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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 9, 2023 1:30am-2:02am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] research, olga lavrik, head of the laboratory of bioorganic chemistry of enzymes, institute of chemical biology, siberian branch of iran, it turned out that repair is unusually active in these thunderstorms, this is a cell function that allows you to correct chemical damage and breaks in dna molecules. thanks to this , the naked mole rat is not affected by radiation or chemicals, and it does not develop cancerous tumors. scientists expect that further research... will help find new ways to get rid of cancer and even increase human life expectancy. this is what this day in history was like.
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but this is to be appointed as my guard. a cat, what, what a guard, the film is very bright, cool, i didn’t expect to see a cat there at all , it’s very cool that light fairy tales are being filmed now, it’s interesting for children, for adults, humor, and some kind of relevant story, define you, here the sinks, in the kitchen, his, generally a great movie, i really liked it, cool fairy tale, cool, enjoyed it, we all dream of having our wishes come true, i want winter has become summer, bravely, the fairy tale is gorgeous, wonderful, very kind, very funny, and who else are you? my iripa, it seems to me that this is what is needed, the mood will be created for
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everyone, at the behest of the pike. russian assets frozen in the west and their future have become one of the topics of discussion at the innopolis forum, which is taking place these days in moscow. earlier it became known that the bank of russia and the ministry of finance are working on a mechanism that will create conditions for the possible exchange of securities blocked by deposits. the head of the central bank elvira nabeulina expressed hope that such an exchange mechanism will work soon. the ministry of finance and i have developed a proposal for this mechanism, we expect the actual adoption of the relevant regulatory documents, we hope that this will be done in the near future, in our
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opinion, the mechanism that we have developed. it makes it possible to protect the rights of primarily small retail investors, but let me remind you once again that this mechanism is voluntary, not only on our part, but on the part of foreign participants who have funds in tips accounts. general the volume of foreign securities of russian investors frozen as part of anti-russian sanctions was estimated by the central bank at the end of autumn 22 at almost 6 rubles. well, first of all, special operations, the eu and... the g7 froze almost half of russian foreign exchange reserves worth more than 300 billion euros, of which about 200 billion are in the european union in the main accounts of the belgian euroclear, one of the world's largest settlement and clearing systems. it is clear that europe, like the united states , is running out of money to support ukraine, the american budget is in deficit, also in europe, not everything is good with the economy now, against
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the backdrop of the risks of a possible recession, therefore. europe, like the united states, wants to finance ukraine through other sources, but the most logical source is to use frozen russian assets. but it is clear that this is not an entirely legal decision, because the european union also always emphasizes the inviolability of property rights, and in the united states they are increasingly advocating for the confiscation of blocked russian assets. us house foreign affairs committee congress supported a bill that allows them to be transferred in favor of ukraine and international organizations. similar proposals are heard in europe; the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov responded to them. this is illegal, this is contrary to all possible rules, this will, of course, be disputed, and disputed, in fact, indefinitely disputed by our country, this will entail very serious
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judicial and legal costs for those who make such decisions and use such decisions, of course, we we will to work out response measures are unlikely to be mirror ones, but they will be the ones that best suit our interests. however, many eu members are concerned about the possible consequences of the confiscation of russian assets. according to the politician's publication, france and germany believe that the implementation of this idea will lead to distortions in the financial markets of the continent, and belgium and luxembourg require guarantees that they will not have to bear the legal and financial risks of such a decision. legal framework head of the european commission ursulov. promises to have it ready by the end of the year. among the main risks of confiscation, experts cite the outflow of asian investors from the european market and a serious weakening of the euro. we, together with the g7 countries and the european commission, are looking for a structural solution for
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frozen assets that would not destabilize the international financial system. a legal basis is needed and it is clear that belgium cannot provide this legal basis on its own. as for possible retaliatory measures, ours. countries. russian courts they have already begun to use interim measures more often against foreign companies in order to retain foreign capital, writes rbc. among the high-profile cases of this year are the arrest of the assets of the transnational chemical company linde in the amount of 35 billion rubles and the arrest of 5% of the shares of the children's world owned by goldman sachs, the search for the opening bank. controversy continues around the carlsberg brewing company. well, in general, if in the twenty-second year the number of economic disputes with foreign companies. in russia there were less than 14,000, then in twenty the second has almost 18,000 of them. in the first half of this year
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, 14,000 cases were registered. has never happened in world oil and gas history. the drilling rig is transported to the far east along the northern sea route, which is more than 10,000 km. the beginning of the route is here in the kola bay, the port of murmansk. it's about
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half past five in the morning, quite a bit before departure. after working in the arctic circle, the installation is sent to the primorsky region for scheduled repairs. we are watching the final preparations from the transport vessel. half a kilometer, it’s impossible to get closer due to safety precautions, but even from here the picture is impressive, the drilling rig against the backdrop of the last summer dawn of the year, the turn of the seasons turns out to be, this is the ideal time to start moving along the northern sea route. in july, for example , it would not be so convenient; in july the water area, especially the eastern sector of the arctic, is not yet freed from ice to such an extent, starting from the velkitsky parlevo, this is the border of the kara sea and the lapsev sea. by the end of summer , enough heat has accumulated in the arctic, and the ice melts, its lowest distribution occurs, probably, in the third ten days of september. this is russia's first semi-submersible
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floating drilling rig, northern lights. underwater, it is located on two pontoons, each with two five-meter steering columns. the screws help the installation move, the height is 128 m, like a forty-story skyscraper, the displacement is about 60,000 tons. the installation is capable of conducting exploration and drilling if the bottom is from 70 to 500 m. the well itself can reach 7.5 km. these installations are widespread in world, but our installations are distinguished by the fact that they can be operated in the harsh northern climates of the russian federation. their distinctive feature is the presence of protection, a water separating column from broken ice. the installation sets off under its own power on a historic journey along the northern sea route. with the help of tugboats, the project was carefully worked out for several months, even scientists
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were involved, employees of the central research institute of the marine fleet made their conclusion, studied all possible risks from weather conditions and ice conditions to the health of the crew. we cannot conduct experiments, given that we are talking about people’s lives, expensive equipment, this is a planned operation that will allow us to prove that the arctic is... a living artery, in fact, that even if objects of this size and importance we we can safely and quickly transport throughout our arctic sector, but we are open to any other routes from west to east, east to west. before you set off, you need to raise the yakar. the installation has eight of them. weight. everyone along with with a chain of about 400 tons. the process is complex and can
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take up to 10 hours. to keep the drilling rig motionless on the water, the anchors are placed in different directions, schematically this resembles a spider. consequently, they need to be collected upon departure, and this is exactly what is happening now. the drilling rig cannot lift the tikor on its own; it cannot do without help. the anchors of the drilling rig are deployed at a fairly long distance from the drilling rig, that is, from a kilometer to two kilometers they can be deployed to hold it in position, the angle of attack of the anchor arms is directed towards side of the drilling rig, it cannot pull it towards itself, it requires a vessel that can pull it towards itself, and on the contrary , as they say, in the wool, pull it onto the deck and then return it to its regular place on the drilling rig, the likars are undermined, movement began. the drilling rig is part of
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a transport and towing caravan. at the moment, the length of the towing rope is approximately 150-200 m. further on the towing route. it will be increased to 900 m. this distance ensures the most efficient advancement of the towing caravan. it allows us to move at the required specified speed, and also gives us the ability to maneuver in case of any unforeseen circumstances of the towing route. the northern lights drilling rig leaves the port of murmansk, on the way to eight seas, the arctic and pacific oceans. the route is conventionally divided into three stages of iskolsky bay to wrangel island in the chakota sea, from there to petropavlovskoye, then the finish line, to the sokolovskaya bay water area, in the sea of ​​japan. there are two towing vessels. changed each other along the route, a powerful tugboat with a high ice class
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was working at the first most difficult stage, on wrangel island, it transferred the cable to another tugboat, this is the moment. and in the final segment, the third tug took over the task; it came from the far east to participate in the operation. the crews made transfers without anchoring. the only thing that is difficult is with the people with whom you carry out these operations and the understanding between the two captains of what needs to be done if the weather factor allows you to carry out a safe... then, in principle, there is a transfer with one ship to another tug is not the last time it was busy, literally there in about an hour we finished it all. the accompanying vessels must be ready at any time to accept the cable from the main tug if it suddenly encounters technical problems. the safety of the caravan
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is also their concern. let's say there when meeting with other courts that are there even though a certain announcement has been made in the international system about what will be done. towing and meeting vessels must keep clear for at least 2 miles, we additionally play the role of a security vessel in the sense that we inform the court to keep them in the country while moving through the seas of the arctic ocean, ice reconnaissance is another important function of ship navigation. during the towing process, we always sent one tug forward 5 miles, we sent the second tug forward 15 miles, so that they would go forward, monitor the ice conditions, put the towing on the lead vessel, and we, based on the information given, would make a decision on how to proceed. bypass these ice fields. it was assumed that if the path turns out to be insurmountable, an icebreaker will help the caravan. there were two nuclear-powered ships not far from the northern lights exploration route, but in the end support
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was not needed. we had one moment when we decided to go north.... new siberian islands, at the moment the taimyr nuclear dock was on duty there, in principle, we met him on our way, looked at him and thought that we would go ourselves, maybe someone threw sugar into the sea from the northern lights floating vessel, the sailors have tradition, if you throw sugar into the sea, the weather will be better , there is no ice in the pacific ocean, but there are other risks: the beginning of autumn for the monsoon climate of the far east is a time of strong wind storms, it seems that the sailors have run out of sugar, they had to wait out the bad weather, near poramushir we stood in a cove, but nevertheless there were no waves there, but we experienced a very strong wind
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there up to 40 m, well, we stood there for a day and a half , the weather began, the weather calmed down, we set off, but then along the way in the sea of ​​okhotsk, in the middle we all... met another one cyclone and had to go north instead of the southwest to miss it, the journey ended almost a week earlier than planned, instead of 50 days, the road to the far east took 44 days. we were counting on more modest average speeds, but favorable ice conditions in the waters of the northern sea route allowed us to maintain an average speed of six knots and reach the primorsky territory approximately 5-6 days, faster than the estimated time. the end point of the route is sokolovskaya bay, 100 km from nakhodka. the towing vessels are already setting up anchors. the installation will remain here until spring. the place was chosen for a reason. the northern lights will leave for maintenance in march , but in order for the vessel to enter
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the dry dog, some of the equipment will need to be removed. not every harbor will be suitable. the anchorage area should be located as far as possible. to provide natural shelter so that there are fewer wind wave factors for the operation to remove the steering columns, and there are restrictions of no more than 0.81 me waves, this is not the first trip of the northern lights between europe and asia, in 2021 the installation followed from... morskoy krai to the barinsky sea, but along a different route, through the indian and atlantic oceans, skirting asia and africa, this is almost 80 days of travel, in comparison with this route, the northern sea route turned out to be almost twice as fast, a third shorter and significantly more profitable. by shortening
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the route, and by optimizing the timing of towing, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of such operations. u... successful movement of the northern lights across the polar latitudes - this is undoubtedly another step in the development of the arctic route, but the matter is not only in the transport aspect, this opens up other opportunities, if previously semi-spring drilling rigs of this class worked only in the far east, in the barints and kara seas, now it is clear that they can be used for exploration and drilling in all northern waters of russia. it's me, alexander osachiev. i discovered two sea currents and global climate forecasts became more accurate, and this is the moment when i realized that there is a whole sea of ​​seas in the world, i wanted to know about all of them, develop an interest in science from childhood. enroll in scientific specialties.rf. this is the
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flight control center for the simulators. when you walk in, you feel like you're inside a real cabin. barsash. well, let's fly to combat. what kind of flight are you already? in total, somewhere over 150 have already taken off. everything is just for the people. you know, i think in some countries there are one-room apartments of this size. yes. it turns out that you work on everything, that is , you see everything, you hit everything, well, the tar has excitement when you don’t show up, dear friends, i i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called the gospel of louis vuitton, i hope why we called it that
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, i'm looking forward to seeing you, this is the news of nf, philip trofimov studio, yandex has learned to collect discounts from online stores and slip them in at the right time, or close to it , all this is implemented in the form of a browser extension, that is , it works mainly on desktops and laptops, but there is a mobile site, but this is a little different, from the user’s point of view the work is extremely simple, if you install the extension and go to the website of an online store, the extension icon will blink, clicking on it will bring up this window with a list of special offers of this site, discounts, promotional codes or cashback, but this list is in no way tied to the product page itself, in other words , you can search for anything, and the discounts will show you what kind of discounts there are in this store in general. there are three sources of information about such promotions: firstly, yandex’s own robot, which walks the network and collects relevant data; the stores themselves can report. users can share information about discounts and any interesting offers they find with the service, but here you really have to log in with your yandex id;
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they don’t accept information. interestingly, this is not yandex’s first experience with discounts and promotional codes. the search engine owns the edodil service, an aggregator of special retail offers, launched 10 years ago and 5 years ago completely purchased by yandex. the new project of a certain similarity of ideas as a whole is positioned fundamentally in isolation from edodil. as they say even the base. discount data they have different ones, that is, if a store has already posted its discounts in one aggregator , you will need to write to the customer service of another again, well, the general logic is somewhat different, the existing one is mainly a mobile application about food and just an offer from retail, then a new, first of all, desktop browser, almost any one, lastly a program and data mainly collected by the service itself, in fact, this model, as they tell you in yandex itself, the american service hanny has many discounts collected in one a convenient interface gives it to a large audience of users who, sooner or later
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, begin to buy services from partners, which they already make money on. hanni was eventually purchased by paypal for $4 billion. but not everything goes smoothly even for promising projects. cruise, owned by general motors , one of the oldest developers of unmanned taxis, is suspending their test and conditional commercial operation in all cities. in the usa, where the company was present, pauses the production of its own robotic cars, and is probably preparing for lengthy proceedings with the regulator and partners. and just a couple of months ago everything looked very good. cruise, together with google vemu , received licenses from the authorities of san francisco to launch unmanned taxis throughout the city and without restrictions. obviously, not just like that, but after long and probably quite successful tests, which convinced city authorities that the technology was ready for real life. but almost immediately. after the epoch-making event , problems began. at first, concerned citizens stunned the autopilot of the robomash we put traffic cones on the hood. then
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the cruise cars themselves began to cause traffic jams, suddenly stopping at intersections. somehow, for invisible reasons , a dozen drones froze in one area at once, which, of course, led to a traffic collapse that immediately made it into the local news. later it turned out that the problem was due to interruptions in cellular communication. well, it all ended with a pedestrian getting caught in the wheels of the robo-taxi. initially, the pedestrian was hit by a human driver, but the robot driver behaved strangely, not only ran over the victim, but also dragged her a few meters. in general, cruise’s license for the robotaxi service was revoked, and as the investigations progressed, both official and not very official, unexpected details began to emerge. for example, it turned out that the cruise autopilot does not always recognize children , that is, it understands that this is a person, but does not take into account the increased likelihood of unpredictable behavior... a child at the edge of the roadway, doubts still arose about the level of autonomy of these cars, reports appeared about that they turn to a remote
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operator for help almost every 10 km, in in most... cases, these are not critical moments that, in principle, the machine could handle on its own, but this somewhat limits faith in progress and the imminent advent of unmanned vehicles. we, alexander and dmitry koshnin. i calculated a model of a superhard material for industry, and i calculated it for a supersensitive gas analyzer. and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science. develop an interest in science from childhood. you know, such a thrill when you start a tank engine for the first time, you just feel this power, me, when i decided to come to donbass, they thought i was completely crazy, 17, please go down to the intensive care unit, they asked, called, well, ready, not ready, as in, not ready, as if always
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ready, as in great patriotic war, women. made a big contribution, so now women do a lot, here, where i am as a doctor, let’s say for drivers, i can probably bring them more benefit than i will sit in the office at the computer, when she just comes up to you and even just hugs and will say the word that we are in you we believe, this gives a lot, i won’t sit at home, idle, this is my land
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, i will protect it , i’ve been working towards this all my life, we expect to do it in 10 days, this will be a record, hack,
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on the verge of possibilities, we everything is with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, higher, don’t rise, you will fall like a stone , with the speed of the wind, this is a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, he is chasing you, what
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do you want, master of the wind, western the media are trying to link what is happening in the middle east in ukraine to one front of struggle civilized world with an authoritarian one, i just can’t understand the authoritarian world - who is it? we have an absolute democracy, but even the meaning of this word has long been forgotten.


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