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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 15, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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and the desire to contribute to its development, strengthening our common victory, low bow to all of you, great gratitude, we love russia, we serve russia. for the dedication shown in the performance of civic duty, a medal for bravery of the second degree was awarded to members of the precinct election commission of polling station number 948 of the village of vladimirovka, volnovakha district, donetsk people's republic, vyacheslav anatolyevich dzyuba, member of the precinct election commission.
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dzyuba natalya vladimirovna, deputy chairman of the precinct election commission. akhremenko, inna anatolyevna, secretary of the precinct election commission, moskovchuk, tatyana. alexandrovna, secretary
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of precinct election commission number 252 of the city of donetsk. dear vladimir vladimirovich, first of all, i would like to convey to you gratitude from donetsk residents, from all residents of donetsk. people 's republic for the fact that russia has finally become our home, and of course, thank you for the high reward of my contribution to the formation of the development of our electoral system region, you know, on voting days, all members of the election commission, i’m worried, all members of the election commission, risked their lives, received threats from neo-fascists, but no one, no one refused...
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to work, we proudly opened polling stations with the russian anthem, we understood the importance of these elections, because they were our first in the russian federation and we could not allow them to be disrupted. i would also like to say just a few words about our unique voters, who, no matter what, went to the polls like for the holiday, they wanted to take part in this historical event, because they understood that these elections were establishing the legislative power in the republic, they greeted us with a smile, well, in their homes, they went with their families to the polling stations, perhaps that is why, perhaps precisely that's why we showed one of the best results in the country, thank you.
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my colleague spoke about, said about voters, you know that at the end of this solemn ceremony i would like to say, we work for these people, we are all together, you and me, government, local leaders, this is the whole meaning of our work, our life , but now, when it was said about people who came to vote as if it were a holiday, but the holiday was still unique, i’m here when i i watched what was happening, i won’t hide it, i already said this once, but it’s no sin to repeat it again , of course i was surprised by what was happening there, so people lined up to vote, shelling, someone was walking
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down there into some basements, the shelling ended, they immediately left, again at the site same queue, people stand and vote. it’s amazing, and the people are amazing, people who are strong in soul , heart, character, they have largely shown many of us an example of how to live and work, how, uh, what kind of core should everyone have in order to achieve the result we need, and we have always achieved , and we will do this in the future, including thanks to your work with thank you very much, respect, vladimirovich, you can take advantage of such a meeting, unique in this composition, in order to break the protocols, so that our two colleagues, well, we said a few words, if you allow, yes, here is andrey vladimirovich burov,
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rostov region, which has done a lot on its territory, in order to. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues. i thank you for the opportunity to speak here today , the electoral process management system has indeed been seriously optimized over the past few years, and we can truly say that we have radically changed the way we work with our voters, indeed our digital projects, such as mobile precinct, inform precinct, remote electronic voting are now understandable to most of our voters. most importantly, they are not only understandable, but have actually made the voting process more convenient and simpler. our multi-level education system allows any of a million of our colleagues to log into this system online and get absolutely all the answers to
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the questions that arise, but our most important achievement is that we really reached our voters. these are not just beautiful words, but behind this is the result of our work and what we... have been doing all these years, we do not stand still, we are constantly trying to introduce some innovations and this helps us a lot, including helping us when working in new territories, it so happened that the rostov the region was one of the first to begin interacting with new entities, we are neighbors, it couldn’t be any other way, indeed many projects in the donetsk, lugansk republics, in the kherson republic, through us, i remember 2021, when electronic remote voting was first tested in the territory another state
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then there was still a different state, as a result, 2000 citizens of the russian federation voted using electronic resources , and 50,000 came to our polling stations, which were deployed in the rostov region, of course, this was the work of the executive branch, and all government bodies. the next stage that comes to mind is, of course, the work on the entry of new entities into the russian federation. start is the big training that was implemented in the rostov region, when hundreds of our colleagues from new territories received clear, understandable, humane behavior algorithms in any situation. and most importantly, we got it. many of my colleagues, comrades, friends, left for the immediate place, we understood neither the territory and continued work there, nor shelling, nor provocations, they did not mislead us
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in any way, we understood that the referendum, elections must take place, must take place in in strict compliance with current legislation, legitimately and absolutely openly. and sometimes you come across such notes when they say, what is this? the voting was at gunpoint, i’ll tell you, i was there, i saw these voters , i saw their eyes and saw a sincere desire to join russia, but our greatest achievement over these 2 years, and indeed over thirty years of history, is the fact that we have always been together, together we will decide absolutely everything , thank you, colleagues, you know, i was probably also
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worried about my first meeting, when i was the elected chairman, well , really, i’m 40 years old, and such. sverzlovsk region is 2500 people, members of precinct election commissions, which in this, i would call it, an interesting subject, very... politically diverse and, as andrei vladimirovich already noted, with a core inside, the support of russia, when this excitement in the process of being elected chairman passed away, i had to act, well, because the big road begins with a small step, probably the very first step that i took as chairman, in this case, was... an attempt to find constructive relationships with those observers who are sometimes
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quite active and but discrediting affect the electoral system, you also noted in your report that ours is a large system, each polling station has at least three observers, who sometimes directly write complaints that make members of precinct election commissions nervous, and naturally in the svertlovsk... region, and our people are very active, there have always been a lot of such complaints, so we tried to find a dialogue with these uh, observers, and i decided to invite, but as you know, there used to be such an organization has a voice, i don’t know how my colleagues operate, they are not in the regions now, but there were curators assigned, and we invited this curator to us to train members of precinct election commissions, but if you criticize, show them, maybe we ’ll do something wrong, try it. we are just as ready to see how the members of the precinct commission are trained correctly
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, well, in order to minimize the number of complaints, he came for an hour and a half, then we sat down with him on the benches, i said, well, he’s red, he says: it’s hard, i say, this is how we work on election day, when you are actively trying to teach us about life, and after that, of course, he did not become an adherent of the russian electoral system, he was looking for, but nevertheless, when he personally introduced these people, when he looked, and there was a hall, we invited him to train members of the precinct commissions of the largest territorial commission; almost 100-odd people were present in the hall, and you know, this personal communication, when he came to the polling station, it was his disarming because he knew these people, he understood that they were working and working as an outcast, and you know, few people know that this is exactly the situation... in the future implementation of the project of the public observation center.
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it has been operating in the svertlovsk region since 2017 and this project is a platform for open, honest dialogue, where any citizens who have questions about the electoral system, about the organization of voting at polling stations can come, ask directly, without hesitation, that’s how it is these questions, and we, for our part, from the electoral system commissions, we are actually doing everything to make the electoral process accessible, yes, our laws... sometimes not everyone understands, but for our part, as colleagues, i am sure that every chairman of a sub-district election commission finds the time and the right words to in order to clarify our legislation , and you know, it is a great honor for me to be part of the russian electoral system, i am proud of it, thank you very much, i cannot deny myself the pleasure of commenting. colleagues who spoke, as for observers, a very important part of the work,
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extremely important, because the most important result of any elections in russia is their legitimacy, because this is the basis of political stability, this is the main thing, first, second, of course you need to work with all observers, from the party in power, from the opposition, precisely because what i just said so that the legitimacy is obvious, absolutely, but there are different people there, different characters, different temperaments, different ambitions, everything is clear, but there are violations, life is complex and diverse, everything happens, but of course there are, in the same time people like ours at least. there is a stake on the head of czechs, because they have other
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tasks, they get money elsewhere, their task is not to identify some of the mistakes and show these mistakes, and thereby raise this very legitimacy, but the task is to destroy this legitimacy and to work off the money that they receive, and the money they receive is small, in fact, as it turned out, but they still need to work off, but this does not... means that you do not need to work with everyone, you need to work with everyone, this obviously, and now about technology and working with people, here’s a colleague spoke from - rostov-on-dano said that he said two things that i drew attention to, a sincere attitude towards people, that we are introducing modern technology, that’s how it is, we will continue to do this, and i in my introductory he said a word about this, and we will use artificial intelligence, but
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today, no artificial intelligence will replace mental intelligence. so thank you very much for your work, we will work with you again, in any case you will definitely work again, because this is the component sincere attitude and professional attitude towards the matter, while it will be difficult to replace with technology, thank you very much. meetings of vladimir putin with representatives of the electoral authorities of the russian federation. without exaggeration, the international exhibition forum of russia has become a place of attraction. navadh is always full of guests, weekends are weekdays. today
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is no exception; on november 15, the exhibition opened the days of buryatia transbaikal. region, a rich business and cultural program has been prepared for the guests. in the pavilion of the republic of buriatie , guests are introduced to the rich history of cultural people, unique nature and tourism potential of the region. here they serve national dishes, and chefs hold gastronomic performances. for example, master classes are held on preparing traditional buryat dishes, buz and khushur. in addition, exhibitions show films about the republic, as well as performances by local creative groups. i talked with governor alexey tsedenov about the development of buryatia, about the peculiarities of tradition and culture, i suggest you take a look, alexey sambuevich, hello, but it seems to me that
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the exhibition forum in russia, unlike other forums, is distinguished by some special holiday atmosphere. and the day of the republic of buryatia is part of this big holiday, tell us what you will surprise us with, we have something to surprise you with, we invite everyone to our pavilion for our exhibition, we will show the wealth of our nature, first of all, of course, baikal, baikal is buryatia and baikal is different, winter, summer, mountainous, sandy, deep, warm, shallow, transparent. different baikal - this is for us, of course, we want to show our production, we have something to be proud of in high-tech production, the largest manufacturer of helicopters in russia is the ulonden aviation plant, it produces civilian and military products for the domestic market, a wide range of helicopters for export, at our stand
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you can fly a helicopter cockpit with a controlled handle in the republic buryati. we have a deep history, an interesting religion, buryatia is the center of buddhism in russia and the attributes of the buddhist religion are also at our stand, come and you can turn to higher powers to wish good luck to yourself, to your loved ones in our country, the history of bureti itself is very interesting and deep, this is the history of the huns, the history of the buryats , the history of the russian cossacks, the history of sarah bryadtsev, modern history, and there is a lot of unexpected things in our history, for example, pushkin is also a little connected with the republic of buryatia, since pushkin’s great-grandfather abram petrovich hannibal, after the death of peter, was exiled to buryatia and then returned from buryatia to st. petersburg, gave birth to a daughter, daughter, granddaughter, granddaughter of pushkin, there are even more interesting moments, the construction of the first canals,
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which peter i began, he did not start them in st. petersburg in valoshka, the construction engineer was mikhail serdyukov, this is our buryat, who received this name at baptism, the surname is waimegenov, where the steppe buryatia and where the canals are still unknown in the 16th century, but the fact remains a fact , i didn’t know, but it’s interesting, yes, so the story is actually very interesting, the selenga infantry regiment, in 1812, reached moscow on foot, and drove napoleon to paris, then the selenga regiment took part in the crimean war, in the turkish war. no way back returned, but reinforcements came from the republic, and here the selinga waltz, the selenga regiment, in the kremlin, yeah, on the wall, uh, is recorded as a memory of a worthy military path, and today our guys, of course, show themselves very worthy, so we have there is something to show, there is something to tell, how the republic
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is developing, how we are moving, there are many projects, projects in the field of mining, in the production of high-tech products, radio engineering products, we have started the production of not only helicopters, but and drones, the largest plant in russia for the heavy repair of locomotives, which is difficult, they dismantle it from bolt to nut, that is, it is a complete disassembly, the largest was in the soviet union, now the largest in russia, this is a plant, a metal structures plant, makes a span of 33 m , one metal farm, eastern siberia , in the far east, there is no larger plant, there is something to show, jade, the only region where jade is mined is buryat, well, practically the only one, 95% nephlitati and this is unique. a stone with its own legends, with its own history, tourism is what we are developing today, what we are ready to show, and what is growing at a rapid pace today, because baikal, the nature of buryatia, mountains, steppes,
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forest lakes, mountain rivers, well, all this is in buryatia, we have snow leopards, we have mountain yaks, we have ibex, we have, well, such a rich flora and fauna that i want to share, i want people... to come, look, want to return to buryatia life, your pavilion in the form yurts, i ’m listening to you, i’m thinking how you put all this in one yurt so that a person could come all this i saw it, tell us about the concept of the pavilion, it’s really difficult, that’s why we have a lot of screens and we present as much as we can within the videos, it’s difficult to fit everything we have, everything we can into that small yurt into that small pavilion , everything, show everything that the republic lives by today. so you still have to come , but you can see a lot at the pavilion, so come to our pavilion, look, touch, remember and come, but
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it seems to me that the most basic impression, of course, is this is a national color, and how it will be reflected, tell us about it, in costumes , in traditions, of course, i have already said that we have a very rich culture, the culture of the buryats, the culture of semeiskies, and here you have the national buryat costumes, their you can dress them up, you can take a photo with them in these costumes, feel all the buryats for a while, absorb that spirit of the steppe, the spirit of the taiga, the spirit of baikal, the culture of buryatia is very diverse, i emphasize, i said semeisky, this is our name for the old believers who came to earth the republic of buryatia remained, for them buryatia... home, one of the largest communities of old believers, semeiskie, there are about 2500 people in the republic of buryatia, so we have mixed cultures, mixed religions, but everything is
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very friendly, very kind, and we live as such a united people in our republic, so we wanted to share this, we wanted to show it, so that everyone would absorb this spirit of positivity, the spirit of unity. they have arrived to you and from the point of view of tourism everything is ready to receive, there is a large influx, not everything yet ready, as we have the opportunity to receive tourists now, but here the flow is growing very significantly, if in the nineteenth pre-covid year we had 4000 tourists there, then this year we expect 6000 tourists already and investors have come in and are building... large hotels , hotels, we have the support of the russian government, i want to say, thanks to the government, glamping sites are being built thanks to such subsidies, where 50% is covered by the budget, 50%
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by the investor, many glamping sites have already been built, where we accept tourists today, infrastructure is growing, developing, conditions are being created, logistics is improving, the quality of logistics, new aircraft, new destinations , new routes, a new airport is being built, we have very... development today and tourism is such a driver of development, so today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, come , thank you very much, i wish you success, we invite you all to the pavilion of the republic of buryat, to buryatia, to buryatia, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, by the way, alexey tsedenov can already be seen at the exhibition in the national buryat costume, but the trans-baikal region is not remains, surprises with an interesting business and cultural program, for example, visitors witnessed an old wedding tradition with the participation of artists from the transbaikal uzory musical theater and
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the bereginya folk ensemble. it was unveiled in the regional pavilion. a fair where the gastronomic riches of the region are presented, these are pine nuts , butter, honey, berries, herbal teas, the opening of the eleventh trans-baikal international film festival will also take place on the site, my colleague alexandra perfilyeva is at the wadh in the pavilion of the region. sasha, greetings, over to you, we are waiting for all the details from you. artyom, hello. but let us now show you live what’s interesting, what will surprise guests at the stand of the transbaikal region, let’s start right from the very beginning, in the center of the exhibition there is such a pink flower, this is wild rosemary, this is a symbol of transbaikalia, we are also greeted by two centaurs, this he is she, you also see the coat of arms of transbaikalia, there are a large number of people here, they come more and more every minute, tell me what your impressions are,
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hello, very nice, very warm, i’m from transbaikalia, i love my land very much, on monday we had a big concert, it was 370 years of our land, thank you very much to our country, thank you very much to our russia and our region for having it with us there is such a wonderful wonderful one, we love him very much, thank you very much, let me show you again what you can see here, for example, this is such an interactive zone, hello, tell me what you can see here, hello, at our stand presents... a neural network that copies your facial features shows you in the images of either heroes or heroines in transbaikalia, be it the decembrists or your wife, the decembrists are the same ones who were sent in 1826 to the katarga in transbaikalia, this is what i understand, evenks, yes this ancient indigenous people, in general, anyone can see themselves in the image of an evenka or the wife of a decembrist, the false decembrist , so let's move on, what else is there, well
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, this one - such, such symbols are also from transbaikalia, for example, this exhibition is the most the governor of transbaikalia, alexander, also became interested, osipov noted that the most important thing in the region is, of course, people, first of all, natural wealth, economic, economic productive forces and opportunities of our territory. russia, krasnokamsk and other cities, but most importantly , try to show the strength of talent, strength of spirit and wealth of our people, well, on this big screen the achievements of, i apologize, the trans-baikal region are presented, there is also
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such a historical, i would say interactive, what else is possible here look? this interactive places where each of our guests can see all our attractions of the trans-baikal region. let's try, here is alkhanay, alkhanay, for example, this is our national park, which is very rich in rare species of birds, plants, mammals, and so on, and so on, and there are also very useful waters that heal people, and of course, for example , people cover themselves with mud and really get cured with the help of these useful... thank you very much, let's move on, yeah, this is an area where anyone can write a postcard and send it by mail, so i also wrote to my grandmother, now i’ll send the national symbol of the transbaikal region ledum as a postcard, send greetings to my relatives from transbaikalia, what are your impressions, have you already sent it? no, i haven’t sent it yet , a very pleasant impression
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, thank you, we continue to work at the russia exhibition , the main exhibition in 2023, and we will share what else will surprise the exhibition artyom sasha, thank you very much, excellent report, i think. so, alexandra perfilyeva, she spoke about the pavilion of the trans-baikal territory in the most interesting events from there, well, we continue, a government coordination center has been opened at the vdh, today, as part of the forum exhibition: russia, deputy prime minister tatyana golikova, minister of labor and social protection anton kotyakov, opened five new employment centers in belgorod, samara and livskaya areas. the launch of the centers took place via teleconference; during the ceremony, tatyana golikova touched upon the topic of raising the mouth. according to her, an increase in the minimum wage will directly lead to an increase in wages for almost 5 million russians.


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