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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 18, 2023 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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zaporozhye and kherson regions. senator dmitry varona told us about the demand for these economic mechanisms. well, first of all, our task is to make sure that integration into the connected regions takes place as quickly as possible and as least painful as possible for our business. of course, today we have risks associated with production. the system of relationships between government bodies and citizens is being rebuilt. all cadastral registers are being formed; even today we do not have a sufficient volume of cartographic materials in general to to talk about those property rights and those rights for the operation of a business that are needed, so of course, in order for business to develop, the regional economy to develop, it is necessary to very seriously launch a sufficiently large amount, today we are creating the most preferential regimes for our entrepreneurs,
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so that they can reach full capacity and production as quickly as possible , growing agricultural products and processing the provision of services in the sphere of recreation and in the field of generally normal work in all spheres and trade and so on. experience in introducing business benefits, incentives and opportunities to attract investors to new entities. you know, we are now finalizing the system, the basis of ours. laws that were adopted, the crimean system was taken, indeed the os law, which works in the territories of the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol, but new regions have their own characteristics and , of course, today we are bringing as close as possible to our business all those support measures that exist and state sphere, and those preferences, those benefits that we give for them, so our task today is to hear business feedback, local feedback.
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about how this system is being implemented, and today at the round table we discussed the need to introduce additional support measures that will significantly affect the work on insuring systemic military risks, that is, the risks of destruction as a result of military actions, which unfortunately are taking place today in the reunified territories and today they are quite holding back the development of the economy in all areas, so this is... the task that we are worth it, today we have already introduced automobile cargo insurance, but we do not yet have a working insurance system for railway transportation, sea transportation, that is, this is where we simply have to introduce the system, again, the law provides, for example, tax breaks for profit, but they are hampered by the fact that there is no regional regulatory framework for income tax benefits, something that we talked about today with the regional authorities, that they are simply obliged
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to speed up the adoption as quickly as possible necessary regulations at the regional level, this is what ivana matvienko spoke about when she held the first meeting of the council for the integration of new regions, that our task is to help the regions adopt a new regulatory framework as harmoniously as possible, as quickly as possible and give everyone the opportunity to develop, that is, this will be a very serious additional impulse. further, in our program: the implementation of a major reform of the waste management system, what the senators propose, what the new illegal trade in tobacco products will be like, how regulate the market? unfortunately, in our country there is a fairly high level of illegal products and the fight against this has so far been, well, conditionally effective . the russian language is our asset, our unique global advantage, our main soft power. valentina matvienko stated this. parliamentary hearings were held in the federation council. it has
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worldwide significance, great literary works were written on it, outstanding scientific discoveries were made, and the first word in space was also a russian word, our language is, as you know, a working language in most international... organizations, i will not list them, languages ​​according to the global competitiveness index and is in second place in terms of the number of sites on the internet in russian, and is confidently in the top ten in terms of the number of speakers. valentina matvienko emphasized the responsibility of the state and society to preserve the russian language. it is also necessary to restore order in the area of ​​language policy management. according to the chairman of the federation council, it is important to strengthen. position of the russian language in the world
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arena, valentina matvienko also emphasized the contribution to this work of slavic universities operating in the cis countries, where 2023 has been declared the year of the russian language. except. the head of the upper house called for ensuring, including at the legislative level, access to russian schools at embassies, not only for children and embassy employees, but also for everyone who loves russia and wants to give their child a quality education in russian. at parliamentary hearings, speaking at school plays a key role in the issues of his conservation and development. the head of the ministry of education also said that from september 1 , 2025, a unified federal state textbook on the russian language and literature will appear in russia. medical waste management is an area that requires special control. the lower house is discussing a bill aimed at creating an effective and safe system for managing these types of waste in our country. very soon it may go to the federation council for approval. among the authors of this document is senator
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alexander dvoinykh, and we will discuss this topic with him. more details. alexander vladimirovich, hello, what caused the need for changes to the legislation now, what are the problems today. we are at the stage of implementing a major reform of waste management, and we must understand that in order for this reform to be successfully completed, it is impossible to leave unregulated sub-sectors, we now see that we have already formed legislation regarding solid waste, we see that for the first and second class waste, we also have clearly formed legislation, but these still remain legislative. not just clean container sites and separate waste collection, but we understood that we are moving towards a circular economy, towards reducing the volume of landfills, it is important
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to eliminate these legislative gaps, as for medical waste, in our country as a whole, about 50 solid municipal wastes are generated million waste, so that we understand the volume, it is 3 million tons, and we saw that there are problems, we saw the waste that is generated in our medical institutions, there is no such traceability system transport flows, on disposal, as it is in municipal solid waste, together with rospotrebnadzor, with the ministry of health and with deputies of the state duma, we did a lot of work, we looked at all the waste of the educator, what volumes are generated in which hospitals, even the current one is quite strict from a financial point of view plan period, we determined the finances that are available today in the compulsory health insurance system in order to understand at what cost this
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waste will be disposed of, after we carried out such a lot of analytical work, a draft law was prepared, which has already passed the first reading in the state duma, and we are preparing to work now... on amendments to this law, and what specific innovations, amendments are provided for in the legislation and how will this affect the environment? of the 3 million tons of waste, 2 million generated in medical institutions is actually solid municipal waste, that is, it is office waste; today it is not disposed of by regional operators who equip their vehicles with systems gps are simply generated by unlicensed organizations, and we see that they can often end up on... a container site can end up in an unauthorized place, and we believe that it is class a medical waste that should be dealt with by the regional operator, we are in this matter by the ministry of natural resources supported, and in fact our regional operators who remove household waste from container sites will
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remove this waste from the hospital, class g waste according to our draft law, which deal with waste of the first and second class, that is, especially hazardous waste, those that have this infrastructure. here b and c are waste that is subject to neutralization in hospitals, today, separate organizations will deal with it, but at the same time there will be a clear register, a clear availability of equipment, a clear availability of competence, most importantly, concluded agreements to attract additional funds from the budget without encumbrance hospital budgets or the federal budget, create a system that will more transparent... and comprehensive, which will reduce the number of unauthorized dumps, will provide clear guarantees that used syringes and medications will not appear in landfills, or even more so at
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waste storage sites, and now the waste management system is experiencing a shortage sites for temporary storage of waste and also landfills, will anything change in this regard? yes... we are recording such a deficit in a number of regions, there are about ten of them lagging behind, but this does not mean that we have there is some kind of critical situation with the fact that there is nowhere to bury waste today, and besides , we don’t care... that sometimes this waste ended up at our waste processing complexes, so the adoption of this law will not lead to such shortages, we from the ministry of natural resources, from ppk reo identified regions that need help today, it needs both financial and methodological, in general, our committee is faced with the task of a major audit of what is happening today, the identification of problematic issues was diagnosed, and today together:
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with the ministry of natural resources we determine how we will solve them, this is a shortage of container sites, it exists, our task is to eliminate it quickly enough, there is a shortage of equipment, waste, removal companies, there is a shortage of about 2,500 cars, our task is to make sure that the deficit was eliminated so that the number of responsible people at container sites, we believe that it should... it works the principle: one container site, one responsible operator, we also believe that in order to bring order to waste reform, it is very important still, we need to regulate, as i said, the third, fourth class, this is construction waste, and the waste that we generate during repairs, construction of private houses, often they also end up on container sites, and this also creates a feeling of lack of order and proper functioning system. therefore, our task is to solve all these issues in a comprehensive manner and you know
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, it’s enough to go through seamlessly, because during the reform we have to change a lot of approaches, and in the last session we just approved a law related to the expanded responsibility of the manufacturer, that is, this is a system that will forge less waste, but the most important thing is that we already have the results of such good demonstration waste processing complexes in the russian federation, we recently held an off-site meeting of the committee at one of the complexes near moscow, you know , this is a good example that can compete with any european western platform for waste management, from the point of view of technology, production culture and its elimination and what is being done in this direction today? this problem exists, which is why a large federal... clean country program was opened , under which more than 190 sites have already been eliminated,
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such accumulated harm, and there a very important principle has always been used, that is , the criteria for selecting such sites for elimination, during implementation of this program , more than 20 million residents of our country actually improved their living conditions in environmental terms, felt... these changes, now a new program is starting, in 2022-24, more than 20 billion rubles were allocated for it, it is very important that such programs do not end before the elimination of the last object of accumulated harm, because we feel the request is very serious from the regions, i want to say again, there is dynamics, we should not be complacent about this issue in terms of scale and volume, once again it requires... more funding, but our task is not just to eliminate those landfills that
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have remained, let’s say, inherited, our the task is to prevent the formation of new ones, and this is precisely the big reform that is underway, which we discussed today, is aimed at this. the agricultural sector this year is demonstrating record harvests of grains and many other crops; the volumes obtained will be sufficient for both domestic consumption and export. this was influenced not only by favorable weather conditions. according to experts, government support for the industry is of great importance. among the regions with good results in the agro-industrial complex, the chechen republic, local farmers provided with all the necessary excellent complexes, so much so that she completely provides herself with vegetables, report by oksana podturkina. cucumber is a tropical plant, so it loves warmth and high humidity; all these conditions are met in the greenhouse complex. now the temperature here is about 27°, eighty percent humidity and even a fog system is working. in just 20 days the first harvest will be harvested here, and over 2,000
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tons of cucumbers are grown in this block alone every year. in total, cucumber plantations occupy more than 8 hectares of greenhouse complex and only about a hectare is devoted to seedlings. here the hybrids undergo variety testing for the best yields. in particular , the cybork hybrid is a hybrid of domestic selection. these plants were sown 2 days ago, we can look inside. the cube is already sprouting. the soil in the greenhouse replaces the stone wool substrate, which is obtained as a result of heat treatment of basalt. this material retains nutrients well. solution, and by the way, it reaches each plant through a dropper and provides it with a weekly increase in half a meter, so from sowing to the first harvest it takes only 36 days , there is a hybrid here, called bjor and the size is 12-13 cm and weight 100 g. it is tuberous, very tasty, with a thin peel, yes, exactly
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attractive, now this hybrid , generally occupies leading positions in russia, sticky traps are used to monitor pests, yellow for whiteflies, blue for thrips, non- chemical treatment of plants helps to fight them, special mites, if you look closely, you can see green orderlies running by sheet, they are released every week, thus an environmentally friendly product arrives on store shelves, we sell 15-18 tons to the local market every day, the rest is exported outside the republic, they work with us... contractors in moscow, in st. petersburg, krasnodar, in rostov, in pyatigorsk. the greenhouse plant is an investment project implemented in 2018. in addition to it , about 6,000 enterprises are involved in the agriculture of the chechen republic; various support measures are in place for them in the region. as part of the implementation
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programs of the chechen republic for the development of agriculture and regulation of the market for agricultural products, raw materials and food, farmers can receive subsidies and grants of various forms, residents of our republic are quite actively involved in these grants, receive subsidies, that is, anyone who fits the criteria for a grant or subsidies, can receive these subsidies and thereby increase the production capacity of their enterprise. there are poultry farms for meat and egg production in the republic , and naturally, in mountainous regions sheep breeding has been established, and calves also graze on the fertile alpine meadows. in our mountainous areas, they give away the kolmyda breed, because the breed is more adapted to our conditions in our region, and plus this breed is the only breed that protects its calf from the wolf, that there is no wolf-killer, the breed quickly matures and marbled meat. dairy production is actively developing in the region, 30
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tons of milk daily and 10,000 tons per year are produced by cows of the black-and-white holstein breed, which are kept on this farm in gudurme region, it is designed for 1,200 milking cows and 800 young ones, which are raised here, small, just like our children, well, yes, it’s interesting to watch from the moment of birth how it grows, it turns into a full-fledged cow, let’s put it that way, the fruit of our labors. there are about 300 calves in this shed, these are just a few months old, within two weeks they will be transferred to the pen opposite the older calves, and by winter they will join the adult hammerhead herd. and in about a year they will begin to produce milk. all livestock are entered into the computer base, and a sensor is attached next to the hoof of each animal with which you can track the condition of the cow, for example, if she is anxious, this is a signal for a more thorough examination to rule out health problems. information from the sensor is sent to the server, where it also tracks how much milk each cow produces. the optimal milk yield is about 40 liters per day. every day, milk from the farm
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is sent to the local plant, as well as to kobordino balkario in nalchik. if we talk about the total amount produced in republic that this year this figure is about 250,000 tons. oksana podturkina, yuri belov and andrey litvin senate program from the chechen republic. what awaits the market for the circulation of tobacco products in russia, is it necessary to transfer part of the revenue from excise taxes on tobacco to regional budgets, and how can the state more effectively counteract the illegal market? these issues are the subject of lively discussions among legislators as well as regulatory agencies. we will learn more from senator alexei sinitsin. alexey vladimirovich, hello. hello, let’s talk about excise taxes on tobacco, it is known that previously there were very active discussions on the topic of directing part of the revenues and excise taxes to regional budgets, that is, in essence , forming another significant source of income for the regions, what is currently preventing this initiative from being implemented? at what stage is the discussion now? actually, the question of transferring part of the excise taxes, with powers
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to the regions, is not a question rather of fees there - increasing budget revenues subjects, this is a matter of implementing standards for compliance with control over the sale of illegal tobacco. unfortunately, in our country there is a fairly high level of illegal products and the fight against this has so far been of a conditionally effective nature, because the reason for this phenomenon lies in the plane of harmonization of excise tax rates with our neighboring countries of eurasian-asian cooperation, it is from there that illegal tobacco enters our country, this work to harmonize rates is certainly underway, but unfortunately it not fast, because this is not national legislation, it is necessary, within the framework of our work of the eurasian... commission, to regulate not only the indicative price, but also the deviation from this price, which now amounts to 40%, is still an incentive to import into our country illegal
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counterfeit tobacco. the transfer of excise taxes to the regions is a measure that will allow the regions to be more intensively involved in identifying points of sale of illegal tobacco. this measure worked very effectively when it came to illegal alcohol. of course, we are not talking about the fact that you just need to give money to ... the regions, we are talking about the need to find a mechanism in which the region will receive both money and powers in order to implement this, there are regions that are ready and they want, within the framework of their powers, to solve the problem with illegal tobacco, realizing that they will have financial incentives to deal with this, just as there is now in alcohol, when part of the excise taxes from the sale of alcohol goes to regional budgets, creating incentives for regional authorities to deal with this problem to do this, the federation council has been talking about this for 10 years, probably that it needs to be done, but no decision has been made on this matter yet, although almost all participants, including many federal executive bodies, support this idea,
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including again the created rosalkogol-tobacco-control , we used to have such a body as rosalkogol-regulation, now it is called rosalkogol-so-control, to which control functions have also come and it will also be subject to the need to perform well standards for whitewashing the market, so we will conditionally call indicators of the effectiveness of this body, and of course, they understand that all measures must be taken in order to display illegal tobacco on the shelves. another important issue that i would like to discuss is excise taxes on liquid for vaping, to what extent this area is now regulated by the state, are any changes planned, are there any initiatives in this area. yes, well, unfortunately, control over this sphere is more difficult than over the production sphere. and if we say that in tobacco has about 14-15% of the share of illegal products, then when we talk about liquids for electronic nicotine delivery systems , then 3/4 of the market is illegal products, only
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a quarter is legal, in general, last year there was a big discussion about what should be fair excise taxes on this type of production and the year has shown that this area has begun to proliferate, but the state duma has a federal law that proposes to double the amount of excise taxes on liquids for electronic nicotine delivery systems by 110%. will lead to the fact that we will lose the white part of the sales market and manufacturers who are now selling legally will leave this market, because there will be a huge gap between legal products and illegal ones, that is, this will not be an increase in cost, a corresponding decrease in availability, but simply an increase an increase in the gray market... will lead to the fact that these products will become completely uncompetitive, people will simply stop buying them and manufacturers, realizing this, realizing that
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they will not have sales, have already decided to that they will stop the production and sale of this, these types of products on the territory of the russian federation, this is no longer a fiscal issue, not such huge amounts of income are brought in, the white part of sales is health protection, because when we will only have illegal products with formed behavior of people, accustomed to consumption, we will understand that they will consume exclusively illegal products, even those who would like to buy legal products at an expensive price will not have such an opportunity if the task is if we remove the completely legal market, then it will be implemented in the very near future, the question arises of how effectively we will be able to remove the illegal market as well - well, the new service rosalkogol-tobacco-control, let’s hope, will take effective measures to solve this problem , one of such measures, as we have already discussed, may be
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the involvement of active regions with the transfer of powers to them and, accordingly, part of the excise taxes, and as for the import of tobacco and raw materials into our country, under sanctions pressure, our country does not produce it, are there any difficulties with the import of tobacco and how are they resolved, and we buy all the raw materials, but it should be noted that in the twenty-second year , due to changes in logistics chains , domestic production fell, but in the twenty- third year has recovered, but at the level of the twenty-first year, it remains quite stable, raw materials are actually imported to us, but again, during the event that took place in our committee, we identified a serious problem with phytosanitary control of imported raw materials, again, we are not for people to smoke, but we are for there to be a legal market, so that those who already smoke make such a choice, have the opportunity to buy quality products, unfortunately, any barriers to import legal raw materials, they could undermine the legal market, so we will now
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appeal on behalf of the committee for. create legal production. next week , senators will touch upon the work of support mechanisms for russian companies operating in the information technology and electronics industry. industry. as part of parliamentary hearings, measures of state support for the automotive industry will be discussed. they will consider current issues of consumer protection and ways to solve them. see you in a week. if you have already spent all your energy on training , don’t spend too much, order from the scooter in the selection of a profitable shelf, free delivery, scooter without extra expenses, 50 years of improving clothing and labeling so that we
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can be born. here again northland born of the alps. russia is a country of which we are proud. we are proud that we bring light and warmth around the world. we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but never. let’s not stop there, discover the achievement of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition, we are alexander and dmitry koshnin, i calculated a model of a super-hard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer, and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we are passionate about science, develop an interest in
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science since childhood. in a scientific specialty.rf.
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i’ve been working towards this all my life, we expect to do it in 10 days, it will be a record, cut it , on the verge of possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one at the maximum height, don’t go higher, you’ll just fall like a stone. at the speed of the wind, it’s a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, it’s like it’s chasing you, what do you want, master of the wind,
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