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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 12, 2023 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] waiting to see if the enemy will hit back, for this calculation from the 503rd regiment it’s just a normal working day, gun , fourth, two shots on target, finished, sighting shot is already behind, now after adjustment the soldiers are hitting the enemy’s crepe, the distance to the target is about 12 km from us. every movement, as in a refined mechanism, behind all this coherence there is a seeming routine, more than one hour of work, and most importantly, of course, mutual understanding almost immediately, latin, i am the fourth, i started work on the goal, artillery dream team, almost from the beginning they fight together and have even been in close combat, which happens
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extremely rarely with artillery. the commander of the gun, call sign lis , recently received a muzhik, as the military calls the order of courage. the fourth is ready, loaded, gun, shot, says that he always wanted to become a military man, his family is waiting at home, and a few months ago his daughter was born, he went on a short vacation and returned to his native regiment. gun, shot! i am the fourth , the only expense, i am here to the end, this is my duty, it’s like, well, i fulfill my duties in the interests of my homeland, here i am here until the end until the last moment, when it ends, we will have to go further to africa, to syria, where we need to go there , st. petersburg, volgograd, kuban, this artillery team is supported all over russia, the platoon commander with the call sign labinsk, also
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a young father , as. the child was born at this time, he was already one month old, the child was just well, luckily they let him go for the birth of the child, and at least once for six months they let him go , at least i see him, this is the most important thing for us, for the military, everything is done for them, for the children. how hide a howitzer on a flat field, where to dig a dugout? in a forest belt, at what distance to hide ammunition from drones, which has already become familiar to them, these secrets of effective work can only be learned in practice, this has not been written about in military textbooks before. here we have the charges stored, a dug-out cellar with a cover, so that if suddenly the fragmentation action goes off, so that our ammunition does not detonate.
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we don’t show the face of the division commander, people like him are being hunted for real, best rating from enemy, we even had to change his call sign several times, in february twenty-two he commanded first a crew, then a platoon, now he is responsible for an entire division, a shot, three shells fired and we move away from the gun, while we wait for a safe interval, the senior gunner shows us his mansions, a dugout in which the crew will spend the next 2-3 weeks until they change position. here is our modest home, not to say that it is completely spartan, but it has been worse, such damn doges are both a home and a shelter, he also saves from the main enemy of artillery, drones, the soldiers are already accustomed to them, now they are much more dangerous than drones, these are ordinary field mice, they can chew through any built fortification , this is so that there are no mice
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, everything is glassy with iron, we sew it up, well, we are already used to it, this is the second time , we have been fighting here for the second year from the first day, we are already used to it, yes, of course, who else if not us, while there are no drones quietly visible in the sky , we are moving to another position, a little further from the front line, to long-range artillery, geotsient, a powerful and destructive weapon, the artillery crew is now preparing for combat work, the long-range gun hyotsin is up to 20 km, now the target is about 10 km from us to the front line, but even despite such a fairly serious distance, there are no unshelled areas in this territory, so the soldiers warned that enemy drones are here from time to time they are trying to reconnoiter our positions, so as soon as they shoot back, they immediately either need to take a safe place, or just leave here,
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but one position is like this in general, it stays in one place for weeks, then moves on roll, that is, change of position. another one. at the expense of the 503rd regiment and another amazing story: this team was assembled from those mobilized, a year ago, a former combine operator, a store manager, a businessman and a farmer became artillerymen, and they fight like that. suraya fourth, sight 405, 405, protractor 56-02, gun, shot, we try to look for an option, like at least once a day there’s something... so everything is normal, we’re already used to it, the first 2 weeks were hard, but now just as we work at home, the work here is the same, the main thing is that everything
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is fine with us at home, here with us, such are the things, we've been together for a year now, the commander, yesterday's graduate of the school, almost immediately after graduation he went to svo, managed to rise to the rank of battery commander at the age of 24, he commands everything like in the old soviet cinema, people with so to speak life-long experience are also young themselves, we're still learning even from them they learn from us, we teach military affairs, they teach us more , in civilian life, who did what, they pass on their experience, they tell their stories, it’s also very interesting for the guys, the guys are all responsible , they’re really united, i really like it , of course it’s nice to work with him, nothing questions understand what task we face; enemy artillery in the zaporozhye direction sounds less and less often, and this is not only the so-called shell hunger. the successes of our artillerymen, assault troops and drones are becoming more obvious every day. now we are flying to the place where
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the enemy infantry was discovered, we will further reconnoiter the area, and then we will inflict fire damage. rabotina, the hottest spot on the zaporozhye front, from the height of a drone, the land in this area looks like a gray lifeless desert. but the experienced eye of the uav operator will discern enemy even in such territory. he twisted the detonator and brought the drone into a combat position, because now there would be a way out. mara give one, give one, our guys are just shooting shots towards the enemy so that they don’t stick out. these are long, but not deep. our soldiers called the cops the trenches of death, it’s simply impossible to hide from drones like these, the ground around seems to be plowed up, with the explosions of hundreds of shells, not a single living place, they’re all
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collapsed, they’ve already been fired at all of them, there ’s probably knee-deep to the waist left, so they walk on top, because they don’t have a trench, this section of the zaporozhye front is defended... several battalions and regiments , they call each other neighbors, they have learned to quickly interact, respond to enemy attacks and provide cover during assaults, they arrive at night, and inflict fire damage during the day , and after lunch they retreat, fish fish volgograd, what is the situation? 11:13, mara, more, mara, one more, one more, these are the uav operators and the seventieth regiment coordinating the fire of the neighboring mortars. together they are trying to knock out the so-called in the gray zone, another group of air force fighters, in the field they become an easy target. now
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the guys will launch mikazas and we will practice targeting enemy infantry. trying to gain a foothold in the gray zone, in the gray zone, now we can observe it. observe. the neighbors are also helping to work there, the neighbors are working with the tank, you can see, a little to the right there is a landmark there is a trench and boards, you need to fly there directly to them, stop work, we are reloading, go to cover and check the pipe while the batteries are being charged, the soldiers of the unit show their birds, mostly drones... mikaza, but there are also reusable ones for night reconnaissance, of impressive size it costs about a million rubles, expensive, but much cheaper than a german leopard or american bradley shot down with its help, now only
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foreign equipment remains , that is, the same leopards, the same bradleys, m113, armored personnel carriers, every day the enemy uses only this equipment, you feel, most likely, not saving ammunition, but hopelessness because the enemy is throwing its sabotage groups into places that are simply without any way would evacuation exit, he throws them straight. surrounded by our units. the unmanned arsenal is replenished every month with new products, modified in the field by serially assembled homemade craftsmen in their kitchens. thousands of specialists are now participating in this race of flying weapons on earth. what we can do, we make on a 3d printer; what we cannot, naturally, helps us, we buy. help comes to us,
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we already collect it, finish it and do something of our own to make it easier for us work, and based on the working conditions, of course, what kind of suppression , working distances, we remake them to suit ourselves, in this small room they also forge victory, or rather, they print it here, in the immediate vicinity of the front line they collect the most... yes, this everything is assembled here, there is nothing new here, everything is basically typical, everything is like everyone else, multi-rotor system four, four rotors, the filling is all identical, it is 7 inches, carries about a kilogram, calmly, confidently, at a distance of up to 5 km, he is his hobby turned into a sky vocation, oleg has been involved since childhood.
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modeling and even managed to work in civil aviation, volunteers, having joined the detachment here platovo, now inspires others, we test, we fly ourselves and we decide, how to say, we make adjustments to the design, we modernize them in accordance with the need, that is, some points are clarified at the stages of application and well, there may be some shortcomings there, maybe some constructive ones and well , changes need to be made, we solve it all right there, we correct it right away and grow and improve these things, the conveyor works around the clock, there are three people in one shift, specialists were gathered from everywhere, a former pilot from kazakhstan, a robotics engineer from yakutia and a sevastopol it student. one such 3d printer in two days is capable of printing all the parts for a drone, then they are assembled into a finished structure, equipped with the necessary electronics and programmed.
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there are now about a dozen such workshops, sometimes literally underground, along the front line. now we are probably in one of the most secret rooms on the entire zaporozhye front, the fact is that right here , right before our eyes, drones are being re-flashed, that is , drones are being made invisible to the enemy and most importantly, of course, safe for their operators, right from here, from this table, the birds are sent to the front line. a nineteen-year-old student from crimea, call sign seva, is responsible for programming here; when the special military operation began, he was still going to school, and is now a sought-after military specialist in secret production. we strive for such a certain automation that i would consider a few buttons, the plane was already there determining the targets itself, maybe even aiming itself, well, specifically, that’s what i’ll be doing, there , with the help of others we have in the team, we can do everything and most likely we can, there
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’s nothing complicated about it, 10 aircraft and 15 drones per day, production is small, but this is its advantage, you can quickly make adjustments to the design and quickly complete an individual order, trophies from the front lines are also sorted here, we get enemy devices, which are further studied, they take it apart down to, let’s say, the screws and already at the stage of complete disassembly we look at what is there. in the enemy’s devices, and what is already kind of old, we try to implement, and also improve, plus we also take into account the wishes of the fighters, in terms of application, that is, we need to improve something somewhere, maybe, on the contrary, something superfluous, something then it’s not necessary at all, we are just in the so-called class, where soldering and assembly of fpv drones takes place. like a comedian, the training program for future
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operators had to be drawn up in the trenches at knees, the enemy had a clear advantage in technology and in the number of specialists, we are catching up, several hundred fighters have already passed through this training center in zaporozhye, but here, in fact, everything is from different manufacturers - they send it to us so that we can test, work with various products, somewhere there is its own experience, whatever it is, well, this is the usual one, let’s say, if we take it from a small child, this is the usual five on which we work, train, that’s it. something bigger, this is the ninth frame, here we have it on plywood the guys sent it, they say, they asked me to test how it behaves, and then there
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’s a model that goes further, also with a sliding reset, that is, when the mechanism just works, it’s attached here. supply and then it comes down just when at the moment the drone dives with the orientation, let’s say, correct, so that the ammunition does not twist, does not spin, this is important, the issue of operator safety is important, because when returning back, we must understand that the enemy does not see us, radio reconnaissance, for training in the zaporozhye battalion of sudoplatov come from all directions, work on simulators with a soldering iron, drone operators must be equally proficient in the basics of piloting, programming and the technical part, we provide a base, a base in which the operator can figure it out on his own,
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even if the components come from, let’s say, another manufacturer , then they will be able to independently determine where to solder, what kind of motors they are. put it together somehow? each cadet here has his own path to the flying squad, for some this is their first military profession, for others trying to return to the front again. the confessor came to the course after being wounded, he was first an attack aircraft and is very familiar with drones , when you simply can’t do anything, when they don’t fly over you, you can’t stand up, you can’t sit down, plus every time they constantly drop something and the etomikaz fly in. i had accumulated a lot of grievances, i still fell in love with him there, i was already there, it’s just that after being wounded and after being wounded, i can’t do assaults right now, so i decided to help, even if i became an ex, i would
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go into assaults, but now i’m not fit. polygon for training drone pilots, from the outside, in appearance, no different from other training grounds; by the way, the facility is no less secret than where these drones are assembled, the queue for classes is scheduled for many months in advance, and people come to train both from scratch and experienced fighters from the front line, as they say, there is no limit to perfection, now the guys are preparing for use, as they say, they will show what they are capable of. let's take off for now, one warm-up lap, yeah, let's go, now
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we're flying in with an rpg charge, this charge in principle enough to knock out a tank, dive, keep the horizon, get into small openings, take positions correctly... the most important motor skills, yes, people first practice on simulators, but on a computer, after a certain number of hours, it takes someone 5 hours , some have 10, some may not have 100, all people perceive this differently, people who played computer games on consoles, yes, many people come to this, among instructors and... active operators drones from the front line and those simply experienced in piloting civilians drone specialists. combat experience is of course especially valued, as are tips that you won’t find on the internet or in instructions. when students come to us, i study the entire terrain in detail, how it is there, what is there, respectively, i look
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at photographs from the satellite, where to launch fpv, where to adjust artillery, i give what advice i know, as if my teacher had words. in general, great guys who have gone through a lot, that’s why i survived, i’m training the boys so that they also return home, the fpv drone pilot is a sapper, and the artilleryman is a sniper in one person, and there are no age restrictions. control of combat drones is now trusted not only to men, largely thanks to the example of the instructor from the sudoplatov battalion, her call sign phoenix is ​​now known in many units. our military personnel’s level of motivation is simply off the charts, that is, the work that i don’t know is usually done there within a few months, they do here in a few weeks. it really works out, you can learn everything, like in any business, you just have
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to work at it, that’s hard, girls, for whom planes can be the first thing, there were a lot along the entire front, when they saw phoenix, nadezhda, the girls immediately ran to the commander and said, here’s a comrade, commander, girls can also defend their homeland in this way, he fully supported us and sent us to training just ... to them, a fighter with the call sign birkin, originally from tula, first took control of a drone at almost 40 years old, from military experience before that only military service, came to volunteers in the battalion when enemy drones began to hit russian cities, we carry out tasks so that our homeland becomes stronger, accordingly, we constantly go to the lbs, there is also gunfire and mortar attacks. that is, when science and technology advances to the point that i, from home in tula, or someone from home in moscow, can control this
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drone on the lbs, perhaps then it will become like a computer game, since we are located from the combat line contact there is 500 m per kilometer, sometimes on the contrary, for distant targets we go into the gray zone, that is zone between us and the enemy, for us the war does not lose its relevance, his ... detachment already has western equipment shot down, the most important result is that the enemy now does not risk going out into the open, as it was, for example, just six months ago, so what a beauty, look, such a rose, we planted them 5 years ago, just when our son came on vacation, he is very welcome again, but everyone understands, the first thing for the eldest son, now it is his duty , when... and
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they wouldn’t dissuade him, it’s his choice, and we, we we are even somewhat proud of this, that our children, they did not stand aside, still bring some benefit to society, for bravery and courage, behind each such award is the story of a feat. pavel zakharov recalls his most difficult battle, when, despite wounded, i held the defense with my fighters, there were 10 attack aircraft per barsovets then, they held out, naturally, i felt my responsibility and i had to, i had to. and until we repel the attack, don’t
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leave the battlefield, even there our felcher is great, bandaged me, and uh, i was taken to the hospital with a vacuum cleaner, only when it was all over, everything and help arrived, that is, we survived, only after that i went to the hospital, the parents explain that their son loved justice since childhood and made the decision himself when a special operation began, he didn’t say anything to anyone, he went into the volunteer detachment, he couldn’t do it any other way, we put it into them from childhood, that we need to fight for the country, we need to fight for the truth, we believe, we expect victory, victory will be ours to go to the front, i had to quit with a good work, but does not regret anything, even after a shrapnel wound in the leg he returned to the detachment, where now his work, friends and purpose in life, unfortunately, are only through blood, through suffering, through grief. people understand that this is not an option, the option is when
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people live together with the world, with each other, with their neighbors, we are especially fraternal people, but we stand our ground, we feel that we are right, we know, we are confident in it, and accordingly, with our confidence, we show that we will not waver, our goals will be achieved. in family the zakharovs are two heroes at once, pavel’s brother-in-law is also at the front now, so my sister nina has to worry about both of them at once, my brother is also with me for special operations, so, in principle, he always protected me as a child, i knew that he was a hero, and for me the main thing is that he is alive. and that's it, everything will be fine,
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phew, right. i say hello to my family and friends, i’m doing well, we’re rooting for you,
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we’re worried, we’ll win, we’ll be back. we look before everyone else, where is vasnetsova, let go of the smuda, vasnetsova, i’m in practice now, you know, i’m not very comfortable, again someone they killed, but what’s the matter, you have no sleep, no rest, sign up and watch, you know, such a thrill, when you start the tank engine for the first time, you just feel this power, me, when i decided to come to donbass, they thought, that i’m completely crazy , number seventeen, please go down to
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the intensive care unit, they asked, they called. well, ready, not ready, as if they are not ready, as if they are always ready , just as women made a big contribution to the great patriotic war, so now women do a lot, here, where i am as a medic, for example, as a driver, i i can probably bring them more benefit than i will sit in the office at the computer , when she just comes up to you and even just hugs you and says: the word that we believe in you, it gives a lot, i won’t sit at home, idle, this is my land, i will protect it, i will not give it to anyone. time spent with family is priceless, you can do sports or creativity together, or you can all take part in a competition together, it’s a family affair for us and win
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great prizes, details on etosem.rf. israel will maintain forceful control over the sector gas after the end of hostilities. the palestinian enclave will be completely demilitarized. netanyahu stated this. civilians in many countries around the world are opposed to israel's military operation. thousands of people go to protests. maria skorodilka will continue the topic. a pile of garbage, metal and glass. all that remains of the houses in the north of the gas sector. these images show the aftermath of a strike on a block in the south of the city, people are clearing away the rubble and looking for survivors. one of the hospitals in the gas sector can no longer operate, media reports.


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