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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 18, 2023 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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hello, this is the program. my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov, will talk about the key events of the federation council and how the work of senators affects the development of the regions of our country. learn more about everything right now. the russian language as a language of interethnic communication is the central theme of the autumn session of the cis interparliamentary assembly in beshka. in general , the russian language is now receiving a lot of attention in the cis. lugansk people's republic. integration into the russian legal and social systems. eat. points,
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probably the most sensitive area for our citizens is medicine, the process here is quite intensive, the creation of preferential regimes for doing business in new regions, what is their task? to ensure that integration into the connected regions takes place as quickly as possible and as least painful as possible for our business. implementation of a major reform of the waste management system, what do the senators propose, what will the new law be like? we are going to economics. closed cycle to reduce disposal volumes, these are important eliminate legislative gaps. illegal trafficking of tobacco products, how to regulate the market? unfortunately, in our country there is a fairly high level of illegal products and the fight against this has so far been, well, conditionally effective . support and promotion of the russian language as a language of interethnic communication is the central theme of the autumn session of the cis interparliamentary assembly in beshka. delegation of the federation council in the kyrgyz republic. headed by valentina matvienko.
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russian senators took part in meetings of standing committees and work to improve model legislation. it is planned that by 2025 more than 130 laws will be adopted, which all parliament members of the assembly are working on. on the sidelines of the session, the speaker of the federation council had a number of bilateral meetings with foreign colleagues. separate meeting with the president of the kyrgyz republic sadyr japarov. the meeting was very meaningful, very constructive. at the same time, a friendly, warm atmosphere, special attention was devoted to issues humanitarian, cultural cooperation, including in the field of education, on september 1 of this year, our presidents launched the construction of three new russian schools in kyrgyzstan, in general, the presidents approved a program of nine schools over 3 years, this is a good opportunity to receive a quality education and learn the russian language , in general , the russian language is now in the space... the cis
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is paying a lot of attention, on the initiative of the president of kazakhstan, an international organization for the russian language was established within the framework of the chairmanship of kyrgyzstan, i am sure that she will soon cross the borders of the commonwealth, it is very important to understand that the russian language is the language of interethnic communication in the cis, this is an opportunity for everyone to touch the great literary creative heritage, of course, russia. assistance in personnel training for kyrgyzstan. today , more than 16,000 students from kyrgyzstan are studying in the russian federation, half of whom, thanks to our state scholarships and at the address of the president of kyrgyzstan , it was decided to increase the state quota of up to a thousand in the new academic year. following the plenary session, valentina matvienko spoke with journalists. she called the cis interparliamentary assembly a self-sufficient and effective format of interaction. the parliamentary dimension
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makes a huge contribution to the work of the state. separately, valentina matvienko commented on the procedure for moldova’s withdrawal from the cis interparliamentary assembly. after moldova’s statement about leaving the ipa, the procedure will end on february 8. from february 8 , moldova will officially no longer be a member of the interparliamentary assembly of the cis. for our assembly, this is no damage; the assembly continues to work. this is, of course, a huge loss for moldova itself, our community is called the commonwealth of independent states. moldova has long been no longer, since the arrival of mrs. sandu, it is no longer an independent state, it is under external control and sings from someone else’s voice. that's why. here, as they say, there is nothing to add,
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but the fact that moldova will lose a lot is a fact, the fact that not all citizens, and not to say the majority, do not share pursued... policies planted by the west, leadership having foreign citizenship, this is evidenced by the elections that were recently held in various government bodies, municipal others, no matter how they tried to manipulate, come up with procedures, weed out undesirables, dissidents, and yet, according to the results voting, they did not get the majority they wanted. this means that this course does not have the support of the majority of citizens. several dozen countries, together with russia, are ready to coordinate efforts to resist attempts by the united states and western countries to interfere in internal affairs and threaten stability and peaceful development. at the initiative of our country,
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a new association is being created on the international platform, we are talking about a forum of supporters of the fight against modern practices of neo-colonialism. what kind of association this is, what practical goals it has, we will discuss this: senator andrei klimov, he is a guest of our studio today. andrey arkaevich, tell us more about this forum, when will everything take place, what practical actions are the participants of this forum ready and will take? as you know, the topic of the fight against modern forms of colonialism, what we call non-colonialism, this topic is not new, but in new circumstances it sounds louder, and as you know, the russian side is now making great efforts to the world majority, which does not want to continue living under oppression this neo-colonial empire , which is personified primarily by the united states, although of course, the forum that we plan to make constitutive, to establish an international global movement,
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anti-colonial, we do not have a task, to fight against any particular state, that’s not what we’re talking about, what we’re talking about is that these remnants of the past, including and mainly in this case new colonialism or neo-colonialism, they should already be somewhere in the dustbin of history, many of them they understand, by the way, some people understand this even in those countries that radiate this very new colonialism, but it’s one thing to understand, and another thing to really leave in the past, to archive these worthless methods, because what happens today, how and centuries ago, a small group... to the state, this is a global minority, it continues to build its prosperity, or simply maintain its existence, this is not so important, at the expense of, well, the obvious robbery of others, this is facilitated by the monopoly of individual currencies, first of all we are talking about the dollar
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, this includes the use , predatory use of other people’s natural resources, this is neo-colonialism in the field of information technology, education, that is, personnel training and much, much more, almost all areas are covered by this very spider, the task the initiators of the forum to combat modern practices of neo-colonialism, and by and large for the freedom of nations, because we have the united nations organization, it was about the fact that free and sovereign nations, in mutual cooperation... are building a new future for humanity, so we must do this returning to the origins of doing this can help the consolidation of such socio-political forces, parliamentary parties, public organizations, individual figures, there are many of them in the world, we are already receiving a large number of applications for participation in this forum, proposals,
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therefore, i would now refrain from announcing a specific date, the organizing committee is working and we believe that in the first half of the future... not only the forum itself will take place, not only will it be, from our point of view this question, obviously, this has been created an informal, global movement, but its permanent committee will still work, and thus the work will reach a practical level, well, for example, it makes sense to take an inventory of everything that these same neo-colonialists have done there, the bills there will be large, here we are, on one of forums recently held with the participation of senators in st. petersburg, we talked about a figure of about 30 three dollars. at one time, india was robbed when it was under the domination of colonial london, and this partly ensured the well-being of this
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very united kingdom, and there are many such examples, but there are also not financial examples, yes, but like, for example, the example of algeria, which was talked about a lot at one time... uh, the visit of the chairman of the federation council to this country, the french, who used algeria as a training ground for their nuclear tests, too, and there are quite a lot of these to try. for a snack, as they say in some circles, to remind you that today the former ussr has been turned into a colony, here is a specific example, these are colonial methods of developing territories, in this particular case we are talking about development and military, the transformation of this territory into their a battering ram against our country, in the resource sector, they often scoop out everything, including with the help of the so-called black sea grain. this was done just when grain was being pumped out of ukraine and transferred
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the european union, and there are other, so to speak, methods of violence against the ukrainian people, but not only africa, not only latin america, not only asian countries, but so-called europe itself, the european union, well, it is not so slow, quite fast is rapidly transforming or turning into a semi-colony of the united states, again the use of biological laboratories on the territory of ukraine. and not only on the territory of ukraine, so this colonial exploration of the world, it continues, it’s time to really put an end to this, that and it is supposed to be done by joining forces, this is very important, by joining forces, these are countries of good will, as they used to say, and by and large the world’s very majority, there is another question related to brix, an association that attracts everything more, more participating countries, tell us how the work is going in this direction, because in essence, this is also, you can
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call it a club of like-minded people who fight against the rules, and, by the way, the word club is more accurate than the word organization, because brix is ​​not is an organization in in the generally accepted sense, this is more of an alliance of sovereign powers, from january 1 this alliance will be expanded, as we believe, to 11 countries, now there are five, that’s a lot... detail, when this was announced, the conflict in the middle east suddenly broke out with such force , if you look at who is around the place of this conflict, this is egypt, the new brix member , this is saudi arabia, the new brix member, this is iran, the new brix member and this is the united arab emirates, the new brix member, there is a version with which i am largely i agree, it lies in the fact that someone overseas decided, therefore, to destroy the prospects of such a consolidated action in started all this, not only can it be for this, but for this too, and if we again
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look at those wishing to join this alliance, the circle is much wider, these are five dozen states , in principle, have emerged one way or another, but we have the opportunity to work within the framework of the new brix development bank, there may be countries that are not members of this club, we have the opportunity to work on specific projects, we have a parliamentary, party dimension of brix, we exist socially. economic, so in principle there are opportunities for those who wish, without being a member of the alliance, to nevertheless actively participate in its work, and even now we are talking about a very large-scale phenomenon, because well, look, china’s gdp already exceeds that of america, plus we add , out of the top five countries in terms of gdp, in terms of gdp level, three are already in brix. well, this says something, so the prospects here are good and we will
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work as hard as possible in this direction, by the way, in our federation council for the first time, so to speak, among all the brics countries, a special subcommittee has appeared in our international affairs committee, which i also have the honor of heading, and this subcommittee, without a doubt, is now very actively working on the future russian chairmanship, which begins on the 20th. accompanying event including the municipal brix forum was recently successfully held in st. petersburg, where i had the honor to greet the 7,000 participants on behalf of the chairman of the federation council valentina ivanovna matvienko at the opening big grand event. now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, then we’ll continue, don’t switch.
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the nazi ideology of hatred and murder was elevated to the level of state policy in ukraine. glory to ukraine, when kolomoisky
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began to sponsor the same azov, they began to instill this nazism. ideology, which in general fell on absolutely fertile ground, seems to me that the more you if you kill, so much the better, the defenseless population, they could not fight back in any way, there was no one to complain to, quickly and efficiently, establish contacts with the prosecutor’s office, with the administration, we have a common task, we established down to which military unit stood on what lines and which commander gave the criminal orders, war crimes have no statute of limitations, so in any case, each of them will suffer a well-deserved punishment, from here to our positions there are about 10 km, this entire road
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is shot through, as soon as it is reached there they take out a bupula, an eastern ugledan. northern dasch - this is this picture, now we’ll put a map on the map and we’ll carry out analytics, just to shoot there, well, this is not our story, the 21st century is reconnaissance, fire defeat, the war is not won by the one who acts correctly, there if he wins, then he acts effectively, all the detachments have passed the front line, they are storming, they are conducting active processing operations , they are conducting offensive actions, if it goes forward, then the detachment is moving forward, well, explain to me, why volunteers? russia is a country of which we are proud. we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world. we look forward with pride, forging new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but
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we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievement. countries are with you, come to the exhibition forum russia, you want to leave, you don’t want to, we don’t want to, it’s just a necessity, yes vasya is at mom’s, vasya is at mom’s, rep, well, go tell me about yourself, how are you doing, she’s already 11, here on saturday, it’s our birthday, from the whole company. we wish you happiness, health, that you are crying, i simply have no words, thank you very much.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought, together with experts we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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the potential of women in modern society from creative industries to the defense industry. the steel circle of the urals forum has ended in the chelyabinsk region. this a platform for meeting and exchanging professional experiences of women from various fields of activity. we will learn all the details from senator daria lantratova, who was a guest of the forum. for the third time, the chelyabinsk region gathered. active girls, leaders of various communities, to the forum steel lace of the urals, and this name, like nothing better, demonstrates what the image
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of a woman in russia is today, it is not only about beauty, about flexibility and grace, it is about a very reliable rear. it must be said that the special military operation highlighted the new role of women, today we see a huge number in the regions. corps, which become real leaders, the girls launch the production of various products necessary for the front. the girls were the first to raise the cry for collecting humanitarian aid and much , much more, and of course, we are doing everything to support such activity and initiatives of our women, because it often turns out that a woman, a girl, has an excellent education. there are all possibilities, but there are some stereotypes and psychological barriers, so these are the women's associations, communities, events, forums help women come together and
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support each other, and of course , it is very important for women to see such cases, examples of women who successfully manage to combine careers, social activities and family; we have launched several educational programs that will ... to continue, we have already been operating for several months, in the field of entrepreneurship, together with the sme academy, we have launched an educational course to make it easier for girls to find themselves, be realized in the entrepreneurial sphere. and also a separate area of ​​our work is women’s politics, and the last september unified voting day showed that this area is in great demand, more than 200 girls who went through our educational program. became winners at the level of legislative assemblies, in politics today the image of a caring representative
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of the political sphere is in great demand, because in times of challenges, in times of instability, of course, people want to feel care, support, attention and empathy, and of course, such qualities, primarily inherent in our women. daryaevna, you represent in the federation council. how is the process of integrating regions into the russian legal and social systems going, are there any problematic issues? indeed, the process of integration of our reunited constituent entities is proceeding very actively; the first meeting of the integration council has already taken place, which really gave such a new impetus, a new impetus to this work. the most important thing is that we are actively pursuing a simplified process for obtaining citizenship. russian federation, already about a million people, lugansk. another important point is that we managed to quickly provide
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all the social support measures that... our other constituent entities of the russian federation, this includes the payment of maternity capital, a unified child benefit, there is a very active recalculation of pensions under russian legislation, but of course, a number of problems remain , for example, there is a huge shortage of personnel, employees in almost all areas, for example, in the field of medicine we have a staffing level of about 30-40%. and this causes difficulties in the development of almost all areas. of course, security issues, because, unfortunately, shelling continues, primarily of civilian infrastructure, social facilities, of course, this is quite seriously hindering development processes, and of course, we have to be fully included in the financial system of the russian federation in order to all those programs that operate in others. were
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available in the lugansk people's republic, probably the most sensitive area for our citizens - this is medicine, here the process is going on quite intensively, more than 4,000 people have already received compulsory health insurance policies, which means they have access to high-quality, including high-tech medicine, and they can receive this help in any subject of the russian federation, it started working not so long ago drug benefit program. over the past year, about 7.5 billion rubles have been allocated for medicines and medical products, and this process, of course, continues. the federation website is discussing the creation preferential regimes for conducting business activities in the territories of the donetsk people's republic, lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye and kherson regions.
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senator dmitry told us about the demand for these economic mechanisms, well, first of all , our task is to make sure that integration into the connected regions takes place as quickly as possible and as least painful as possible for our business. of course, today we have risks associated with military actions. all supply chains are being rebuilt, production, the system of relations between authorities and citizens is being rebuilt, all cadastral registers are being re-formed, even today we do not have a sufficient volume of cartographic materials in general to talk about those property rights and those rights for business operation that are needed, so of course , in order for business to develop, the regional economy to develop, it is necessary to seriously help in the first steps, in the first stages, so of course, a free commercial zone, which was created on territory of the reunited regions, the first projects already exist, the first 30 projects.
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for a fairly large amount, today we are creating the most preferential regimes for our entrepreneurs, so that they can reach full capacity as quickly as possible, and production , cultivation of agricultural products and processing, provision of services in the field of recreation in the field of generally normal work of all spheres, and trade, and so on. there is already experience in introducing preferences in the regions, such as crimea. what benefits are currently being considered for business, incentives and opportunities to attract investors to new entities? you know, we are now finalizing the system, the basis for our laws that were adopted was taken from the crimean system, indeed the law of the os, which works in the territories of the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol, but new regions have their own characteristics and we, of course, are bringing them as close as possible today our business, all those support measures
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that... and the state sector, and those preferences, those benefits that we give for them, so our task today is hear feedback from businesses, feedback from local authorities on how this system is being implemented, and today at a round table we discussed the need to introduce additional support measures that will significantly affect the work of our business, the main risk we see today is the lack of insurance for systemic military... risks , that is, the risks of destruction as a result of military actions, which today, unfortunately, take place in the reunified territories and today quite hinder the development of the economy in all areas, so this is the first the task that we have is that today we have introduced insurance for automobile cargo, but we do not yet have a functioning insurance system for rail and sea transportation.


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