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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 11, 2023 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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interprets it as an epidemic that is spreading across the earth, feeding on people’s deepest fears. fans of horror films call the film one of the brightest horror films of this year, critics demand that runia’s name be put on a par with the masters of the genre, david cronenberg and john carpenter. agree or argue. with their opinion, you can go to the cinema, you watched the film industry program, exactly a week later there will be new faces, films, events and discoveries on our air. see you in the cinemas. and here it is. appoint me as my guard cat,
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what? what kind of guard? the film is very bright, cool, i didn’t expect to see a cat there at all, it’s very cool that light fairy tales are being filmed now, it’s interesting for children, for adults, humor and some kind of relevant story, and they settle you, here in the sink, in his kitchen, in general, an excellent movie, i... really liked it, cool fairy tale, cool, i enjoyed it, we all dream of having our wishes come true, i want winter to become summer, feel free, it worked out, the story is chic, wonderful, very kind, very cheerful, who else am i, my irita, i it seems that this is what is needed, the mood will be created for everyone, at the behest of the pike,
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hello, the program correspondents will talk about the main legal events of the day , the duty department and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. in vladivostok, investigators detained the director of a chain of popular restaurants. he evaded paying taxes for 2 years, owing the state over 83 million rubles. during searches , part of this amount was seized from the restaurateur - 23 million rubles, more than 12,000 us dollars. a criminal case has been initiated for tax evasion on a particularly large scale size. in yekaterinburg, the court increased the sentences of those involved in the case of mass poisoning with surrogate alcohol. convicted suppliers, intermediaries and direct distributors of products. it was established that a group of entrepreneurs had been supplying the market with a deadly liquid for two years. in the group
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, 44 people became victims of the surrogate, and several more ended up in the hospital. points selling the dangerous potion were located at the chkalovsky market. several more kiosks were located in the leninsky and verkhisetsky districts. eventually six defendants had their sentences increased to 10 years. in the moscow region, investigators are looking into the reasons for the collapse of a bridge near the city of podolsk. at the same time , a woman was driving along the crossing. she was injured. now the road is blocked, but the place... residents have repeatedly complained about the poor condition of the bridge, details of uanna balan. the car was driving from the direction of new moscow and almost in the middle of the bridge, the structure breaks under its wheels and the car and the driver fly down. these are the first minutes after the collapse. the car was literally pinched between the slabs, those who were driving behind managed to brake. oh, is there anyone, will you come out yourself? hearing a woman's voice, eyewitnesses immediately rushed to help.
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i went down there, then a man came down with me, they opened the door, i sat her on my shoulder, they helped her get out of there, i brought a pillow from the car so that she could sit and... we began to wait for the ambulance, this morning we we drove across the bridge three times and back and forth , literally about half an hour after the last passage, the bridge collapsed, an incomprehensible terrible roar was heard in the village, the driver of the fallen car, alla has a broken knee, broken ribs and legs, she is now in the hospital, the mangled car had to be pulled out with cables, most likely it can no longer be repaired, the car drove across the bridge in front of me, i was driving behind, the car passed, but i was unlucky, there was a depression and there was something like a pipe lying in this depression, then they covered it all with asphalt on top, since the tubercle was, as you know, like a speed bump, i believe that this particular place was rufted. according to residents of the village of kutieno, the bridge across
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pakhru has been in need of repairs for a long time, these photographs were taken shortly before the emergency situation, it is clear that the road surface is all cracked and holes , children are constantly driving here, and if there were children, and in the morning we have a large flow, you can imagine what would happen here if only it would all collapse with the flood, and we have been residents of the village for a long time, our cutinoms have been writing and calling for a long time, and whatever they did, they told us that the bridge does not belong to anyone, neither the city, nor the village, nor moscow, nor the region , some kind of incomprehensible space like this, with one on the other hand, new moscow, on the other hand, the moscow region, the bridge between them has so far been decided that the region will undertake the repairs; the bridge, along with the road, was transferred to the maintenance of the city of moscow, back in the thirteenth year, when the borders between... subjects changed, at the same time, understanding that this bridge is very important for the residents, which means we will certainly help its restoration, which we have already begun, and we will do all this as soon as possible. the circumstances of the incident are now being investigated by the prosecutor's office investigative committee. upon the collapse of a road bridge in
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podolsk, investigative authorities have opened a criminal case regarding the negligence of officials. this section of the road is now closed. drivers will have to go around it via the warsaw highway. it’s more difficult for those who, without a car, walk around for about 40 minutes; all the schools, kindergartens, clinics, hospitals, all the infrastructure is right on the other side, and we are now cut off from all of this; they will begin to repair the bridge in the coming days. anna balan, evgeny turchak, konstantin berzov, dari seitnovy, olga gribina, vesti, duty department, exchange experiences, strengthen business communications, the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , during his official visit to hanoi, assessed the level of training of his vietnamese colleagues and invited them to strengthen cooperation. it will not be difficult for foreign rescuers to adopt the skills, because they make full use of russian special equipment, maxim shevchenko reports from vietnam. the fire soars high, and the thick smoke makes it difficult to see what is happening around. a tank is on fire,
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a chemical spill is occurring, and nearby there are still victims of an accident; firefighters in chemical protection suits come into action and rescue. luckily it's not real incident, work. all available means, for example, here simulates a situation in which people in distress are rescued during a fire, for this they use a ladder truck and a zipline, but naturally various special effects complement the atmosphere. the russian delegation is closely monitoring the actions of their vietnamese colleagues. head of the emergency department alexander kurenkov. during his visit to the hot tropics , he held a number of important meetings, where the minister of public security tolam made a proposal to conduct joint rescue exercises between vietnam and russia. vietnam offers quite a lot of interesting goods to the world, in particular to russia, from here they send spices, tea, exotic fruits, and
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, of course, world-famous coffee, which in many countries of the world can easily compete even with brazilian coffee. our country plans to increase trade turnover with vietnam. by 2025 it should reach $10 billion, this is twice as much as now, vietnam is now interested in the possibility of transporting goods along the northern sea route, it is convenient in all respects a way to deliver goods from asia and our ministry of emergency situations, which ensures safety in this direction, offers to transfer its achievements to colleagues here, including through close cooperation between the st. petersburg fire service university and the hanoi fire institute. and without that, vietnamese rescuers come to russia every year , learn in departmental educational institutions to work on our equipment and according to our methods, but the prime minister of vietnam phan minting asked alexander kurenkov to provide even more places for his compatriots in the universities of the ministry of emergency situations, in the russian
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department are ready to support such requests. when our vietnamese friends return home after finishing their studies at the russian academy, they bring them with them. skills, skills, but besides this, they return with a piece of russia in their hearts. it is imperative that they connect with their mentors and fellow students. and a few words about technology: russian machines have been working in hot, humid climates for several years now and have proven themselves well. by the way, the plans for the host of the russian delegation hand, to develop rescue aviation. in the future, they are considering the possibility of using russian mi-17 helicopters to extinguish fires. maxim shevchenko, mikhail vikulin and olga mazurak, lead: duty unit from vietnam. the program to conduct the duty unit is published in many regions of our country. every day, local journalists
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select the main legal news from their region or region and conduct their own investigation. in the tver region, our colleagues recently began going on air with a final episode, what topics are their interested, olga volgina will tell you. hello, this is what we will talk about in our issue. in tver , a stranger was detained on suspicion of indecent assault on a twelve-year-old girl. it all happened on a bus, in front of other passengers, and a criminal case was opened. the alley of heroes was destroyed by vandals. in tver, on the territory of a boarding school, attackers uprooted a dozen thuja seedlings that children had planted for victory day. we climbed over the fence here. and new details about the fsb operation, during which he was neutralized a criminal recruited by the ukrainian special services. the suspect was preparing to detonate. in the capital of the upper volga region.
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the tver duty department will talk about these and other news in the final release of the program. colleagues, thank you, in addition, on sunday, residents of the arkhanel region will see the final release of our regional colleagues, we will find out what will be discussed there. a word from anna zhukova. hello, our sunday episode will be no less exciting. arkhangelsk calving will go to jail for 8 years, the jealous man dealt with his lover. who wanted to leave take their common child away from him. i don't want to forgive him for my daughter. a couple of drug dealers will spend the same amount of time in the colony. they were detained by fsb officers; the seized drugs weighed more than a kilogram. and 62,000 knitted pieces of evidence. a resourceful resident of pomerania stole a large batch of woolen socks. he was detained by law enforcement officers in the moscow region. why did the suspect need so many socks? we will talk about this in the episode of the vesti pomorie program, colleague on duty. thank you, and we return to federal news. hunting is not
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for everyone in the samara forests, the huntsman caught a high-ranking official, whom he suspected of poaching. there was no point in making excuses; next to his car were the carcasses of dead wild boars. a local government employee tried to call where needed, but state duma deputies quickly got involved in the high-profile case. and then it turned out that the story is much larger than it seems. word to olga zhurinkova. in all likelihood, the author of this video, a local gamekeeper, pressed the record button on the move when he was trying to catch up car with poachers. for what purpose are you here, introduce yourself, we are here , yes, no, no, no, in these frames anton cherednikov, according to media reports, he is the assistant to the chairman of the government of the samara region, next to the car of the carcasses of killed wild boars. please show me the contents of your trunk. at the same moment, several possible poachers got into the car and tried to leave. wait, wait, wait, in the passages. samara region anton cherrednyakov, his driver is nearby at the wheel, there is no escape
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it turns out they get out of the car and behave rather rudely with the hunting grounds employees, we won’t introduce ourselves, we ’ll show you what purpose you are there for? in irmak, kutuluk branch, we are walking here, mr. cherednikov hands out documents and reluctantly answers questions. what needs to be done? what is your purpose here? at some point, the driver of an influential hunter got behind the wheel of a car, smiling, cigarettes in his hands, tried to run over an employee of the hunting management, you will give me such a treat, citizen, an interesting turn, the license presented by mr. cherednikov to shoot wild boars was issued for hunting in a completely different territory. chereshnyakov himself allegedly began to tell on the spot that he was an employee of the government of the samara region and so on, in general the situation was not very beautiful, but nevertheless we must pay tribute to our police officers, the fact that chereshnyakov was nevertheless recorded, all this situation
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was recorded on the spot, but a criminal case was still initiated. huntsman pavel beshinov, one of those who saw influential hunters that night. anton chrednikov was obviously very drunk , because his speech was so sluggish, they killed two screes, here is the tower, here you are, from which the shot was fired, we found here later, the next day, two shell casings. that is, from the carbine they flew right here, as journalists found out, the lands where influential people in samara hunted were captured some time ago by a local businessman, mr. kutulutsky. several good-quality houses have grown up on the territory; the entrance was blocked by a barrier, according to journalists and social activists, now it is a kind of place for a vip hunting holiday. this is actually the seizure of a huge piece of land, and there are no documents confirming that this is someone’s property ; they simply do not exist in nature. for 10-15 years, as far as i know,
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the so-called vip hunt has been held here, respectively, and there is no access anywhere except for this barrier, so it is impossible for inspection and control authorities to get here. there is another way, but almost impassable, loaf stuck. the forest invaders had clearly prepared for the arrival of our film crew. spikes, look, please, under the wheel that was punctured , there is another one on the other side, just the same spikes, that is, here you can , as you see, simply cut, cut your leg with an ordinary rubber boot. as for the scandalous hunting in the forests of the samara region, the criminal investigation is now in full swing. details. have not yet been announced to journalists. since we are talking about people with serious powers of power, of course, this situation should be under special control, so that they do not have the opportunity to influence the objectivity and impartiality of the investigation, therefore, for their part, as a deputy from the territory, they took control of this outrageous situation. it is possible that during the investigation
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, questions will arise for the forest invader and local officials, who allegedly did not notice the vip hunting area for more than 10 years. dmitry cherkasov, elena stepanova, dmitry kechkin was appointed to lead the duty department as the new head of the fsb department for the chechen republic, ramzan kadyrov announced this in his official telegram channel. the head of chechnya has already discussed with dmitry kechkin ways of further cooperation on security issues. and at the same time he joked that there would be little work, saying that the republic is one of the calmest regions of the country, just to see what is happening. and since we have the calmest region of the russian federation, we will try to fulfill the tasks that are assigned to us, dmitry kechkinn has held the position of head of the fsb of russia department for the republic since october 2022 ingushetia, before that he worked in the same department in dagestan. this weekend , watch on the russia 24 tv channel
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petrov’s investigation into the collapse of the aksai cherkizon. chinese markets, larger in size than the notorious capital cherkizon, worked like clockwork, representatives of the fsb suspected the co-owners of the market of laundering millions. i'm not a new russian, i'm an old soviet engineer. friendly businessman karim babaev and the former head of the aksai district of the rostov region, vitaly borsenko, were accused of creating organized criminal community. leninsky district. here the head of the oksay district, vitaly borzenko, was arrested. he had 1.2 billion rubles worth of land alone with a current cadastral value. you don't see any violation of the law in this? i don't see anything. in the example of the fat market, 60-70 million went to an unknown direction. who covered up the shady dealings of financial philanderers? i will never trust anyone and
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will fight to the last to justify them. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. today at 18:15, no skip the final episode of our program, here are its main topics. the poachers were caught red-handed. more than a dozen hunters were detained in the tula region for illegally shooting moose. well, guys, it’s all gone, right? yes, who the elusive poachers turned out to be, and how they got into the trap. one said that we seemed to be carrying out a collective hunt, the second said. that yes no, why aren’t illegal hunters afraid of even million-dollar fines, who covers up slaughterhouses in deep forests, yes, there are animals that are dumped illegally geoposition, other people come and take away, we went to the place of massacre and tried to find out how animals are protected from ruthless killers, from the tula region, report by andrey romanov. the island of bureaucratic
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luck. in the novosibirsk region, the head of the district was convicted of selling a plot of land on the shore of a reservoir, do you consider yourself guilty? no, how did oleg lagoda manage to sell land that is not subject to privatization and how many estates with their own pier they managed to build in an elite village, there was security there, there was a barrier, no stop by, or stop by, when they start demolishing the cottages that appeared on the relict island, and how it happened that the head of the district was convicted, but will not be punished, from the novosibirsk region, ksenia klimina. the road to the sky will be closed for 3 years, airlines are going to toughen the punishment for rowdies who cause chaos on board the plane, i have a bomb, what are you doing, will there be a single black list of passengers for all carriers, for what offenses will hooligans be banned from flying? this is not a bus, this is not a train where you can drop off a passenger at
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nearest station, will flights become safer and how do experienced pilots feel about possible tightening of rules? ban him from flying until he wises up, why in some countries they are sent to jail for 20 years for attacking crew members, but in our country rowdy people get almost no punishment... whatever they want, andrei ivlev figured out. police near moscow closed an underground workshop for the production of counterfeit canned fish, cheap food raw materials were sent to retail outlets under the guise of saury, a batch of caviar was discovered in the magadan port and chum salmon of unknown origin worth several tens of millions of rubles. it is possible that they also planned to install it in the capital region. alexey knor checked the quality of the goods for fish. employees of the magadan region educational inspectorate have a solid catch of almost 32 million rubles.
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police found the vessel filled with caviar and salmon carcasses. the owners of the illegal goods are now searching. experts say that truly high-quality fish is rarely found on the capital’s shelves. all documents are in stock and our goods are delivered daily. looks like a department specialized. the fishmonger and the seller immediately present the documents to the questionable storage conditions, fresh fish on the counter mixed with dried and smoked fish. but they have every fish in a package, which means somewhere. even inexpensive canned food is counterfeited; clandestine workshops producing counterfeit fish have been discovered in the moscow and vladimir regions. to reduce costs and increase profits, tin cans labeled with saury labels were filled with cheap and often low-quality food. raw materials, counterfeit goods were sold in mass distribution retail networks, even in large chain stores, where quality control is higher, second-rate goods are found.
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we look at the gills, yes, well, these gills are generally perfect, yes, here the edges are starting to sag a little, this one is no longer worth taking, it turns out that it is not so fresh, it is fresh fish, you can see by the temperature, the defrosphere , inside it, it’s just partitioned off, this street is used by most stores, under the guise of refrigerated, they sell defrosted. chilled fish is just caught and implemented, a similar situation in the markets, each batch here undergoes veterinary control, the fish are literally examined under a microscope, we evaluate elasticity, density, muscle consistency, color, exclude the presence of blood mucus, but then everything is on the conscience of the seller, who and how stores the goods is no longer checked, after it has already gone on sale and has passed a veterinary and sanitary inspection or examination, the owner bears all responsibility for the product. fish poisoning can be of two types: it is bacterial,
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when there are microorganisms that improper transportation, storage and repeated defrosting contaminated the fish, the second is pollutants, low-quality fish is a direct threat to life and health. and this is one of the city fairs, and the goods and the price tag are pleasant, take at least salmon. on average it is. costs 2,400 2,500 per kilogram and the price of a steak is about 2,190 ee quite normal. in the near future, experts say, red fish may become even cheaper, this is due to a record catch; in mining areas, the price has already dropped by almost half in the central regions by in half of the stores, the price has not yet recovered as much as compared to last year, but since the main volumes are supplied to the central region, the price in federal chains will gradually decrease. but folk fish, such as rural fish... on the contrary , may become more expensive due to problems associated with imports. alexey knor, dmitry shestukhin, anastasia roif, lead the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in
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telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe, also our investigation daily releases on the platform let's look. go to the ether tab, turn on the honest detective. and our episode is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24
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tv channel. let’s look before everyone else, where is vasnetsov, let go, vasnetsov, i’m actually now, you know, i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again, yes what is it, you have neither sleep nor rest, let’s sign up and look. you know, it’s such a thrill when you start a tank engine for the first time, you just feel this power, me, when i decided to come to donbass, they thought i was completely crazy i got off, number seventeen, please go down to the intensive care unit, they asked, they called you, are you ready?
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not ready, as if they are not ready, as if they are always ready, as in the great patriotic war, women made a great contribution, so now women do a lot, here, where i am as a medic, for example, as a driver, i can probably bring them more benefit, than i will sit in the office at the computer, when she just comes up to you and even just hugs you, says the word that we believe in... you, it gives a lot, i won’t be at home sit, idle, this is my land, i will protect it, i will not give it to anyone.
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fighting continues in the middle east, hamas military attacks israeli cities, and the israeli football team comes under fire. the athletes were not injured. in the gas sector, the death toll has already exceeded 11,000 people. as a result of the strikes , several hospitals, schools and refugee camps were destroyed. russia's permanent representative to the un, vasily nebendia, condemned the attack on civilian targets and called for a ceasefire. the artillerymen
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of the western military district destroyed it. masked positions, armor.


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