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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 9, 2023 6:30pm-6:55pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the film is very bright, cool, i didn’t expect you to see a cat there, it’s very cool that light fairy tales are being filmed now, it ’s interesting for children and adults, humor and some kind of relevant story, they define themselves by the scullery maid, in the kitchen, in general great movie, i really like it, cool fairy tale, cool, i enjoyed it, we all dream about our dreams being fulfilled... i want winter to become summer, feel free, it worked out, who else are you? my erina, it seems to me that this is what the mood needs, it will be
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created for everyone, at the behest of a pike. it was you who stole a dirk from your grandfather at the age of 7, she is calm everywhere, it’s on you, friends can always rely on you, it’s you who can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own, a shelf, free delivery, a scooter without extra expenses , now it will appear, come on, what is it, magical cashback, on a gazprom bank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets, gazprom bank, time to make
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dreams come true, a shopping day at sportsmaster. only in the mobile application, discounts up to 70% on clothes and shoes from your favorite brands. alfa bank is the first in russia has canceled commissions for all transfers and payments. order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. one of my friends really needs mega powers. what for? megapowers will make your internet unlimited. free, only for megafon subscribers. get scratch cards and take them away. where are the discounts, the vtb team is with you, the vtbek card has up to 30%, so much, of course, because it was created by those who want to please their loved ones every day, we came up with the vtb debit card for ourselves, so that your life becomes better, if you have time to register, right now, get on the plane plus, dream apartment service, well done,
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and we will help you complete the deal. over there, you see, the plane plus, over there, get on the plane plus, service of apartment solutions from the transaction to repairs and furniture, in the new year's billion from the russian lotto there are 2 billion rubles at stake, hurry up for tickets, to the ural sibi we know that the prospects where they overcome, where they work, price, what is
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needed, oil moisture 99.99 - this is technology... represents a green week of discounts, become a client. the best deals for your business, only from november 9 to 17. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department, in the studio maxim movchan. under the guise of saury, canned rotten meat, the police, together with fsb officers, seized thousands of cans filled with the cheapest, and often also low-quality fish products. at the same time, on store shelves, this mishmash from nearby reservoirs was sold under the guise of the pacific saar, and we are not talking about some kind of illegal workshop in a destroyed cowshed, several large fish factories were caught in violation unmarked fish products, equipment, accounting reports, computer equipment, as well as other items and documents of evidentiary
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value. currently, the police have detained the alleged organizer and two of his accomplices. the impudent deception of buyers allowed businessmen to triple their revenue without any expenses, but now they are figurants. three probable organizers of the scam are under house arrest. he repented and came with a gun to the investigators. in the pribor region, security forces are interrogating a suspect in reprisal against a local businessman. commert was shot and killed in his own suv. his car was literally riddled with bullets. alina skachkova will continue the topic. sergei senchenko goes to the election of the world of suppression with a frozen expression on his face. his conscience tormented him the day before, with a gun under his arm he knocked on the door of the investigators. like, i'm guilty. sk employees, of course, let the guest in, and a long confession began, recorded. senchenko told in vivid colors why he killed his businessman acquaintance, how sieto destroyed his car. this is now near the store where it thundered the shootout was just a lull to the sound
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of the broom, but at night it was scary to even lean out of the window as a handyman. a showdown in the style of the nineties, first screams, where a group of men did not share something, then a burst of shots, the side and hood of a land cruiser, everything with bullet holes, but the businessmen were urgently taken to the hospital, but could not be saved, in small quiet usuriysk, of course, they didn’t expect news of a shootout with a murder; they thought it was fireworks. there were some pops, i thought they were setting off fireworks, somehow they thought that right before such a crime can happen that your child is leading? well, he drove by in a taxi and says that the body is already covered, here is the saleswoman in the store, probable witnesses to the massacre, until the perpetrators are punished, they prefer not to follow too much, and criminologists worked in the parking lot until the morning, looking for shell casings, witnesses and six scattered brawlers, in a matter of hours everyone was detained. a twenty-seven-year-old man and other participants in the conflict were detained on suspicion of committing the murder of a car driver. depending on each person's role, they
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are suspected of committing crimes under article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is murder and article 213 of the criminal code. the version clearly put forward was due to an execution murder. commert could have crossed someone's path. and he was, so to speak, met, exactly where there are no cameras, now investigators are checking this, and in the meantime, sergei senchenko, who confessed to the massacre , was placed in a pre-trial detention cell. alina skakkovaya, lead the duty department. the head of the ministry of internal affairs awarded 20 employees of the department for saving people. according to tradition, this ceremony takes place on the eve of professional holiday of the russian police. and all of them received state awards this year. we entered the house and found a man on the brickwork. everything here was burning, rough, burning. hope, seconds counted, senior police lieutenant vyacheslav evsyakov carried two people out of a house engulfed in flames, and this is footage of a terrible fire in the orenburg region, due to heavy smoke, residents cannot leave the building, a police crew
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led by warrant officer evgeniy is rushing to the rescue dyakonov. children, where in what, grandmother, help, marriage and heroism were shown during the rescue of dying citizens, the russian minister of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, awarded two dozen employees... the ministry of internal affairs, the profession of a defender of law and order is always fraught with risk. now thousands of our comrades serve in the formed units of the internal affairs bodies on the territory of the new subjects. they face danger every day, are subjected to shelling, and prevent a feat from being accomplished. nikita lartsev from the moscow region saved a man who fell through the air. i pulled a stick towards him, he grabbed it and i began to pull out. kiril korchagin from kemerovo prevented a child from falling from a window, a police lieutenant climbed to the floor along a ledge on the facade, saved my son, he climbed to the second floor, blocking the passage with himself, little fedor now recognizes his
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savior from afar, elena motkhinova from buryatia, not thinking, elena jumped into the water and saved the baby; today she was awarded a medal for her courage in saving the day. i am proud that i was able to pull myself together at a critical moment... everything worked out, it is impossible to convey the joy and gratitude of the rescued man’s mother baby, their service is dangerously difficult, but they are ready to give everything for their profession, because, as they themselves say, police officers are a calling. ainur valakhmetov. on the eve of the professional holiday, right during the plenary meeting of the state duma , the police officers were congratulated by the head of the united russia faction, vladimir vasiliev. for many years he served in the ministry of internal affairs and knows better than anyone else how difficult and responsible service is. and now the police have something to be proud of. a lot of work has been done this year. 770,000 crimes were solved this year january-september. 80% and investigated within
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the system. faith has been strengthened in protecting sovereignty and citizens from interference, including in our affairs by various structures, including foreign ones from ukraine, we have done a lot, thanks to everyone for this, the ministry of internal affairs, however, according to vladimir vasilyev, the country has areas of crime, in the fight against which it is necessary to continue to pay special attention, so the number of crimes committed by migrants increased by 6%, moreover, some of the expelled guests of the country returned to work in... hubs doctelloscopy and a common base will not allow migrant criminals to become repeat offenders. and in gavkim veda of russia in the north caucasus federal district, the glory of thirty-six heroes of russia was immortalized. at the initiative of colonel general of the police sergey bachurin , an alley of fame appeared in pyatirsk, dedicated to employees of the internal affairs bodies. the grand opening took place on the eve of the professional holiday. among the participants are high-ranking officials, representatives of law enforcement agencies, and relatives. by gratitude i address it to the mothers who raised. worthy sons, defenders of the fatherland, low
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bow to you. the exploits of law enforcement officers, whose portraits now adorn the alley, should serve as a worthy example for the younger generation. those present laid flowers at the memorial and observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims. huge profits without any risks and without getting off the couch sounds naive, but investigators say this is exactly the way to enrich the owner of a billion rubles. and now the case of the financial web came to court. why did the company succeed alexandra mostovaya figured out how to stay on the market for so many years. how much money have you lost? i lost almost 8 million. and you, from two to several tens of millions. the deceived clients of qbf are awaiting trials in the moscow press court, but the main anti-heroes of the action entered the courtroom without noticing the victims. the dock is a common cause, now they have a common cell. stanislav, do you have anything to say about the accusations? don't you feel sorry for people? another expert in the field of pyramid building, director of a network of regional
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qbf branches, vladimir pakhomov. he, unlike his colleagues, has been under house arrest all this time. he appeared in court accompanied by a lawyer. hello to the television cameras , he immediately turned away, although a couple of years ago he loved speaking in public. he came to the regions, organized training sessions, meetings with potential clients, and assured that. do you have anything to say at all about the accusations? the qbf company operated on the market for 10 years until its license was taken away. during this time , managers stretched out into a financial web stretching from moscow to novosibirsk, tyumen and ufa, people were promised that their money would circulate on the world stock market, but , according to investigators, it was circulated only in offshore accounts. they promised a profit of up to 20% in dollars, right, how much money did they lose? 30,000 dollars, 30,000 dollars, 32 even thousand, saved up for 20 years, like this, worked two jobs, while in the case... there are about 500 victims, but their number continues
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to grow, according to deceived clients, in reality there are at least 2,000 of them , among them was even the ballerina anastasia volochkova, she brought 3 million rubles to kubif, but the swindlers were afraid to contact prima and say that now we are asking to turn the situation around, that is, for me to start saying that these are good, kind people, that they are ready to settle accounts with everyone , understand, not only those who had a lot of money invested money there. pensioners and low-income people invested money there, i already told people the truth, and now how should i, change my shoes - this is not my way, this is not volochkov’s way, roman shpakov himself is now on the run, he has been put on the international wanted list, arrested in absentia, the investigation of the likely participants in the big scam is still in full swing, but apparently, it promises to be a long one. top managers of the qbf company, who, according to investigators, illegally embezzled billions, do not consider themselves guilty, in court their lawyers seemed to... delay the processes and opposed the filming, as a result, the meeting
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was postponed to november 20, meanwhile, the deceived clients continued to they are still hoping to get their money back. alexander mostovay, dmitry frolov and kiril kryuche presented combat grenades assistant to the commander-in-chief of the independent. the explosive birthday president detonated right in the hands of the birthday boy gennady chastyakov. he died. the prosecutor's office demanded that the grenade giver be placed under house arrest, but the pechora court in kiev refused. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bostrykin made a working visit to the main military clinical hospital named after burdenko. the main task is to learn first-hand about the problems of military personnel and medical workers. i gave him more instructions to look into it. sultan zeganov has details. the guest of honor was welcomed at the main military clinical hospital named after academician burdenka. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia arrived on a working visit. more than fifty people, military personnel and medical workers, were waiting for alexander bastrykin in the conference room. the task is this: to help
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you within the framework of our competence of the investigative committee. those present shared the problems of the mulberry brigade, who was wounded by shrapnel in a special operation zone. after which i ended up in the hospital, bureaucratic delays, in fact the only problem with which commissioned soldiers are faced with, it is very difficult to deal with them, that is, someone was injured a long time ago, no, there are no , that is, supporting documents, but there are no unsolvable issues, said alexander bostrykin, so every voiced request did not go unheeded , we specially brought many officers, they are ready for the work of the hospital, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia presented departmental awards, the head nurse, it’s very nice when your work is appreciated, you understand that after all we they see, they know us, on the eve of the day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, the head of the investigative committee presented a memorable gift to alya varfolomeeva, like alexander bastrykin himself, she previously served in the ministry of internal affairs, and now heads
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the personnel department of the hospital, tell us, in fact, what it includes, the humanitarian aid to the front military hospital included technical equipment for the disabled, these were wheelchairs, crutches, bents and gloves were also given, meanwhile , work was in full swing in the lobby of the medical institution, military personnel talked with employees of the military investigative department so that every unresolved question would not remain unanswered. sultan zeganov, alek ivanov, denis kuznetsov, news alexander kurenkov arrived in hanoi on an official visit, vietnamese colleagues have a lot to learn from our rescuers, first of all, fire fighting, what else do vietnamese people want to learn... emercom employees why do they go to russian special clothing, maxim shevchenko will tell you, he accompanies our minister on a work trip. the russian delegation in the capital of vietnam in first day several important meetings. the emergency departments of russia and vietnam have long-term relations. russia provided assistance to vietnam. we want to develop
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cooperation with russia in all areas. they declare that they are ready to develop technologies to combat fire risks, and propose to create a group that will deal with this. this uniform is a little hot for this climate, but its advantages include the fact that this equipment is new, we have not used it yet, but we do not use it in exercises, our minister is also interested look at what the vietnamese do themselves, and they do it with molds... and collect tools for extinguishing fires. the russian minister was also shown a production line; for example, fire extinguishers are assembled here and used for the domestic market. the head of the ministry of emergency situations emphasizes that he has the opportunity and demands for certain technology and equipment, which my colleagues
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operate behind my back. and if this is so, then we will also have such territories with the same features, including the seaside. day negotiations between alexander kurenkov and the prime minister of vietnam fammentin began. the parties touched upon issues of education and advanced training for vietnamese specialists in russia. the number of places in the registration institutions of your ministry. this is a plus for our country. more people will be able to work using russian, advanced techniques on russian equipment, and the vietnamese side has many plans. they want to learn from the russian ministry of emergency situations how to collect statistics and forecast emergencies and establish those. maxim shevchenko, mikhail vikulin and olga mazurak, lead the duty unit from vietnam. deputy chairman of the union of journalists of russia alexey vishnevetsky paid a working visit to the zaporozhye region. the journalist visited the main department of russia in the zaporozhye region and the regional investigative department of the investigative committee. during
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the meetings, issues of cooperation between smi and law enforcement agencies in new regions were discussed. in addition to working in special conditions , security forces carry out their own. the word investigator, it’s behind the scenes, it’s in cases, judges know it, lawyers know it, prosecutors know it, accordingly, the howling region, to put it simply, yes, four territorial bodies that are part of our immediate vicinity, or rather not even proximity, but directly the line, judges us, our work, our activities, precisely by how you convey it combat contact, that is, employees often have to. precisely according to reports from citizens. it is important to establish contacts with new leaders, events are happening not so far away, military operations, so to speak, the line of combat contact is passing, therefore
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of course, you need to take into account that serious intelligence work of the sbu is being carried out, terrorist acts, attacks, this naturally adds worries to law enforcement agencies, well, i’m putting it mildly , worries, investigators are solving criminal cases of previous issues, this weekend watch petrov’s investigation on the russia 24 tv channel the collapse of aksai... the aksai markets, larger in size than the sadly famous capital's cherkezon, worked like clockwork, representatives of the fsb suspected the co-owners of the market of laundering millions. i'm not a new russian, i'm an old one soviet engineer, a friend of the business district of the rostov region, vitaly borzenko, was accused of creating an organized criminal community. the leninsky district court arrested the head of the aksai region against vitaly borzenko. he actually had 1.2 billion rubles worth of land with cadastral value alone. you do not see any violation
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of the law in this. i didn't see anything. in the example of the provocative market alone, 60-70 million went in an unknown direction. who covered up dark affairs or their investigation. now breaking news that our editorial team receives directly from the land news agency. according to the telegram channel, an honest detective. for the former inspector of the state traffic safety inspectorate, who sold information to the murderers to journalist daria dugina, the prosecutor requested a sentence of six years in prison. his accomplice, who acted as an intermediary, received 2 years in prison. handsome koboscu, dozens of seductresses who lured gullible gentlemen into a love trap were detained in moscow. the ladies, flirtatiously winking, lured men into a pseudo-cafe, and at the end of the dates gigantic bills awaited the grief-stricken lovers. what happened if the boyfriend refused. daniil will tell you dryly. a cafe with a welcoming blue magic sign, although until recently no one suspected what kind of magic
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was happening there, now it is a crime scene. presumably, in this establishment of a girl, like a siren, one of the visitors who fell into the network of consumators , he was scammed according to the standard scheme for such places: meeting on the internet, going to a hookah bar nearby, and then a cosmic account, and then they didn’t get involved seductive girls, and strong guys who forced the client to give money. therefore there is already doubt, extreme doubt. let's go already, when they said that the payment terminal was not working, either transfer or cash , i realized that i better get out of here alive, i won’t pay without telegram, after a few minutes a new acquaintance offered to meet, but i told myself almost nothing, i asked more when entering a restaurant, there are security guards there, the girls greet the hostos and escort them to the second floor, where they then seat you at... a table and they bring you a menu, cheese plate, which cost somewhere around
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