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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 10, 2023 4:30pm-4:59pm MSK

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outside the gas sector, and 350,000 reservists will soon return to work. the israeli ministry of finance warned that the recovery will be slow and the economy will not soon return to its pre-war state. this threatens the country, among other things , with technological lag. the global slowdown in the world of technology is further aggravated by military activities in which a large number of israeli citizens are involved. if everything drags on, that's for sure. will be a problem, but in the short term it is difficult. the israeli economy will lose perhaps 1% of gdp according to bank of israel estimates this year. there are a number of sectors of the economy, in addition to the technological sphere, in which, without exaggeration, events can also be called catastrophic. according to the un, in the first month of the armed conflict, gdp on the west bank of the jordan river in the gas sector will decrease by 4%. if the collision continues for 2 months, it will trigger a decline of 8%. if the conflict continues for
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a quarter, palestinian gdp will fall by 12%. losses will amount to $2.5 billion. arab countries are calling for a blockade of mcdonald's, and israeli supermarkets are refusing to stock turkish products. now the main consequence for global trade could be the disruption of supply chains, as in the time of covid. the only difference was during the pandemic it was not possible to trade, now there is no desire. we should expect a major global crisis and the division of economies between the western bloc of countries, how much is difficult to estimate in numbers, because such a crisis has never happened in history, and we are talking here after all about transformation, in general the transformation of any connections, not only global value chains, but, in principle, relationships between countries in absolutely all sectors.
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the world may feel the full consequences of the palestinian-israeli conflict if new oil states, such as iran, are drawn into it; this threatens a global energy crisis. you know, such a thrill when you start moving for the first time. teltanka, you just feel this power, when i decided to come to donbass, they thought that i was crazy, seventeenth, please go down to the intensive care unit, they asked, called, well, ready, not ready, as if they were not ready, as if they were always ready, like in the great patriotic war, women made a big contribution, so now women do a lot.
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here, where i am a medic, let’s say a driver, i don’t care when she just comes up to you and even just hugs you and says the word that we believe in you, it gives a lot, i won’t sit at home, idle, this is mine earth, i will protect it, i will not give it to anyone.
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let's look before everyone else, gdetsova, let go of the idiot vasnetsov, i'm in fact, you know, i'm not very comfortable, someone was killed again, what's wrong with you, no sleep, no rest , let's sign up, look, the exhibition forum russia continues to delight guests with a variety of and a rather intensive program, if the day before was the day of the kamchatka territory, then today sakhalin and the amur region took over the baton. the couple also had a cosmic wedding at vdnkh. we’ll tell you about everything in more detail now. so, the sakhalin region day started at vdnkh. region presented
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his achievements and invites guests to go on a virtual journey around the island. visitors to the exhibition can dive into the depths of the sea, look at living inhabitants and take a magnetic souvenir. juice from the kuril islands, businessmen at the exhibition are introduced to promising projects in the region, in which the island region in russia, which has rich resources and an advantageous geographical position in the asia-pacific region, is possible. vdnkh also hosts the day of the amur region, an exposition attracts guests with unique interactive activities , for example, visitors can launch a rocket into space, or try to generate electricity. in addition, guests of the pavilion are introduced to the project for the construction of the amur gas production plant for basic polymers, polyethylene, and polypropylene. an extraordinary event at the pavilion was the space wedding. what happened there? employees
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of the vostochnaya cosmodrome got married at vdnkh. both are native residents of the amur region. the celebration took place under the dome of the cosmonautics and aviation center. why the newlyweds decided to exchange. it was there, as the bride and groom themselves said, because their feelings arose near the city of tsalkovski, the couple was congratulated by the first persons of primurye and cosmonaut sergei korsakov, and now we continue to travel around vdnkh, my colleague maria valieva continues to work there, is at exhibition forum, it is now in direct connection with the facts, maria, greetings, what surprised you today, share your impressions, what was the most interesting thing today? yes, natasha, hello, we are now working in the house of russian cuisine and tasting the far east, culinary master classes are held here , valery flew to us from the city of yuzhnosalinsk,
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please tell us what you have prepared for the guests today? yes, good evening, dear friends, well, here we have a chuka with a trumpeter, nuts. cook this dish? well, the dish is really simple , it doesn’t take long to cook, there are just a few secrets about the technology of preparing the trumpeter himself, yes, i told everyone here that you can’t overcook it, yes, so that it remained soft, the complexity of the dish, no, we try at such events, at such things, yes, to give as much as possible to the dish that a person can prepare at home to treat to his family and friends, a life-saving dish, all the secrets here are once... revealed, let's try too cook at home, please tell me how you like this delicious dish? i really liked the salad, i would love to repeat it at home, well, this will be something to surprise your family with now, but in general today is a very busy program, here at vdnkh, in the morning we worked at seventy
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the fifth pavilion, where we visited the stand of the sakhalin region, the region has been developing for the last 6 years and what prospects there are. real jobs are being created, highly qualified, highly paid, now literally jobs cost from 60 to 250 thousand rubles. offshore projects, fish production and processing, the coal industry, all these projects , well, let’s say, the amur region, schools, kindergartens are being built, industry is developing, also, as the head of the region told us today, there are a lot of students from amur state university is gradually going to work at the vostochny cosmodrome. we have seven main areas of development, several of them are traditional
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for us, this is agriculture, we are the breadbasket of the far east with 1200 thousand sown areas, last year there was a unique harvest of 1,600,000 soybeans, this is our... main crop, uh , processing, dairy production and so on are developing very actively, then, uh, energy, we have three hydroelectric power stations located in the region and two in the future for construction, we have our traditional the direction is mining, this is gold, coal, copper-nickel areas and much more. today here in the house of russian cuisine we were able to try the dishes prepared by the chefs. from the amur region, these are fried potatoes with ferns, a fish cutlet of the east and a very tasty sauce was served with it, everything was very tasty, and now we are waiting for a cooking master class to be held here, natasha, yes,
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thank you, maria valieva, it was from the exhibition - forum russia, i also want to try it, i hope you'll be luckier, and we'll also tell you what's interesting there, the ministry of finance's stand is hosting a hemological master class today, which stones actually sparkle in jewelry, and how not to make a mistake in choosing and buy the original. the master class presenters will provide answers to all these questions. examination of jewelry, as well as precious semi-precious stones on a state scale, is one of the tasks of the federal assay office. the specialists who work there will share the secrets of their skill. admission to the master class, as to all events of the exhibition, is free. well, at 7:00 pm, on the main street stage, the spring music show will begin. headliners oleg gazmanov, mitya famin and the group um. thurman, by the way, oleg gazmanov will be at the russian exhibition tomorrow, in the seventy-fifth pavilion
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, the singer will meet with students and finalists of the patriotic song competition, after which there will be a concert of the competition winners. the official city tourism portal visit st. petersburg invites you to the new year holidays in st. petersburg. build new year's route and the famous museum. and new creative spaces, feel the special atmosphere of the city on the neva, visit the stand of st. petersburg at the russia forum at the vdd, acquaintance with the hospitable northern capital begins here, feel the taste of the city where a good mood is born, and now about the weather of the ministry of emergency situations in more detail, about this let's talk to tatyana belova, she 's joining fact live, tanya, hello, when will nastya go to the peak? the weather will start to deteriorate tomorrow, the peak of the weather
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will be on sunday, monday. on in the north of italy in trieste , a highway was flooded today after heavy rain, road services are warning drivers about places where water has accumulated on the asphalt, at the same time, in the vicinity of genoa, opolden descended, taking with it several cars. several houses nearby had to temporarily gain strength; residents of certain communities in which had already been evacuated. the consequences of previous heavy downpours have not yet been eliminated. the elements are raging in turkey, where record high temperatures were recently recorded, today there are already winter landscapes. in mountainous areas 100 km from trabzon, at an altitude of more than 2,000 m, there are real snowdrifts. local children enjoy playing in the snow. a state of emergency has been introduced on the shores of the baltic sea in western lithuania. prolonged rains led to floods. roads to baltic resorts are flooded. a significant part of the city is in the water. kriting, it is precisely on the wave of the atmospheric front of the cyclone, which in recent days has been flooding
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the baltic, that a new whirlwind is now being born, on sunday it will pass to the western border of our country, at the epicenter of ninasti it will be black soil, in some places in the kurt , oryol and bryansk regions , up to 20 or more millimeters of deposits per day are predicted; on the peninsula, as well as in new regions, air flows in some places can accelerate to 20-25 m/s. at the same time, the zone is turbulent, the weather will be... quite extensive and will stretch from the shores of the black sea to the rybinsk reservoir and the middle volga. in evpatoria tomorrow evening it will begin to rain, possibly thunderstorms, the south wind will strengthen to 10-15 m/s. the thermometer will reach +19 after today's +14. in sunday 12 mm flags, and the wind outside will be stormy. 2025 m/s. and only at the beginning of next week the atmosphere will calm down and the sky will clear for a while. clouds, in moscow, tomorrow, as today, it will be warm, mostly without precipitation
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, showers in the capital region will begin on sunday afternoon, by the end of the day up to 5 mm of rain will fall, during monday it will reach its peak in 24 hours, the amount of rain will almost double more moisture, the intensity of precipitation will decrease, in general, at the beginning of next week it is better not to leave the house without an umbrella, with on february 2022, ukrainian troops shelled the territory of the donetsk people's republic over 25 thousand times, stated russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya. at an emergency meeting of the security council, a world organization, convened by moscow after kiev’s attacks on donetsk. the head of the dpr, denis pyshilin, told our channel how it was a constant blow. the first question is how can you comment on the results of the emergency un summit on the issue of shelling of territories, including the dpr, by ukrainian forces. the issue was discussed important, another
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a war crime on the part of the ukrainian regime, but the position of western countries is characteristic, again double standards, again a distortion of reality, again completely, and not even completely logical, maybe in some contexts there is support for the ukrainian regime, well, from the outside, of course , the united states of america, great britain, a complete distortion of facts, but the position of certain people there is also characteristic. al albania, who said, well, confused, yes, that russia raised the issue after the shelling of donetsk, she herself is shelling donetsk, that is, in general. there is no logic here, but for us, what is more important is the position of those countries that occupied, or perhaps continue to occupy , a neutral position, so to win them over to the side of reason, and in our respect to the side of justice, of course this is the main task, this is what
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russian diplomats set themselves, in my opinion, this is exactly the case, so this... shelling by the ukrainian regime , the use of high-precision weapons, and let me remind you that all high-precision weapons are used for one purpose or another on our territory in agreement with western countries, in particular with the united states of america, so here the united states is an absolute accomplice in this crime, well, by the way, if we talk about new types of weapons. cluster munitions are actively used by the enemy side, the enemy, and, as it complicates life, in danetsk dpr. very seriously, this complicates the life of the civilian population, or rather their safety, why, because rocket munitions have a very
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great destructive force, very chaotic, very deadly, in this case and here, and not in vain , the use of these weapons was prohibited by international conventions, but nevertheless, not only did the ukrainian regime previously use these ammunitions, but it became the absolute norm, based on the latest deliveries, here are these actions on the part of the united states of america, that is, in previous conflicts they harshly condemned this, citing international conventions, but here they themselves were accomplices of such crimes, which the ukrainian regime continues to commit, well, now the russian army is trying to push back the enemy, doing everything to ensure that shelling in donetsk is minimized, however, how is this happening now or not, what is the situation now changing for the better? the armed forces of the russian federation are doing everything possible to speed up the process of liberating the territory of the donetsk people's republic, as well as the task from the president, but we see that the enemy here,
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just as certain failures begin at the front, begins to take revenge on civil we see, realize and understand this, therefore the only way now to prevent shelling of our cities and districts is to not give the enemy the physical possibility, the physical opportunity to do this, accordingly, this is to push back the proper direction, unfortunately, let’s say from the area to ovdeyuuki, the enemy may have such an opportunity to use artillery weapons for shelling in particular donetsk, yesenovato chervonogvardeisky district of makeyevka, of course this needs to be done as soon as possible... in a timely manner - stop this it is possible to prevent this, but everything possible is being done for this; on our part, we would of course like this to happen as quickly as possible. a little about the current agenda, we are currently working at the brix plus international municipal forum, representatives of more than sixty countries have come here, the dpr delegation is also quite represented here in such a fairly
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large delegation, yes, what are your plans for this forum, maybe some... then the agreements are planned to be signed, that’s what the work is like here now, i definitely think necessary, therefore, because interaction at the municipal level , these are the horizontal connections that are now being established, and between municipalities, let’s say, of the brix countries, this is very important, and this is a strategic task that we set for ourselves, including, and i believe that our presence here is important , based on the needs not only for the fact that we... see additional opportunities that such interaction will give us, in particular, speaking yesterday, i suggested, create a common media, on equal terms, for the brix countries , because now it is important for us to get information, to find objective information, not from the western media, as we often see false information,
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but we want an objective picture and it is important for us to understand that what is happening now in india, what is happening now in brazil, what is happening now. in other brix countries , potential brix members, which we will now see after expansion and from january 1, 2024, well, it is also important for us to demonstrate an objective picture and that what happens here is that in other countries they know about this, understand this, such interaction is certainly important, and of course public support, socio-political support, a member of the members is also important, we focus on this, we try to be useful, as for other participants, in particular foreign representatives, how much interest they show in the donetsk people 's republic, you know, a very good-natured attitude, very, i would say, promising and here - and informal communication, especially
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which will definitely bring this success, they see, many understand what is happening here, and i was pleasantly surprised here, that is , he talks with understanding about certain situations happening in the donbass, and accordingly, that means, well, let’s say, according to alone we look at the global challenges that russia in general faces, well, in particular, we feel it ourselves on the territory of the donetsk people’s republic. let's return to what is happening now in the dpr, it is quite obvious that for you, for the dpr authorities, the most important task is now we need to restore the infrastructure, and some kind of return to normal life, yes, and of course ensuring security, in which areas things are going well with this now, and in which areas we still need to work? you know, everything is connected with proximity to the front, here everything is proportional, the closer to the front , the more opportunities the enemy
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has to strike, the more dangerous, the more threats, the further you go, but the less, probably, there will be any shelling, the fewer threats, but this does not exclude or say that this is completely it’s safe, unfortunately, this is how western countries allow ukraine to shoot almost across the ground... that is , the territory of the donetsk people’s republic, but nevertheless, the work is carried out by public utilities throughout the territory of the republic, and the work is carried out by civil servants and the ministry of emergency situations, we see, that is, and law enforcement agencies , yes, it’s harder, and more dangerous, but this is all our territory, our residents live there everywhere, of course, and we need to provide them with full assistance as much as possible, as far as possible, of course. all services and provide. security. one of the latest initiatives by the authorities of the donetsk people's republic, the administration, is to reduce the tax rate of this tax rate; you recently signed
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a corresponding bill. why is this done, in general, why is it needed? small medium-sized businesses must develop, especially in such difficult conditions in which we live now, self-employment of the population, that is , the creation of jobs, even if these are small enterprises, even if these are small businesses, but for this is important to us. emphasis, that is, very few regions , in my opinion, have become the sixth region that was able to follow this path, i believe this will be very significant support in the future , it will play a positive role that will allow the overall development of business , it would seem to be a small average, this will generally allow the right emphasis to be placed on building the structure of the republic’s economy and , accordingly, filling the budget as a whole, as regards large businesses. now active restoration of the territory is underway mariupol, houses are being restored, new ones are being built, in addition, industry is being restored, we know that three factories
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in mariupol are now operational, how is this going, preparations are being made for launch, preparations are being made, that is, the utilization of enterprises is being built up , prospects are being built, not everything is working out so quickly , as we would like, because it was necessary to carry out mine clearance, we needed all the associated infrastructure, the supply of energy, the restoration of power lines, and work on i say prozovulektrostal, i say prosomazh, about the ilicha plant, where both core production lines will be launched, i hope in the near future, as well as additional ones, say, directions that are in demand, for example, in zaumsza we also plan to produce reinforced concrete structures, because they are now specifically in demand as part of the restoration, on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, we are preparing everything to be able to launch our enterprise, but unfortunately , at the snap of a finger, this does not work out as we would like, probably in time, because there is
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desired there, let’s say, and so within the framework of the tasks that are set, whatever the deadlines are, but there are still objective pictures, a picture that, unfortunately, also depends on many factors, and these are external factors, including, and another important infrastructure project that is now beginning to be implemented. this is a railway that will be laid from rostov to crimea, it will pass through the territory of the donetsk people's republic, and what do you know about this project, now, how is it, at what stage, how is it developing, promisingly in demand, and let’s say this, there is a land corridor, which will be in demand in the future as well, but of course cargo transportation, and such a connecting railway from the rostov region to the crimea, of course it is also needed. there is no need here, of course, to experience any illusions that this will appear right in some very short time, because there are also a number of difficulties associated with it,
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so still... well, construction, one might say, of the first stage, let's say so , we see, but this is not a very fast, fast project, but again, i would like to emphasize that it is very popular, but how does rail transportation work now on the territory of the republic, now, is there some kind of transport moving there, what is the current state of rail transportation? a lot was subjected to shelling, a lot of destruction, so now we are carrying out restoration work, taking into account the fact that it is grey... the kalkaz railway there and the donetsk railway, it still has its own characteristics, there is alternating current, there is direct current, of course there are straight lines, even electric trains still seem to be impossible to fully launch there, there are direct trains there, but nevertheless, passenger transportation for some part is working, but not to the fullest extent, well, because let’s say the transport connection between makeyivka and donetsk, it is complicated due to proximity to the front line, as well as transport links, i mean the railway
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, between yes... also now in practical terms it is impossible, because the front line is happening, passes, well, extremely close, and of course it will be dangerous, so here more preparatory work is underway for the full launch of the railway service, well, a couple more questions about what concerns the life of every resident of donetsk, including the donetsk people's republic, in particular, you said that prices for socially important goods are now too high, and something is needed then do with it what you plan. constant monitoring of prices is carried out and attention was focused here; as a result of monitoring, certain overstatements were identified, associated both with seasonality and probably also certain difficulties in logistics component, but checks have already been carried out on our networks, in the networks - no gross violations were identified, but nevertheless in socially significant areas there, that is, we are recording them in the republic as a whole, so somewhere this is
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an administrative resource , which... now allows us to fully engage in order to minimize this, let’s say, these consequences on our citizens, but on the other hand, of course, the more serious tasks that we face are connected precisely in the logistics component, which is is reflected in prices, we are working in this direction, that is, this is a constant process, it’s just that some part of this process has now gone public, but nevertheless we now see support from the ministry of industry and trade of the russian federation, the federal center is constantly in view, this also directly gives a certain impetus to solving certain problems. well, the last but not least important question, now winter is setting in, the heating season is approaching, there have been a number of complaints about this, here’s how you can can you comment on the situation, how is the republic now preparing for the heating season?
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it’s difficult for public utilities, all their actions are now literally associated with insufficient water, although...
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