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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 16, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the leaders of china and the united states said why biden immediately after that again called shiizenpin a dictator. they hit with fragmentation mines, the target was destroyed, this is footage of the vasilek mortar crew working in their own zone. precious jewelry with coal, which surprises and makes the kemerovo region proud, which kuzbask jewelers will show at btnk. the israeli army discovered weapons and the headquarters of the hamas group on the territory of the ashif hospital in gaza, among the finds were assault rifles, grenades, cartridges, body armor, the idf said in a statement, as stated army representative, these findings prove that the hospital was used for terrorist purposes, israel intends to continue the operation in the largest medical center of the enclave, hundreds of patients remain there, including
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premature babies who need incubators, and there is no electricity in the entire building. hamas representatives say that the idf is committing crimes against civilians, that militants do not take refuge in the medical center, and that there are no weapons there. meanwhile , two schools came under fire in gas, about this according to the un agency, which helps palestinian refugees. buildings were damaged and people who were sheltering there were injured. meanwhile, the western press writes: that after taking control of the ashif hospital, israel may suspend operations in gas, the financial times writes about this in particular. american officials, in a commentary to the new york times, call the special operation in the medical center a way to put pressure on hamas, allegedly in this way the israeli army wants to achieve the release of the hostages. usa with from the very beginning they sabotaged the adoption of a balanced and depoliticized document on the palestinian-israeli issue. this
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was stated by russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebenzya. a few hours ago, the security council adopted a resolution aimed at helping children in the conflict zone; 12 out of 15 countries voted for it. the usa, great britain and russia abstained. this is how our country’s post-president, vasily nebenze, explained that the resolution contains only calls for humanitarian pauses, and not a demand for a ceasefire. there will be no such document be carried out. according to nebenzi, humanitarian pauses cannot be a substitute for a truce. the uk explained that they could not vote for a resolution that did not condemn terrorist attacks by hamas. our american colleagues on the council justified the collective punishment of extermination of palestinians, primarily the civilian population, hiding behind slogans about the fight against terrorism and israel's right to self-destruction, effectively paralyzing the work of the main un body for maintaining international peace and security. the world media discusses the results
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negotiations between pina and joe biden in san francisco. the conversation lasted 3 hours, the leaders of the two states agreed to restore high-level interaction between the armed forces and establish cooperation in the face of global challenges. joe biden, during a press conference following the meeting , called the negotiations productive. at the same time, as the press notes, the head of the white house again called the president of the people's republic of china a dictator and warned beijing against interfering in the elections in taiwan. in its turn. opposed washington's contacts with local authorities on taiwan and the supply of weapons there. on the issue of ukraine, differences also persisted. china and the united states will discuss them during further meetings. observers note that after the dialogue in san francisco, the leaders did not hold a joint press conference. the statement of the chairman of the people's republic of china was reported by the chinese media. china and the us, as two major powers , need to bear responsibility. to address the challenges facing human society, china and the united states should lead
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by example and strengthen coordination and cooperation across international and regional issues, and to provide more public goods to the world. the first bilateral meeting of the leaders of the united states and china in a year, as expected, caused a wide public outcry in american society. our own correspondent, valentin bogdanov, will tell you more. the significance of this meeting is high, it is, on the sidelines, and beyond them , at the atc summit taking place here in san francisco, it began, as expected, at the filolli country residence, away from the crowds of protesters who are literally attacking the motorcades of participants ats summit and in general here in san francisco, despite all the efforts that were made to stabilize the situation, it’s still restless, shizen pin and biden haven’t seen each other for about a year, the american president... said this right away, by the way, in
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their intonation it became it’s clear that this difference is still in the approaches, because well, for biden, who has a lot of problems here, inside the united states, problems in the foreign policy circuit. ukraine, the middle east, it is important for him to show at least some success in these general formulations the american president was talking, starting a three-hour conversation with shizen pin, it was very interesting to watch how carefully he looked at him, as if he was controlling what his boss, the head of the state department, antony blinken, would say. we saw each other about 1 year one day ago at a ball. there is no substitute for face-to-face meetings. our discussions are always honest and i always appreciate that. mr. president, we know. each other for many years, we do not always agree with each other, this is not news, but our communication has always been fruitful, there should not be misunderstanding, we must ensure that competition does not lead to conflict, we must regulate competition responsibly, this is what the united states intends to do, well, these
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words, competition, rivalry, they are clearly not acceptable to the chinese leadership, which does not look at the world as a playground where you need to compete, it is imperative that someone... tramples or defeats someone, as americans generally like to do, so shizen-pin here is configured to be constructive, the leadership of the united states hopes that somehow the leadership of the chinese communist party will influence the companies that supply these components, from which the mexican cartels then make drugs, but here in san francisco is one of these centers, the aggravation began with the story of the chinese balloon, but there is, of course, the main topic - these are elections in taiwan , which will be held early next year, but the economy , of course, the chinese economy is recovering from covid, america and china are the main trading partners, most likely these are the thoughts of inevitability, cooperation in peaceful in a peaceful way, the chairman of the people's republic of china tried to convey this to his so-called counterparty, biden. over the past 50 years,
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relations between china and the us have never run smoothly, but for two large countries like china and the us to turn their backs on each other is not an option. possible conflict or confrontation. would have unbearable consequences for both sides. rivalry between the leading powers does not correspond to the spirit of our time and will not solve the problems of a bilateral and global nature that confront china and the united states are colliding. the world is big enough for both countries to prosper. the conflict, strictly speaking potential, is something biden also keeps in mind. it’s not for nothing that another topic of these negotiations will be combat capabilities and the use of artificial intelligence. washington is seriously afraid that a situation may arise when a decision, for example, to launch a preventive nuclear strike or a retaliatory nuclear strike will be made by a machine, and not man, biden wants to make sure that the chinese side looks at it in the same way, and the other topics , of course, are not removed from the agenda either, they are kept in mind,
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naturally, by the ukrainian conflict, naturally, by the situation around north korea, but one can list them ad infinitum, there is something to discuss, it is developing i still have the feeling that biden is now more interested in xi than xi in biden, at least again due to the low popularity of the american president, but you just need to walk along the streets of san francisco to see with your own eyes, to what extent the management of, so to speak, ultra-liberals, so to speak, ultra-liberals, here are biden’s comrades under the democratic party , the program does not end there, the negotiations there will then be in an expanded format with allivan and blinken joining, then they will return to the ates site, sizenpin has more today is a meeting with an american. business, well, it’s clear what goals the chairman of the people’s republic of china is pursuing, he wants to say that the investment climate in china is quite attractive, and he wants american business to continue investing in the chinese economy too. valentin bogdanov and ivan utkin, news from san francisco.
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bilateral contacts between russia and the united states are not planned at the ates summit, said deputy prime minister alexei overchuk, who heads the russian delegation, he noted that he will touch upon the topic: they directly affect the development of economies and the standard of living in the asia-pacific region. i would like to note that today is the final day of the ats summit, the delegations will have to agree on the final document, as reported by its content, while disputes are ongoing due to disagreements on ukrainian conflict. powerful explosions thundered at night in ukraine. local publications write about two cities at once in the kharkov region, where they heard the sounds of detonation, these are chuguev and kharkov itself, seven or eight explosions are reported. comes from the city of mirgorod in the poltava region. over the past few hours, air raid alerts in ukraine have been announced in six regions; in the dnepropetrovsk and nikolaev regions , sirens sounded already in the early morning. in the krasnolimansky direction, russian pilots and artillerymen repelled three attacks
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by ukrainian armed forces attack aircraft. the enemy lost up to 180 militants, as well as equipment and weapons. in addition, the air defense systems worked effectively. the press service spoke in detail about the successes. in the krasnolimansk direction, units of the center group of troops repelled three attacks by assault groups, a special forces brigade and the fifth brigade of the national guard in the areas of grigorovka and serebryanka with strikes from army aviation and artillery fire. enemy losses amounted to up to 108 military personnel, two vehicles, a 152mm self-propelled artillery mount 2.3 acacia, 122mm self-propelled artillery mount 2s1 carnation. in the krasnoliman direction, the russian military defeated the enemy fortifications. reconnaissance received the coordinates of the stronghold, the command passed on the information to the crew of the vasilek mortar, our soldiers deployed the gun at
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the firing line and fired a sighting shot, and when they received correction data from the drone, they hit the target with fragmentation mines and destroyed the target, after which the crew left the zone of a possible retaliatory attack. we are working on enemy manpower and armored vehicles, that’s all in principle, we are dismantling the evacuation, also the vehicle, equipment, the advantage is that we can send four mines at once , directly, as opposed to without restoring the aiming, because the aiming is not lost, in the krasnolimansk direction, the russian military hall of assisted self-propelled mortars destroyed an ukrainian armed forces stronghold , combat crews immediately brought the vehicles out from under a possible retaliatory strike, but when the enemy nevertheless damages our equipment, it is restored in the shortest possible time in a recovery battle. our war correspondent alexey baranov visited carefully classified unit and saw everything.
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from a shelter that is located in the center of the serebryansky forestry, less than 10 km from the front line, a group of nona self-propelled mines advances at full speed, after 5 minutes of march, these vehicles of the mountain formation of the central military district are already at the firing line, a few more minutes for orientation with the help compass and the first shot, shot, the accuracy of the strike is monitored by the same drone with which they discovered the enemy stronghold, first shot sighting, now a fire platoon of self-propelled nona mines is moving to the strike position, meanwhile the adjustment has already been made. battery salvo 3003. during the replenishment of ammunition, the commander of the vehicle with the call sign rus tells us about the latest targets hit here in the serebryansky forestry. knocks it out.
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and pickup trucks, dugouts were hit, and armored personnel carriers were also there, well, in terms of infantry, in terms of manpower, everything happens very quickly, we work it out , hit the target, immediately leave, operation is, in principle, normal, but if it’s in the engine, we wait until it specialists will do everything, we rent for the time being, we are not disclosing the exact location of this repair battalion of the central military district for security reasons; not only equipment in need of maintenance, but equipment damaged during the fighting is brought here. the damage happened faster, we received and installed a new engine, about 20 minutes, maybe less is possible, guns, multiple launch rocket systems, self-propelled artillery mounts and of course, tanks, some work is carried out in the open air, but here they repair tracked vehicles, the only thing what they don't do - this... any day now these vehicles will return to service, and to join
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the armored vehicles that continue to operate on the front line, this fire platoon of self-propelled mines has only recently undergone the required maintenance. alexey baranov, andrey yurchuk, khaled tankiev, lead the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnoliman direction. government. approved the freezing of russian state property in the country, stated the head of the ministry jaan lipavsky. according to him, the czech republic added enterprises to the sanctions list goszagraranproperty. it deals with russian assets abroad, including real estate in the czech republic. these restrictions mean the automatic freezing of assets managed by the company. according to the czech authorities, we are talking about premises in prague and karlovy vary, now they cannot be rented out. true, in comments to the media, the head of the czech foreign ministry explained that this does not apply to the russian embassy. the czech republic became the first country to freeze foreign real estate in russia.
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the decision came after the european union could not agree on a new aid package for ukraine due to lack of funds. the european commission still proposes to finance the kiev regime using frozen russian assets. and now footage from china. there, a large fire in a business center killed 11 people. look how it was. more than 50 people were taken to the hospital, while the exact number of victims is unknown, there may still be people on mission, now these images of the fire, the first captured by eyewitnesses on your screens, rescue work continue. the cause of the fire is unknown. economic news, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning, new inflation data has arrived, how are prices changing? roman, hello, but i have good news. inflation is slowing. during the week from november 8 to november 13, inflation slowed to 23%. last week it was 42,
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but in annual terms, on the contrary , an increase of + 7% was recorded. in the food products segment. in the rate of price growth excluding vegetables and fruits decreased, as well as in in non-food products, where the limiting factor was the slowdown in the growth rate of prices for passenger cars, but in the services sector , inflation, on the contrary, accelerated due to the fact that air tickets for domestic flights began to rise in price again, this is stated in the materials of the ministry of economic development. the federal property management agency approved the splitting of transneft shares. their price will be reduced by 100 times, according to a message on the website of the corporation disclosure center. this will affect all securities of companies, including preferred ones, only these shares are traded on the open market, ordinary shares are in state property, now transneft is the most expensive share among liquid securities. according to the results of trading on wednesday , the cost of one exceeded 146,000 rubles. after splitting, the price, as i already said, will fall
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100 times, which will make its purchase accessible to a larger number of investors. this year is for transport. but the construction will be the best in history, deputy prime minister marat khusnulin told reporters about this on the sidelines of the international transport of russia forum, he was also asked about a slight decrease in the volume of housing construction, well this is how the deputy head of government commented on these data. this year the commissioning will be greater than last year, last year we had 102.7 million km, this year we see a minimum of 100,104, so there is a month-on-month increase of 1.8%. but at the same time, if we compare 10 months to 10 months, for example, our multi-apartment housing increased by 7.6%. now about cars, at least two of the largest domestic car dealers have refused to parallel import of foreign cars, this is reported by the company with reference to the press service company, the reason for this decision was
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, firstly, expensive supplies to russia, and secondly, rising prices for cars and decreasing... demand for them. dealers intend to sell the cars already imported through parallel import. further deliveries will be sporadic. the difference between receipts and expenses in foreign currency increased almost 10 times in september, month to month. the central bank reports this. we achieved a surplus in the balance of accounts again in august. in june and july, let me remind you, the balance was negative. in september, 40.5% of exports were paid for in rubles almost. a third of imports, which was a record. receipts in foreign currency for the month increased by 11%, by 9, expenses decreased. well , at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar is already worth less than 90 rubles 89.45, the euro exchange rate is 97 rubles 13 kopecks. and that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you, we continue. the black gold
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of kusbas, precious jewelry with coal will be shown in moscow by kemerovo jewelers in this non -video, the main brand of the region will be seen by visitors to the russia exhibition at vdnkh. today is the day of the kemerovo region not only for natural the region is famous for its riches; today thousands of sports tourists go there. our correspondent in the region, andrey ufimtsev, will tell you the details. kuzbas arena is the largest sports and entertainment complex in western siberia. from a distance, the grandiose structure looks like a giant boat. the similarities are emphasized. which resemble huge oars, there was also a place for the water element inside. two pools, one standard fifty meters, the second generates a wave simulating an ocean wave with a length of 14 and a width of 10 m. here is the largest one in russia air turbine, chamber height 22 m, flow speed up to 300 km/h, full flight simulation, this is the base for training the russian national parachute sports team. previously, this place
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was occupied by abandoned garden plots, vacant lots and dilapidated houses of coastal private owners. and now we can observe another pride of ours. sports construction, kusbas ice palace. this is officially recognized as the best sports venue in russia in 2022. the kuznetsk metallurgists arena has received a second life for a special crowd of residents of the southern capital of kuzbass. there was a complete reconstruction was held for the first time in almost 40 years of the existence of this structure. our region is one of the smallest in siberia in the federal district of the same name, occupying less than 2% of the area, but it has no equal beyond the urals in terms of the degree of industrialization and urbanization. this is a land of large coal, chemistry and metal, but practically another population of the region, 2 million people, are moving to pukhlyak, the wealth of kusbas has been rediscovered. the resort of sharigesh is now a generally recognized calling card of the region. this corner is included in the list of world natural natural unesco complexes, millions of skiers from all over the country and abroad. here the 2023-24 season is already at a low start, opening in a few days. the starry sky of the new airport building greets guests of the regional capital. anyone who is not familiar with kusbas immediately immerses himself in
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the space theme. and this is not a massive hyperbole. it was our fellow countryman who opened a new page in the exploration of orbital space. the main air harbor of the kemerovo region is named after alexey leonov. the old airport building is still in use, but it is outdated and cannot cope with the flow air passengers who fly to us, including for beautiful things. our region. and all of siberia is not only an advanced industrial territory, but also the economic rear of the country. modern kuzbass is a digital school and research center. the largest sports complexes and cultural sites beyond the urals are world-class. we host dozens of international festivals. and our sheregesh resort is one of the best in russia. over the past 5 years, thanks to regional and federal programs, kusbass has changed. beyond recognition, and we continue to work on the benefit of their region, siberia of the entire country, fulfilling the tasks set by the president.
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just a couple of years ago, students of a branch of the russian state institute of performing arts could see here a gas station with access to a classic wasteland, next to it on a piece of land with the same former status, under one roof there are branches of the moscow state academy of choreography and the siberian central music school. the sirius kusbas center recently celebrated a housewarming party. i, as a former participant in one of the shifts, am very surprised by how they did everything in this building, because, well , compared to what it was, this, this is very large-scale, very cool, the design here sets the mood for learning and inspires. in the newest era of the history of the kuznetsk land, there are no longer only black and white tones, the main brand kuzbas and coal is losing its monopoly , the region is quickly moving away from a mono-industry economy, the order on the creation of a special economic zone of the industrial production type kusbas, several large enterprises immediately announced their readiness to become residents , investments will amount to about 100 billion rubles will be created over 1,200 jobs, one of the main
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directions is import substitution. andrey ufimtsev, vesti kusbas. sports news in the studio alexander abramov. sazh, good morning, the russian national football team continues preparations for the friendly match against cuba, we are waiting. roman, good morning, the day before our team held a training session open to the press, and valery karpin said that this match will count toward the fifa rankings. so, the russian national football team continues to prepare for a friendly match against the cuban national team, the day before in novogorsk, valery karpin’s team held a training session open to the press, which lasted almost 2 hours. right now the national team has 24 players, all of whom took part in yesterday’s training. the opponents will play against each other. in history , the match between the national teams of russia and cuba will count toward the fifa rankings. the russian team will work at the base in novogorsk until saturday, a flight to volgograd is scheduled for that day, and
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the match itself will take place at volgograd-arana next monday. for the russian team the match against cuba will be the eighth final in 2023. it’s good that we have already moved on, that we can play at least in russia, we usually went now, we went to all the cis countries, and now we are visiting african countries. they visit us, so, well, of course, it’s more interesting to play in top teams, but we are in such a situation, i would like this, that’s why the national team always needs the honor of being called up to the national team, the region needs a national team to come here, so, but somehow it seems to me that when in moscow there was a game with cameroon, it was just such a holiday, now it’s very rare for the national team to play in the country at all, so it seems to me that it would be more interesting to gather people in moscow now, that’s my opinion. tennis player daniil medvedev became the first participant in the final tournament of the year who guaranteed himself access to the semifinals. medvedev beat germany's alexander zverev in two sets the night before
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, 7-6-64. the opponents spent 1 hour and 45 minutes on the court. for medvedev, this is the second victory in a row in turin, while daniil did not give up a single set to his opponents. in the group stage medvedev has one match left to play against the second racket of the world, spaniard carlos al-karaz. however, this match will only have tournament significance. for the spaniards. another russian participant in the tournament in turin, andrey rublev, on the contrary, lost his chances of leaving the group ahead of schedule. rublev lost the second match in a row. this time it was al-karas. 5-7-2-6 defeat of rublev in just over an hour of playing time. during the match , the spaniard took rublev's serve three times, the russian, in turn, did not make a single break point. andrey rublev is not in turin yet won not a single set. rally silk. next year, the route will pass through the territory of three countries, these are russia, mongolia and china, project manager vladimir chagin announced this the day before. a presentation of the route for the upcoming rally raid took place. silk road. 24
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starts on july 5 in tomsk and ends on july 15 in the chinese city of hargos. in total, over the 11 days of the marathon rally, participants will cover about 5,500 km, of which over 2,500 will be the distance of high-speed special stages. the final length of the route will be approved in the spring. it is symbolic that in in the twenty-fourth year of rali, the silk road will celebrate its fifteenth anniversary. the last time ralim’s route ran through the territories of several countries, it was before only one match was played in the regular championship of the continental hockey league the day before, cska ended a five-game home series with a match against amur. for the second match in a row, sergei fedorov’s team won with a score of 2:1. this time the victory for cska was brought by the team captain, defender nikita nesterov. in yesterday's game, nikita nesterov scored a double. in the standings of the western conference cska rose to fifth place. amur, to the east.
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the team from khabarovsk is not yet in the playoff zone. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. the nazi ideology of hatred against murder was elevated to the rank of state policy in ukraine. glory to ukraine. when kolomoisky began to sponsor the same azov, they began to instill this nazi ideology, which, in general, fell on absolutely fertile soil. yes, i was aware. how many people have you killed? about 100 people. the man was specially pumped up, what with what? the more you kill, the better it will be. the defenseless population could not fight back in any way. there was no one to complain to. promptly establish contacts with the prosecutor’s office and the administration. we have a common
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task. we established down to which military unit stood on which lines and which commander gave criminal orders. war crimes have no statute of limitations, so in any case, each of them will receive a well-deserved punishment. time spent with family is priceless. you can do sports or creativity together, or you can do it all together take part in a competition. it's a family affair and the wins are great. prizes, details on etosemaya.rf.
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from here it is about 10 km to our positions, this entire road is shot through, as soon as they reach it. eastern coal dar , northern dasch - this is this picture, now we are putting a map on a map and we will conduct analytics, just shoot there anyhow, well, this is not our story. the 21st century is reconnaissance, fire defeat, in war it is not the one who acts correctly who wins, the one who acts effectively wins, all units have passed the front line, they are storming, they are conducting active defensive actions , they are attacking here, if it moves forward, it means the detachment is moving forward, so you explain to me why the volunteer?
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hello everyone, this is a fairy tale in the literal and figurative sense... truly wonderful , love works wonders, captivates, directly amazes, directly saturates, however, such an easy and most importantly kind work, when you look, you cannot remain indifferent, siborshchi, chiborshchi, lively, funny, exciting, very optimistic, a fairy tale about love, about happiness and about kindness, not evil, only emotions, it’s magical, adventurous, instructive , i will fulfill any of your wishes, five, in some direct traditions, you know, as they probably filmed in my childhood, well, finally, otherwise i started to get bored, this is a great family movie, let there be more such movies in our world, my name is emelya, merry, according to the command,


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