, territories, infrastructure, ports, everything else, everything will go as debts , it smells, the fight against corruption is in full swing, it turns out that this is a symbiosis of two parasites on one carrier, a deeply sick country, only they have different goals, the so-called kiev authorities will grab here right away, here’s western sponsors for a decade cling to a dying organism. soldiers of the russian group of troops vostok, with the support of artillery aviation , destroyed almost 150
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enemy personnel within 24 hours - zhytomyr? from which unit? ninth company, ninth company, 54th brigade? this story has a happy ending for the ukrainian unit. all 12 people survived. in the pouches there are untouched horns for machine guns. the ukrainian armed forces fighters chose to surrender to russian attack aircraft instead of engaging in battle. for those who folded. throughout on the southern donetsk front, bloodless after a failed counter-offensive, the remnants of the kiev formations are sitting on the defensive. to monitor enemy actions , a new specialized unit was formed here. a unit of reconnaissance snipers from military personnel of the eastern military district. a sniper, as the commander has already said, yes, this is not only a shooter, he is also a reconnaissance officer, the person must be different, also for lightly armored equipment against low-flying
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objects, and also for the destruction of fire weapons of various types, and what is absolutely unusual for sniper units in standard weapons, now there are carnet anti-tank systems in powerful optics, you can see not only the movement of the enemy, but all his positions and fortifications. when flying in the area of ​​a special military operation, we always interact with aircraft gunners who are located both in front-line areas and delivering strikes on the enemy’s second line of defense. this is where rotations and ammunition replenishment take place. the task is not to give the enemy any respite. how as a rule, k-52 helicopters fly out for combat work with unguided projectiles, but... nowadays, every time they take high-precision weapons with them on a flight, these are anti-tank missiles, a whirlwind, during this it is thrown out, the tractor rushes at full speed and carries the burning skeleton of the vehicle, a shot of the evacuation from
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the front line of an american armored personnel carrier, the towing of a blazing striker was filmed by one of the ukrainian militants, apparently the equipment was successfully knocked out by russian forces, but it was no longer necessary to leave it on the battlefield, it was nato junk, and the crew did not dare. but apparently carry out orders at any cost to prevent foreign machines and technologies from reaching our specialists, and these are western handouts, not personnel. and there are many reasons for this, this is not only an attempt to save at least the remnants of nato assistance, but also a reluctance to leave destroyed equipment as a clear illustration of the successful actions of the russian army. in addition, burnt junk can be used as a prop for patriotic videos, which is what the directors of the viral video about how beautifully it burns did nato armored vehicles in the special operation zone, but what an effect are such shots and the amount of western equipment that is blazing brightly in this very field, and this is proven by the heroes of the next video. but they said that the nato one doesn’t
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burn, it burns, it burns so hard that you can’t put it out. hooligan, but true video, which couldn’t be more convenient, of tanks and other combat vehicles, quite naturally, as shown in the videos, they are destroyed by leopards, bradleys, swedish infantry fighting vehicles, german armored vehicles dinggo, by the way , they are the ones that are burning in the video, emotions, picture, editing, everything, everything is at the highest level, everything is according to, so to speak, the canons of information confrontation, so we have learned, we can be on the level, this is very important, we can, since we know how, to defend ourselves from information-psychological pressure. colossal, which turns out to be on our country, we can exert it on the enemy, yes, to convey, in fact , the meaning of the ideas that we need, in just half a minute, but the true attitude towards the floods of the west, to help the kiev regime, is shown
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by exhaustive heroes, they propose to burn with them, the ringing title of the video, which is now rapidly spreading across patriotic telegram channels, viewers are reacting violently, because the heroes of the video are our guys from the front line, they write this to them, keep burning with your language... it’s already available in twelve, from english, german and french, to turkish, persian, and even dari - this is one of the official languages ​​of afghanistan, so that as many people as possible understand that the victorious reports of the west are just words. the video is brilliant, translated into 14 languages, distributed all over the world, and i think that for the western viewer will definitely understand how flawed the equipment that the west uses against the russians is, this is primarily proven by russian fighters on the front line, new footage from the front, the lance hits a leopard with an accurate blow, the tank flares up instantly, the western armored car also burns brightly, like our military correspondents report that it was hit by a carnet missile system, and it caught fire like an american match... bradley infantry fighting vehicle, this is only a small part of the
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military equipment losses. i remember a department of defense objective review report that included it was reported that during the day 65 illustration, this is confirmation. i believe that we have answered for our words and we confirm this every day. and our guys will go crazy, as in the video with chaliapin’s ponato technique more than once. they will burn, and the whole world will definitely see it. the un today reported the death of 92 employees in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, the special rapporteur of the world organization said that the destruction of houses in gas can be classified as a crime against, interest, excuse me, but in general journalists are increasingly complaining, the white house is in no hurry to share specifics about the agreements with tel aviv; dmitry melnikov has details. no matter what behind-the-scenes negotiations the united states and israel conduct, every day of fighting in the middle east turns into death. hundreds of people, journalists again have to extract
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an answer from the us president to the question: did biden turn to israeli prime minister netanyahu demanding a humanitarian, or, as they now say, a tactical pause in hostilities . the answer to the question sounded as vague as the public position of the united states states. have you asked netanyahu about the three-day pause? heat pumps? have you asked the israeli prime minister about the three-day pause? i couldn’t talk to him today, but i asked him in the past, yesterday, while i’m waiting for an answer, it is known that the proposal that hamas now must release from 10 to 15 hostages, as well as compile a complete list of detained israelis, but no matter how events on the ground develop , more and more politicians in the west are inclined to believe that israel’s ground operation will ultimately not achieve its goal; without a peaceful gas strategy, ideology will be defeated hamas has no chance, from a purely military... point of view, israel's response looks simply like
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revenge, a show of force without regard for its share in the darkest hours of its life does not mean standing by and watching the unwise use of force, and we must find the courage within ourselves to talk about it. and now, albeit anonymously for now, opinions are beginning to be heard in the ruling circles of the united states about the possibility of a full-scale truce. sources in washington believe it will be several more weeks before biden starts talking about a truce, but rest assured he will such a step is proposed with harsh criticism from the strongest pro-israel lobby, as presidential candidate and republican asa hutchinson believes that the biden administration cannot follow the lead of either the arab world or its own street, where anti-israeli protests continue. with his requests , biden is trying to weaken israel's position, and this is the wrong approach. and the white house. continues to call ava, while deliberately hiding information about the types and
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quantities of weapons that are being transferred israel, so as not to associate their use with numerous civilian casualties . your question assumes that israel has violated the laws of war, but this is not the case. we will not respond to every event in real time. israel has the right to self-defense, and we want to make sure that it has the right to be reminded. more civilians than died in ukraine in 2 years, how do you explain this contradiction? making such a comparison is incredibly inappropriate, and even openly about biden’s the cnn television channel publishes a statement on its page that nothing justifies the suffering of origin. the palestinian people
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are not expendable, we are people like everyone else, the cries of palestinian and israeli children sound the same to me, but i don't understand why the cries sound different to you. ms. talaib has repeatedly made horrific statements against our ally israel in support of the terrorist group hamas. she moved incredibly. on the other side of the globe in japan they also talk about neighbor east, g7 foreign ministers again discussed sanctions. now against the hamas movement and even when discussing the situation in the middle east, they do not forget about the routine accusations against russia. we intend to continue closely between israel and palestine, as well as the situation with russian aggression. at the same time, the seven recognize that resolving the conflict in the middle east is only possible through a two-state approach for two
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peoples. but against the backdrop of radical statements by politicians, the situation in both the united states and europe is becoming increasingly tense. the deputy prime minister of belgium... for example, is already proposing to ban entry into the country not only for israeli politicians and military personnel guilty of war crimes, but also for ordinary israelis forever. it is obvious that israel does not care about international demands for a ceasefire. and in new york, the owner of a cafe of jewish origin, aaron dahan, was left without staff one night, after the employees quit because of his active pro-israel position, there is a line on the street in front of the establishment, someone is waiting for their coffee in bewilderment, others are expressing. support, the situation is indicative for the entire west, even in the state department, no matter how hard they tried, they could not hide the scandal without help to ukraine, the day before the us senate blocked it, so financial investments in the israeli war against hamas are still stuck here on the capitalist hill. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from
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washington. we'll be back after a short commercial , here's what we'll tell you about, they ran away in search of a better life and now... they're rummaging through garbage dumps, the trash share of the relocant, that beloved schmon, the manager of the universe of screws, maria the mistress, either olya, or vera, sanya, sanya, return the mower, vika sherstyanika, it doesn’t matter who you transfer or pay to, it is important that without komi comfort, no repairs are needed, for real business, you don’t need an office, real friends are not on social networks , real art does not only happen in museums, real hobbies do not
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15%. a guy with tattoos sits inside a trash container and carefully examines the package found there, with a girl next to him. a lantern to make it easier to see, a photograph signed by lyokha and ira inspecting the tank, which became an illustration for a large project material so it goes. it was with this pseudo-liberal publication that new russian relocants shared the features of their life in georgia , where many who left russia, as it turned out, supposedly follow the high idea of ​​reasonable consumption, but in fact, footage of young people who carefully study the contents of garbage dumps on the streets of tbilisi , and this is not called homelessness at all, as one might think, but freeganism from english... the word free for children, migrants from russia actually practice this very freeganism using landfill waste as a source of food and other material goods. well, what examples are given as a sample, studied by evgeniy petrukhin. that very air of freedom with the smell and taste is behind this, but this is the share of the relocant, they wanted
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to drink lats with coconut milk, but they have to dig through garbage cans in search of food, here the relaxant maxim from kalining at the market in tbilisi is looking for something for himself dinner in local garbage dumps, that's why he fled his country, he says, he put up anti-war leaflets, deliberately and decided that he would stay in russia is unsafe, where? it’s more dangerous, of course, to eat from garbage cans, and to feel that you supposedly did everything with the duma, at least to become municipal deputies, to influence the situation, make some decisions, form a government, well, do something there somehow, so, and when you run through garbage dumps, post flyers and put black squares on your avatar, you won’t change anything, and by leaving your country, you only proved once again that you are nobody, because you were just crazy before there was no conscience, and now there was no homeland, well their own nightly quests in the garbage dumps, if they are not picked up, well, they will disappear, but maybe this is not about conscious consumption at all, maybe this is about
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saving on everything and everyone? everyone convinced us, especially pro-western figures, that the best minds, the best specialists, just some advanced people of the nation were leaving, but in fact we see that those who left were, well, such unique guys, many of them simply because they were idlers here, they became slackers there, here are freeganans from moscow, he is 32 years old, he is also... a blast furnace, in general, mitya himself says that they do not disdain, and that when for a long time
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