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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 15, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the israeli military is storming the largest hospital in the gaza strip, blowing up doors and walls, looking for hamas militants, a diversionary maneuver behind enemy lines, how russian intelligence officers work in their zone, unique footage from our correspondent. nobody expects serious results, which is why the upcoming meeting between the leaders of the united states and china today does not promise a breakthrough. territory. trust on the day
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of buryatia and transbaikalia at the russia exhibition, what these regions are famous for, snowdrifts, stones and steep climbs, is a trifle for them, new arctic all-terrain vehicles are being tested in urmansk, where they are greatly needed, the situation in the gas sector, as well as the evacuation of foreigners and wounded palestinians from the combat zone, were discussed by phone by vladimir putin and his egyptian counterpart abdel. pataha, the russian leader thanked for assistance in the removal of russians, the president also expressed concern about the increase in casualties among the civilian population , spoke in favor of an early cessation of bloodshed and the release of hostages, in addition, the removal of all barriers to the delivery of humanitarian aid, once again confirmed that moscow and cairo see possible way out conflict in the middle east, in the creation of a sovereign palestinian state, dozens of israeli army soldiers entered the
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ashshifa medical center in gaza. according to some reports, the military is now searching the hospital and checking the basements, calling on the militants to surrender. earlier, israel announced the start of a ground operation in the largest hospital in the gaza strip; idf representatives claim that about 200 hamas militants are hiding there. the israeli military has surrounded the hospital complex, the military is blowing up doors and walls, it is reported lebanese media electricity and mobile communications were cut off at the hospital. in israel they call operations. john kirby said that american intelligence had received information that palestinian radicals were using other hospitals in the enclave, as well as the tunnels underneath them. in addition, there may be hostages there, hamas representatives deny this data, they call on the international organization to come and inspect the buildings, they say there is no orzhia, no underground tunnels there . gas sector stated that regardless
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of israel's intentions to carry out an assault on territory of the hospital, doctors will continue to provide care to the sick and wounded. a hamas spokesman blamed the storming of a hospital in gaza on joe biden and said that the leaders of occupying countries such as israel and the united states will be responsible for the murder of children, sick and defenseless citizens. on other topics, in the donetsk direction, the russian military repelled five attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, while the enemy reported success in the press service of the south group. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of troops with aviation support and artillery successfully repelled five attacks by the 22nd and 24 mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​malailovka and kleshcheevka. they defeated the manpower and equipment of the thirtieth mechanized brigade in the areas of the settlements of vasyukovka and kurdyumovka. killed and wounded. direction, the enemy lost up to
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300 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, and three pickup trucks. in the artyomovsk direction, russian anti-aircraft gunners destroyed camouflaged strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, the positions of the kiev regime troops were identified by intelligence officers, they surveyed the area from the air through drone cameras. having received the coordinates, the combat crews took up optimal positions and hit the nationalists with fire from the anti-aircraft guns of the c60 guns. ural, this battery alone accounted for dozens of destroyed fortifications and strongholds. we leave quite often, working to move away from the enemy, the distance is about 6 km. as a rule, the enemy’s manpower, strongholds, we work completely on them, we usually use fragmentation shells, an explosion even in the sky will cause a lot of damage. on
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in the krasnolimansk direction, russian intelligence officers helped the artillerymen destroy the nationalists’ stronghold; for this purpose, a copter with a camera was raised in the air, then the fighters used a diversionary maneuver and went to the rear of the enemy to obtain valuable information about the location of enemy targets. our military correspondent, alexey baranov, will tell you how intelligence officers provide an advantage to the russian military. from the main camp in serebryansky forestry, where the reconnaissance battalion of the central military district is based, this group goes to special armored all-terrain vehicle. the advanced unit, meanwhile, moves on quad bikes in several... as part of this group, a quadcopter operator , who, without exaggeration, is the eyes of any reconnaissance unit, there is a picture, it is the reconnaissance drone that must not only detect the accumulation of
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enemy manpower and equipment, but also identify those places on the front line where crossing the line of combat contact will be the safest. it’s as if in the palm of your hand the stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces a couple of hundred meters from the front line, in a few minutes, the artillery of the central military district will strike it. depending on the task, sometimes we are 400-500 meters from the enemy, sometimes we go a kilometer away. the operator observes the explosions, corrects the artillery crew in order to help our comrades move on. naturally, we suppress the enemy with our fire. the reconnaissance group goes on foot to the place where they cross the line of combat contact. the task of this unit is to adjust artillery. during a massive artillery barrage, the scouts unnoticed manage to sneak straight to the front line into empty trenches that were recently occupied by
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the ukrainian military. scouts come into fire contact with the enemy specifically to divert attention. during these 10-15 minutes , intense firefight. another group, without losses, crosses the line of combat contact and begins to make its way deep into the enemy’s rear. go away, everyone go away, in the area of ​​upcoming hostilities, we work from 100 km, when the enemy understands who is opposing them, they begin to leave their positions, we are given specific instructions on what needs to be done, but the situation at the front is not always allows us to do this, sometimes we have to sit for 3 days, four, or even a week and wait for the enemy to creep up on us ; the intelligence officers of the central military district, of course, are always ready to meet him, alexey baranov, andrey yurchuk, khaled tankiev, to lead the battle line contacts in the lugansk
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people's republic, krasnolimansky direction, serebryansky forestry. the transfer of f16 fighters to ukraine will not significantly change the situation on the battlefield, as stated by us secretary of defense. according to him , control of a new generation aircraft will require additional training time. the minister is confident that the transfer of fighters will only slightly increase the military potential of the ukrainian armed forces and will not give ukraine a serious advantage over the russian army. the us congress approved the short-term budget plan of the american government, without the support of israel and ukraine. the bill provides for the allocation of funds for the work of departments responsible for agriculture, energy, and military construction. transport and housing. the draft budget is designed for several months, and without its approval the american government may be left without funding altogether. the document will now be sent to the senate for approval and then to president biden for signature.
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six people, including three children, were killed in an accident with a school bus in the us state of agaia; the bus was carrying students to a scientific conference in a neighboring city and collided with a truck. as a result, both cars caught fire. a total of people were injured in the accident. 18 people were taken to the hospital, including 15 schoolchildren. the circumstances of the accident are being clarified. at this moment it's coming to san francisco preparations for the asia-pacific economic cooperation summit. on the sidelines of the forum, a meeting will be held between sezen ping and joe biden, they have already arrived in the city, the leaders of the united states and china will discuss the normalization of relations in political and economic terms, as well as the situation around taiwan and the ukrainian crisis. representatives of both sides the day before. important negotiations note that the conversation will not be simple, but they hope to come to an agreement in order to prevent a new cold war, the summit will last 2 days, the russian delegation at the forum, ots will be represented by deputy prime minister alexey overchuk, on the agenda are economic , environmental and social trends in
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the asia-pacific region. well , let’s continue the topic in economic news, konstantin, what are investors’ expectations from this upcoming meeting between biden and shizen ping? they don’t expect miracles, but they want to receive positive signals. so, the main part of the atc summit starts in the usa today. the intrigue is that the leaders of the world's two largest economies will meet on its fields. and chinese, for shizen pin this is the first in 6 years visit to the states, and the negotiations between the head of china and joe biden will be their second face-to-face meeting. the conversation really promises to be difficult; for several years now, the countries have actually been in a state of trade war, which was started by the previous us president; under him, sanctions were introduced against the largest high-tech company in china , huai, but the current administration does not plan to lift these restrictions. the americans are not ready. to compromise, they rather rigidly strive to consolidate their dominance
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in the asia-pacific region, and naturally , today the administration is not ready to sacrifice some of its interests, even taking into account the fact that the situation in the economy of the united states is not developing well and, in general, the world economy as a whole is not in the best condition. despite this, the chinese newspaper global times, for example, is overjoyed. she believes that the negotiations in san francisco should have a stabilizing effect on the global economy, which is currently going through difficult times. today the state duma will consider in the second main reading of the draft budget for the next 3 years. its main parameters have not changed; to finance the deficit, the government redistributed funds within sources. the draft also received 920 amendments, four of which were withdrawn by the authors themselves. they are going to allocate additional funds. rubles for social events, and more funds
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will be allocated for the comprehensive development of rural areas. the export duty on russian wheat increased by 0.3%. the price for barley remained zero, the price for corn even decreased, the ministry of agriculture reports. the new tariffs will be in effect for a week, when they will be revised again based on price indicators. duties on grains account for 70% of the difference between. base and market price. since june twenty -one, russia has introduced a grain damper mechanism. it provides for floating duties on grain exports. the funds received are returned in the form of subsidies to agricultural producers. german siemce ene will receive government guarantees worth 7.5 billion euros, but only if it finds additional sources of support from banks, they said ministry of economics of the federal republic of germany. the industrial giant is seeking loans worth 12 billion. in euros, the company required state guarantees after serious problems arose with one of its subsidiaries;
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in august alone, due to defects in turbine wind turbines, it suffered losses of more than 2 billion euros. well, at the end of the issue about exchange rates, the dollar today costs 91 rubles 25 kopecks, the euro exchange rate is 97.777, well, that’s all for now, roman, konstantin, thank you, we continue, a digital production plant has opened in moscow equipment for gas. it will ensure the safety of operation and infrastructure, and new technologies will make production more reliable and efficient, which is hidden behind such words as a digital factory - taras kucherenko found out. monitor technological processes in the gas industry and prevent an accident even before it occurs based on analytical data. for 15 years , axitech has been developing autonomous explosion-proof telemetry and telemechanics systems. during this time... technology has changed a lot, the first equipment was
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not only bulky, but also not collapsible, you had to change everything if a part failed, now the design is modular, which means it can easily be modernized, this equipment you could not change all the functions that it performed, they were already laid down from the beginning, then here you could expand and, accordingly, connect new functions, yes, yes, yes, of course , that is, accordingly, nothing stands still, everything develops, new ones appear... sensors of new equipment, respectively, if previously there was any development with deposit innovations were impossible, simply because it is a monoblock structure, now we just need not to re-develop the controller , but to develop just one module, equipment and the development of domestic production from foreign ones, only a processor from asian countries, its replacement with a russian one, one of the company’s fastest prospects , once upon a time, for such a telemetry complex it was necessary to lay a power line or wired internet even in the most difficult times. accessible locations, which made the technology very expensive. now all communication is
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wireless secure internet, and the equipment is autonomous, explosion-proof and energy-saving. now everything that is needed for gasification, starting from pipes, gas analyzers, gas-using equipment, gas control equipment, everything is produced in the russian federation and today you can see this when you visit the axitech plant, because everything is really russian and it’s very gratifying that we have in this sense, in the sense of digitalization of gas supplies, we are also... technologically independent, today the company is expanding, a new technological site has been opened, it is called the digital plant. what is a digital factory? this is a factory where every action of an employee is entered into an electronic database, who assembled it when, what parts and components were used, what version of the firmware, the information can be tracked even from a smartphone. now the company will
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produce about 5,000 complexes per year, which is five times more than before. what is the number for? if something happened at the facility, and we have a very wide range of facilities geography, it doesn’t matter whether kemerovo is there, khabarovsk, the far east, we can get a report as quickly and in detail as possible to understand what happened, what was broken at the site, how it can be fixed, and at the same time, some issues can be resolved remotely by installing new firmware and solving the problem without any travel at all, the main buyer of the products, gazprom mezhregionaz, is implementing a gasification program that is constantly expanding; in the last 2 years alone , it has additionally included more than a million households. the most important thing is that the program gasification went along with the introduction and development of a system for the safe use of gas in everyday life. it is very important that the consumer,
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especially from the general population, be equipped with a smart gas meter. in order for the transmission of readings according to the metering unit to be carried out automatically, the implementation of programs for the development of gas supply and gasification of russian regions, post-gasification events stimulates enterprises to increase their capacity, the digital plant will become even larger. we are planning to build another enterprise - on the territory of the technology park, have already submitted an application, a new building is now being built, a new building will be built on the territory. about 2,000 m. but now the company has the opportunity to increase production volumes by at least 50%. taras kucherenko, denis tsitseronov, maxim sidorin, vesti. the ministry of emergency situations is transporting russian citizens from the gas. another 40 people crossed the rafah checkpoint on the border with egypt. this is already the third group of our compatriots evacuated from
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the sector. the first returned home the day before, another 98 russians arrived in domodedovo today. at night, met the flight from cairo stanislav vasilchenko. they spent more than a month in real hell, without food, water, due to constant shelling, every day could have been their last, but now all this is behind them, they came to their homeland, to russia, to their loved ones. this is the second flight of the ministry of emergency situations, which takes russian citizens and members of their families from the gas sector, this time 98 people. many still do not believe that they are still alive. terrible, terrible. what happened, what happened , we are dying missiles, they are bombing everywhere, we got to rafah, we were greeted very well there, with our russian embassy, ​​they helped to egypt , here they continue to also help, the house
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of tatyana and her family was completely destroyed, fortunately neither she nor her relatives were harmed, but they lost blood, business, etc. .. hope for salvation, the only chance was to cross the rafah checkpoint, the decision turned out to be correct. there were bombs every half hour, every second, near us, about two meters, meters near us, they came right next to us. we lived on the fourth floor, and my son lived, well, the house is completely for the family, that’s all his they bombed it, and he made it well, my son, my daughter-in-law, my daughter got out, so basically there was no electricity, no water, no bread. no food, nothing at the rafah checkpoint, on the border with the gaza strip and egypt , about a thousand russian citizens remain per day; local border services only allow a few dozen people through; often the border checkpoint is closed due to the threat of shelling, those who did get through the border is met by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, an operational headquarters has been established in cairo, people are provided with food, medical psychological assistance, and assistance
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with paperwork. yesterday, these people passed through the checkpoint , covered about 6 hours on the road to cairo, where they were provided with all the necessary assistance, provided with hot meals, medicines, and today , according to the flight list, they arrived at domodedovo airport. from the airport, everyone who needs housing will be transported to a temporary accommodation center there that the ministry of emergency situations has organized. meanwhile, 40 more russian citizens passed through the rafah checkpoint. now employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of foreign affairs are preparing them for the evacuation of people. first echelon with recruits from the sverdlovsk region went
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to the far east, 200 conscript soldiers called up as part of the autumn campaign will serve there, they were distributed to different military units, motorized rifle, tank, communications and air defense units. before being sent to their duty station, the recruits underwent medical examinations, passed vocational orientation and physical fitness tests, and based on the results , they were assigned to everyone. specialties, the guys are all motivated, provided with food, clothing, they are all perfectly tuned to serve, the plans were, that is, to serve, yes, and that is, after studying, i immediately thought that they would take me in the summer, but in the summer there was already a recruitment and they took me in the spring, well, in the fall, i’m ready, that is, morally and physically, that is, i’m already ready for service, now sports news ilya, former coach of football zenit, intends to become president of a famous european club, who is it and what club? raman, we are talking about porto portuguese coach andre veluzbouzhi, the elections will be held in april 2024
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. we start with tennis, the day before there were three matches of the green group at the final tournament atp. greek stefan statsipas and dachanin holger rune were the first to take the line. the match between the tennis players lasted only 14 minutes, with the score 2:1. in favor of rooney, tscepas called in a physiotherapist. after a short meeting, grek refused to continue the match, citing a back injury. with korttapas leaving to the dissatisfied roar of the stands, they were offered an exhibition match between substitutes hubert hurkacz and taylor hritz as compensation. a little later , tsetsepas and vofise withdrew from the tournament, now in the last round of the group stage the ninth racket of the world, hubert hurkacz, will play against novyk djokovic. in the second match of the day, a sensation occurred: italian janik sinner defeated novak jokov. the score for siner is the first victory over serb in his career, now the head-to-head score is 1:3. the match turned out to be truly spectacular, all three sets were decided on tiebreakers, an abundance of beautiful shots, arguments with
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the judges and emotional plays. there were , excuse me, 35 aces and tennis for two alone. as a result, djokovic went on a nineteen-match winning streak and now the serb has a good chance of leaving the tournament after the group stage. even a victory over hurkic may not be enough; if runa defeats siner, everything will be decided additionally. indicators. hockey, spartak moscow beat dynamo moscow in the match of the leaders of the khl regular season in overtime, the derby score was 4:3. the teams met each other for the second time this season, and a little earlier dynamo beat spartak with a score of 6:3. dmitry vishnevsky played 359 matches for spartak and set a club record for this indicator in kgl. and dynamo forward nikita kusiv did not score any goals this time and interrupted his streak of nine matches with one score. glasses. thanks to the victory, spartak topped the western conference standings. he has 45 points in 31 matches. ska inflicted a third defeat in a row on akars. glotov
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made a double; his second goal became the winning goal. the army man was deservedly recognized as the first star of the match. tskai played better, had the initiative and took the lead 2:0 in the second period. however, very quickly akbar equalized the score in a minute and a half, but missed in the endings. ac barca head coach zala beledinov in response to a question about his lack of contact with the team. asked journalists not to invent anything like that. in the men's handball super league, cska and zenit had a fiery battle, which ended with the same fiery ending. the champion beat the st. petersburg team, we scored three goals during the match. the main star of the match was the visiting goalkeeper dmitry kuznetsov. he made 14 safes, showing a reliability rate of 35%. a month ago, in the sehali match, the red and blue on their on the court were stronger than zenit with a five-goal advantage, having had a powerful finish. it is noteworthy that during that game, the st. petersburgers never took the lead in the score, but now the guests were close to victory, noonov scored the winning goal, in the return attack, kiselev could not break through
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bogdanov, cska scored its eighth, definitely the most difficult victory since the start of the season and continues to share the lead in the table with the chekhov bears, their head-to-head meeting awaits us in a couple of weeks. it was sports news. ilya, thank you, we let's continue. russia at vdnh. today all attention is paid to the stands of buryatia and the trans-baikal territory. they present detailed presentations and a large business program. now a report from the cheat. why is transbaikalia called a territory of contrasts? anastasia alferova will tell you what the region is famous for, what industrial giants work there and why the mineral resources are rich. 6,000 km from the heart of russia. three from the eastern border of the mainland. it is located here at the junction of culture and civilization. a territory of contrasts, there’s no other way to put it, although i wanted it.
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in an area equal to three of greece and fourteen of belgium, desert can coexist with glaciers, mountain ranges with steppe, gold with uranium, copper with malibdenum. us and other riches, minerals and forests, fertile lands, and many, many others, but most importantly, our wealth is people, from the cossacks of peter biketov and the strong decembrists to the heroes of the great patriotic special military operation, transbaikalia is a place of the strong despite the long historical path battles, struggles, migrations of our
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people in transbaikalia, we remained united, we... peace guests from other regions and even countries miss russia very much, i really like your land see with my own eyes the oldest buddhist shrine in the world tsugolsky easy to plunge into the healing springs of the alkhanay national park, famous far beyond the borders of russia, easy to visit the oldest belokmen church in the far east, kalininskaya, you are welcome. here for communion, a large number of people come every saturday, which means that people are interested, here they ask where your source? what to hide, every region of transbaikalia has something to brag about. 31 unique territories with their own character, culture and way of life, which attract attention and leave an indelible impression, even on those who have seen almost all of
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russia. where uranium is mined, these are huge enterprises that feed, one might say, our country there, and we know nothing about them, but they are already talking about the trans-baikal leaders, industrial tourism in the region is reaching a new level, the largest construction and mining enterprises, albeit in small groups for now, but they welcome guests from all over russia. a grandiose industrial building, interesting from a tourist point of view in the development of industrial tourism, and just how to visit. the scale is certainly impressive, it is a phenomenal spectacle, i would like as many people as possible to see it. and not only the production colossus in the very north of transbaikalia, the entire region, with a special national flavor, unique
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nature, enterprises that have no analogues throughout the world, a rich past and necessarily a promising future, at least with a glimpse, but it's definitely worth seeing. anastasia alfyurova, newsreader.
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from here to our positions is about 10 km, this entire road is shot through, as soon as it’s behind it, they get there, the eastern coal-dash, the northern dasch - this is this picture, now we’ll put the map on the map and we’ll do analytics, just to shoot there, well, this is not our story, the 21st century is reconnaissance, fire defeat, in war it is not the one who acts correctly who wins, the one who wins there is who acts effectively, all units have passed the front line. they storm, they carry out active reverse actions, they carry out offensive actions, if it goes forward, then the detachment is moving forward, so you explain to me why the volunteers , hello everyone, say, in the literal and figurative sense, the most real, wonderful, love works wonders, captures, directly amazes, directly saturates,


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