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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 10, 2023 7:00pm-7:24pm MSK

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they will begin to demolish the cottages that appeared on the relict island, and how did it happen that the head of the district was convicted, but will not be punished? from the novosibirsk region, ksenia klimina, the road to the sky will be closed for 3 years, airlines will there be a single black list of passengers for all carriers, for what offenses will hooligans be banned from flying, this is not a bus, this is not a train, where you can drop off a passenger at the nearest station, they will become is flying safer? and how do experienced pilots feel about the possible tightening of the rules? prohibit fly until he wises up, why in some countries for an attack on crew members they are sent to jail for 20 years, but in our country there is rowdy behavior behind bars, this was the question asked by actor mikhail efremov, he is celebrating his 60th anniversary, however, instead of balloons and the artist has only barbed wire over his head. let me remind you that efremov is serving a sentence in a belgorod colony for a drunken accident in which a person died. famous journalist java merkacheva.
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i found out that on his anniversary, the actor can buy himself a waffle cake or prepare dessert on your own from the products that are sold in the colony store, here is a scoop of sewing, no one will save him. privileges for a convict who has a birthday or even an anniversary, he has no right to an additional package or an additional visit; in the morning, convicts from the detachment come up, congratulate, say kind words, can give something, for example, some kind of drawing or read poetry in the evening, after working a shift, and the convict... on another birthday or anniversary can call - those with whom he communicates closely from his squad for tea, with something sweet. however, let the gift be from year to year. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe. we also watch our investigations and daily releases on the platform. go to the ether tab and turn on the honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. today we have an important, very relevant one
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, not only by the way for our country, but for us, in particular, especially i mean the current situation, the issue of increasing the effectiveness of measures to ensure information security in russia, our speaker is vladimirovich selin, director of the federal service for technical and export contracts of the general staff valery gerasimov. the head of state was shown new models of all-terrain vehicles; they are intended for conducting reconnaissance search and rescue missions. such vehicles will soon enter service with the troops. the commander-in-chief was also told about the progress of the special military operation. russian pv or eight ukrainian combat aircraft in a week. including
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four mig-29 fighters. the latest data shows five drones and 12 missiles. vedoma was told about the armed forces of ukraine’s attempts to seize a bridgehead on the islands and the left bank of the dnieper. all attempts were unsuccessful; our troops defeated units of two marine brigades in the ssu. ukraine found itself in a stalemate after the so -called counter-offensive, which failed. the french publication writes about this. figaro, it reminds you that you are only 17 km away, as figaro writes, the whole point is... that the russians outplayed the ssu, according to the publication, the troops of the kiev regime were supposed to deliver the main blow on june 6 in the kherson region. the plan was that the military would cross the dnieper and immediately block land access to crimea. however, the russian armed forces managed to do something, so ukraine had to quickly revise its strategy. i’ll add how figaroki writes. this was supposed to serve as
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additional advertising for zelsky, but in the end it turned out to be another symbolic failure. israel intends to maintain a permanent military control over the gas sector, prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced. the politician claims that this decision was made in connection with the demand of residents of the territories bordering the enclave. tel aviv was hit for the first time in 2 days. no two casualties were reported, but tens of thousands benefited from the activity. people, the jewish state's ground operation in gaza continues, fighting is reported in the city center, in the area of ​​the largest hospital, the military announced the seizure of launchers for unguided missiles, as well as the destruction of three commanders of hamas units. egypt and qatar are working to establish a humanitarian truce in gaza, a hamas representative stated this, also according to his information, people, dozens are injured, 5,000 patients and thousands...
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are blocked in the largest hospital in gaza, fighting is going on all around as a result of israeli bombings have already stopped the work of 20 of the 35 enclave hospitals, the rest... with the flow of patients. authorities estimate that gases in the city damaged more than half of the buildings. tens of thousands of houses completely destroyed. the damage is estimated at 3 billion according to the idf positions. the jewish state responds with air artillery. the binance cryptocurrency exchange announced today that it intends to stop supporting deposits in rubles as of november 15. in this case, withdrawal of money will be available until january 31. 2024, benansa representatives recommended users to withdraw rubles through exchange partners and transfer them to alternative platforms, but closed the opportunity for russians to buy euros and dollars, and in august banned them from all types of transactions with in any currencies except the ruble, at the same time it became
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known that bin was planning to leave the russian market. the presidential grants fund identified the 100 best projects for the past year, among them dr. lisa's fair aid, which is aimed at helping seriously ill and injured children. also today , development grants were distributed, and as a result of the implementation of projects supported by the funds, positive changes have already affected the lives of 15 million of our fellow citizens. every year we are from all the implemented projects, this year here we are summed up the implementation of 4,000 projects, that is, those that were completed last year, we select the 100 best, because each, each project from these hundred is a demonstration of what is happening in the country, thanks to the broadcast, after a short advertisement, the senate program will continue, we decided
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ceremony at the federation council. we will never forget the feat of the mariupol landing. we will never forget the fierce battles. on the streets of melitopol, then called by contemporaries small stalingrad. restoring the development of the industrial potential of new regions as a national priority. all projects. which are currently being implemented on the territory of the donetsk people's republic for construction and restoration, they are all globally large-scale for us. support birth rate and demographic challenges, what measures are proposed in the federation council? the birth of a child should not lead to a decrease in the standard of living of the family; on the contrary, it should be the beginning of a new , more prosperous stage in life. infrastructure for waste management of first and second hazard classes, monitoring and implementation of the federal project. this. which the president set for working with waste and the first second class in general with
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waste, general cleaning of russia, it is very important for the life of our citizens. attracting investment, thousands of new jobs, construction of modern enterprises, preferential regimes for special economic zones, are adjustments needed in their work? today there is a big debate on this topic; many regions have opposed this initiative. the amendments to the draft budget carried out by the senators in a three-year perspective reflect the interests of the regions, valentina matvienko emphasized. it has already passed the first reading in the lower house, the second will take place on november 15. in the document revised by the federation council, prefabricated children's camps. parliamentarians also consider it necessary to allocate funds for recreation and recreation of children from the arctic, development of educational and production centers and engineering development centers on the basis of universities of scientific organizations. in addition , training in programming languages ​​for schoolchildren should be funded. additional funds for professional retraining of citizens, about 6 billion rubles, a very
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important area is the expansion of the system of long-term care for elderly citizens and the disabled, a very large block the amendments are associated with additional funds to support industry - this is about 54 billion and support for agriculture - about 41 billion rubles. according to valentin matvienko, amendments were made to the first. amendments with senators and the federation council, they are relevant for the vast majority of subjects of the federation, while they in no way violate the harmony of the budget and do not lead to distortions, they are balanced, calculated, while the main directions of the budget support are certainly preserved security, social guarantees, those
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areas that affect the lives of our citizens. russia will continue to support cuba , the cuban people, who, against the backdrop of suffocating sanctions, did not kneel, on the contrary, continue to fight, valentina matvienko said. the federation council adopted a statement on the need to end the economic blockade imposed by the united states on the island of freedom. senators called on foreign parliaments. advocate for the unconditional lifting of sanctions, the lifting of illegal sanctions by washington and for more than 30 years, it is reflected in the relevant resolutions of the un general assembly. on november 2, the next resolution was approved by the general assembly, the united states and israel were almost unanimously opposed, and ukraine joined them, abstaining. the text of the statement notes that... the un and the norms of international law, while
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friendly relations have been built between russia and cuba, according to valentin matvienko, our country will continue to strengthen cooperation, including through parliamentary lines, i believe cuba must be supported in every possible way in the maximum possible ways, it has already reached the point of chaos when the united states of america named cuba and put arrows on it. countries that sponsor terrorism, maybe look at yourself in the mirror, ukraine, which almost daily commits terrorist acts, journalists kill civilians, who is the sponsor, who supplies deadly weapons and missiles and finances such terrorist activities of the state without restrictions, maybe themselves look, valentina matvienko emphasized that mariupol and... parts of our country have influenced the course of many historical
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events for centuries. presenting victory balls to these two cities, as valentina matvienko especially noted, is a sign of gratitude, a tribute to the feat and past real heroes. we all know well that in russia at all times, joyful feats of arms have always been honored. always pages, this is the great patriotic war. and memory. about the feat of our fathers and grandfathers, who liberated our land from fascist invaders and liberated europe and peace from nazism. we never. let's not forget the feat of the mariupol landing, we will never forget the fierce battles on the streets of melitopol, and exactly 80 years ago, in the fall of 1943, mariupol and melitopol were soviet troops, our red army, were liberated from the fascist invaders.
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and it is important that even today the inhabitants of these wonderful two cities have shown such an unbending will, prepared by zlatousov craftsmen from high-alloy steel, the length of each sword is more than a meter, and the weight is more than 5 kg. the blades are covered with gold of the highest standard and decorated semi-precious ural stones, garnet, symbolizing shed blood, and blue topaz, a symbol of peace. on one side of the sword there is a dedicatory inscription carved for each city, on the other there are famous words. nevsky, whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. restoration of new regions, this is senator natalya nikonova. natalya yuevna, hello, the region that you represent in the federation council of the donetsk people's republic is very quickly integrating into the legal and social space of russia, a lot is going on construction projects in the dnpr, in particular the latest
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news, the r-280 highway is ready for operation. dpr itself and what large-scale projects are being implemented? you know, it’s actually difficult to single out some of the most large-scale projects here, because all the projects that are being implemented today on the territory of the donetsk people’s republic for construction and restoration, they are all globally large-scale for us, since what is happening today in the dpr is construction, it is all on a global scale. and i can repair 126 schools, 102 preschool institutions, and 56 healthcare institutions, five secondary vocational education facilities , that is, these are all numbers that for several decades were simply unattainable for us, and the quality
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of these facilities is made, then in general for us this is just the latest latest word in technology. therefore, renovation construction is now taking place in the rear cities of the republic in the city of mariupol for obvious objective reasons, since it is now the safest there, and of course, the cities that are closer to the front line, in fact donetsk itself, they are still waiting for their large-scale projects, but nevertheless , this does not mean that work is not being carried out, and the number one question now that the entire republic is busy with is our citizens, because let’s be honest, our communal infrastructure is still this time, we did not receive proper repairs, proper care, for various reasons, for financial reasons, for reasons of constant shelling, so today we are busy repairing utility networks, heating networks, in donetsk,
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including, this is today a large-scale, huge project, these infrastructure projects for repairs and... of course i can’t help but mention here the most large-scale project - this is the water pipeline, i thank it once again and once again the ministry of defense for the russian federation, for its implementation, because without this water pipeline, our republic would have been left virtually without water, so they did it on time, they did it efficiently, quickly on a very large scale, water supply is already being provided in a larger volume than was previously the case every other day, in some areas and every day, yes, still by the hour, but not at all less water is supplied to residential buildings, to civilian social facilities, it is very gratifying to hear, i will remind our viewers that they purposefully disabled the water supply facilities of donetsk, and donetsk is a city of a million, and of course, you regularly
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hold receptions for the population, but tell us, what people come with, what questions. give, how are they resolved? yes, every, every week i hold a regional, i try to hold receptions of citizens throughout the entire territory of the republic, in every locality, today, in fact, already 100% of the territory the republic is covered by techniques, the issues are very diverse, but several blocks or relations can be identified in connection with the transition to russian legislation, for example, this is a preferential category of citizens, previously in the donetsk people's republic there were categories established, now we are moving completely to russian regulation, accordingly there are some - those discrepancies, they need to be quickly picked up, or changes made to the legislation, in this more manual mode, let’s say, using the tool, benefits, there are also such, we have
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payments, which, for example, were compensation for solid household fuel to miners, and to mine workers who spent all their working years working in mines, in our republic they were entitled to appropriate compensation, because their houses are heated with coal. and we also get some of these categories because of the mines of the lugansk people’s republic, so now, while we are moving to full russian regulation, now we need to help this category of people. of course, these are issues that concern migrants, evacuated citizens, for example, from artyomovsk, who are currently residing in temporary permission points, they have their own set of questions, mainly this... according to documents, as by the way in mariu, most of their questions from residents of mariupol concern documents,
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almost everyone, but documents are either lost, or damaged, or burned, or destroyed, and somehow it is necessary to confirm identities, obtain title documents, and so on , so, of course, there are more large-scale issues that concern virtually all citizens of the republic, for example, the work of the mfc. everyone draws up documents accordingly, and the mfc is a one-stop-shop operation, so everyone goes there , there are not enough personnel, there is not enough, for example, a working day, that is, you also have to quickly respond to these moments, and for some people even creative somewhere, because in some mfcs we have already extended their reception hours, accordingly, this has already reduced the load.
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