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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 15, 2023 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the situation in the gaza strip and the evacuation of foreign citizens and wounded palestinians from combat zones. became the main topics
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of a telephone conversation between vladimir putin and his egyptian counterpart abdel fattah assissi. the russian president thanked him for facilitating the removal of russians. the leaders of both countries also expressed concern about the increase in civilian casualties and called for an early end to the bloodshed, the release of hostages, and the removal of all barriers to the delivery of humanitarian aid. and they confirmed once again that moscow and cairo see a possible way out of the conflict in the middle east is the creation of a sovereign one. palestinian state. about dozens of dead and wounded during the shelling of the jabaliya camp. palestinian sources report to the gaza strip. according to them , 12 houses were destroyed. local residents are trying to extinguish the wreckage and get their loved ones, relatives and neighbors out from under it. all three gases are running out of fuel reserves in hospitals; they only have 2 days left. one of the hamas leaders said that the radicals continue to control the situation in the enclave. except in addition, he called international.
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organizations of a humanitarian group to visit hospitals to make sure that there are no weapons or secret tunnels there; by the way, the day before, on this al-arabiya tv channel, the un middle east agency, with assistance to palestinian refugees, refugees, as well as vos representatives, left the gaza strip. meanwhile , a third group of russians of 40 people crossed the rahwah checkpoint on tuesday evening and will wait in egypt to return home. the head of the press service of the ministry of emergency situations, roman okhotenko, told reporters about this. the second plane is already in moscow landed. the israeli defense ministry said that the forces of the north and south broke through the hamas defenses around gaza city and took control of the movement's stronghold in the ashati camp in the north of the enclave. the idf releases footage of ground operations in the gaza strip. according to the military, about a thousand hamas fighters and 160 tunnels were destroyed. explosives were found under buildings on roadsides ready for the unexpected. use of a charge,
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meanwhile cnn, citing its sources , reports that israel and hamas are close to concluding a deal to release the hostages, which were captured on october 7, and this could happen in the coming weeks or even days. egyptian media report that the head of the israel service arrived in cairo for negotiations, the area of ​​​​politics of the us celestial mistake , chinese media write, and american journalists reassure their public that there is no need to wait for a breakthrough, so differently he sees the prospects for the meeting between sidzem pin and joe biden at the summit ats, which should take place today. the global, global east- west has something to discuss, like conflicts, in in which the united states is directly involved, and the future between washington and beijing, where the latter has accumulated many questions about the policies pursued by the former. ahead of the summit, biden hopes to reduce tensions between countries, but will it work? while on the international stage, they sound soothing. speeches, the american press
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seems to be egging on chinese diplomacy, directly accusing them of the fact that china is supposedly responsible for the rampant drug addiction in which san francisco, where the test is being held, is mired. questions of such different scale are too small for one summit to discuss them. and the usa, our correspondent, dmitry melnikov, about the city where he is preparing to meet sizimpin. leaders of twenty-one asian states are already beginning to arrive in california, from the street. they're still sweeping up syringes filled with fentanyl , the monster drug that has caused the largest drug epidemic in american history, centered here in the tender area, with more than 110,000 overdose deaths since the beginning of this year alone. over the past few days, san francisco authorities have been clearing the streets of homeless people. drug addicts, so that the participants of the ates samita do not see what the once most prosperous city in california has become, even.
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state governor gavin newson could not come up with any other explanation for the divorced show in san francisco. i know people say: we are bringing the city. leaders from asia, this is true, firstly, because it is true, and secondly, because we have been discussing this for many months, a few hours after this speech on the street of san francisco in front of a czech television crew covering preparations for summit, two drug addicts threatening with pistols, they took away all the equipment and footage, and although on the eve of the meeting with joe biden, anti-chinese propaganda in the american media reached its climax, residents are grateful to the chinese leader for how prettier the city was before his arrival. what about the city residents? you can't clean the streets only when officials come here. bring order to the city for the people who live here, who pay for housing, who earn money here every day through hard
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work. in this opium addiction, us authorities they are also going to blame china, pointing out that companies from this country supply both the drug itself and the substances for its creation to the united states. that's just it. the americans themselves concluded contracts with chinese companies, since fintonil, as a powerful analgesic, is used in medicine, including as anesthesia. at the same time, beijing has already made it clear that they are ready to meet washington halfway and agree on limiting supplies, and this will probably be one of the few positive decisions. current us-chinese relations are called the worst since the establishment of diplomatic contacts in 1979, a provocation with nancy pilot's visit to taiwan. and then the american hysteria over chinese weather balloons completely put relations between washington and beijing into a deep freeze. in california they will try to defrost it. i can say that the president, in general terms, is going to present his vision of how to maintain
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peace and stability in the taiwan strait. as a prologue to this meeting, the head of the pentagon went on an asian tour, where along with its allies, has directly threatened china in the event of a conflict over... through our regular joint exercises, we continue to strengthen our overall readiness and ability to engage in combat tonight if necessary. conflicts in europe and the middle east are also on the agenda of the atc summit. indonesian president joko widodo, who arrived in the united states the day before, openly called on president biden to stop the killing of civilians in the gas sector. more needs to be done to stop all these atrocities in gas achieve a ceasefire to save people's lives. the leaders of the ats countries, where more than 60% of the entire muslim population of the planet live, will also demand that the united states increase pressure on israel. on the eve of leaving for the summit
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, biden called on tel aviv to take what he called less destructive action against hospitals in the palestinian enclave. you know that i adamantly expressed my opinion. regarding current events, i hope to expect that actions regarding hospitals will be less destructive, we are in contact with israeli side. meanwhile, serious disagreements regarding the war in the middle east have already gripped the entire us leadership. this follows from an internal email sent by secretary of state antony blinken after a string of firings of members of the state department staff, and how hundreds of employees of the agency for international development, in fact... staged a front and signed an open letter calling for a ceasefire. blinkin is forced to admit that this is still a quiet bund within his department. some people in the department may not agree with the approaches, we can do better. human rights watch has already called for an investigation into israeli strikes
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on hospitals in gaza as, quote: war crimes. human rights activists demanded that western countries stop supplying weapons to israel, and the american constitutional center organization. biden, on his team, accusing him of involvement in the deaths of palestinian civilians. what can joe biden counter in response to all these problems, whose every appearance in public ends with a goal in his own ? gates. at a meeting with the nhl champions, less than a year before the presidential elections, he once again named his deputy, kamala haris, as head of state. president haris is here to make sure we do everything right. the biden team is trying to save the situation with all the forces that are now being devoted to achieving one single goal, his re-election for a second term. it is known that the leadership of the democratic party demands an urgent change in the strategy
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of the president’s public speeches, so that, including on international platforms, biden sounded and looked more menacing. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. during the shelling of the kuibyshevsky district of donetsk, two people were killed and a baby was wounded. during the day , horlivka was shelled at least three times. all this while on the contact line. it is not possible to achieve success; pavel prokopenko and tatyana dubova report on the work of our military from the front lines. footage from the kuibyshev district, private sector, near one of the houses, a wall was destroyed, blood was on the asphalt. faith born in the sixtieth year, well, glass of blood. two civilians were killed and three were injured in various ways. severity, the shelling was allegedly carried out using 15mm caliber artillery. under fire from the armed forces of ukraine, today
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gorlovko-golmovsky, various areas of donetsk, the number of shells and missiles fired goes into the dozens, and this is in less than a day. heavy artillery, pencils, as the crew calls the missiles in the pencil case, hail in combat readiness, help dismantle fortified areas from where the enemy is attacking peaceful cities. the roar of the engine from that moment on. work begins, the hail leaves its shelter and goes to the position, it is important here now not to show the terrain too much, we were asked to do this, the grass is not yet cleared, the soldiers talk about the chosen shooting location, this is their new position, this is an advantage, the enemy does not expect a blow from this direction. the hail is working on the target we just received, this is the enemy's first line, it is very noisy here. artillery works together with the rocket launchers and hail complements this whole symphony, two
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sighting guns, then a burst, the target is hit, the copter flew to the enemy's position and recorded everything, this is exactly our hit, when you get the target, you are already happy, you know that you are going to beat the enemy, that you will beat him now, to help the guys who are directly on the front line. it is you who are going to help them, that they are coming and that means you are helping them, the first slavic brigade of the first donetsk army corps, today is an important date, the unit was formed exactly 9 years ago, in 2014 all local residents stood up for the defense of donbass, many now in service. there are children, there are women who need to know that they will live normally, calmly. when did the events in donbass begin? the platoon commander was at a military school, today he is celebrating his birthday together with yasha’s brigade 25. we ordered
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a battalion commander, a kamban there with a nortika, drank tea and began to continue to carry out combat missions. on the anniversary of its formation, the first separate guards meta-rifle slavic brigade became decorated. the honorary award of the order of the republic was presented by the head of the dpr denis pushilin. the award will take its place in the new brigade museum. paul prokopenko, oleg makarov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, donetsk people's republic. continue firing, using anti-aircraft guns and machine guns to fire at the mock enemy. an armored train from the central military district is practicing an attack scenario. the train crew consists of dozens of professionals, in each
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carriage according to the calculation, there is one call sign for everyone, cedar. all our escorts were successful, we need to find the enemy, neutralize him, that is, constantly monitor the target. the fighters raise the copter while moving, we need to find out enemy strength. that's it, i'm in the sky, conducting technical reconnaissance of the route in order to fly. along the edges and at the same time, that is, every mountain, a quadcopter, has parking sensors that allow it, especially a beginner, not to crash into a building or somewhere else, when i fly directly or take off, then i need to turn off these parking sensors, otherwise i’m just like, well, i can’t, he’ll get in the way. the kedr carriage is a train of ten soldiers, a group of machine gunners, riflemen - they ensure the operation of mortars for destruction of saboteurs. coordinates: protractor
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304.08, protractor 3408. the group includes sappers and technicians; saboteurs can mine the tracks to disrupt the movement of the train. the special enesey train carries a wide range of weapons, including infantry fighting vehicles, electronic warfare, heavy machine guns , anti-aircraft guns, grenade launchers, mortars, sniper weapons, special search... in readiness to repel enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups. since the beginning of the special operation , railway workers of the central military district restored dozens of bridges and cleared more than 3,000 in a year and a half, fighters resumed traffic in areas stretching about 300 km. tatyana dubovaya azad otagonov, yana aleshina, vesti lugansk. the war in ukraine is not going well for the armed forces due to delays in western supplies, and the problem with us aid is likely to get worse.
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newsviek writes about this with reference to an american congressman. meanwhile, slovakia officially stops providing weapons to kiev, and to france. think about what is more profitable sell on credit rather than give for free. the ukrainian military will also not receive the million shells promised by the eu on time. elizaveta khramtsova will continue the topic. the game of who wants to get a million shells did not previously imply that the ukrainian participant would reach the finals, but now brussels has recognized that kiev should not count on a quick solution to the issue of artillery hunger and are even pretending that they are not responsible for the supplies that are needed. was to be completed by january 1st. the head of the german ministry of defense said so. i personally didn’t promise anything - i doubted my abilities those who believed at all. it would be fair to ask whether the figure of 1 million is even realistic. there were those who said: be careful, it’s easy to decide on a million. there is money, but we also need production. unfortunately, those who warned were right,
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we will not be able to reach the amount of 1 million. we must admit this. against this background, the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, kuleba. on the air of an endless national telethon, he looked too happy for a man who did not receive 7,000 shells. the fact that partners cannot keep their promises was explained in style, they would be happy, yes circumstances get in the way. i respect that this is the cause of this problem. i believe that the cause of this problem is not the lack of political will of the eu to support ukraine, but the sad state of the defense industry, unable to replenish a sufficient number of shells and warehouses, the ability to draw up external contracts, it turned out that there are many. slovakia notified the nato leadership of the cessation of military assistance and the transition exclusively to humanitarian aid; austria confirmed its neutral status and emphasized that it was not transferring lethal weapons to kiev, but with brussels does not agree with kuleba’s assessments, which accused european factories of insufficient capacity. don’t forget that the european
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military-industrial complex exports a lot; approximately 40% of its production goes to third countries. the issue is not a lack of production capacity, so perhaps it’s worth switching to the main priority, that is, ukraine, and the washington post writes about the priorities of the american administration, there is no good news for the banking industry either, according to the newspaper, congressmen now have the lowest rate of interest in financing of kiev , israel's own southern borders come to the fore, this may portend the end of american assistance , about who exactly can stop this assistance, newswiak writes in detail, the magazine calls... the problems of the ukrainians - the republicans. all the leaders of the presidential race from the party talk about their reluctance to sponsor kiev. congress recognizes that ukraine will be able to achieve its stated goals only if us support is comprehensive. let's admit, the war in ukraine is not going very well - said congressional staff member. for ukraine to win, and not just pretend that it is a victory, it is necessary not only for the united states
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to stick to its previous course, we need to speed up by an order of magnitude. a hopeless situation... a phrase that analysts increasingly use when describing the situation of ukrainians at the front. according to the economist magazine, among western officials there are more and more of those who believe that the russian-ukrainian conflict will last another 5 years, neither side will give up, the publication emphasizes, and the problem in the ssu, not only is the notorious million of ammunition turned into 3000, there is also a lack of manpower. any normal person will perceive what is happening purely as the reluctance of an overly stubborn government. know that it has lost, instead of just admitting this fact, admitting reality, they throw ordinary people on the front line so that they continue to die and drag out what is happening as long as possible, now the average ukrainian is beginning to understand this, and what fate awaits them european instructors from future they don’t hide the fighters at all, a political magazine writes about a training camp in a certain french village
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, nato specialists are scattering animal carcasses along the trenches, this is necessary so that the recruits get used to difficult conditions, while still being in prosperous europe, the ukrainians understand what will happen to them, when they are left alone with the enemy, without anyone's help. elzaetta kharamtsova, artyom krosulin, lead. polish carriers blocked checkpoints on the border with ukraine. they demand to protect the market from unscrupulous competitors from square, which threaten to ruin polish business. against the backdrop of the transport war, the country's authorities are passing through a zone of political turbulence; the winners of the elections from the opposition party are watching with interest the attempts of the current prime minister morovetsky to form a government and retain his post. the speaker of the seimas has already announced that he is stocking up on popcorn. the election of a new marshal, that is, the speaker of the sejm, has not
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looked so pompous for a long time, for the united democratic pro-european opposition led by donald tusk, this is a vote became a test of the strength of the coalition and the first victory, but tusk never received the main appointment as prime minister, although the election results indicate otherwise, the current prime minister... but he is again prime minister, polish president andrzej duda instructed his comrade- in -arms to form a cabinet law and justice party. i decided to entrust prime minister mateusz morawiecki with forming a government, thus i decided to continue the good parliamentary tradition according to which the leading party is the first to have the opportunity to form cabinet of ministers. during the ceremony , duda said that the last eight years have been good for poland, but most poles disagree with him. according to recent polls, 50.8% of the population are against maintaining the post of prime minister for morawiecki, but the president of poland is deliberately delaying the process of transfer of power, it is possible that justice is waiting for several already
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adopted laws to come into force, thanks to which kaczynski’s proteges will be able to have absolute power in the polish intelligence services, while the opposition has already even agreed on the creation of a coalition without the participation of the party of duda and morowiecki, the ceremony took place in the senate. moving in the right direction. no matter how long we wait for the president's decision, we are ready to take responsibility for our homeland from today . but while tusk’s coalition will have to wait its turn for all the formalities , it will take morawiecki at least a month, and then the parliament must have time to pass a vote of no confidence on the old prime minister before the new year holidays. at the same time, while the people's representatives are busy fighting for power, poland is gaining revolutions of the transport war with ukraine. polish drivers blocked three checkpoints on the polish-ukrainian border with trucks, causing traffic jams ranging from 30 to 60 km in length. the protesters have one demand - protection
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of the polish market from unfair competition from across the eastern border. truckers from poland want their ukrainian colleagues to have their benefits cancelled. they accuse them of poaching clients and sabotage. due to an agreement with brussels, trucks with ukrainian license plates now do not need an entry license. they protest. because their business is in decline. polish companies go bankrupt every day. we can't put up with this anymore. we wanted to help ukraine participate in the delivery of humanitarian goods, but we do not want to lose our own market to please ukrainian carriers. the situation on the border has already led to tragedy. a ukrainian truck driver died in a truck near the darogusk-yagodin checkpoint. this is a transport war, another symptom of the deterioration of relations between poland and ukraine. we have to deal with ukrainian grain without... and trucks to the new government of poland, there is no doubt that the voter is waiting for more decisive actions to protect polish interests, but so far the opinion of the voters is not taken into account
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even in the matter of forming a new government, and nothing will stop the polish authorities from continuing to ignore it. daria grigorova, european news bureau. more than 100,000 russian families this year moved to new apartment buildings from old ones, which were already in disrepair. and until the end of the year the current program. resettlement of emergency housing will be completed by 50, then there are more than half of the country's regions. the head of the ministry of construction, iraq fayzul, spoke about this at a meeting with the president of the country. we also talked about the record pace of housing construction and the improvement of cities, which, and this was especially noted by vladimir putin, is becoming more and more modern and convenient, including thanks to feedback from citizens, and their opinions are now taken into account without fail. guarantee that we are in our twenty-third year. we improved the living conditions of 7 million people, yes, that’s 3.2 million families, yeah, we have emergency housing
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we settled with you almost 2 million meters per 1.8 - that’s 104.4 thousand people, and improved 7,031 public spaces, and, most importantly, commissioned housing, and commissioned housing. 83.6 million m2, this is the current figure for today, and by the end of the year we will again give record figures to vladimir vladimirovich, we have 49.7 already commissioned today, and 33.6 33.9 are already in the apartment, the apartment will reach fifty, yeah, 104, 105, 104, i think we'll make 104 million by the end of the year. by the end of the year by the end of the year we said 3.2 million families have improved their conditions, of which how many million
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probably one and a half, yes, you know, the level of food security in russia is growing, a strategic session held by mikhail mishustin was devoted to this topic. according to the prime minister, domestic producers are not only increasing the production of a range of products within the country, but have also established exports to new markets. over the past few years, we have seen record results in agriculture, which is clearly confirmed by data from foreign trade transactions. for example, at the end of 2022, the russian federation entered the top twenty world leaders in supplies for export. and for a number of products, such as wheat, sunflower oil, mentai, we take first place. such indicators were achieved despite the current strict external restrictions. moreover, domestic entrepreneurs have become accustomed to increasing their presence abroad in the new conditions. including in the markets of the south. east
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asia and the middle east, and the range of russian products is only increasing. this is clearly visible when assessing the indicators of the food security doctrine. it was updated 4 years ago taking into account instructions of the president and supplemented with new categories - including vegetables, fruits and seeds of domestic selection. control over them is important for the formation of a healthy nutrition system for people and for increase. sovereignty of the russian agro-industrial complex as a whole. russia and hungary signed a work plan for the construction of the paks-2 nuclear power plant. the head of rosatom, alexey likhachev, and the minister of foreign affairs of the republic , peter szijart, told reporters about this. they visited construction sites, where they discussed the project for the construction of two new nuclear power plant units. the only one in hungary as papa is located 100 km from budapest. the station generates almost half of all electricity in the country, after
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the commissioning of two more new ones. the baseless attacks on nuclear energy are only ideologically motivated, which is why we have made it clear that we will not support restrictions. the twelfth sanctions package does not even contain proposals of this kind yet, but i would like to emphasize once again that hungary will never agree to any sanctions against the russian nuclear power zone and we will send our best forces here, because here... the level of requirements from the hungarian authorities and from european regulators is very high, attention to this project will be increased, we understand that the international situation is unfriendly to the activities of the state corporation rosatom, let's say, in the european sector, but we are ready, despite in response to this external pressure, to implement the hungarian project as efficiently as possible , first of all, as an international project.
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about 40 tons of gold are officially mined in transbaikalia every year, but it is unknown how much of the precious metal passes through hands black miners. received operational information about the functioning through. open the smuggling channel and the gold, the police, everything, everything, everything, don’t touch, 16 members of the criminal community were detained and taken into custody. border guards, customs officers, police from transbaikalia exposed the international organized crime community, hands on the car, hands on the car , how the smuggling of precious metal was organized, based on the case materials, you admitted your guilt and cooperated,
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how much did the treasure hunters earn? heavy, each one a kilogram and a half, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation. investment rating, economics, through specific stories , we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, at what point will you say, i did everything in this project? everything i could, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general...


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