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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 10, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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let's look before everyone else. vasnetsova. right now , in reality, you know, i’m not very comfortable. did they kill someone again? yes, what is it that you have no sleep or rest. subscribe and watch.
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now footage from the moscow region near podolsk, a bridge across the pakhra river collapsed, it is reported that the structures collapsed almost instantly at the moment when a car was passing along the road, there was a woman inside, she was injured, now she is receiving medical assistance, and it is reported that the causes of the emergency are still have not been established, they remain to be determined by the investigation, with achievements visitors to the russia forum exhibition at vdnkh are today getting acquainted with the potential of the far eastern regions. there are now days of the regions of the amur and sakhalin regions. my colleague, maria valieva, is working at the exhibition, she is in direct contact. maria, greetings, how has life in the regions changed in recent years and what has been prepared for visitors today? yes, dash, hello, life in the regions over the past 6 years, as the heads noted today, has changed a lot. social
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infrastructure is actively developing, the key to a happy future, in almost any region, schools and kindergartens are appearing, the birth rate is increasing, and here at our stand of the sakhalin region a model of what has already been built is presented, and there are many visitors, there is practically no crowd here, parents with children come, everyone is interested, please tell us about your impressions, hello, i... came from the lipetsk region and for me sakhalin is somewhere very far away and it’s like such a narrow strip of sushi, when i came here i was of course in a slight shock, here they talk wonderfully about everything, here and the airline is represented, here is crab, here is charcoal, waxed with sweet coal, can you imagine, the ugul is very tasty, we have already recommended two pieces to everyone, then here we participated in the activity, very interesting, we sent a postcard that will come to us later from sakhalin
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, and i think that this is the first step in management to sakhalin, they said that flying to sakhalin is very inexpensive , let’s say, the budget is enough, yes, thank you very much, by the way, if anyone is going to sakhalin in the near future, that tickets, for example, from moscow and back cost 25,000 rubles. tickets are 5,000 cheaper there than to chukotka, then we come to such a wonderful installation, you can see all... the nature of the sakhalin region, you can take a vr tour here, a virtual tour, and, as we already said, try sweet coal , really very tasty, real jobs are being created, highly qualified, highly paid, now literally jobs cost from 60 to 250 thousand rubles. for offshore projects, processing and production
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and processing... fish, the coal industry, all these projects , well, let's say, high-tech going into the future, a lot of projects are being implemented in the amur region, today is also the day of this region, they talk here about the eastern cosmodrome, and what is mined in the amur region , coal, soybeans, and also about new projects that exist, about improving social infrastructure, transport. we have the main areas of development, these are several of them traditional for us, this is agriculture, we are a resident of the far east with 1200 thousand acreage, last year there was a unique harvest of 1.6000 soy, this is our main...
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processing, dairy and so on are very actively developing, then energy, we have tris located in the region in the future for construction, our traditional direction is mining minerals include gold, coal, copper-nickel and much more. yes, and a lot of attention is paid to logistics, for example, now through the throughput of the baikal amur mainline and the trans-siberian mainline, in the amur region is 180 million tons per year, so in a few years it plans to increase to 250 million tons per year. dasha, yes, of course, very ambitious plans and large projects are now being implemented in the far eastern regions. our correspondent maria balieva told about them. she was in direct contact with vdnh. in donetsk, the first
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stage of construction of the republican perinatal center was completed ahead of schedule. this is one of the largest healthcare facilities in the new regions. put it into operation. it should be done by the end of the year, as construction is progressing, the deputy prime minister checked marat khusnulin, during a trip to the donetsk republic, he also visited mariupol, where he is restoring medical facilities and residential buildings. we plan to launch 1,950 facilities in mariupol for the heating season, we looked at issues related to medicine , the intensive care hospital, the largest in mariupol, where most residents go, planned repairs are underway there. the good news is that unique equipment has arrived, this is a tomograph, we stopped by and looked at the completely finished facility, this is a federal medical and biological hospital agencies, well, i want to say, such a world-class hospital, it is ready
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for operation, literally right now they are recruiting staff, issuing a license , all decisions will be made in the near future, we also looked at the progress of renovation and display of houses, we have... basically heavy houses, as we call them, are those that were severely destroyed, and i remind you that initially they were generally destined for demolition, but we later reconsidered the decision, decided to stop some of the houses, today we saw how restoration is underway, but this is actually new construction, now let's talk about the weather, on sunday heavy rains will fall on the capital region, this was reported by scientist and driver of the hydromedical center roman vilfand. well, today the consequences of heavy rains are being eliminated in the volga regions. let's discuss this situation with our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, hello, how strong and long will the rain be in moscow and where else can nastya wait? rain clouds are moving
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towards the urals from the volga region. today at the epicenter perm will experience bad weather, but the cyclone, which will bring rain to the central region of our country, is only just forming over europe. this is orenburgskaya street in ulyanovsk, after which there is either a river or a pond. on thursday and friday night, 18 mm of rain fell on the city, more than over the past decade. saratov suffered even more, here more than 20 mm of buckets fell per meter of area. large puddles became traps for cars, two wheels landed in open storm drain manholes, and several more cars received water hammer. so, an active cyclone is circling over the middle volga, now its center is on the border between the ulyanovsk region and tatarstan, the cyclone is literally ... between two anticyclones , making its way, the cloud whirlwind floods the regions that are in its path with rain, and there is only one path , to the northeast along the banks of the kama, to the north along the ural ridge, where it has noticeably weakened, it will join the circulation of the northern cyclonic system, but today it will manage to deliver another rather
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serious blow, and will find itself at the epicenter of bad weather perm, within a few hours there will be heavy rain, up to 8 mm of precipitation will fall , while the temperature will gradually increase, during the day +4, and in the evening... and at night it will warm up to 5°, the rains will weaken, by the morning they will stop completely, tomorrow cloudy, during the day +4, on sunday even the sun will appear from behind the clouds, during the day +3, but the rains that we expect this weekend in the west of the russian plain will be associated with the process that is now developing over europe, along the baltic sea the active cyclone is moving, on the wave of its atmospheric front, now a new whirlwind is emerging, tomorrow it will already be a full-fledged cyclone, which on sunday n in the north of france, in the padécale department , about 200 schools are temporarily closed; this area initially suffers from floods for a week after prolonged rainfall. educational institutions are planning to open only next week. a state of emergency was declared in western lithuania; prolonged rains led to flooding,
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roads and resorts in the baltic sea were flooded. a large part of the city of kretinga is in the water. now the influence of a large cyclone on the weather is the russian plain means only to us. atlantic air and cloudy weather, but as a new cyclone approaches, heat advection will intensify, tomorrow the thaw boundary will retreat to the shores of the white sea, in the center of the country, the background is quite uniform 4.6 °, in the black earth up to 10, only in the crimea in the novorossiysk region above 15. by sunday , warm air will take over the entire south, it will again be warmer than 15°, in the south of the central region the temperature will rise to +10, even despite dense clouds and rain, and rain in in the capital region will begin on sunday afternoon, by the end of the day up to 5 mm of precipitation will fall , over the next 24 hours the bad weather will reach its peak in 24 hours, almost twice as much moisture will fall into the precipitation, a bucket of water per meter
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of area. on tuesday the intensity of precipitation will decrease. well, today in moscow no precipitation, cloudy with clearings, +7 during the day, 5° in the evening, +3 at night. tomorrow afternoon no changes, also warm. on sunday, the rains will lower the temperature to +5°, but on monday, despite the heavy rain, it will warm up again to +7. so on monday we all rubber boots and an umbrella will also come in handy. well , autumn is not giving up its position yet. thank you, ekaterina grigorova, i warned about heavy rains over the weekend in the center of russia. if you have a dacha in ssnt, it is quite possible that you are lucky with your neighbors, but if everything is not so smooth, no one has seen the neighbor on the left for years, weeds are creeping up from his plot, on the right, on the contrary, they have opened a 24-hour tire repair shop or a dog boarding facility. we will tell you what to do in 5 minutes in the program. let's start with an abandoned site, first of all we need to remember that arbitrariness is prohibited,
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even though the dacha looks ownerless, it legally has an owner, you don’t have to mow your neighbors’ grass and uproot dry bushes yourself, from the point of view of the law, this can be interpreted as a violation of property rights, of course, of course, uh, for the sake of fire safety, coordination with ntt when drawing up an act, such work can be carried out, because this is the safety of all gardeners. located on the territory, especially snow land users, but occupy the plots without permission, and if there is an owner, even who abandoned this the plot, of course, is not legally possible. its owner should take care of the land, try to contact him. the owner’s contacts can be in the register of gardeners of your snt or with the chairman. if they are not there, you can contact local authorities, the administration of the city or village near which your snt is located. if the officials cannot help, file a complaint with the federal register that the site is not being cultivated, inspectors must come,
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draw up an inspection report, send an order to the owner to put the land in order, and finally, if there is no information about the owner, even in the unified state register of real estate, all that remains is to contact the local authorities with a request to take the land and carry out redistribution, if there is a lot of tall, dry grass and other flammable materials on the site, report this to the fire supervision service, the fire inspector will draw up an act that will confirm that the problem area poses a danger to the entire snt. this document may be useful during legal proceedings. property can be deprived only through court, a claim in a court of general jurisdiction can file a snt, and the local administration acts as a third party in this case. the question being considered is precisely how, what to do with these abandoned areas? because to confiscate such abandoned areas is to deprive people of their right. in accordance with the current constitution, article thirty -five, it is not possible in any way, except by a court decision; there are isolated
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cases of court decisions when such plots are transferred to those owners who have been occupying them for a long, long time time or acquired them, but unfortunately, without proper registration, using the site for other purposes may cause even more trouble; if agricultural land, which includes gardening, is engaged in business, and does not intend to close it down, then in this case an appeal to rosreestr. the inspector will first issue a warning, and then impose a fine. the fines are significant and depend on the cadastral value of the site. for ordinary individuals, they start from 10,000 rubles. if any organization violates the law, then it will pay at least 100,000, and paying a fine is not permission not to change anything and continue to work. in any case, you will need to stop. business is illegal for snt, otherwise, after the first fine,
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others may follow. depriving property rights for inappropriate use is quite problematic. in the twenty-fourth year, the state duma plans to introduce amendments to the land code. they must clearly state the criteria for which lands are considered unused and which are not, and approve the time frame within which the owner must develop his land, for example, to prepare a site for construction , if... this is land for individual construction, at the moment we have previously agreed on the following criteria for abandonment, let's say, this is when the site is littered with more than 50. there are buildings on this land and garden plot , well, some damaged with broken windows , with a broken roof, and such, well, no one eliminates such defects in buildings, and also one of the criteria is supposed to be established if the site is overgrown with some kind of makeshift grass, no one does it for about a year. so, let us repeat the main thing:
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the owner of a neglected site can be found through the management of snt or through a local one. as a last resort through rosreestr. if the owner cannot be found, or he does not respond to the order, putting the land in order and depriving the property can only be done through the court. for inappropriate use of land, significant fines are provided, the amount of which depends on the cadastral value of the site. if you want to know more about the rules of snt, write to us in telegram, send your questions. we will learn about everything from experts and will tell you in the next issues of our instructions. magnet price , what you need, oil moisture 999, now it will appear, come on, what is
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it, magic cashback, with a gazprom bank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. gazprombank time to make dreams come true king top is lunch, a bargain lunch, only at burger king, on avito tires from 3,200 rubles, both new and inexpensive, magnet, instant noodles rolton, 22.99, magnet, price, what you need, it's time to buy equipment , which does everything herself, wisely and profitably. you will buy everything, right now, a blow of a great percentage, cashback and up, the almighty black friday 22% on everything, in emvy and eldorado, well, it’s time to make a decision, well, i don’t know, i don’t like any of this, well then make an offer something of your own, why are you arguing, young people, your niece can’t decide where to invest, and
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what is there to think about, you need to invest in what you yourself use, my friends and i want to become co-owners of eurotrans. let's support our favorite company and earn money together, so what? andryush, hello, mikhail sergeevich, off to the track, of course, dad, hello, tell me, by all means , a good idea, i agree, black november in the feed, discounts up to 60%, and also a shock promotion, coffee, hammer and fresco or minimi tights, in total 89,999, with a total receipt of rub 2,500. the vtb team is with you, vtb has the best application, payment for housing utilities. from the commission, i wonder who did this? anyone who wants to surround those closest to them with warmth and comfort every day, well done, daughter, we came up with the vtb debit card, improved vtb bon as for yourself, so that your life becomes more comfortable, go to vtb, right now, at bigfest four nuggets for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price.
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magnet, buckwheat grain 89,999. magnet. the price is what it takes, for 50 years he has been improving clothing and labeling so that we can be born here again, northland, born of the alps. if you have already spent the whole day in meetings. don’t spend too much, order from a selection of profitable shelf items from a scooter, free delivery, a scooter without extra expenses. pay less bars. bordeaux's historic vineyards are in danger of disappearing. french the government encourages farmers to destroy their fields. farmers are surprisingly
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not opposed to producing the drink due to high inflation. it becomes unprofitable to produce a drink due to high inflation. battles for survival are taking place in the luxury wine market. our own correspondent anastasia popova has all the details. bordeaux, the country's main wine region, the second largest in the world, is in deep crisis. producing a drink that has become one of the symbols of france is now unprofitable, so much so that winemakers, having weighed the pros and cons against, they decided to destroy entire fields that had been cultivated for generations. there is a lot of grape juice this year, despite the weather and plant diseases, but the price of the finished product, poured into a bottle, is cheap by french standards. the problem is that we have a product that is undervalued on the market, it’s as if they told you, yesterday you get 1000 a month,
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from tomorrow it’s half that, you quickly reacted by saying: i can’t work like that? do you feel sorry to stop working? listen, at some point you start reasoning, if i can’t live from this, i ’ll do something else. many people have replaced manual labor in the fields with machines; they are cheaper, they are more unpretentious and work faster. we collect red grapes, this is merlot, with the help of this machine we shake the trees, mainly at the base, so that the grapes fall and with the help of shovels we throw them into the truck. a machine for assembling, machines for clearing the twigs, which immediately squeezes out the juice of white grapes, distills them. pipes it goes into tanks where fermentation takes place, this is wine that is in the process
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fermentation, we filled it on saturday, it is very young , the process is also more complicated with red grapes, immediately after harvesting it is ground together with the berries, sent to tanks, but many of them are full, already with ready-made wine, and are not sold. given the special humid climate, the red wine here turns out to be soft, rich, but not sold... the stocks are now forced to dispose of ethyl alcohol, partly to be given to perfumers, partly to manufacturers of hand sanitizer gel. competition in the market is high, spanish wine is several times cheaper, large retail chains buy this stuff willingly. irritated french winemakers recently blocked traffic on a highway coming from spain and set tires on fire. four trucks with goods were destroyed, bottles were broken, spanish vegetables were trampled, and wine ... a single act of despair is unlikely to affect the overall situation, the taste preferences of consumers themselves are changing, judging by surveys, beer
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for the first time in france has surpassed wine in popularity, if they drink it , then not from the bordeaux region, lighter. in recent years we have tried get very ripe grapes so that the wine becomes well-formed, strong, dense, but this no longer meets the consumer's needs. if you can’t live, cut them down, the french authorities came out with this kind of support, the government promises to pay 600 euros for each destroyed hectare of historical vineyards, there are already more than a thousand applications. we have never had a crisis like this. our older generation told us that there were years when wine was sold. many producers in the region believe that it will be more profitable for them to breed
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pigs or planting wheat or fruit trees, a crisis that hit the producers of table wine, which has not yet affected the segment, however, there are also wars there; in centomilon , they tried to uproot wine from the european market after the start of specialization for what is called russian... art: french grapes , the soul and approach are russian , a tribute to those french who work at the winery, and their photographs are plastered on the outside of the vat, inside, as they say, magic happens, in the middle of which, suddenly, we have yuri gagarin, you know, this was invented by the famous architect john nubel with the private owner of this chateau andrei fillatov, they wanted to show from the heights of space everything that he could do. universe, with love for the earth, with love for people and with love for work , you can make an extraordinary elixir
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called wine. chateau la gras dior is a rare place in france where today you can still see the russian flag next to the french one. there is also a unique restored work of art, a chess table by a soviet sculptor and designer, founder of constructivism, alexander rodchenko. he created it in 1925 in the interior of the soviet pavilion of the world exhibition in paris. we have come to a place where silence, russian art, and where you can hear rachmaninoff are blissful. the holy of holies is the place where wine matures, in new barrels made of special oak, to the sounds of sergei rachmaninov. vibrations permeate the wine. for at least 20 months, about 35,000 bottles are produced here per year, given the current geopolitical situation in the world, have you already had problems? with
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under the name russian art, it is not obvious in today’s france to keep such a name for a wine, have you thought about changing it? no, we don’t think that we haven’t even asked ourselves this question, we don’t ask and won’t ask, art is a way to unite people and nations. they don’t skimp here, the grapes are picked the old fashioned way, exclusively by hand, so that the berries remain whole; the day is chosen after sending the grapes to the laboratory in order to know exactly the taste of the harvest. the collection lasts only 3 days, but throughout the year they work on improving soil quality. we regularly conduct soil tests and, depending on the results, add organic fertilizers.
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at the same time, we plant the land with different varieties of plants, the boxes are not filled to the brim so that the berries do not choke, the harvested crop is sent to a conveyor that separates twigs and small berries from large ones, only the best will be used to make wine, here they are called black cut. we use such a machine. separated the berries as efficiently as possible, and there we have a washing machine that saves water, because we reuse it, boxes, we have about 40 of them, they come here, we wash them so that they return to the vineyard clean, there is a water tank below, one of these is enough for half a day of work, this way we don’t waste water, it washes good under pressure. each container is an average of
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100 liters of grapes. it is closed, raised above the tanks and then sent inside; in the process, some of the berries naturally turn into juice, while others remain intact. not earlier than after 2 years the drink will be ready, but the longer it is stored in the bottle, the the taste is revealed more, the labels are not repeated, each is a work of our artists, the beginning of the nineteenth, the end of the 20th century. bottles of white. hand-painted with cherry blossoms, again a deuce, this is a wonderful label , which is a painting, this is the same cover that was on our book, on the alphabet in the first grade, when we went to school, some european countries have such a product because of the name of the appearance after the start of the special operation they silently returned, france continues to buy, art and quality have opened new horizons, wine produced
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communion in france... russian specialists are now expected on the asian market. new samples of military equipment were shown to the president at the headquarters of the southern military district, where he flew immediately after his visit to kazakhstan, details, what we see at the moment is a skirmish with the enemy, but no longer a counteroffensive, the counteroffensive failed, a statement
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by the german luftwaf general, former... head of the nato military committee. we are against sending hungarian taxpayers' money to ukraine. and words prime minister of hungary as a mirror of the mood in the eu. another shelling of the gaza strip, another destruction of hospitals, we will learn from our correspondents on the ground about the situation in the middle east, what is happening in palestine, what they are saying in israel. and also before the end of this hour, again covid-19 along with the flu. rospotrebnadzor warns that the incidence is growing, and what can and should be done to minimize health risks. vladimir putin visited the headquarters of the southern military district, the presidents were accompanied by the minister of defense sergei shaiga, chief of the general staff valery gerasimov, head.


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