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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 18, 2023 11:30am-11:54am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] moreover, for this small territory we transferred territory twice as large in area in northern corelia, and in response to finnish remarks, stalin uttered the famous phrase: there is such a word as geography: we are not afraid of you, you will not attack, but your territory, as germany can use the bridgehead, but what is 32 km, this is one throw and leningrad would be captured, the task was to push back the border. the finns did not agree to this, it led to the winter war, they lost. choice and the entire korelian isthmus, the entire ladoga region. the winter war began in november 1939. then the red army was unable to immediately break through the powerful fortifications of the mannerheim line. this was achieved only after more than three months of bloody battles. as a
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result of the war, the border was moved back. the change in the border was very important for the future, and as for this border itself, stalin drew it where peter ii had drawn it in his time. following the results of the northern war, according to the non-state peace treaty of 1721, the border passed exactly where stalin later drew the border with finland at the end of the winter war. stalin's decision move the border further away from leningrad. the german command sent them to lopland to prepare an attack on murmansk. finnish ports, railways and airfields were provided to the germans for the delivery of ammunition and equipment to the soviet border. on march 1 , 1941, the head of the sss headquarters, gotle berger, officially proposed an
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sss unit. i warmly supported this idea. the entire leadership of soomi, including the president and prime minister. thus, finland became the only state in the world that not only voluntarily admitted german troops, but of her own free will began to form military units of the sss. enter or pay, it is important that there are no commissions or restrictions. alfabank is the first in russia. canceled commissions for all transfers and payments. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. misha, yes, it’s a shame to forget where your cart is. misha, either forget the cat food, or even forget what you came for. and get up to 20% cashback on purchases at perekrestok and pyaterochka, and up to
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the war the germans used. it as a strike force on the eastern front. in 1942, after the fighting in ukraine, finnish ss men were sent to storm the caucasus. but they failed to take possession of the molgobek and grozny fields. having lost 2/3 of its personnel, the battalion was taken to germany and disbanded. most of the surviving sss soldiers continued to fight as part of the sss nordland division. after defeat in germany, they unexpectedly found influential western patrons with rich military experience . conditions, long-range sabotage and reconnaissance groups reporting directly to mennerheim's headquarters entered the soviet rear 200-300 km on skis, and many of these finnish saboteurs, who were also war criminals, immediately
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went to serve in the us army in order to share their valuable experience, how to survive in tactical conditions, how one of the most famous finnish saboteurs lauri terne is buried at the famous arlington military cemetery in washington. during the war , he carried out sabotage in the soviet rear. in 1944 , terne transferred service to the germans. for his distinction in battles against the red army, he was awarded the second iron cross in 1965 in vietnam, participating in another reconnaissance operation. today he is the only member of the sun to have the honor of lying next to american presidents, military personnel and astronauts at arlington
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national cemetery. in colorado, the headquarters of the 10th special forces group was named after him. in 2004. by as a result of voting by finnish television viewers, former ss man lauri törni took fifty- second place in the list of the 100 greatest finns. according to the barbarossa plan, they captured most of soviet karelia, reaching the southern section of the white sea-baltic canal. absence. and a sufficient number of bombers did not allow them to launch massive attacks on leningrad. at the same time, the finnish army
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actively participated in destroying the road of life with a surprise attack from finnish territory. the operation was codenamed brazil. her main goal was our dry island, which was the key to everything. ladazhskoye lake. if successful, leningrad was doomed to a second blockade winter and complete extinction. manergey gayacho supported this idea, calling attacks on the road of life a viking-style action. while it was active , german self-propelled landing barges and the twelfth detachment of italian torpedo boats from the city of la spezia were delivered to the base in disassembled form. the italians, like the finns, were supposed to cover the germans during the landing. island. an enemy flotilla attacked the island dry at dawn on october 22, 1942. some of the german paratroopers began
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hand-to-hand combat, and our pilots and sailors of the ladazh flotilla came to the aid of the island’s defenders. of the thirty enemy ships, 16 were destroyed. the road of life. managed to defend. the main success of the finnish army on the eastern front was the capture of petrozavodsk. by order of the tsar , a state-owned arms factory was built here, where during the northern war they cast cannons for the russian fleet, made yakars and cannonballs. one of the defense lines of petrozavodsk was passing. 1685. in september 1941, more than one thousand people died here. they continued to fight surrounded, even when the advanced
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finnish units had already broken through to the outskirts of petrozavodsk. if the ural men had not fought to the death in this place for 3 weeks, then there would have been a second ring of leningrad, the finns would have united with the germans in the volkhov area. karelian search engines have been working here since 2011, the heroes were identified thanks to the medallions found, personal: the belongings of the fighters are left at the place of their death, next to which a red star is installed. we discovered during the search work, this is that the finnish army had equipment from almost all of europe, starting from the first world war, ending with the weapons of the italian and japanese armies, that is, everything that was in warehouses in europe was issued to the finnish army, even steel ones.
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these shots depict a parade of finnish troops, after the war a myth will appear that the finnish army did not seek to seize the original russian lands, in reality, everything was completely different, after 2 weeks the finns began to create a huge camp area here for russian population of karelia, according to the order of the authorities, russians were classified as second-class people and should not mix with the privileged karelians and other ugrefin peoples. in total , the finnish occupiers created seven concentration camps in petrozavodsk, in which they were even placed. today, the last witnesses to the monstrous crimes of the finnish army on russian soil live in petrozavodsk. klavdia alexandrovna, together with her mother and five sisters,
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ended up in concentration camp number six. before this , the finns evicted them from their native village to zaonezhye. her father died at the front, her mother, stepanida ivanova, was buried in this mass grave on the outskirts of petrozavodsk. for everyone, the worst thing was hunger, so there was dystrophy, dropsy, and swollen legs. faces, people were swollen, they could not walk, and of course, there was also a system of punishment for the slightest violations, for trying to sneak under the wire in search of food, when children violated the decree, they could shoot, children died, there was forced labor, our sister, the eldest maria worked at the age of 14, then she was sent to logging for 15 years, and very few returned from there, out of 700...
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sent to kutizhma, after 3 months only 147 people returned, the rest died of hunger and illness, the hardest thing for me was imagining, excuse me, it’s harder, it ’s impossible to imagine, in this photo taken immediately after the liberation of petrozavodsk, klavdiya alexandrovna stands at the barbed wire. wires in the lower right corner. in 2007, on behalf of the union of former juvenile prisoners of finnish consuls ahtisaari and tari halanen, but were refused. european court, our attempt appeal also did not bring success, since we had to go through all the stages of the courts, starting with the helsinki district court, which... made a request to the main headquarters
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of the finnish army regarding my claim for compensation of 7,500 euros as payment. in january 1944 , manargeem ordered the burning of all documents relating to the ethnic cleansing of the russian population in karelia. but the finnish occupiers failed to completely destroy traces of their crimes. after germany's victory over the soviet union, the finnish authorities planned to completely get rid of everything russian, in as part of the preparation for this large-scale ethnic cleansing, at the end of 1941, a representative of the military command of eastern karelia arrived on a visit to germany. the main purpose of his trip was to discuss with various departments of the third rich the issues of deportation of russian residents of karelia to the german zone. occupation. in addition,
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the representative of finland had to study the territories. in particular, finnish officials were interested in hitler's methods of eliminating unwanted civilians. one of the main victims of finnish racial policy became soviet prisoners of war. they were kept. in unbearable conditions they were used in finnish captivity, from hunger and abuse, every third person died, i have... in my hands a unique thing, this is a box that was made in captivity, in finnish captivity, by a soviet prisoner of war, our prisoners made such boxes, cigarettes , boxes , in order to exchange them for bread, in particular in this shin army, there were quite a large number
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of prisoner camps, and between our captured guards there was such an exchange trade. after after the defeat of the germans at stalingrad, manerheim ordered, just in case, to rename the concentration camps for russians into resettlement or internment camps. the prisoners ’ food standards were even increased, leningrad was waived, and the finnish leadership hastened to begin secret negotiations with the soviet union on the terms of exit from the war. but they ended in vain. the finns' last hope for delaying retribution were three powerful lines of fortifications with which they blocked the karelian isthmus. here manarheim planned to detain the russians like this the same as during the winter war, but
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the offensive of the red army that began in june 1944 left him no chance. 944 , one of the fiercest battles on the soviet-finnish front took place in this forest; here, in the area of ​​the village of kutorelki , our troops were attacked on june 14. the first line consisted of granite and reinforced concrete pillars in several rows, behind which they pulled... the entire space between the pillars was mined. next were wire fences, behind which there were
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full-profile trenches with armored caps for machine gun nests and pillboxes. a ferrule made of durable rubber, which was entangled with wire, was filled with concrete. this structure was covered with stones and gravel from above. in the event of artillery shelling or bombing, about ten people could take refuge in it. battle-hardened and beautiful. the red army only needed 10 days to break through all three finnish lines. this defeat forced the finns to return to the negotiating table. in september 1944, the finnish government announced that it was withdrawing from the war and accepting all soviet
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conditions. after signing the agreement on armistice, finnish troops were ordered to turn their arms. against the germans, this unexpected somersault into indescribable rage, retreating from southern lopland, the germans, in retaliation , will burn the city of rovaniemi and destroy all populated areas on their way. on april 6 , 1948 , a soviet-finnish treaty on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance was signed in moscow. as for stalin’s attitude towards monerheim, at the end of the great patriotic war, i would say that stalin simply used geim, monerheim
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was necessary in order to condemn everyone perpetrators of participation in the war in finland, a trial was held in helsinki, where the very same people , menergue’s associates with whom he ruled finland, were on the docket, it was necessary... in order not to create any social upheavals, finland needed to be friendly to the soviet union, and manerheim actually ensured this. marshal manerheim died in january 1951 at the age of eighty-four and was buried in the military cemetery in helsinki. the soviet country did not become like this, it did not become so severely punish finnish criminals based on the fact that the goal was to obtain a neutral status for finland, which was done, to build good friendly relations between the soviet union and finland, by the way, this continued throughout the post-war period. century, today in my opinion, finland is making a tragic mistake
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by breaking off relations with russia and entering when they had bad relations with russia or fought with russia, they always suffered defeat. petrozavodsk was awarded the honorary title of city of military glory in 2015 year. appeared here in 2017. which was built on the site of mass burials
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of prisoners of finnish concentration camps. exactly. investment rating, economics, through specific stories , we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, at what point will you say, that’s it, i did everything in this project, everything that i could, i will never say, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? he
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