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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 18, 2023 8:30pm-8:53pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] many damages to the native village of the senior lieutenant, well, whoever he tried to go, got his car in, took it out to the bus instead of collecting, some had to be persuaded by grandmothers who did not want to leave, i wish you good health to the old police documents, among his new duties is duty at the checkpoint inspecting cars that they return to the border area, mainly serving at the checkpoint with a consolidated detachment. we enter in the direction of the emergency situation, and those who leave from the side of the emergency situation, we check cars for the presence of prohibited substances, in total the rest in civil circulation, and citizens who enter mainly the emergency zone, we only let in residents of the polinovsky settlement, last year twenty-six -year-old sergei took second place in the people 's precinct competition, it is held every year because of their favorite police officers,
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anyone can vote online resident, listen, you will always help, in general for the residents he is sergei sergeevich, but they worry about him here as if they were their own son, taking into account the fact that he very often went to dangerous places, where really very, very dangerous, he provided assistance, there, uh, he did not take into account either his life or his fears, it ’s worth a lot, with the help of a soldier’s rest, this is... a volunteer movement that helps soldiers in the svo zone, also, humanitarian aid was collected in the administrations of the settlements, i took them with colleagues, took them to positions, talked with military personnel , about life, about work, about the situation on the front line, about everything about it, received information, how could i encourage them, but in general
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the work that sergei is accustomed to continues peaceful life, it comes across, from the high-profile ones, maybe attempted murders in october, and a woman stabbed a woman to death, well , thank god this didn’t happen, mostly thefts, family conflicts there, he became a district police officer for 22 years, go to work in the police, his older brother suggested , border guard, this whole situation did not discourage, so to speak, the desire to work, no , no, i didn’t even think about it, because the situation has changed, leaving work there, the pain can be different, no matter what was the reason. if you have pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. if you have already spent all your energy on training, don’t spend too much, order a scooter from a selection of profitable shelves, free delivery, a scooter without extra expenses. greenfield 3190.
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a variety of situations are played out. did you see anything? he stole the subka, in the team, interviewing witnesses, attracting witnesses. you have the documents with you. no, violations appear on the road, you violated traffic rules, you crossed the road, in the wrong place, i didn’t see you steal groceries from the store, show me your purse, please, no, no, no, do what you want, i heard you , i am calling the areas in this area, the ability to calmly, thoughtfully understand the situation and interview witnesses , please take out all the contents, the funds to pay for this product, you are committing petty theft, all scenarios as in life, cadets after... their first university years undergo internships in real strongholds. the suppression of crimes, this includes the detection of crimes, this also means prevention, this also includes certain categories of citizens such as minors, the commission of offenses by minors themselves or against
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minors, and that is, indeed, in order to ensure quality, it has long been common for students. why exactly did i choose the specialty of a district police officer? i still believe that it combines contains almost all directions. which is very interesting for me, i believe that this specialty will always be in demand by society, that is, the district police officer is the first person who comes to a person’s aid. many new people come to the service , having received an education, they have a desire, so to speak, to work for the good of the fatherland, which helps him more easily integrate into any team, be it investigative units or operational ones. nikolai pavlovich kolkin is 83, and every morning he is busy with physical exercises. no, i have i have it at home, i work out every morning , to this day, keeping myself in shape is a professional
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habit that helped, about 24 hours at night, and in the morning i got up for 6 hours, i then ran around kuzminsky. yes, i swam 3 km in a pond every morning, the district police officer was 40 years old, i was already over 80 years old, in the evening in civilian clothes i went home after 20 o’clock, yeah, so... five or six boys were standing there, they were swearing, yeah , suddenly one saw it, so he told his friends, the sixtieth district was considered troubled, several
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working dormitories, which it was scary to pass by in the evening, i walk into the middle of the fight in uniform, grab him by the collar, and lead him away. they drew up a report at the police station, i drew up a report for a small huulgan, sent it, they sent it, that means, to the people's court, there they are, that's all, of course, whoever else will come, that's what they called you oniskin, did you like it or not very much, well of course, this, this can be said, this is better than any reward, he maintained this form from his youth, and this story was reprinted: just, no longer a young district police officer, i detained a robber, i patrolled, walked like this, and people, it was night, yes, night, here i am, january 19
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, 1999, well, there was snow, i see a man tugging at his bag and running like this, once from the garages, there were garages here, but you this didn’t stop him, yes, he thought that i... would get scared and grabbed him by the right shoulder, so i was 64 years old, sports training was more useful than ever. i threw my bag , he threw the stolen bag , i won this fight, i detained him, greetings, hello, maxim, alexander, how are you, fine, fine, no supervision you violate, no, no, you are employed, yes, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine , like a grandmother, but she is in a hurry to help, detours, prevention, but after work three times a week she is also a teacher in the aikido section. it does not
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imply causing violence or harm to anyone, that is, a partner in the gym, he is not a whipping boy, he is a teacher. this art changed his worldview, how not to respond to violence with violence, something that turned out to be important in his work and in communicating with students. classes about the belt are both wide for holding weapons, with which we also conduct classes with, well, this is my personal training weapon. he has been practicing this martial art since the tenth grade, now his black house is like a second home, you forget about many problems, many stress goes away through classes. the positive spirit that is here, it simply neutralizes
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all the negativity that can be encountered already in the work activity of one’s work. martial art has taught us to maintain self-control; quality is more important for a district police officer, and you can’t imagine it when every day you live a dozen lives with different people, and you need be able to extinguish in conversations, persuasion of people, in one day you need to go around the houses, here check the weapons license, license, when is the deadline, in what year? this year ends in december, will you extend it? i’ll add more, the weapon is checked for the serial number, whether it’s worn out, not changed, for general technical condition, then the police athlete goes to a neighboring village, you need to check, uh, yes, in principle, i’d like to hear what ’s going on with you in principle, everything is fine with us on the street, except for one house, just past which we just passed, the dogs there are constantly running along the street, they haven’t bitten anyone already, yeah, but the children are scared, the neighbors are complaining that there are dogs at... the house, dogs, well, they are running along
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the street, so what, they don’t touch them , well, the children are afraid, don’t do that, i don’t know, how many people walk here, they are not afraid, well , don’t touch anyone with dogs, that’s not the right thing to do, because the district police officer is a creative profession, in fact, it is close to the people, it is necessary understand everyone’s problem, solve it competently, peacefully. in 1919 i was driving past, well, somewhere around, well, it was 11:00 pm, it’s already a long way from this village, alexey klochenyuk, combed, immediately realized whose house was on fire, there were two children in the family, so he didn’t have time to think, no one in the house knew that the house was on fire, he abandoned the car, went in, the yard was completely
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was burning, and the flames were already visible through the roof, he took in one child through the window, the second boy also came out, and a young couple, just driving a car, also stopped, they took me from me, took me out of the house, there was a gas stand in the yard, and there was an explosion , it’s impossible to save anything here, in our time it’s present now something like this, someone on the contrary will take out their phone , start filming, posting it, well , to be honest, i condemn this, but there is... your help is needed, why not put all your business aside? hello, sasha, hello, he started pulling the children out in line, then me, i would n’t be standing here in front of you. alexey worked for a long time in the patrol service, received a higher legal education, but always wanted to work as a firefighter. when i decided to get a permanent job, i was going to the city
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of vyazniki, i thought, i’ll go to the fire department part, i say, but i wanted to ask if you needed employees, well, that’s it from the department, i left the department as an already established employee, his wife found out about his exploits even before they met, the salvation of people thundered, so to speak, throughout the city, so we met a couple once by chance, but no matter how i never thought that he would become my husband, he was a fireman. he’s big there, well, yes, and they ask me, at home there are constant calls from residents, but he has enough time for his family, he cooks very tasty, by the way, yes, this is how he compensates for everything. well this one here the medal, let’s say, for me it is the most valuable, and since it is, well, let’s say , rare, or something, a new medal may appear on the jacket in the summer of 2023, alexey was lucky again, i was so all in a panic, i
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was scared, lyosha , something is burning here, i run out, the house is on fire, well, he wasn’t alive, of course, no one lived there. all the residents are standing, a lot of people have already come out, people are shouting, kolya, kolya, well , here’s neighbor nikolai, i know that he had problems with his legs, he moved around the house, not very well around the house, well, it’s hard, of course, the most important thing, the houses were standing, that’s how it was, let’s go, buy a neighbor, so we bought a neighbor and we are happy to death, god bless him, if it weren’t for him, we would all burn. dmitry prokofievich terishchuk from the village of nevanko is simply prokupoch for his people, at least once a week he goes to the farthest cordon, lonely villages on the angora river. the village of khrebtovy, which is located on the praung across luguchanskaya, has been working in the krasnoyarsk region for 34 years, and still
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can’t get used to this beauty. i'm crazy how long i've been living and enjoying this nature. to these wild places until the first frost you can only get there by river. according to the navigator, if you have a navigator, stop, sleep better, come across on the road, sometimes i even saw a bear, if they call with a death threat, in fact the danger arises to the person, that is, you report to the duty officer, yes, then you leave at any time of the day or night, you fly, here he is the main representative, he is watched not only by the work there, by the district police officer, but also by the public, that is, people who
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live in the row, you need to follow him, he goes into the forest, straight into the forest, even this routine visit is nothing did not predict, after dmitry prokofievich moved to an even smaller village next to nevonka, here in the last days he was allowed to go fishing on both sides of the mountain. well, the work of district police officers is not easy, it is not easy, complex, well, as a young police officer, i would advise, firstly, to be attentive to the person, to everyone, especially to all complaints, comments, no matter what their status is. man, one must show humanity and see even in that, that is, then he will understand that the police officer respects his honor and dignity, all his fellow villagers and colleagues wish him a promotion, and the rank of lieutenant colonel, sometimes when they commit
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a crime, while a group of sok travels from baguchany to his site, and this is sometimes 40, or even 100 km, he alone finds out everything, remains just wait, in the nineties, he solved a series of robberies, burglaries, thefts, and everywhere in the fall, at the crime scenes, there were rubber traces left, from rubber boots, size forty-three, in the center of the village two citizens were spinning, and he came up to me and asked , smoke with me, i say, now, i say, a hostel, no, yeah, not ours, but i twisted his hands, tied him up , uh-huh, his wife brought handcuffs, his wife followed him to siberia, getting used to the cold and her husband’s schedule, constantly worrying about him, the first years of course, it was very difficult,
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because the work was in those years, there were no roads, no cars, i rode a motorcycle to work, and got there by boat at dawn. i think that not everyone will stand it either, well, love, the most worthy local police officers are also chosen every year by a professional jury, not everyone will stand such tests, round after round the police officers with throughout the country are proving that they can provide first aid. ildar shabaev from the kemerovo region prepared for the competition for 3 months and received a well-deserved victory in the final. all this comes in handy with knowledge of all the laws, regulations, and tasks there.
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all kinds of medical assistance, all of this naturally we need, in honor of the centenary of the service of the district police officers, a tarte was given in astrakhan, then the flag was transferred to kalmykia, it traveled through the caucasus with a stop in chechnya. and on a city holiday, on any weekday, adam dutaev patrols this area of ​​grozny. he has been since childhood loved the shape. my father worked as a railway worker. he has been a district police officer for 8 years. balanced and taciturn, he can build a house. took first place in the competition. communicates with residents, uh, finds mutual understanding. and then i believe that i deserve the trust of citizens. flaxsymbol has visited central russia , new regions, the far east,
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