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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 20, 2023 11:30pm-11:56pm MSK

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they work. you are, with ural sip bank, they become a reality. ural siip: prospects where you are. anton, i have this question for you: you, as a designer , work for a modern person who lives, well, probably, most likely in some kind of metropolis, a big one, such a russian orthodox. even aesthetics, let’s say , there are those who don’t see, well, except for the sweater, here’s with an angel, it’s written, my angel, come with me, yes, be with me, be with me, well, for example, i have a cap, thank god for everything , a baseball cap, oh, you have a hoodie, where inside this hoodie is written, on the sleeves, yes, prayers, skimnik,
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yes, monk of the seeker, such a passion for such... well, orthodox aesthetics, well, not only formally, but from a substantive point of view, at the same time an appeal to some current fashion, and how did you merge all this into one, here in my head and then, in fact, it became such a reality in the form of fashionable clothes, ah, i don’t i can explain how, well, how it happened to a greater extent, thanks to... well , apparently, what i grew up with, in childhood, and not only in childhood, already in adolescence, for example, my father often took me around holy places, i grew up in the orthodox capital of russia, serdev pass, in general , well, somehow i was carried away by this even just
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the aesthetics of the russian hinterland and orthodoxy and in general, well, it was as if it wasn’t in my head that something other, so, that is, it turns out that i couldn’t do anything else, because was imbued with this aesthetics since childhood, and the whole point is that, uh, i take something old, in fact, something from history, from culture, and... embodying it in a new form, in a more modernized form, and in such a more understandable form now, again, you take something old, combine it with a new one, you get something new, in general, creating something new is processing something old, that’s how it turned out that, well for example, on
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your website, of your brand, yes, it is written that this is the whole team, they reflect on the topic, russia, patriotism, on the topic of traditions, but for a long time your brand was sold there only in japan, despite the fact that it was extremely popular there, why do you think this happened, well, yes, that’s kind of a fact, i think that, well i don’t think so, but for some reason it happens, what happened especially before, what happens is that for me the path is to russia, in an asian country, interests in what. russians have more than we ourselves, so how, i don’t know, how, if it’s possible to discuss this topic for a long time and find out,
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why is this happening, but the fact is a fact, there is no prophet in his own country, yes , i think here you can reflect on the topic of the fact that there is simply a deep, original russian culture, in all... its actual manifestations, that’s what we, for various reasons, over the course of a century, and partly even earlier, lost it, but when we present it to some foreigner whose eyes and perception are open, he wants to touch it somehow, like something - something real, but a russian man, yes, living in russia. more often - well, for him, since he no longer absorbed this from childhood , yes for him it is, but he saw something, felt something, but does not fully feel this integrity of this statement, it may seem to him that what
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, well, this is what - something old, archaic, i’d rather have something japanese or something american there, i’ll exploit, absorb, than my own, because here it’s some kind of archaic, because i don’t feel that it’s mine, that. it seems to me that this is happening because, well, in soviet times there was a lot of good, but there was something negative, it’s like this is the first truly, this is a complete break from tradition and from a specific land, so the connection between generations was really destroyed in many ways, the connection with the land was destroyed and even. .. when we talk about something russian, national or any national, tatar there, there and so on, and in soviet times we imagined the kalinko-malinko ensemble there, the birch there, well, these are probably professional
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pop groups, in many ballet some kind of kokoshnik, which no one had ever actually worn, invented there or something, and throughout the world this globalism began later, later, so they still felt, well... that’s when you do something truly connected with tradition, it becomes interesting to a person who has his own culture, but for this you need to do something of your own, and not try to do what you are doing, and it must be connected with your land, again, if about psychotherapy and continue, then well, with some of my and skeptical views about psychotherapy on this score, nevertheless they like to say there, you need to love yourself, but psychologists say, you yourself... then everything will work out for you there, well, you can also turn this to the community,
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that we should love ourselves, for example, well, the gait swings, my children 100 points will live in this from childhood, i really want it, because it’s not only because it’s cool, but because, in principle, when you have it since childhood there is some kind of straight thing, then... matter understanding and some kind of consciousness, it seems to me, it’s easier to simply grow, that’s all, for example, that anton brought to the studio, well, more precisely to russia 262, anton is better than me, he’ll tell you why he didn’t bring anything, no, you’ll have to svyatara, you just right away, cooper, you’ll take it off after the program, by the way, you’ll leave it later, i basically realized that i don’t want to bring anything from, tell me, this is what he really likes,
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to ask boris a question like this, and i’ll ask what you think, it may happen that in the future, some kind of connection will still happen between generations of people living. in culture, in all manifestations of culture, and those by whom, on this earth. they are living now, will live, yes, and can culture return to, to its traditionality, real progressiveness, and what needs to be done for this, culture cannot exist without tradition; the principle, as for the meeting with tradition, there is a symbol of faith in the temple, we are completing the story, with the hope of the resurrection of the dead and the life of the future, what
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is contained in this, as it were, in this phrase, and what a message: i hope for the resurrection the dead and the life of the next century, a person thinks about this, and what is the resurrection of the dead, you know, a unique, unique moment, a unique experience was given to us, by the way, for tv viewers, for the majority it’s good, i hope for the sunday of the dead, i hope i hope for the resurrection, i hope for the sunday of the dead, yes, the 20th century gave us a unique opportunity, in the century man , well, apparently by the will of god, i don’t know, on some kind of tip, invented sound recording devices, units, in general, yes, recording sound, so as if this is an anticipation of this a colossal step, a civilizational,
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technocratic step, right? made it possible to record the voices of passing generations, and this was done by hundreds of workers of the invisible front, let’s say, yes, who traveled, recorded, now these voices, they, in principle, exist in nature in numerous archives, so when the future generation or the current generation of someone i already had the good fortune to meet these voices of my ancestors, and someone has such... the opportunity to meet the voice of their ancestor, this is tea the resurrection of the dead, that’s what it is, if we talk about it , well, from a sort of historical point of view, yes, it is a message of love to descendants, it is always relevant, it is literally a direct message of love, so we don’t tell you anything we can bequeath, they say: these people, yes, because we have nothing
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, our houses are wooden, they are prone to fires, we have not collected gold, yes, we can only inherit our love in the form of our wisdom, collected over several centuries, generations our predecessors, yes, here we are for you we can inherit, this is the resurrection of the dead, when we return to this wisdom and live together with it, realizing that this is love. as there is in its pure form the love of our fathers, great-grandfathers and so on, our ancestors for us, for our future, then at the first folk camp i argued terribly with everyone and said that girls should have the right to lift their legs in dances and jump high, because i don’t understand what kind of discrimination this is, why you can’t clap and shout, but you have to be so sleek, so neat, that to be collected, modest, reserved, that through restraint you can express yourself much more than through
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some kind of splashing and airing yourself, and i know, i want to come down a little from the fundamental heavens to earth, but at the same time, it’s like to cling to these words, tea is the resurrection of the dead, but in a completely different sense, here you are, right now you have a shirt and a jacket - this is from the levels store. well, they had this bomber jacket of some kind, which i wore yesterday, on the back it was written in large letters tea is the resurrection of the dead and that means skulls and bones, and i put it on you with pleasure, it means that somewhere this aesthetics intersects with what anton does, and i have this thought, the question is actually for you, what am i with on the one hand, he is an orthodox man.
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and i kind of understand everything that stands behind these words, on the other hand, i understand perfectly well that some of the people who see me, in this jacket, with the resurrection of the dead written on the skull, well, they don’t fully understand at all about what are we talking about, that's it horror films, they think it’s something scary or just funny, amusing, radical, extreme, some kind of postmodern, ironic, cool, cool. to what extent did you consciously choose just such a path, such a kind of dichotomy , some kind of duality, or you can simply say that well, how i consciously took the road to... broadcast orthodox values ​​and the spirit of russian orthodoxy orthodoxy in clothing, but the fact that someone somehow perceives this is not so, but this is in the end after all, it’s their business, they’re spoiled, yes, their views are not the same, what do you think about this?
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well, how can i say, for me, every decision like this in design is such long thoughts, just about how it is... to look from the outside, let’s say, will i wear something like this and who, who will understand it, but won’t this cause some kind of negative reaction, and some things really, this is really some kind of walking along such a line, well, i ’m trying somehow intuitively and with the help of people who understand this more than me . decide whether to make this or that design or not, then they go to the japanese in this about this drawing with a skull, tea on the resurrection of the dead, i even have one jacket, but here i am by the way, one jacket, one sample, just with this skull, but for some reason i doubted it in general and decided that
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i would probably wait a while with this, yes, because it might be controversial to some extent, well, extreme. to say, well, in fact , when you asked, i actually asked , what can be done, and in order to so that, i always remember, after all, in a soviet school, i don’t know when it was decided, there in the thirties there or in the forties, uh, in music lessons, they sang, played, uh, there, i don’t know, danced, certain songs. soviet newly created certain dances there in some pioneer camp in a kindergarten, some bunnies and squirrels were jumping and so on and so forth and as a result now, for many generations, me, my mother, even probably my grandparents,
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yes well, basically, smallpox something, right away there will be fires in the blue night or something else, everyone knows that, absolutely , that is, there is no problem singing, yes, dance something, and something like that will also begin, yes, so in principle, if at school , i don’t know, there in kindergarten there is a conscious introduction of uh, well, elements of - well, national culture, yes, well, just a real national culture, and don’t spill raspberries, this of course will be a problem, how to distinguish it all, yes, but then yes, it will probably be restored in the end. or not, but the fact is that this requires some unimaginable state brains to solve these problems, i will explain why, but because - like folklore, well, in such a simple understanding of it, yes, this is the legacy of my
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ancestors, not abstract, but my concrete ancestors, my concrete ancestors had a definite postscript, dad was, for example, there was samboma, from the point of view of the culture itself, these are different regions, there is a different dialect, some kind of different content and so on, that’s how they got together there, how they talked there, that was their business, yes, but i’m a product, so i’m ready to take both into account the other and that one, the blood of the father, the blood of the mother, and the eyes of the father and the eyes of the mother, as if to combine in themselves. somehow, it’s even difficult to do, yes, then my father predominates in me, then my mother predominates in me, it’s in character, then my father’s blood boils, and so on, and you know, solve the problem of unification, what it means to teach people folklore , that is, we each, in theory, in our own place should, must
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solve this problem, it is very difficult to solve it in school, because as soon as we choose a school in which we need to introduce folklore some kind of practice, the question will arise: what kind of folklore practice? belgorodsk, arkhanel, tula, ryazan, ural, siberian, transbaikal, and so on, we went, in the transbaikal school , transbaikal, and to arkhangel, we need to dig up our roots, we need to meet with our ancestors, with voices, to restore this order, and then to consolidate in this seemingly successful business of mine, i’m still quite optimistic. because in many areas that we come into contact with, well, it’s clear that it’s really the situation is somehow changing for the better, let’s give the same clothes , oleg and i thought that for some...
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something modern and we started looking for those same russian designers, well, actually anton for example, yes, these excellent lights there, or this atelier lavelsud, which makes traditional ones, of course, yes, varvara zenina, her kosovorodka, yes. who also make all sorts of cool things there and their designers, yes , that is, well, it’s clear that there are a bunch of young people, well, a relative bunch, but still there are a sufficient number of some young designers who use the so-called russian code there in every sense, yes , they work with it, with this code, right? i listened carefully to boris on this matter, i too... an optimist, in fact, yes, but you didn’t invite the pyatnitsky choir, for example, to this studio in the first place, yes, to talk with them, it’s clear that this is just
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a product of artistic creativity, which once had some connections there, with traditional music, which has lost them along the way, well, in this sense, of course, it is not the official who should decide that there is an expert community, and moreover, i will say that for 50 years , probably already, well, half a century... probably ago, the so-called folklore movement appeared, that is, a movement to the roots, facing one’s own , that is, people wondered and began to look around there, what is there, our culture itself, where is it, this movement appeared, an appeal to the roots, and today it is going through half a century of history, and this is already the third generation, and these are no longer dozens of crazy people who have been asking this question for half a century ago, and this is already tens of thousands , if not... i was a participant in the first fall camp in the russian north in 2019, i lived in a green house,
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a world of such beauty, such simplicity, sincerity and at the same time depth opened up that i could not i gave up on this, came to moscow, gradually quit all my previous jobs, and turned towards folklore, decided to make my own project related to traditional culture, again, to give those who do not yet know about it the opportunity to find out. feel this beauty, because it is difficult to explain in words, how complex this culture is, how logical everything is, and this is some kind of harmony , both musical and vital, which we are unlikely to be able to achieve in our modern world. and i would generally ask a more ambitious question, here... well, let’s say, there is russian literature, yes, even russian painting, well, maybe not to the same extent as literature,
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but it still has global significance, russian music, undoubtedly, yes, russian fashion, well, by and large, still, well, somehow no, but can in the future russian fashion become such a phenomenon, which, the japanese exists , yes, well, that is, russian for this, as i understand it, we have already agreed on this, we must love ourselves, that is , accordingly, start wearing, which symbolizes their russianness, then peace will begin in the world to perceive this as a big phenomenon, this can happen in general, well, firstly, regarding the interest , it is definitely felt that it has increased and that i think that it will increase even more, this can already be felt now and even though it will be banned contribute. unfortunately, in our country only bans for some reason contribute to this or some kind of crisis situations, but even in terms of
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sales volume, which is now compared even to last year, i can also say that it is increasing, and quite quickly, even without being closed the abolition of russian culture, but it will only contribute to interest in, about, about the future, i think that it is quite possible, again, there was a question about the possibility of the existence of traditions of the future at the same time, yes, again, here returning to the same japan, in my opinion, this is the most striking example, as now, there is a country in which at the same time the future and traditions and culture exist together, and it seems to me that this is quite possible, and, moreover, not very much it takes time, in japan, let’s say, it’s less than a century, less than a century. was needed for this, yes, therefore, it seems to me that yes, well, the main thing is to work,
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after all, i think, to show the will. show
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