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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 19, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] very optimistic, a fairy tale about love, about happiness and about, imbued with, in one word, only emotions, it is also magical, adventurous, instructive, cinema, let there be more such cinema in our world, my name is emelya,
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veselitsa, at the behest of the pike. let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vasnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, with blunt trauma to the skull , vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, sign up, look, four cylinders are hardly turbocharged 215 horsepower, power reserve 1,000 km , increased cross-country ability, surmountable incline of 60°, accommodates groups of up to 9 people, and everyone is here, join
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your friends. tens of thousands of residents of different regions of siberia were left without electricity as a result of the impact of a powerful hurricane, there were dead and injured, serious consequences in altai in the altai and krasnoyarsk territories, in khakassia, kemerovo, umsk and novosibirsk regions. the storm wind knocks down trees, advertising structures and breaks water due to bad weather on the way for alexander usatenko, he is in direct contact with us, alexander, greetings, tell me what do you have the latest information? tatyana, hello, at the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations, an operational headquarters was held in the region, where the situation in the region was discussed. rescuers maintained a special fire-fighting regime, took control of socially significant objects and placed personnel on high
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alert. and windy. indeed, in the city now there are very strong gusts reaching 33 m/s. now utility and emergency services are working in an enhanced mode to eliminate the consequences of the disaster in krasnoyarsk, the roof of a residential building was blown off without incident victims, now more than 30,000 people are without electricity in twelve cities of the region, power engineers were transferred to round-the-clock work. the bad weather also adjusted the schedule of the krasnoyarsk airport. the plane from tyumen was able to land only on the fourth attempt, and the omsk plane was also unable to land immediately in krasnoyarsk only on the second try. the regional ministry of emergency situations explained how the consequences are being eliminated. i suggest listening to the commentary of the head of the main department of the russian ministry of emergency situations for the krasnoyarsk territory. energy are working to eliminate gaps in twelve municipalities.
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work to clear roads from fallen debris is nearing completion. trees, work is being carried out to localize incidents and emergencies associated with bloodshed. in the altai territory , two passenger trains were delayed due to a broken wire on the railway. the wind left 70 without electricity. how power engineers will cope with the consequences of bad weather - a representative of rosseti sibir said, as of 18:30 krasnoyarsk time in kemerovo we have already found the main damage we are working on 110 kv lines, although the elements are still going strong and there will probably still be outages, so we are strengthening our efforts in kuzbass, we have already sent several teams from tomsk, but about 84 settlements are now out of service, perhaps this number will increase as passage
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of the storm. also in kemerovo, strong winds cut off power to nine mines, out of four the miners had to be brought to the surface, said the minister of the kuzbass coal industry oleg tokarev. he has the floor. we had turning on at nine turning off for more than 30 minutes, people all came out, people are safe. nothing is a threat to anyone, it portends. it's all on the mountains. the fans have been restarted, and electricity has been partially restored at all enterprises. all enterprises operate on a life support system of water pumping and drainage. in the kemerovo region , an advertising sign for a shopping center fell on a pedestrian due to a strong gust of wind. unfortunately, there are already victims of the disaster in novokuznetsk; hurricane winds tore out poplar threw it onto a passing car.
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the front passengers were crushed to death, two were taken to the hospital with numerous injuries. i suggest listening to the comments of the investigative department for the kemerovo region on this tragedy. a report of the discovery in a car near an apartment building in the zavodskoy district of the city of novokuznetsk the body of a fifty-year-old man and a sixty-year-old woman with injuries sustained when a tree fell on the vehicle. at the time of the incident, inside the car also there were a seventy-one-year-old woman and a seventy-two-year-old man. with bodily injuries, they were hospitalized in a medical facility to provide qualified assistance. on this fact, the investigative authorities of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the kemerovo region of kuzbaso. a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in part three of article 293 of the criminal code of the russian federation. according to forecasters, the wind will not subside in the next couple of days.
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siberians are advised not to go outside without there is no need to beware of signs and banners and take care of yourself. that's all i have. tatiana, you have the floor. alexander, thank you, alexander usatenko is monitoring the situation in siberia, where there was a hurricane with... rain and snow at night. and in crimea, flooding and power outages, rains and gusty winds of up to 35 m per second came to the region, and several microdistricts of kirchi were cut off from power. heavy winds damaged power lines. and in direct contact with us, sabina sorghubeno. electricity. hello tatyana, the wind has died down, however the effects of the sleeping wind are still being eliminated. and so in ten settlements of the region, 17 incidents were registered, nine of which were related to the blowing wind, three torn off roofs and four to the flooding of houses, and in simferopol they limited
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the water supply in kerch, evpatoria, yalsa, the city of alushta, and they are still restoring the power supply and water, gas and in baluzht, also in gurzuf, four basements of multi-storey buildings were flooded and as we see in the city everything has already calmed down and there is also a little rain, but again the consequences of the storm are being eliminated, for example, recently the consequences of a tree in the city center were eliminated, but light and electricity are still being restored in
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some areas of the city. that's all i have, my word. sabina, thank you about the hurricane in crimea - said sabina surgubenova. the kherson region was also under attack. storms, water flooded low sections of the road on the arabat spit due to the strong wind blowing from the sea of ​​azov for the second day, the embankment of the city beach is completely flooded in the city, there are power outages, traffic is blocked the arabat spit is blocked due to the water level rising by 30-50 cm. emergency and city services are keeping the situation under control and ask residents to refrain from traveling to the rabat spit. in russia, today is the day of the missile forces and artillery, combat crews celebrate their holiday on the front line, in the zone of a special military operation, preventing the enemy from even getting close to our positions, and volunteers are fighting with the military personnel,
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our correspondent margarita semenyuk talked to them. according to the proof, we lay down the projectile forward gun, about twenty meters, and it seems to me that we will soon hit the target. interrupts enemy fire on our infantry, artillery works quickly and accurately. each soldier in the calculation is tied up. a related thread with the great patriotic war, in which their grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought. the artilleryman , call sign old, came to the front himself at the call of his conscience, he grew up in a family of veterans of the great patriotic war, sacredly preserves the memory of his heroes and continues their path. one of them went to the front at the age of 17, was a scout, took part in the battles on the tisi river, yeah, they went to reconnaissance in force, ran into a german detachment,
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and mortars began firing at them. well, he was severely wounded, they thought he would be left without legs, in the end he was left with legs, left behind 10 grandchildren, he died, it’s a pity, of course, in 2010, during the counter-battery fight in the orekhovsky sector of the zaporozhye direction, the artillery paratroopers of the novorossiysk mountain formation of the bfg were destroyed five american howitzers, 3 sevens and two polish crab self-propelled guns. well done to my calculations, heroes. work, and so, mobilized volunteers are mainly well, uh, the boys quickly learned this artillery business, and they never let me down, yeah, and i’m proud of them, the commander also distinguished himself, in the kherson region, from a distance of 500 m, he destroyed an enemy tank with direct fire, in an artillery duel with the enemy with ten shots he destroyed the artillery mount. awarded
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the order of courage and a medal for military distinction. in the same battery, the infantry and neighbors are supported by fire, the explosions of our enemy shells are constantly heard in the sky, the counter-battery subsides only for a few minutes, sixes, nato, so they come, they think that they will be paid something, well, we reward them with 152 caliber. there are many paratroopers who are volunteers, adult men who have families, children and jobs in civilian life, but they could not stay away from the fight against nationalism; instead of treacherously fleeing abroad, they took up their fighting positions at the front. everything is fine, everything is fine with us , we are bringing victory closer, you will have a clear sky here above your head, everything, we are doing everything so that fascism or something similar does not appear in our country, but we are all our own with... he helps us in everything, in
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the process of recording interviews new targets arrive, the artillery is focused on work, loading the gun, adjusting and opening fire. intensive work is going on in the zaporozhye direction, our artillerymen cover the enemy with this msta b 152 caliber artillery gun, do not allow the enemy to even get close to our positions, and cut off all possible paths. they burn all the equipment. margarita semenyuk, alexander smychik, conduct the zaporozhye region. voting has begun in argentina for the second round of presidential elections. economy minister sergio masa is vying for the highest government post; he is nominated by the ruling coalition and deputy javier miley, who heads the libertarian party. recent polls have not revealed a clear leader in the race; only a few percentage points separate the candidates. politicians' programs absolutely. the opposite, the masses support joining brix and are ready to take money from
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the organization’s bank for infrastructure projects. he promises to focus on the development of industry and the oil and gas sector. miley he proposes to abolish the central bank, carry out privatization in education and healthcare, and replace the national currency with the dollar. his priorities in foreign policy are the development of relations with the united states and israel, and the rejection of close cooperation with china, brazil and russia. in pension, a foreign car flew into an underground passage. the driver was injured and is now in the hospital. according to preliminary data, the accident was caused by another car owner who suddenly decided to change lanes from his lane to the neighboring one. a bmw driver driving in a straight line with at high speed i didn’t have time to react to the sudden maneuver. having touched the car of the alleged culprit of the accident, he lost control, flew off the roadway along a high staircase and rolled into an underground passage. the wall already stopped him. there were no pedestrians nearby, except for the driver, no one
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was injured. and the main trophy of the games of the future 2024 arrived in tatarstan, the first stop was innapolis. university students, as well as mayor ruslan sholagayev, came out to greet cortesh, who brought the trophy from nizhny novgorod. after the welcome ceremony, participants in the motorcade at the university of annapolis were shown advanced developments in robotic technology. today the trophy visited extreme park uram. and it park, the box office of the film according to pike veleny exceeded 2 billion rubles, and the film was watched by more than 7 million people, such data... is given by photo cinema. let me remind you that the film was released a little less than a month ago. the plot is based on the famous fairy tale about emelya, who caught a talking pike, and it offered him a deal of three wishes. gimel in the film was played by nikita kologrivay, and the role of the pike, which turns into vasilisa mila
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gershov. lord. the state fund for defenders of the fatherland fulfilled the dream of a veteran of a special military operation. the marine met with a kuban schoolboy. who sent a talisman to the fighter on the front line, our correspondent andrei malyovanny will tell you how it was. school number 10 in the village of vasyurinskaya is named after the ignatov brothers, partisans, known for sacrificing their lives to defend their homeland, but here they honor the memory of not only the heroes of the past, but the present. yur, welcome the guest. hello, this meeting is marine alexey and schoolboy yura waited for more than a year and a half. during this time. he managed to grow up and today he himself gives the guest a tour of the school. our school keeps a chronicle. the asyurin school has been at the school for almost 125 years; many graduate teachers defended their homeland during the great patriotic war in afghanistan and chechnya. therefore, when the russian language teacher asked to write a letter of support to the svo fighters, sixth-grader yura decided not
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to limit himself to words alone. i decided to make the medallion myself at home and tied it to my letter. i am very glad that this letter and this medallion, marine alexey said the letters to the front line came at one of the most intense moments of the special operation, during the liberation of mariupol, so they hit the heart. it was these letters that came, in those moments when things were generally tense there, such words of support, they directly inspired and gave strength. primary school students prepared their triangles for the svo participants, and al alexey was presented with a new amulet. the guests also did not arrive empty- handed. yuri zhagrin was given a laptop and a badge with the symbols of the marine corps. the school will continue to support fighters on the front line. the next batch of humanitarian cargo is ready to be sent. andrey malevin evgeny
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shevlyakov, lead. now advertising. next is a special report by new russians. why ukrainian prisoners of war want to stay in russia. open a free account with alfabank and receive a business credit card with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. on black friday, all goods reach the megamarket only through the prime plus price squeezer. and also cashback up to 35% for furniture. in the new year's billion from the russian loton. well, 2 billion rubles quickly for tickets, now it will appear, come on, what’s there? magical cashback. with a gazprombank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and
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without extra expenses. i am very grateful to you for pulled me out, gave me a new life, i love you very much, pavel and marina ashifin’s new life began exactly a year ago, when they began to live in moscow, the old one remained in ukraine, between these lives... pavel had service in the ranks ukrainian army and captivity, and marina has a series of attempts to find and save her husband. have you found yourself in russia and how many months have you been living here? i am the former wife of a prisoner of war, a marine from the 501st battalion, who surrendered as a prisoner in mariupol last year on april 4th. is not the first prisoners. more than 100 people, 264 soldiers of the officer of the 501st separate
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battalion of the marine corps of the armed forces, which was based in shirokino, and then was transferred to the industrial zone of mariupol, laid down their arms among the first, like the family member anton aleksandrovich, to him. it wasn’t he who began to reveal their life to them, says pavel, it wasn’t his colleagues who didn’t see any sense, that’s why people are published, for example, they go into captivity in order to stay alive, that’s all, that’s the most important thing, hope is hope that you will be alive when russia started a special military operation, marina was with her son in berdyansk, she tried to hide from the war in europe, found salvation, in the end they also lived in moscow, here in berdyansk, when all the hostilities began, in our
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city nothing really happened, it just happened there are a lot of military personnel left there, uh, and since pasha served in the ukrainian army, they have already scared us there, now they will kill everyone, all the families of the military personnel there, in general, will almost be cut off, so they were cut off, no, we left for poland with son, i'm under my son's arm, barely they left, it’s true, but they left. more than another month, well, pasha was captured, so it so happened that i began to contact the president in all possible organizations and so on, but unfortunately there was no answer, and pasha was listed as missing, although the video that was released by telegram channels showed him right there in close- up. the mass surrender dealt a blow to the image of the kiev authorities, because they needed dead heroes... or better yet, missing people, so as not to pay compensation to their families. except in addition, all the servicemen of the surrendered battalion
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were registered as deserters and criminal cases were opened against them. the wives of ukrainian prisoners of war did not know where to look and how to save their husbands if the authorities had disowned them. when the entire battalion was captured, and we started looking for wives, that is, in order to cooperate all together, we created a group in one of... instant messengers, we made collective appeals through lawyers, so we sent them to the president’s office, to a people’s deputy, so we extort, we demand from our authorities to understand the circumstances of being captured to establish the truth, we demand from our government to provide payments to the 501st marine corps battalion, marine corps, this is probably done by all those who want... mm, so that their husband is not forgotten, they believe in it, because , as practice has shown, ukraine exchanged
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pr military personnel from the azov battalion. that’s why people, gatherings that take place in the coordination headquarters with some government officials, somewhere to appear on camera, and somewhere to beg journalists to do an interview and voice their last name, there’s a husband, a son, just because of this , because they don’t change ordinary people enough, some privates, because it’s unprofitable, it has to be done... the azov command was exchanged, that’s it, ukraine, he thinks, they returned everyone, people are leaving right under the president's office, right under this coordination headquarters in kiev, in addition to kiev , many more cities are involved, where people are also waiting for their relatives to be released from captivity,
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such actions are organized in europe, but as we see, this does not really work, i know it all the time, now i am in branislav near the ukrainian embassy, i want to talk to some of the competent people , maybe they can help me here, maybe they can help me here, then i went to europe, i thought that they would still pay attention to me in this way, but the situation did not change, i i was in slovakia, at the ukrainian embassy and i went to the local tv channel, i tried to provide information , again, so that as many people as possible could see it and, that is, as if to provide complete information, and so that they would start making payments, because well, children after all, everyone well, no matter how it doesn’t work, i’ll wipe it,
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or i’ll wipe it. months, what should i do if he doesn’t even have an official one. and then the decision was made to go to where he was being held. on her part, it was a step of desperation. the presenter of the ukrainian tv channel accused him of betrayal, but she was supported by her mother, who lives in moscow, although they had previously had a conflict, but their common misfortune reconciled. there was only one unresolved question: would her husband agree to her offer to stay in russia? i just asked to at least see each other, at least to meet, literally, i thought that we could stay with our mother, that is, she would help us for some time, but i know there, maybe he would want to go back to ukraine and it was extremely difficult for me to make a decision for both of us, and i needed urgently this conversation, at least for a couple of minutes, because suddenly i’m doing something
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wrong. pavel no longer wanted to fight for the kiev regime, especially after the attack on the colony in yelenovka, where he and other prisoners of war were kept. it wasn’t even a proposal, in my opinion, he had a message for me the counter-proposal is the same, for us to stay on the territory of russia to live. in addition, if an exchange had occurred, he could again be sent to the front for meat assaults carried out by the command of the ukrainian army. all the guys who returned from captivity were sent back to the front line. the same thing is happening, from the pashinny battalion, where he served, they exchanged about 30 people, out of 270 for a second, here they are all on the front line, she was helped by the human rights ombudsman in organizing a meeting with her husband
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