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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 9, 2023 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the russian leader's plane landed in astana. he was personally met at the airport by the president of kazakhstan kasym jamar takaev. the heads of the two countries will hold talks in narrow and expanded formats. based on the results , the presidents will sign a number of documents. the parties will discuss the prospects for bilateral cooperation, including mutual investments, and also exchange views on current international issues. in addition, vladimir putin and takaev will take part in the russian interregional cooperation forum via videoconference.
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kazakhstan and yesterday vladimir putin took part in a government meeting, more than half of the cases of uncoalescing in russia are detected at an early stage, when the prognosis for treatment is as favorable as possible. measures to combat malignant neoplasms were discussed at a meeting between vladimir putin and the government. the president pointed out the need to create a system of care for cancer patients in new regions. natalia solovyova has all the details. we stopped separately for treatment. pediatric oncology, here , of course, the most important role is played by the center named after dima rogachev, in just one year over 30,000 patients went there for consultation and examination. vladimir putin visited the new nuclear medicine building, built with the participation of rosatom, where even rare tumors will be diagnosed. technologies and techniques are being improved, which have already made it possible to speed up diagnosis; time is of the essence when it comes to such a complex disease.
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the speed and quality of diagnosis has increased, the highest figure today in all previous years is 60% of malignant neoplasms identified in the first or second stages of diseases when the treatment prognosis is most favorable. moreover, the development of the preventive area, increasing the coverage and quality of clinical examination , made it possible to increase the proportion of actively detected malignant neoplasms by almost 21% , compared to a decrease in mortality of the population by 5.6%. we carry out preventive medical examinations as part of your instructions, today 1,375,000 residents of new regions, the adult population have undergone examinations to detect diseases at an early stage, a line of drugs that... is used
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for treatment has become wider, there is an active replacement of foreign drugs, the share of domestic government procurement is already almost 70%, noted in turn the head of industry and trade denis mantorov, by the end of the year we are launching a new support mechanism, it is called products on the shelf, we are talking about the creation of analogues of patented drugs , the copyright holders of which the company is from unfriendly countries, if, in violation of international standards, they stop supplies for some reason, we will promptly launch into production these medicines, for which a registration certificate will be prepared in advance, of course they talked about problems, the head of the onf, mikhail kuznetsov, reported that medical workers, in case of detection of cancer, are entitled to payments, in reality, the amount that one doctor should receive,
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kiev has not invested in infrastructure for years, modern equipment is simply not there when ukraine was in charge there , nothing happened, nothing was done in this regard for pain from cancer, unfortunately there was no modern infrastructure and there was no early detection either, therefore immediately, in fact, we picked up the direction in order to ensure the availability of routing, this year we are already purchasing equipment worth 622 million rubles, this is about 300 units, they will be delivered, they are already contracted, next year we plan to supply 450 million rubles equipment plus more regional funds.
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aimed at repairs, preparation of premises, the purchase of more small equipment, which is also necessary, well, relatively speaking, small, less expensive, which is required to provide medical care, therefore... in fact, this system needs to be created, well, if not from scratch, then close to it ; over the past 30 years, russia has made great progress in the treatment of such a complex and serious disease, largely thanks to new drugs, methods, technologies, and of course, thanks to doctors who often perform real miracles themselves. and during the meeting, issues of preserving cultural heritage sites were discussed. vladimir putin instructed minister of culture olga lyubimova to speed up work on the restoration of monuments. in addition, check how it will be in practice to work on a project on preferential loans for those who are engaged, in pursuance of your instructions, the ministry, together with the joint-stock company house of the russian federation, is also exploring
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the possibility of involving cultural heritage sites with low investment attractiveness into economic circulation. the first five regions have already been identified to participate in the pilot project - these are. ryazan, smolensk and tver regions. preferential interest, how much is the rate? 4%, 4% is being worked out, yes, with the possibility of compensation to banks, accordingly, it is necessary to see how it goes in the regions, because in moscow it’s clear that this investment pays off fairly quickly, how it goes in the regions, we need to see, well, as things progress, as we implement this plan and project , i ask where in six months, what’s there happening? regarding the situation in the middle east, israel will not stop firing on the gaza strip until hamas releases the hostages, netanyahu said. the death toll in the enclavia already exceeds 10,000 people. according
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to tsahal, the palestinian movement has lost control of gaza. maria skorodilka will tell you the situation in detail. the city is without light, rockets are flashing, explosions, the israeli defense forces are shelling. line in the west of the gas sector. the idf releases footage of an extended ground operation in the city. hamas has lost control of the enclave, the military said. this is an important moment for the division and for the entire reserve. our duty now is to restore peace and security. in the gaza strip, 130 hamas tunnels were destroyed, the idf states. the israeli military continues to search for bunkers and weapons. palestinian movement. here's how you see, there was one of the shelters. a lot of weapons and, of course, a good communication point, here they, apparently, recruited recruits. one of such hamas shelters, according to the idf, was a mosque in khan yunis, the day before the israeli air force fired at it, there was large-scale destruction in the city ; the number of deaths in the gas, according to the ministry of health, was over 10,500. in this footage
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, a palestinian girl says goodbye to her parents and cries. mom, i love you. in the situation, the resident gases are blamed on the united states. these are rockets. sent by america to kill children, the us sent them, to kill all the innocent children, we did nothing, we quietly hid here in our homes. at the same time, the israeli military warns that residents of the northern part of the enclave can evacuate along a special corridor; it is dangerous to be in the gas sector. today we saw how about 50,000 gas residents moved from the northern part of the gas sector to the southern part. people understand that hamas has lost control. the south is safe, medicine, food and water go there. we will continue to hold this humanitarian corridor and advise people to evacuate. there will be no ceasefire without the release of the hostages. “will be,” netanyahu said. hamas publishes footage of street fighting in the enclave. palestinian fighters claim to have destroyed nearly 140 idf armored vehicles. among the israeli military, many of the wounded
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are being taken to asuta hospital in this footage . meanwhile, big headlines appeared in the media: hamas leaders revealed the targets of the october 7 massacre. new york times journalists say. the purpose of the attack, which killed over a thousand people, was the desire of palestinian fighters to provoke israel into a global war, although there is still no confirmation of this information on the official pages of the movement, and meanwhile, other versions of the escalation of the conflict have appeared in american newspapers; in the depths of palestinian territory off the coast of the sector there are about 40 billion cubic meters of gas, with a total cost of about 48 billion dollars, experts say. it is beneficial for washington to create a new water canal on israeli territory, which should. near the northern part of the gas sector. israel is a stronghold for us, it's almost like having an aircraft carrier in the middle east, it's our most old ally. if israel disappears, the brix plus countries will control 90% of the world's oil, and this will be a disaster for
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us national security. however, the white house is only quarreling with netanyahu; the day before, anthony blinken spoke out against the occupation of gas; the state department plans to create a palestinian state under the auspices of the arabs. countries, however, first of all, these countries demand a truce in the region. peace has been talked about more than once in moscow, a ceasefire in the gas sector is protection of civilians, now discussion of the future is much more important enclave and the one who will manage it, said the post of russia at the un, vasily nebendya, maria skorodilko, to lead. the kiev regime has once again blatantly violated international humanitarian law by shelling densely populated areas of donetsk. this was stated by russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebendia at the un security council. on november 7, moscow requested an urgent meeting after the ukrainian armed forces strike on donetsk, which killed six people and injured several dozen more. i thank you. the kyiv regime three times during day attacked civilian targets in the city center, firing missiles from the hymers and
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uragan missiles. in addition to residential buildings , the buildings of the department of labor and social protection of the population and minibuses were hit. here are some photographs we received from donbass from the crime scene. yesterday's attacks killed six people and injured 55, including three children. unfortunately, the doctor and emergency medical technician who came to save people, as well as a traffic police officer, died. 23 rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations were injured. a similar blow of despair side of the kiev regime, which does not make any military sense, cannot be explained otherwise than by impotence against the backdrop of an unsuccessful battlefield and a man of a hateful nature, ki, who does not consider his former fellow citizens in the donbass as people. in addition, the security council
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discussed the detonation of northern flows. the meeting was held in a closed format. the permanent representative of russia once again reminded that even a year after the sabotage, nothing is known about the perpetrators. and while moscow demands answers, the western media are deliberately distracting attention from what happened. moreover, not everyone in the un security council is ready to conduct an open investigation. russia is deeply concerned that , a year after the nord stream attack, we still do not have any concrete information about the investigations being carried out by denmark, germany and sweden, let alone the outcome. the more they remain silent about their investigation into the nord stream terrorist attack, the more indicative the situation becomes in terms of the intentions of western states to stretch out time to force the international community will forget this story. however, the russian federation. will not allow this to happen, we will make every effort to ensure that the un security council continues to deal with this
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issue. and now it’s time for economic news, alexandra, the number of business inspections over 5 years has decreased by more than five times, tell us what the indicators are this year. tatyana, in 10 months about 280,000 inspections were carried out, for now on to other topics. vladimir putin is going on an official visit to kazakhstan, where he will hold negotiations with the leader. countries kassym-jamart takaev. the leaders plan to discuss key issues in the development of relations between the two countries. before the meeting, both presidents gave interviews. kasym jamar takaev said that the transit of russian oil through kazakhstan in the next 10 years will exceed 100 million tons. he also noted that his country is ready for an increase in the volume of russian gas transportation. vladimir putin announced plans to sign new commercial contracts with kazakhstan. the president particularly highlighted the mutual trade turnover that has reached. record 28 billion dollars, and for 8 months of this year amounted to about 19 billion. experts believe that
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at the end of the year we can update the record. this year's dynamics indicate that last year's record level of mutual trade of $28 billion will be exceeded, and yes, we can expect more than $30 billion. in general, if you look at russian-kazakh trade, it is quite balanced from all sides. india saved over $2.5 billion by purchasing russian oil. according to the ministry of commerce, from january to september the country purchased more than 69 million tons of oil in russia. the average cost was $525.60 per ton. the estimate is provided by reuters, including transportation and insurance costs, for comparison, a ton of iraqi oil, which is of similar quality. costs approximately $565.
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the management of the case group in the transcontainer is changing. the shareholders decided that ekaterina lyakhova would become the general director of the management company of the business. for the last 12 years, she has held senior positions at rosatom. the president of the transcontainer will be mikhail kontsarev, who now heads the vgs group. about this was reported to our tv channel by the press service of the group of companies. i am confident that high professionalism, managerial competencies and deep knowledge of the company will help ekaterina lyakhova to ensure the solution of all the tasks facing the company group - to bring the best practices of the rosatom corporation to the group, i expect that mikhail kontsarev’s experience in carrying out organizational and structural changes will contribute to an understanding of industry specifics further growth of transcontainer and development of new directions activities, primarily within the framework of promising transport corridors. the number of business inspections for 10 months of this year amounted to about 280,000; according to
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the news, over 5 years it has decreased by more than five times. the publication notes that now the conduct of all... including unscheduled ones, must be coordinated with the prosecutor's office. at the end of the issue , let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are dollar 92 rubles 19 kopecks, euro 98.44, that’s all i have for now. and now a special military operation is coming, the artillery of the central military districts destroyed an ammunition depot of the ukrainian armed forces in the krasno-limansk direction. first , a domestic super drone was launched into the air. during aerial reconnaissance, he recorded a flash from the exit of a mortar shell and
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thereby revealed the enemy’s position. the coordinates were transferred to the crew of the self-propelled galbitsa hyotsient. the blow from the cannon turned out to be accurate and provoked the detonation of the field ammunition depot. we mainly work on counter-battery combat against enemy artillery and partially help the infantry in the front line. a crab from m-777 is approaching us american, more or less their rocket launcher. the advantages of the range of this weapon, firstly , it shoots very far, there is a special ammunition that shoots there for 35 km. precision of guidance in terms of ease of maintenance, that is, there is no turret, nothing, that is, he directly climbed onto the car , quietly did everything in the area, serviced it, fixed it and went to work again, the main advantage is that if they figure me out, i just pick it up stove, beating off the gun , i leave, recommended very well, our farak cannot suppress the fish, very good
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it works, it shows a very good camera, we fly very far, we come in. nothing can drown us out, i repeat, we find manpower, constantly, the enemy, heavy equipment , also attacks, traces, roll-ups, we constantly look, as if, let’s say, all the mortars are working, the enemy will destroy us in the first priority, because we are carrying this one, even spends expensive shells, they don’t regret it, sometimes they send eight of five pieces a day, well , it’s good that the air defense works, it helps, guys, they always save us, the tankers of the central military district are working on militant positions in krasnolimansko. directions, acting as artillerymen, the crews fire from long distances. the coordinates of targets are identified by scouts who go deep behind enemy lines. battle groups also set up ambushes to take prisoners. report by vesti war correspondent. alexey baranov. outskirts of serebryansky forestry.
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it is here that today there are several closed firing positions of tank crews of the central military district. combat. work is ongoing, machines are not in the straight line visibility with the enemy, they do not work with direct fire, but with the coordinates of targets received in advance, the crew commander tells us. and we work like artillery at a distance of 5 km and beyond, and we are corrected by our spotters, reconnaissance officers, they give us target designations, points, uh, they also give us corrections based on shots, we work with high-explosive fragmentation shells, enemy dugouts, this is equipment, they also knocked out a tank, we achieve our goals, the enemy is terrified, and these are the same scouts who sometimes cross the combat line with a fight contacts, go deep into the rear of the ukrainian military and identify places where enemy personnel and armored vehicles are concentrated. it is this reconnaissance battalion of the central
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military district that is operating today near the tor ledge in the krasnoliman direction. the reconnaissance group moves to the place of work early in the morning, the task of this particular unit is to operate behind enemy lines behind the line of combat contact. the most modern equipment and weapons. these reconnaissance groups go behind the front line, sometimes for several days, so you carry with you not only a supply of food, additional ammunition, well, everything you need in case of possible injury. we are right where the scouts are leaving towards the line of combat contact. the deputy battalion commander with the call sign owl, just before leaving, tells us about the work of the group about the enemy, to whom. reconnaissance units carry out such tasks as a raid, organizing an ambush with the aim of taking prisoners , there are quite a lot of strangers in our direction, mostly poles, there are
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americans from great britain, the main backbone such. behind enemy lines, in order to complete a mission, you often have to engage in close combat, but the work of spotters... in the group goes on continuously, communicating with artillery and tank units via a closed radio channel. tankers hit targets detected by reconnaissance groups continuously, and adjustments take a matter of minutes. this battalion is equipped with modern t-80s. the vehicle is practically trouble-free, a tanker with the call sign shmel tells us. the tank performs very well in battle. it hasn’t let us down yet, we work like an unpretentious maintenance, which is why t-80s of the central
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military district have been working here in the krasnoliman direction since the first days of the special military operation. alexey baranov, andrey yurchuk, elizaveta berezkina, lead the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, serebryansky forestry. alpha investments give everyone 10 shares of large russian companies. open an investment account at alfabank and pick up your gift. magnet - the price is what you need. soseski knitting 1399. how are you, you have a cold. i report. we'll get through the report, but first ibuklin express. two components.
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magnet instant noodles rolden, 22.99. magnet, price, what you need. alpha investments give 10 shares of large russian companies to everyone. open an investment account at alfabank and pick up your gift. not just profitable, alpha profitable. almost 200 russian citizens were taken from chinese hei to blagoveshchensk, and several dozen more tourists in the opposite direction. however
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, the ice situation on the amur river remains difficult; the only transport available is a hovercraft. why not use a road bridge, alexey cherbakov learned. this is the third day, this is the situation. can leave. similar images of people tired of standing in an endless line have been surfacing on social networks for several days now. there are dozens or even hundreds of times more such videos than puma hovercrafts plying between blagoveshchensk and heihe. many, out of desperation, ask to be transported to russia via a new bridge connecting the two countries. there is an international bridge that was built on which tourists can be taken away, and tourists have been standing here since sunday, well , not all tourists, some are returning on a work visa, others. as we have no opportunity to leave, we need to rent a hotel at our own expense, live for a crazy number of days, but the regional ministry of transport emphasizes that
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there is simply no opportunity to bring people across the international bridge, now only cargo transportation is carried out there, and the customs infrastructure for the exchange of tourists is only at the construction stage . since the checkpoint operates according to a temporary scheme in terms of the cargo component, and the conditions for there is no work with passengers today. construction of a permanent checkpoint will be completed approximately in the twenty- fourth year. the only alternative today is the construction of a pontoon bridge in the area of ​​the mixed checkpoint . work on the construction of a pontoon bridge is underway, and we are also keeping this issue under control. in the meantime, people continue to be transported from shore to shore by hovercraft. according to information from the amorasso passenger port, which is responsible for transportation, only two of the total number of ports will be to ply along the amur river with such ice hummocks, four more on the chinese side, over the past week about a thousand people have crossed the border in both directions, over the past 24 hours from kheikh to blagoveshchensk it was
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delivered... 184 russians went in the opposite direction, 43 people are helping to deliver our fellow countrymen to their homeland, including chinese pumas, this became possible thanks to an agreement between the authorities of the amur region and hailongjiang province, however, the situation with passenger traffic remains difficult. therefore the authorities it is strongly recommended to refrain from traveling to china unless absolutely necessary. one of the unofficial reasons for such stagnation at the border is the abundance of tourists from neighboring regions in november. holidays. during the pandemic, people simply forgot about changing spacious ships to small pumas during the freeze-up period, and some tour operators apparently did not consider it necessary to warn clients. regional rospotrebnadzor recommends saving all documents for filing claims against them due to violations of the terms of the contract in terms of quality of execution obligations. alexey sherbakov, alexander vasiliev, vesti amur region. donald trump staged a rally of thousands right
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during the debate of his competitors. so. the former american president received even more attention from americans. while trump's rivals were making campaign promises, a crowd of his supporters gathered just a few kilometers away. the meeting took place in south florida. trump talked about what kind of people he wants on his team in an earlier interview, he said that he sees journalist tucker carloson in the role vice president there was also a discussion of the current president; donald trump once again reminded what joe biden has led the country to. the biden regime is trying to put political opponents behind bars, destroy freedom of speech, and takes bribes to enrich itself and give money to spoiled children. he is rigging elections using fake news to cover up his massive incompetence and stupidity. what they are doing, what they have already done to our country, no one can imagine. meanwhile other candidates say that ukraine cannot
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be considered a democracy, and the leader is from kiev. regime, a real nazi, about who washington really supports, the republican vve cormas told you. ukraine is not a model of democracy, it is a country in which 11 opposition parties are banned, it has united all television channels into one state-owned one, this is not democracy. the country has decided not to hold elections this year, although the united states is spending more and more money on ukraine. this is not democracy, this country is run... by zelsky, a nazi in hag pants and doing this disgusting, this is not democracy. you know, it’s such a thrill when you start a tank’s engine for the first time, you just feel this power, when i decided to come to
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donbass, they thought i was... completely crazy, seventeenth, please go down to the intensive care unit, they asked, they called, well, ready, not ready, as if they were not ready, as if they were always ready, as in the great patriotic war , women made a big contribution, so now women do a lot, here, where i am as a medic, let’s say for drivers, i can probably bring them more benefit than i will sit in my office at the computer. when she just comes up to you and even just hugs you and says the word that we believe in you, it gives a lot, i won’t sit at home, idle, this is my land, i will protect it, i won’t give it to anyone, dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author's program besagon.
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which will be called the gospel of louis viton. i hope you understand why we called it that. i'm looking forward to seeing you. let's look before everyone else. where is vasnetsov? let go of the madness vasnetsova. right now, in reality, you know, i’m not very comfortable. did they kill someone again? yes, what do you care? no sleep, no rest, let's sign up and watch.


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