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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 20, 2023 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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one of those who came to meet sizenpin and managed to visit russia himself, like this resident of california named song. russia is our friend. the russian delegation at the ats summit was led by deputy prime minister alexey overchuk, they worked productively, discussed the harm of sanctions, the risks and opportunities posed by artificial intelligence, the climate agenda, and accepted ours normally. russia’s position was heard and taken into account in the final declaration. the declaration has been accepted. the declaration was adopted, it was adopted by consensus, that is, there are no toxic political themes, it’s calm a working document, and in fact allows us to move forward within the framework of the pervan chairmanship, which is coming, has come. the toxic plot is ukraine, not a word about it in the joint statement, because zelsky’s fans in ots are in a clear minority.
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hence, apparently, such their aggression. a lady from the security of canadian prime minister trudeau, having heard russian speech, contrary to the rules and decency of the summit, is trying to close our cell. fireworks in honor of the guests of the ats forum. there is nothing to celebrate in household chores. biden has fewer reasons to rejoice, a few more percentage points. trump is ahead, according to the latest pre-election poll. already with a result of 52 to 48, at a rally in iowa , a state where the first primaries will take place in less than 2 months, the republican candidate also summed up the results of the summit. he walked next to a man who looks like a piece of granite, he is strong as granite, this is chairman siy standing like this, he rules with an iron fist,
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i want to talk about governor newsam, i want to thank him, he is just a damn good governor, in fact he can to get the job that i myself am applying for, it’s even too thick for a hint, the president finally understood what we always knew, his days are numbered, another thing is that governor newsam is no better, before the san francisco newsam summit , who was once the mayor of this city, flew to china, so maybe it was a show?
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if i were kamala, i would understand that it's all over, because joe biden just supported the candidacy of gavin newsom, she's probably crying somewhere right now, gavin newm, by the way, fell in love with xidin pina when i went to china. it is not in the best interest of american business to sever relations with china because of the political ambitions of those in the white house or on capitalist hill. tickets for the dinner sold out like hot wontons, and instead of sitting at the table with musk, chinese journalists did not sleep. how do you think relations between the us and china will develop in the future? i hope for the best, i hope that our countries can work together to achieve prosperity in the world. sidipino businessmen received a standing ovation. especially representatives of the us business community liked. this is the thought of the chinese
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leader. it is wrong to view china, which is committed to peaceful development, as a threat and thus play a zero-sum game against it. china never bets against the united states and never interferes in its internal affairs. by the way, there were no reciprocal promises from biden; for example, the states have both supplied and will continue to supply weapons to taiwan, despite beijing’s requests to stop. in zero sum games. the us president is again betting on zero, like zelsky, in as a result, in order to avoid a shutdown, you have to agree with the republicans. president biden signed legislation to temporarily fund the government for the next 2 months, giving congress time to discuss a long-term project. money for assistance to ukraine and israel is not planned in the document. and there will be further pre-war packages. the congressmen went home, then thanksgiving, and then christmas was just around the corner. after all, how many conversations and
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battles there were around ukrainian aid, the us president began with a package of 106 billion dollars, where more than sixty-one were supposed to be allocated to ukraine, it was supposed to be taken from the recently inflated budget of the american tax service, as for ukraine, speaker johnson would understand that there is no protection of foreign borders without protecting our own. this is not what they think. these will be separate hearings for a more thoughtful discussion, it is necessary to find a consensus that does not yet exist on the ukrainian issue, and concerns about the border are growing among both parties. biden was indignant and threatened to veto the shrinking aid project, but in the end it was rolled back
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in the senate, where the democrats have a majority, but ukraine, against the backdrop of military aid to israel hanging on the capital hill, automatically moved not even to the second, but to the third place, among budget priorities, the republicans drove biden into a time-note, a year before the elections , during the holidays, he couldn’t afford to leave federal employees without salaries. zelsky had to be thrown overboard like ballast, why does he need to be brought back from there? biden writes in his article for the washington post, the article, if biden wrote it at all, reflects the depth the desperation in which military lobbyists are, in fact, from the pages... open blackmail, or the wallets of americans, or their lives. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and denis lisitsin, news of the week from san francisco. by the way, about the latest washington post article published under the signature of us president
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biden. to be honest, it’s hard to imagine how this crazy old man sits and writes an article for the newspaper. most likely, he typed something unrelated, and then the speechwriters. the white house was finished off and sewn together according to the instructions given to them. the main one is put putin and hamas on the same level. both putin and hamas are fighting to wipe out their neighboring democracy. both putin and hamas hope to disrupt broader regional stability and integration and take advantage of the resulting disorder. america won't let this happen. for the benefit of our national security for the benefit of the world. absurdity, but how else can one justify the actions of the united states, only by creating a space of absurdity, attributing in it to putin something for which the united states is clearly responsible, because this is america, even despite the fears of israel, insisted on holding elections in the gas sector
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in 2006, it was they that became fatal, hamas has received a majority since then , permanently in power there, dividing zones of influence with the fatah movement. for gas is tantamount to a coup d'etat. thanks washington. what a democracy neighboring russia is biden talking about. about the regime that came to power in kiev in 2014 as a result of a bloody coup d'etat, with open support from the united states, when dollars were thrown from america in cubic meters of cash to kiev, when ultranationalists received unconditional political and information support. donbass punitive detachments with heavy aviation equipment, that’s when the american-inspired war began there. now both wars
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are being fully ignited by crazy joe biden. he needs to somehow link them together in order to combine them into a single funding package. so far he has a bummer with this and david is not biden, but david. swore that he would not sign an addition to the budget without ukraine, but he signed it like a sweetheart , through the washington post article a new approach is made, and there again about the imaginary american leadership in the world, about the fact that the united states is irreplaceable nation, babbling, loss of the ability not only to react to reality, but even to sense it. and another important passage about america’s involvement in european affairs about how much. this is important and even decisive. from the two world wars of the last century, we know that when aggression in europe remains unanswered, the crisis does not resolve itself, it directly involves america. that is why our commitment to ukraine today is an investment in our own
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security. it prevents a larger conflict in the future. we are not sending american soldiers to this war , but we continue to support the brave ukrainians defending their... freedom and homeland, we provide them with weapons and economic assistance so that they can cool putin's desire for conquest before the conflict spreads further. the wars of the last century and the role outside america are clearly a stretch. in both cases, america remained overseas. the united states officially entered world war i at the very end, formally in the spring of 1917, and the first american division appeared on the franco-german front already in the fall. during world war ii, the americans landed in europe, normandy, only in the summer of 1944, when there was less than a year left before the surrender of nazi germany. to get a sense of the proportion of involvement, the us losses during the entire
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war were less than ours, only for the liberation of poland. it is clear that in both wars the united states did not risk anything, so when biden talks about some decisive involvement of the united states in european affairs, then this is so, auto-training to increase self-esteem. but the passage about america’s investment in its own security in ukraine is much more interesting. don't fight american soldiers, but only money are american weapons. biden is paying off with ukrainian lives, but that’s exactly what it sounds like. biden has become so callous that other people’s lives are nothing to him. that is why he is sending two aircraft carrier groups to the middle east conflict zone, as a sign of unconditional support for israel’s actions, which is characterized by unheard-of cruelty on a scale never before seen here. biden dares to propose the creation of a palestinian state, but then why would
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gas be literally wiped off the face of the earth now, this is where this state should be, who will restore all this, the usa? the united states has never cleaned up after itself or restored anything anywhere, be it in iraq, syria, libya, afghanistan, or anywhere else. november 22 marks the 60th anniversary of the assassination of the thirty-fifth president of the united states, john f. kennedy. until now, most of the american archives on the topic are closed, although moscow was quickly blamed. many interesting documents related to the events of those days are stored in the russian archives. i got acquainted with them dmitry kaistro. in yellowed classified messages, reports and government decrees, the first reaction of the leadership
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of the soviet union to the assassination of the thirty-fifth president of the united states. and only now these codes, telegrams, resolutions, correspondence are becoming publicly available. these documents are more than just a chronicle of events, they contain a twisted geopolitical detective story that unfolded on both sides of the atlantic immediately after the shooting in dallas, and related secret details of personal relationships khrushchov and kennedy. they confronted each other during the most acute cuban missile crisis, both were able to rise above seven-minute things and develop a strategic solution that allowed them to maintain peace. we are showing these historical documents for the first time. a ciphergram on thin paper marked top secret, 60 years ago, was sent exclusively to the leaders of the soviet state by ambassador in washington anatole. after the secret lightning bolt
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was delivered to the office where members of the central committee urgently gathered, it was read in moscow almost simultaneously with the development of dramatic events in texas. the president died at 13:00 from a gunshot wound to the head. here, at the moment when this dispatch is being read in the old square, 9.00 km away in dallas, on board the plane of the head of the united states, vice president johnson takes the oath as the new leader of the country, together with his wife, the widow of his predecessor, jacqueline, the body of her husband is also on on board the liner, meanwhile, a special courier delivers another urgent telegram from dobrynin to the members of the central committee. read in connection with kennedy's death. expedient send
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condolences on behalf of khrushchev and brezhnev to the new president johnson and kennedy's wife. khrushchev will not only send condolences in a letter, but together with his wife he will personally go to the american embassy to sign the funeral book. at the exit from the ambassador’s residence, journalists notice tears in nina khrushcheva’s eyes. on the same day , the first lady of the soviet state also sent a personal letter to jacqueline kennedy. not until after nina petrovna khrushcheva did not make public statements. shocked by the tragic death i ask your husband, president of the united states of america john kennedy, to accept mine at this sad hour. sincere condolences and sympathy to you and your entire family. having learned about the murder in dallas, khrushchev’s son recalled, the soviet leader fell to his knees and began to cry. in those years, no one knew that kennedy, who did not trust the state department, the military and the cia, entered into secret correspondence with khrushchev through an unofficial channel. two front-line soldiers, kennedy and khrushchev, who personally experienced the experience of world war ii, realizing the possibility of
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general nuclear destruction, were looking for ways to negotiations. leaders conduct secret correspondence. over two years, through kgb resident georgiy bolshakov and kennedy's press secretary pierre sellenger. the exchange of letters wrapped in newspaper took place in a new york hotel room. in the first secret letter that khrushchev sent to kennedy on september 29, 61, he compares the current unstable situation in the world to noah's ark. where they found shelter, both clean and unclean animals, but regardless of who considers themselves clean or unclean, they are all equal. interested in one thing is for the ark to continue its journey successfully, either we must live in peace and cooperate to keep the ark afloat, or it will sink. from the first days of his three-year presidency, kennedy entered into open conflict with army generals, representatives of the intelligence services and the military-industrial complex of america . in response, american hawks called him
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a traitor, they believed that kennedy was too prostrate in front of moscow, they believed that he should defend the opposite the tough, principled position of the united states america, in fact, a trip to dallas, to texas, instead of the traditional habitat of the right, kennedy wanted to show that it was necessary to interact with the soviet union. on june 10, 1963, the us president addresses university students in washington with his famous peace speech, proposing an end to the cold war. let's. let's look at our attitude towards the soviet union. no other state in the history of warfare suffered such losses as the soviet union suffered during the second world war, with at least 20 million lives lost. khrushchev immediately responds to the speech of the american leader on the pages of the central soviet press. in president kennedy's speech, an understanding
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of a real threat to the world, including the united states of america, emerges. as a result of the arms race, the accumulation of huge amounts of nuclear... weapons, he correctly says that in modern conditions a world war is meaningless, since it will invariably entail enormous human casualties. the central committee decides to send a delegation led by deputy chairman of the council of ministers, anastas mikayan, this is a previously classified resolution, while the delegation is preparing for departure, a new cipher telegram arrives from dobrynin. they recorded the 20th, but he sent it away. on the day of death, a telegram cipher, which employees of the state archive of contemporary history are also showing for the first time, this is a message about an unexpected turn in the case and news, the shooter, twenty-four-year -old former marine lee harvey oswald, has been detained, the american press reports a russian trace in him
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biographies, even today 60 years later, these lines convey the emotional tension of those minutes; a check at the consular department at the embassy established that osfald actually lived in minsk for several years, where he married soviet citizen marina ivanovna prusakova, born in 1941. a noisy company is unfolding in america. lee osfald is openly called the hand of moscow, which committed the political murder. the words of the accused himself, and the arguments that one person cannot fire three shots in 5 from a rifle with a mechanical shutter seconds, no one is listening. i didn't shoot anyone, i'm just a scapegoat. but what were you doing in the building from which you were shooting? i work in that building. on november 24, oswald is killed in police custody in front of live television cameras. his killer, nightclub owner jack rubbe, would also die in prison under mysterious circumstances. in this situation, the soviet
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leadership is taking an unprecedented step. which practically never occurs in diplomatic practice, here is a resolution, and you are also seeing these documents for the first time, on the transfer to the state department photocopies of all materials relating to oswald's stay in the soviet union, including his medical records from the botkin hospital , including a mysterious letter that the soviet embassy received on november 9, 1963. in a message allegedly signed by oswald in poor english... vaguely hinted at our unfinished business. dobrynin and the kgb resident in washington immediately call the letter a provocation. a certain impression is created that the letter is organized. those who appear to be involved in the assassination of the president. maybe, oswald himself wrote this letter under dictation, receiving some promises in return, and then, after use, as is known,
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it was removed. meanwhile, the soviet mourning delegation led by mikayan arrives in the united states. the most exciting meeting with kennedy's widow jacqueline. mikayan described it in detail in a telegram code that was only now declassified, especially emphasizing the emotional moment, during... his hand with both of them, in order to convey feelings and thoughts as convincingly as possible. i am sure that chairman khrushchev and my husband could achieve success in the search for peace, and they strived for this. now you must continue this matter and bring it to the end. for a whole year, the warren commission, which for some reason included the fired kennedy and the all-powerful ex-cia director alain dales, investigated the most notorious crime of the century. total verdict.
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khrushchev received a copy of the report of the presidential commission to investigate the assassination of kennedy 4 days after the report itself went to president johnson’s desk, and the state archive of recent history shows this document for the first time. official the soviet leader did not accept this version. in an interview with drew pearson, a columnist for the influential american publication washington carousel , back in may 1964, khrushchev explained why. it is impossible for such a crime to be committed alone; for umali oswald, this is too complex a crime. a whole group of people acted here according to a specially developed plan. behind this whole crime are people who had great opportunities, both material and financial. they are confusing the investigation. kennedy was essentially a victim. their enemies, and it seems to me that warren will not be able to investigate this. until now, over 10,000 reports, reports, notes on the kennedy assassination remain
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locked up in the united states, the same papers are published year after year , hinting at a russian trace, an inconvenient truth, apparently even today, frightens those against whom 60 years ago together the leaders of the two countries spoke, stopping the already seemingly inevitable nuclear escalation. about these forces jacqueline kennedy. on one of the last nights in the white house, in a very personal letter, handwritten, on on the official form of the residence of the head of the united states, told the soviet leader, and today the russian state archive of recent history shows us this emotional and convincing message, in which jacqueline kennedy put such timely terms in our days. the danger that worried my husband was that war might be started not so much by big men as by small ones, while big men understand the need for self-control and restraint, small people are sometimes driven more by fear and pride. dmitriy
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kaistra, alexander merkuryev, vsevochov, lead the week, lead the week, further in our program, the trial in the case of daria trepova has begun, for what reward. hires a killer, an auction in support of the ukrainian armed forces, like another session of hatred towards russia, what are our fugitives counting on? at the dubai air show , the main focus on russian military equipment is why? your. the event, an international forum and exhibition transport of russia, was held in moscow with the support of the government. on wednesday , prime minister mikhail
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mishivtin visited the transport forum, about the industry and prospects, olga armyakova. this is our smart stop, we install them in various cities, mariupol, in new territories, and this is also about transport, perhaps its most important aspect is the infrastructure for passengers, which has radically changed its appearance over the past 10 years, such stops are modern... there are comfortable ones in almost every region of the country, and it is important that they are also produced in russia, like these security systems? a series of introscopes of various formats used in the subway, at railway stations, at airports, all of this is domestic production, at checkpoints, on the borders with china , azerbaijan and kazakhstan, there are huge scanners, they check cars right on the move, no delays, there is nothing like that, there are no these inspections, inspections, i passed this whole ticket, they gave me a ticket, i left. inspection has accelerated five times, increasing cargo flow. almost 300 million tons were transported along roads to the east, an increase of 6% in 2 years. when such fast
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screening technology works, it is very important. provide all companies that are somehow involved in this process with quick access to documents, especially as it relates to our borders with friendly states, water transport is also developing, 9.5 million passengers in the river fleet, special attention to the northern sea route, the shortest route between asia and europe, where caravans of ships will now be led by a small icebreaker , its assembly began at the onega shipyard in karelia. 7 feet under the keel, and this train, which shows the premiere, a mobile diagnostic complex, 14 cars with medical rooms and equipment, it is very convenient, when you know that such a medical service with qualified doctors and specialists will arrive on schedule , then in practice, medical examination issues will be resolved , including at remote points, in the spring the first flight to the far east, in such clinics on
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wheels they will be able to accept routes, we have increased transportation on the federal level up to 50 routes, this year we plan to transfer 380,000 tourists. russia ranks third in the world in terms of the length of railways, almost 90,000 km. and this network continues expand, but there is also something that remains unchanged. those who traveled on trains back in the soviet union, it seems to me that this is such a branded sign. the transport complex was one of the first to come under attack from western sanctions; it not only survived, it increased its volumes. transport has completely survived, we have successes everywhere in all areas of transport, sea, river, railway, and road. particular emphasis on the development of international transport corridors, by 2030.
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the task of breaking the transport blockade can largely be removed from the agenda replacing it with a development task. one of the priority tasks is the construction and repair of roads. 650 km of new federal and regional highways have been built just since the beginning of the year. it is necessary to maintain high rates of highway construction. it is necessary to continue the qualitative renewal of rolling stock, especially urban rolling stock. passenger transport in our regions, it is very important that automobile enterprises have the opportunity to order new modern equipment of our domestic production. and there are already such examples. a recognizable brand, but completely new version: gazelle city, tourist and passenger buses, which are now available in every region of the country.
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just 22 passenger seats. comfortable interior for domestic and intercity transportation, there are even usb chargers, well, without them, where would it be useful on a long journey? carriers' costs are optimized by artificial intelligence, the government is investing almost 20 billion in import substitution so that a key industry runs on russian software, and this is already producing results. thanks to satellite transport monitoring systems glanas up to 30% costs associated with fuel consumption are reduced, for example, passenger safety is increased. domestic driver productivity, growing digital solutions have replaced western companies in the aviation industry that have left the market. now 12 airlines, 43 airports and eight foreign airlines are already connected to it. this is an entire ecosystem that processes 150 messages per second, transmitting information about the number of passengers and luggage, airport load, and even data on in-flight meals. advanced solutions speed up road launches
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projects. lag behind the commissioning deadlines, that is, almost all of our projects are ahead of schedule, from the forum site the prime minister launches traffic in several regions of the country at once, the new m12 section connected the neighboring republics, chuvash and tatarstan, 153 km of the highway, drivers in dagestan will now also go faster , after major repairs, the caucasus road is opening wider, bypassing derbent. the reconstruction of the entrances to severomorsk in the murmansk region was completed ahead of schedule. travel time between perm and yekaterinburg will be reduced by a third. this is also one section of m12 in the sverdlovsk region. construction is in full swing, but traffic is being launched in stages. the opening of traffic is allowed. modern expressways are appearing in the south of the country, in new regions. by the end of the year, 400 km of trails will be reconstructed there. olga
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