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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 17, 2023 8:00pm-8:22pm MSK

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finnish television story about how the country is closing the most popular border checkpoints on the border with russia. one of the busiest of helsinki's nine checkpoints was closed a year and a half ago, and now border guards and other authorities have received clear indications that foreign authorities played a role in the arrival of illegal border crossers into finland. translated from bureaucratic into russian, this means that the finnish side accuses russia of organizing trips from its neighbor. east and also from africa and afghanistan who seek to settle in the european union countries. on television they show such footage, some of those staying hide their faces, others, on the contrary, film themselves on their phones, thanking some people who contributed to the move to europe. the last bus flights from st. petersburg to helsinki in the opposite direction were carried out today by the lux company. the day before , another major firm announced a temporary suspension of transportation on these routes. passengers
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who managed to buy departure tickets after november 18, they will offer to make a trip in another direction, for here, well, god forbid, if they drove a dozen cars a day, and well, this is not global, and those goods that remain, but they are interchangeable from other regions, there the same turkey, i think, from china and so on , will be transported, who will really be hit by the initiative is the finnish carriers, last... year russia has already introduced retaliatory restrictive measures, prohibiting heavy trucks from a neighboring country from importing goods to russian cars in neutral zone. this opportunity will remain with finnish carriers in the future, but there is one thing: to the remaining open northern border points they will have to make a loop of 800 km. in the north, well , there are no normal roads, by the way, again, this economy, it will no longer struggle. tonight , fences will be installed at four points of the russian-finnish border.
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neighbors will follow the experience of their colleagues and, if necessary, are ready to follow the example of the situation on the border with russia. the instrumentalization of russia and migrants is shameful, i fully support measures taken by finland, and i thank the finnish border guards for protecting our european borders. russia’s response to finland’s decision to close the checkpoint will be developed by the relevant departments , the ministry of russia reported and added: europe has again chosen the path of creating dividing lines, and this will inevitably raise new problematic issues: but will not solve the old one. an international cultural forum is taking place in st. petersburg, and vladimir putin spoke at it. what statements did the country's president make? in astrakhan , they finished clearing the rubble after the collapse houses. many questions remain: why were there two entrances to the five-story building?
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vladimir putin spoke at the ninth international cultural forum in st. petersburg. the president noted that art still knows no boundaries, despite all the sanctions prohibitions. this year , the large-scale event was called the forum of united cultures. there are more than seven participants. it would probably be much easier to answer how this attention was not enough. the claims of individual forces to exclusivity are one of the main reasons for the current tension in the world. the president’s assessment, which he gave while speaking at the international cultural forum in st. petersburg. the city , which, as the head of state recalled, was built by outstanding architects from various countries, became an example of the mutual extinguishing of tradition and clearly unifying everyone according to a single template of its own. the experience of the thousand-year
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history of our country convincingly demonstrates that cultural diversity is the greatest blessing, the interaction of cultures is one of the conditions for stable and peaceful development, because among the main reasons is the current to subject everyone to the entire unification, and according to their own template, which they consider the best and most universal , such vulgar globalization, and i will add, cultural expansion, turned into the suppression and unification of cultures, multiplied the conflict potential many times over, we are convinced of the humanitarian communities of the multipolar world that is being born today, one of the key topics of discussion at the current forum is knowledge of history
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through culture. of course, today archives are accessible to almost everyone, but it is mostly specialists who work with them. overwhelming the majority draws knowledge precisely from books, painting, music, which today, alas, also becomes an object of manipulation under the guise of pseudo-art, the public is offered genuine art, which is called a bone in the throat, it prevents these people from distorting the past to please the present, their ideological or, as we often we see, and gender constructs interfere, pit people against each other, so liars fabricate fakes, but in the public domain in literature, while everything that is not in western europe, asia, africa, latin america, etc. as if nothing had happened, with those who share the values ​​of the world, who support cultural diversity, russia is ready
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to work very closely, because the key to the successful development of humanity as a whole lies in rapprochement with the identity of peoples, but certainly in equal rights and possibilities, but so far we only see... attempts to cancel western russian culture, and by definition we understand that this is impossible, but nevertheless, they are canceling a culture based on genuine freedom and mercy, love for man, spirituality, politics the abolition of russia, in itself, is essentially anti -cultural, neo-colonial, racist, in its essence, but the truth is that with this notorious abolition... as an anti-russian, i emphasize that russia is committed to the closest possible joint work with all who share our values ​​of peace, friendship and mutual respect, who are ready to take part in the formation of a modern multipolar world based on civilizational and cultural diversity.
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politicians have mutual claims and constant struggle, but who then comes to an agreement? culture, sports, that’s exactly how the president answered this question, let me emphasize. who will build the bridges? the military has a hard time doing this. and politicians have mutual claims, mutual grievances, ambitions, struggle for their own political future, well, there is constant struggle and fighting, and only cultural figures who are smart, they, and those who are with... these are narrow-minded people and uncultured people, so to speak, they do not understand at all what the mission of culture is, equality everywhere, in everything,
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regardless of the political situation and fashion of today, in fact, it is the dictatorship of minorities that is trying to promote equality, if... they have created such a cult that will tell us that even if you get an oscar, you need to make quotas, transgender, homosexual countries, in order to win something, you need to either tell, write, or show. from the life of sexual minorities, transgender people, and some other transformers, there are many different names , but i’ll say something unexpected, they are also these topics, and these people have the right to
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win, this is also what people live with, it’s bad if they are only a competition, this is of no use, this, this equality should be everywhere, in everything. yes, what about the window to europe now? - priska zeisel, ballerina of the mikhailovsky theater, asked the president. peter i, today the russian prima. we don't want to break off relations with anyone. we don't do this. we're nothing. we don’t slam, we don’t close any doors, or vents, or windows; if someone decides to fence themselves off, then that’s their business, they are robbing themselves, we and the european elites are having difficult times, which we have lost feelings have become so dependent on other
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countries, primarily from north america , which do not provide the opportunity to realize the main thing for which their people elected them, this is the problem, this is the tragedy, the current tragedy of europe. but supposedly they are still subject to astracism. everyone has the right to a position, the president answered, but it is necessary to judge first of all, it never occurred to me until 2014 that there could be such a conflict between russia and ukraine. years that it is possible in order to apply
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damage to one’s own country, one’s own people, and such activities also take place, we see it, there fees are transferred somewhere, frankly speaking, to the enemy and so on, then this is one story, if this is just an opinion, point of view, assessment of the situation - this is different, so there is one more circumstance in society. and the opinion of the people of the country that we consider our homeland, or do not consider, and this is an objective factor from which no one can escape, actions, of course, are much more eloquent than any words, as well as numbers, they indicate that over the past 10 years, russia has increased spending on culture, anastasia, thank you, about the main topics: vladimir putin’s speech at the forum of united cultures was told by anastasia efimova. last minute message from
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the ministry of defense. the russian military destroyed the equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the black sea. the department clarified that among the liquidated targets there were seven unmanned boats. in addition, a high-speed vessel carrying troops was destroyed. all objects were heading towards the crimean peninsula. the clearance of the rubble has been completed. as regional authorities stated, residents will receive. they will also be helped to resolve the housing issue. the day before , a crack appeared on the wall of the five-story building, after which two entrances collapsed. we learn the latest information from the scene of the emergency from igor pikhanov, he joins us. igor, hello, what is the condition of the house, and what do the rescuers say? hello, georgy, the rescue team was working on clearing the rubble, eliminating the consequences of this emergency situation, now it’s in place, now the area is cordoned off, around it
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there are employees of the russian guard, police officers, the damaged building still poses a threat, so they are not allowing anyone to approach it and more than 200 people were evacuated from there, uh, undoubtedly, this whole tragedy in astrakhan united the residents, subsequently all this will be transferred to the administration employees, social services employees and will be distributed among those in need - there is also a collection of humanitarian aid, so in the administration building of the leninsky district of the regional center there is a collection of essentials, as well as humanitarian aid for people are being carried to school number 32, where three temporary accommodation points have been organized, which are located not far from the damaged building, these are three schools, if necessary they can accommodate more... more than 300 people, let's give the floor to an employee of the astrakhan city administration, as well as local resident.
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the victim of a house collapse needs warm clothes, necessary personal hygiene products, this is the first priority, now already hope, housing, as the head of the region, iger babushkin, reported in his telegram channel, here the payment of financial assistance began to the victims, in addition, to each family that lived in a damaged house, and a social services employee was introduced who will help this family, people can call him at any time of the day, and previously did not have time to save their things, in addition , during this incident , activists of volunteer organizations showed their efficiency, their necessity, almost immediately after this... they arrived in the achs zone for the second time in essence providing assistance to employees
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of operational services to local residents and our team members organized hot meals, they help organize meals, all the special services employees work around the clock, even despite the fact that the weather here is so wet. today, the local residents with whom i spoke, they asked the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations to reward the emergency services employees, who came here with the first courage, the number of victims was reduced to a minimum georgy, yes, we saw footage of how selflessly they worked to save thanks, igor pikhanov spoke about the situation in astrakhan, where two people died the day before entrance of a residential building. us president joe biden, after much hesitation and contradictory statements, finally signed
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a bill to finance the us government, in this form biden did not dare, but in the end he still conceded. firstly, because failure to sign the bill threatened america with another shutdown, that is, suspension of the work of federal departments. and secondly, the voices of those who accuse the biden team of ignoring the internal problems of the united states and paying excessive attention and money to ukraine are already heard too loudly. so what is all this? may mean for the kiev regime, anna voronina will tell. the black ones came to investigate how kiev is spending the money allocated by the white house. is that we should not send any more money to ukraine, it's time for the biden administration to tell the people everything they know, ukraine is asking for more and more and more and more, we need to know that ukraine has spent every penny until this report will be, we should not spend a cent on ukraine. so envoys from washington are hinting at an end support standing on kiev soil, as reported by reflections.
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at the meetings, penny tried to lead to ideas like: let’s imagine that there is no american help, what needs to be done next year so that your economy can survive even in such a situation, and this has stressed everyone out so much. however, the main assistance to ukraine, as they found out at the khil university of world economics, comes from the european union, and not in the form of arms supplies or humanitarian support, but directly in money, from january last year to august this year, departure kiev next year, which includes doubling aid to ukraine, has been suspended for now. us government. believed that the ukrainian conflict would finally weaken russia, firstly, it did not succeed, i remind you of the chinese-russian russia about the development of brix, the higher percentage economic growth of russia compared to us. secondly, continued financial support is inhumane because it means helping ukraine. in kiev, feeling the fatigue of western sponsors from financing futile counter-offensives,
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they decided to beg for money in a different way, for social needs and salaries for social workers. complaining that ukraine's budget deficit next year is $43 billion. well, this money, of course , is stolen, that is, there is no control here. literally 3 years ago, the state budget allocated a little more than a billion hryvnia for the maintenance of the presidential office, a little more billion would have been more, zelensky’s salary has increased 15 times? no, this is all money, that is , just to manage it, it was easier to steal. it is not surprising that such greed has already raised the question of the advisability of ukraine joining the european union. as he writes. in addition to hungary , austria will create obstacles to eu expansion, and in france, there is more and more talk that ukraine has no place in the union. anna voronina, anna nikulaesh, anna pogonina, news. the fact that asov is a special problem with 15mm artillery shells. it is their armed forces that are widely used on the eastern and southern front lines.
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evgeniy khnipot will explain why supplies are not replenished. a shell famine threatens ukraine, vladimir zelensky said in an interview with afp. most of the soviet guns of the ukrainian armed forces have long been burned by russian troops, and the nato guns supplied by the west require 155 mm ammunition. cool shells, like this american one, have similar characteristics and can be used by installations manufactured in the countries of the alliance or allied states. judging by the footage of destroyed ukrainian equipment in the ukrainian military zone, foreign systems have long formed the backbone of the ukrainian armed forces’ artillery. and the ammunition for it is complaining journalists zelsky, almost. are not taken away from ukraine, the necessary air shells are sent to the middle east, they are bought up by israel, the united states, at the request of its key ally in the region, sent 123 cargo planes and 7,000 155 mm shells, and this when arsenals around the world are emptying, and replenishing them is problematic . apparently, to calm zelsky a little, david cameron arrived in kiev. the new head of the uk, a former prime minister, said that london
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intends to support ukraine in every possible way. on the mainland they also declare support, but they state that the possibilities from the world in providing shells to kiev are very limited, this was discussed at the summit of european defense ministers in brussels. the head of european diplomacy from the old world is supposedly capable. keep in mind that the european defense industry exports a lot. about 40% of production goes to third countries, so there is no shortage of production capacity. the point is that the products are being sent to another market, so perhaps we should try to switch this production to priority. which are the ukrainians, that is you just need to take and redirect the flows to kiev, but for example, the german minister of defense leaves shells, but now they cost 8,000 euros for shells, everything has already gone to pieces and israel, which... from american warehouses, there were a lot of shells there , and now they are gone, that is, there is no reserve, america is producing now, well, they promise 2000 shells per month , well, that’s about 240 per year, and russia
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is producing 2 million shells by the end of the year and this is not the limit, and they generally stated at the summit, then that the ssu received only 300,000 ammunition from europe is already well, it has begun to encourage the public, what time frame depends on the steps that will be taken, but i think that the most important thing in this case is political will, to leave one to europe trying to put on a good face on a bad game, the statements of the expert community are much less optimistic. if the goal is that ukraine must neutralize russian aggression, it must be at a higher artillery frequency, there is no capacity in the whole world. in his revelations to journalists, zelsky places high hopes on the united states, they say we will be lost without you, but for now, instead of real steps, they sound. all patients in the intensive care unit of the alshifa hospital, and this is 54 people
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