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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 18, 2023 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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to the center for the elderly, as a result the director of the institution died. the enclave's ministry of health is talking about a shortage of food, food and water in the ashif hospital is enough for a maximum of 400 people, while there are now at least 7,000 there. journalist seymour hirsch commented on the situation in the middle east; according to his sources in the us government, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu refused the hostage deal. the american demand called for the release of more than seventy prisoners, however representatives. and hamas wanted in exchange for a cessation of hostilities for 5 days, which turned out to be unacceptable for netanyahu. finnish border guards used gas against russians who arrived at the border checkpoint, one person was injured, local tv channel mtv-3 reported. it is noted that a group of about thirty people arrived at the border crossing in the evening on bicycles, but after talking with a checkpoint officer, one of the arriving men was sprayed with gas in the face. finland closed its largest points tonight. now to deliver the goods,
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it will be necessary to make a big detour. in athens, a massive demonstration took place at the american embassy; about 25,000 people took part in the march. protesters burned an american flag and called on the greek government to immediately withdraw from nato. demonstrators called the americans themselves murderers of peoples because of the large-scale supply of weapons to the hot spot. 20 people were detained. similar actions took place in other cities, including in thessaloniki, there were some clashes with the police, molotov cocktails were thrown at buildings. moscow has no right organize friendship games due to the inadequacy of the russian anti-doping agency. this statement was made by the ceo of wada. he noted that the event was being run by a federation that had been deprived of recognition by the international olympic committee and threatened sanctions against those foreign athletes who wanted to take part in the competition. ignoring friendship games is recommended and could. in moscow, in
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response, they emphasized that the committee does not have a monopoly on world sports. let me remind you that the friendship games will be held in september next year in moscow and yekaterinburg. demographic records may affect climate change, exclusive interview with federation council representative valentin matvienko. in the review by robert frantsev, watch immediately after the advertisement. it’s getting better and better, up to 14% per annum on deposits, the best interest in savings, a deposit with a favorable rate, place it literally with one button in the mobile application in savings with prime , it’s more profitable, if you’ve already spent half an evening choosing a movie, don’t spend too much, order on a scooter in selection of profitable shelf, free delivery, scooter without extra expenses.
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self-sufficient, valentina matvienko about russia’s cooperation with the countries of the region in an exclusive interview for our program, knock-knock, who’s there , right now almost 2 million pashtuns are moving to the north of afghanistan, right to the borders of the cis. let's start with the big news from kazakhstan, the country now officially has 20 million inhabitants, this was reported by presidential press service. the bureau of statistics clarifies that five newborns, three boys and two girls, helped to reach a new historical peak. they appeared on the morning of november 14th. on the occasion of this significant event, volunteers held a parade on the streets of astana. lined up in the big twenty. by the way, one of the banks will give parents of anniversary newborns 2 million tenge, which is approximately 400,000 rubles. it is estimated that the population boom will continue throughout central asia by 2050, with the region's population projected to exceed 100 million
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human. what is characteristic is that central asia is another one of the youngest regions of the world. the average age is just over 27.5 years. such growth rates pose a challenge to central asia. challenges that are already obvious: from the need to create a comparable number of jobs in a short time, to, for example, even more pressing problems, providing a growing population with water. it is no coincidence that this week the first un meeting in central asia on combating desertification and drought was held in samarkandi, the region is already feeling it a dry breath of bleak climate prospects. the area of ​​arid territories in central asia today is more than 150 million. just think about it, this is about 40% of all lands. in the region, drought and desertification cause annual damages of approximately $6 billion. due to the degradation of pastures and arable lands, a huge number of people lose their last means of livelihood, including for this reason,
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from 2.5 to 4.5 million people migrate from here every year in search of work. this is up to 15% of everything economically active population. choosing samarkand for consultation. it is no coincidence that uzbekistan pays great attention to the fight against climate disaster. tashkent directs more than half of all investments to areas prone to desertification, for example, to prevent dust-salt storms on the dry bottom of the aral sea, entire forests are planted. the most difficult situation is in tajikistan, here, among all the countries in the region, there is the least amount of land, and 30% of them can be classified as degraded, and 95% territory is at risk in order to feed their families, millions of people are forced to leave their homeland in search of work, un climate experts are sounding the alarm, while this model allows us to cope, transfers from migrants keep the economy afloat, but given the dynamics of the spread of deserts, if nothing undertake, waves of forced
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migrants will be overwhelmed and neighboring countries will provoke an acute humanitarian crisis in the coming decades. about climate challenges and their consequences. interview with our expert. so, it is clear that desertification is a pressing problem for central asia. what caused this process? thank you, the question is interesting because it breaks down into several answers. firstly, it is obvious that the central asian region is a region with an arid climate. that is, climatic reasons are what are given by nature. other reasons that are. not natural, but anthropogenic, this is everything that is associated with the development of irrigation in the region. another aspect is the pasture use of land. overloading these pastures with an excessive number of livestock leads to the most negative
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consequences, that is, loss of vegetation cover, and finally, here is the third main circumstance - these are issues that relate to land salinization. are there any effective ways to solve this problem? well, of course there is. the main problem here is population growth, yes, in these countries, that is, a growing population requires much... more resources, and these resources are not enough, accordingly, the way out of this is to implement as soon as possible and as soon as possible more effective are the so-called water-saving technologies and soil-saving technologies. the second point, which is also extremely important, is the development of so-called adaptation technologies. the fact is that this region, it and the region where the desert territories are deserted. biomes, the so-called, occupy dominant areas, deserts already exist, but if we
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have improved this desert, how next, we must maintain those systems in good condition, but for this there may no longer be enough resources and technological solutions for the use of which were found there, say 100, 200, 300 years ago, now this does not work, new technological solutions are needed, what threatens further degradation, the so-called wars... for water - are these just horror stories or one of the real possible scenarios? well, first of all, i would like to immediately say, of course, that god forbid if something like this starts in this region, because conflicts over water have always existed here and still exist, and some kind of conflicts , they are completely resolved in a reasonable peaceful way, begins... the adoption of some collective decisions, but there are
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local conflicts that are not inevitable and require the attentive attitude of the authorities of the relevant countries and the relevant municipalities in order not to succumb to all kinds of provocations. a notable event in asia, and throughout the cis this week... was the holding of the autumn session of the commonwealth interparliamentary assembly in bishke. the russian delegation was headed by chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. speaker met with the president of kyrgyzstan sadyr japarov. valentina matvienko noted the importance of the russian language in communication between all peoples of the commonwealth countries, and noted how much is being done today to support it in the cis countries. one of the large-scale projects for the construction of russian schools in central asian countries, including kyrgyzstan. president japarov, in turn, noted the effectiveness. russian-kyrgyz relations. we know you as an old, loyal,
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reliable friend of kyrgyzstan. undoubtedly, your visit will contribute to further strengthening friendly ties between our countries. you and i had a very meaningful and warm conversation in may during my official official visit to moscow. it is pleasant to emphasize that kyrgyz-russian relations have. we embrace positive dynamics in almost all areas of life. we are truly connected by a common destiny, a common history, friendly relations between our peoples, and we are interested in continuing our and expanding and deepening our mutually beneficial cooperation in every possible way. within session, a series of meetings were held with colleagues from belarus, kazakhstan, tajikistan and azerbaijan. international issues were discussed. cooperation, conferences were also held dedicated to the eighty-fifth anniversary of the jigarku of kinesh
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of the kyrgyz republic and the ninety-fifth anniversary of the birth of changiz aitmatov, a mandatory item in the program was the laying of flowers at the monument to the victims of the siege of leningrad. especially for our program, in an exclusive interview, the speaker of the federation council commented on the results of kyrgyzstan’s chairmanship in the cis. i i want to note that this is not just my point of view, all the chapters stated this. states that kyrgyzstan's chairmanship in the cis was very successful, all events were held at the highest level, this is due to the president of the republic, our kyrgyz colleagues, they really did a great job, beshkek throughout this year was the capital, so the international capital, where very important international events took place, at the level of heads of government, at the level... of foreign ministers, heads of state, today this baton has passed to the heads of
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parliament of the cis, and the chairmanship of kyrgyzstan, it was very effective; as a result, 17 important documents were signed on very topical issues in which all cis countries were interested; as i already said, an agreement was signed on the creation of an international organization on language, in addition , was implemented and, by the way, the initiative to create an international organization came from the president of kazakhstan, since they presided over the cis last year. it was implemented already this year, in addition, an important decision was made, in my opinion, about observers and partners of the cis, this means that now all interested, friendly states will be able to participate in the work of the cis, this expands the capabilities of this structure. we also asked valentina matvienko how russia is going to build relations with the countries
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of central asia, given the increasing political and sanctions pressure on... the region. in fact, both america and the european state exert strong political pressure on the state central asia, hold special separate meetings to drive a wedge between russia and the states of central asia, and we feel it, but despite any sanctions pressure, as i already said, our cooperation continues to actively develop, we proceed from the fact that it should be mutually beneficial, self-sufficient, self-valuable, we proceed from the fact that it must be filled with specific content, economic, specific projects, investments, humanitarian and cultural projects, i am sure, i am sure that no
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pressure, no sanctions, of course, will not allow us to destroy everything that binds us, in history, in our relations, the main thing is in the relations of people, but friendship of peoples is not just some common words, mutual respect, friendship and trust, i am sure , that this cooperation will gain momentum, because we do not have a younger, older brother, we cooperate on equal terms, everyone is interested, everyone benefits from this cooperation, but why destroy what benefits the state and people? and to other events of the past weeks. kazakhstan is not going to consider american proposals to build nuclear power plants with small-module reactors in the republic. astana considers such us projects , quote: risky, since they have not been implemented anywhere in the world today, so preference will be given to other options
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proven from a safety point of view. alisa learned the kazakh language and voices. your yandex assistant can answer the user’s question, voice the weather forecast or report some interesting fact, moreover, this is not a pre-determination; additional options are promised to be provided in the near future, while this version of alice is only available in the territory of kazakhstan itself. schoolchildren with tajik citizenship, yegor goroshko and iskander zairov, won the international olympiad in occupational science, which was held in panama. the guys represented the asian branch of the russian rock league there. turned out to be the best in the most difficult engineering category. silver went to kazakhstanis from the astana lyceum. a new type of military service will appear in kazakhstan - reserve service, according to the draft, which was put up for public discussion, such service will be accepted voluntarily from 18 to 50 years old, and
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officers up to 60 years old. ideally, the reform will allow mobilization to be carried out faster, without... unnecessary delays at military registration and enlistment offices. when an alarm is declared, in conditions of war or some other danger, the serviceman will immediately be able to come to the military unit where he has already undergone training. military registration and enlistment offices are not needed for this; the fighter will immediately begin performing tasks for which he has already prepared in a specific military unit, while weapons and equipment will already be assigned to him. it is proposed to ban ponzha and cutting beards in... the project was brought to the attention of the public, the need is explained by safety requirements, religious clothing covering the face and thick beards interfere with personal identification, the muftiate opposed it, according to the sharia of the hanafi madhhab, a woman is allowed to wear clothing covering the face, for for men , wearing a beard is optional, but desirable.
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more recently, a similar law was passed in uzbekistan, here for wearing a burqa in in a public place, fine 800.10 dollars. what else do you remember about the past week in asia? members of a radical group that was planning to overthrow, quote, the secular system were detained in kazakhstan. the operations took place in astana, otirao and zhskazgan. during the searches , extremist literature and other material evidence were confiscated. a number of members of the group have convictions for serious crimes. the head of the russian ministry of health, mikhail murashko, made a working trip to kyrgyzstan, where he met with his colleague. beishinaliev. the parties discussed the directions of bilateral cooperation, such as the exchange of experience between russian and kyrgyz doctors, and also agreed to more actively interact in the field of pharmaceuticals. turkmenistan celebrated the harvest festival, which traditionally fell on the second sunday of november. on the occasion of the solemn date
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, the president of the republic sent congratulations to the farmers. he called for more active introduction of modern technologies into the agro-industrial complex, and praised the breeding workers who provide farmers with high-quality seeds. the turkmen cities of ashhad and arkadak hosted the international festival of theatrical art of the happy era. it brought together groups of production artists from other central asian countries, as well as from russia and turkey. the participants demonstrated their skills on stage and admired the performances of local folk ensembles. and let's turn to afghanistan, this is how it is now. the country's security forces now move on roller skates, on some issues the taliban are ultra-conservative, on others, they don't even... keep up with the times or get ahead his. and
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i didn’t even notice one more very important piece of afghan news. amid the humanitarian crisis in gaza, almost no one paid attention to another large-scale resettlement - almost 2 million afghan pashtuns from pakistan. read more about what is happening in our story. someone is packing bags of belongings and throwing pickups. many simply walk. pakistani pashtuns have been gradually squeezed out of the country in recent years, but this exodus is truly massive; the huge diaspora was given a matter of weeks to leave without returning. if the government had not ordered it, we would not have gone anywhere. we spent our whole lives here, raised our children here, and we ourselves were born in this place. all life is not an exaggeration. half a century ago, immediately after the overthrow of king zahirshah in afghanistan, pashtun refugees began to seek at least relative peace. in pakistan. islamabad did not object , especially since migrants often filled the ranks, first of the afghan mujahideen, and then of the taliban, who did nothing that the pakistani authorities did not like, be it
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the fight against the communists of the eighties, or the victory over the pro-western government of ashrafani, most recently when american troops left afghanistan. moreover, the pakistani leadership turned a blind eye to the famous underground workshops of the gunsmith in the city of dara adam heil and to other, to put it mildly, not entirely legal pashtun activities, and the issue of demarcating the border between afghanistan and pakistan was not that very pressing, durand’s symbolic line , with a length of over 2,500 km, de facto does not divided the iranian communities of the two countries, but now everything has changed, the pakistani taliban, who are mostly pashtuns, decided to follow the example of the afghan ones and declared jihad against the army of pakistan itself. unfortunately, in recent months. faced terrorist attacks, many of which are behind the taliban, supported from afghanistan. and in such conditions , every pakistani pashtun is a potential
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militant, or at least a visitor to training camps where young men are taught how to use explosive weapons. this seems to explain the decision to deport. although the afghan taliban are quite likely only happy about the increase in population due to the influx of refugees, because no one has canceled the need to form a reserve for the army. according to. expert community, kabul is now spending up to 40% of the budget on equipping new armed units, and has also increased the cost of maintaining madrassas with a military-religious bias. it is still difficult to say what exactly the taliban are preparing for, but the trend is alarming in any case, since everything is happening right at the borders of the cis. and , of course, it’s not just that, secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev recently emphasized that the situation in afghanistan still cannot but cause deep concern. russian seasons continue in uzbekistan; this week, people's artist of russia konstantin raikin presented in tashkent the play
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jokers based on the play by alexander ostrovsky , a poetic solo performance in his own voice. i am somehow very happy about our visit here, our tours and this beautiful city, there are invitations, all sorts of thoughts about how we, this... here, we will be happy to consider these proposals and will be happy to continue our communication with the tashkent public. that's all, see you as usual in a week in the same place, in the center of asia, take care of yourself. and the second estimate will tell you a fair price for a variety of cars, yours, your neighbor, or your boss, check with the author out of curiosity, the vtb team
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new attacks on military targets on the territory of ukraine, local media and telegram channels are reporting massive shelling by russian girans in a number of areas. at night, powerful explosions thundered in chernigov, kiev, as well as the kharkov region, dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd, khmelnitsky, zaporozhye, vinnitsa and poltava regions. at the moment there is information about the destruction of warehouses of the armed forces of ukraine under odessa on the territory of the dolgintsevo military airfield, in the krivoy rog region. in the krasnolimansk direction, the russian military suppressed almost 30 artillery crews.


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