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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 21, 2023 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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[000:00:51;00] investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach
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people, we often talk about money, amounts, in russia there is a clear clear signal, at what point you say: everything i did in this project, everything i could, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe, in general this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change , at any
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structure, evolution occurs? and what do we see? the united states of america began blowing up myanmar, known to us as burma, because it is china's route to the indian ocean, bypassing the malacca strait, which is controlled by the americans. they are building new bases in the philippines, they just a week ago concluded a new defense agreement with indonesia, at the very moment when they are ready, they arranged the middle east. evil tongues claim that these are the insidious naglichans who promised xi that they would detain the americans. evil tongues, we won't comment on them, although there is a reason for this. but if this is the evil tongue of the main englishman, well, i don’t know, can he promise anyone anything? no, no, this one can't. this one can’t, yes, but there are
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others there. so here it is. and you say, and you say there are few conspiracies, yes here you go, reptilians rule england, reptilians rule england , there are them there, there are them there, that’s the only thing, there are three types, there are three types of reptilians, that’s the way it is, lords, feathers and shmers, key question today, will the united states of america have a resource for a big war, but for one, and it should be a war, asia in china. i don’t understand, i understand that we are strategies and not despicable tactics, but such a tactless question: how, well, do they do this? no, they still can’t understand who they don’t feel sorry for, because well, well, one day kim will get tired of playing tic -tac-toe in a sea battle, and he will hit where
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he wants to, in the american polyom. to headquarters, well, of course, that’s it, and then america, that america will try to launch a nuclear strike on north korea, that’s right, but what about north korea will hit with all its might everywhere it can reach, including japanese military bases, america in many places, absolutely right, why are the chinese, are you crazy , causing environmental disasters here, it will begin, and america will say so, guys, why don’t you immediately you say that this will come out of the woodwork, if the united states of america does not solve the problem in southeast asia from the point of view of markets, then they will fall out of the number of first-tier powers, because they will not be able to maintain the standard of living of the population, and the decline in the standard of living of the population twice as much as today the united states of america is not just a socio-political catastrophe, it is already a collapse, this is a problem, it is clear that there is no problem, well, firstly, the collapse of america is inevitable, no, i am saying this here, without any
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irony, i understand, but i really wouldn't want to. no one wanted it to fall apart either, nevertheless it happened, but there are some objective laws, we are not talking about the ussr now, but if you look, california must return to its relatives. there’s nothing you can do here, and retreat to mexico, yes, but seriously speaking, it’s american inside, but it’s easy for americans to split, because these are initially united states, the united state of america, the rights of the states, yes, that is, there is, as it were , a small subtlety, in the sixties, each state provided its internal needs by 80%, even more, but today even more. many more, but today this is no longer the case, today, well, maybe only california and texas, they should be free, not both and these are the ones who hooked everyone up on the federal tranches, federal tranches,
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california is one of the largest economies in the world it is absolutely, that is, we will cleanse san francisco, we will cleanse los angeles of all this, but what should we do? in short, the united states of america is faced with a very specific, very understandable , clearly formulated task, and moreover, one can say for sure that if 5 years ago there were still questions in the fourteenth year, simply no one told me... but now they have realized this problem , in general they don’t argue with it , that’s how they will solve it, i don’t know, i’m not sure if this is even possible, but they should try, but i think the fact is that now several such
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serious bombs are planted under the political structure of the states, for example, what they published on video on the sixth, they began to publish this can lead to the most difficult things. so completely non-linear and can grow according to an unpredictable scenario, all this can happen very quickly, and there is also an internal story, my former schoolboy who rents out houses there, he says you can’t rent out apartments to americans, he’ll ruin everything, ruin everything, they don’t pay money and so on, to rent out apartments to latinos even it’s a pleasure for the illegals to always pay, doesn’t spoil anything, absolutely negotiable, the only thing is the smell in the room is a little upsetting, and there’s such a heavy supply of drugs because where do they get the illegals, and a
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wild amount of money, such questions are not necessary , they always pay in cash, always in advance, and no questions asked, they don’t officially work anywhere in the household subtlety, it’s normal to go in with a gas mask. relationships don’t change, and a large number of naked girls rent apartments, because for some reason they always pack something in there are some creepy films in the bag, horror, scary things you say, would you like to add? yes, i wanted to say that we already have serious analysts who have reported to our rulers that it is no longer possible - in quotation marks, as they say, to liberate... the territories occupied by russia, this will no longer work. and, one, this is the first second, to hold the
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front line, we lack more money. why, because even, even you don’t say here that we don’t just provide weapons, we don’t just provide equipment there and so on and so forth, we pay monthly, 12 million pensions to ukrainians, monthly, several million, to people who work for civil servants, this is frequent money that we will give to - armament - this is only a part and not and this is not just a small one , but this is not, not an important part, we cannot do this anymore, the third point, exit strategy, how do we get out of this,
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how do we get out of this, well, we will give it to russia and they will be delighted, not only crimea and not only lugansk, and not only donetsk, but also...
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territories that are now occupied ukranazis, whose territory the population, and this is a manifestation of democracy, said that they want to live in russia, two, three, new russia will be free, which means that all russian lands will return to the russian state, italians need to understand, we love italy, but we have not forgiven anything, and we see everything, and we believe that now european countries are directly participating... if the italians think that we have a short memory, if they think that everything will end with giggles and hahas, then they are deeply mistaken, russian bear, he attacks without warning, it is difficult to stop him if someone thinks that they can
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give us sugar from their hand and we will say thank you. no, we didn’t attack you, you supported the nazis, you haven’t seen how innocent women and children of donbass were killed for 8 years, and we see how blatantly and deceitfully the italian press behaved when they published fake news, not all italians, not all the italian press, but pro-government, pro-american , behaved phenomenally vilely, despite the fact that it is very important what italy means for the russian people... a lot, cultural ties, centuries-old cultural traditions and we perceive the way italy has behaved now as a betrayal , i agree, it must be said that this government is completely and almost all, said very clearly, almost the entire press, putin said very clearly , we always separate the people from the political elite, we don’t have problems with the people, we do have problems with the political elite, but we must understand that we can cut them in. and it is no coincidence that dmitry anatolvich said, yes, when
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the germans deliver our missiles, then we will consider these factories a legitimate target, italians need to hear what dmitry anatolyevich medvedev says, the next time they think about what and how and to whom to supply, thank you, well, here’s what my colleagues said, in particular , michu spoke about the approaches, possible approaches of the americans, resuscitating them means. industry, yes, there is a plan to revive the us military-industrial complex by 2025, because calculations show , using the example of the northern military district, that in the current state the us military-industrial complex is not able to provide for the armed forces in the event of an armed conflict with the prc, which means it is not able to meet their need there for ammunition and other things for more than a week.
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as we know. this is not a secret, but the united states probably for a long time, that is, since the collapse of the soviet union and then seeing how, yes, russia has already organized a new russia, which means ties with the european union and including, for example, with the same italian and defense enterprises , leonardo, finmechanics and so on, the americans reacted very quickly, literally in 2 month, that means they bought an italian enterprise, established their control over it, closed all our joint ones, neokra, okra and so on, so on, very quickly , very quickly, as quickly as possible, but now yes, now they have a problem, which means they have to revive, yes, they have to invest, invest additional funds, open new enterprises on the territory, that is, the european union, renew, but under your control , along the way, that means, competing with the germans, with the french, there and so on and so forth with
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the norwegians, or something else, of course, somewhere they operate in cooperation, compete somewhere, this is normal, as for the middle east, well, today tomorrow 2 days there is a meeting in beijing, which means at the level of the ministers of foreign affairs, saudi arabia, egypt, and just jordan, then the organization of islamic countries, and there are also a number of middle eastern diplomats there, which means they are talking with the chinese about, in some sense, a plan of peaceful action, in order to somehow calm down this situation, then they will come to us, well, if they come, it will be good, if they don’t come, well, no they'll come already announced, which means, uh, this very day, today, deputy prime minister belausov is in china, yes, we are talking about investments, about joint, joint projects and so on, as for the actions of the americans, that means, they say, in the southern
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asia, well, all these bases, this resuscitation of their assets there in the philippines, in indonesia, this is so old and crumbling, well, which has been on the maps there for a thousand years, the chinese missile forces will not leave anything from this, not even memories, this is once, that means globally, that means globally, sidin pin, yes, is an example of such a leader who lays claim to leadership, not to hegemony, to leadership, yes, having proposed an ideology, but this concept, the common destiny of humanity, he proposed an alternative concept, which means an alternative, that means, to the hegumenism of the united states and their actions, we haven’t offered anything yet, nothing yet, we have to formulate it, formulate this idea, specialists who are directly involved in this will have to work on it,
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something like this, such a view from the chinese balcony, why should we work on this, well, why should we offer anything to anyone at all, well, at one time we developed it together with the chinese, yes, he says the idea of ​​soo, yes, then brix, yes, we are expanding it, we are trying keep your own, at least region, stable formulation, yes, and humanity, common destiny, class, which means that, well, they are generally chinese formulations, you know, very streamlined, they are so very universal, so it sounds amazing, but conceptually, when you start to write down, you understand that china is such a civilization in ourselves, why should we follow the path of repeating... someone, no, i’m not saying , we need to develop our own approaches, that yes, we need to develop our own for ourselves, let’s win the war, well, the approach is very simple, as soon as you become strong, no one asks, what did you want to say, everyone says, decide to stand next to him, so you just need to win , so this again coincides with of course,
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you don’t need to offer anything, you need to win, now everything is absolutely clear, you know, here you talk to the men at the front, and you don’t need to develop any concepts and appeal to to the world. what we do is natural, correct, in accordance with tradition , and what is there is all about it and we come from this , you know, human, correct beginning, and when we try to explain something to someone, look at the italians, you know how many italians are fighting in the donbass for us, men. amazing, i talked with the mother of one of the heroes who died and his mother came and took his body there , well, my heart breaks there, but the people are amazing and the father of this guy is a hero, so he specially wears the chevrons of the brigade where his son fought, he
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works in milan and he wants everyone to see that this is his son, this is chevron , that is, these are very different people, in europe they understand what we are doing when they see, you know, we are like... in general, now is such a period , when what you do is much more important than what you talk about, so much has been said in recent years that it is very important to do, must be done, now it’s advertising, let’s not
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continue with a new composition, the head of the pentagon came to kiev without money and weapons , but with traditional promises of support on social networks for a meeting with ukrainian leaders, and this is not a reservation, only the lazy no longer speak about the behind-the-scenes struggle for power in ukraine; against the backdrop of the failure in su, zelsky began to get rid of the inconvenient. generals, many believe that sooner or later, at least once, this colossal strategic talent
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was revealed, where did this legend about the commander zaluzhny come from, not just interesting, someone somewhere can, and not that zhelensky promoted zaluzhny to the fullest explaining , i put him out all the time, picked him up, well, that’s enough of the little gray man who before... also to me romel on minimum wage? well, somehow it didn’t work out, at all, and the endless lozhkiv regime about the inevitable victory over russia , attempts to put everyone who is capable of fighting under arms for the sake of these inexorable goals, no longer causes any patriotic suffocation, and it has come to the point that westerners recommend conscripting from 17 to 70 and women, well, so that the wording
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is fully implemented to the last ukrainian. in kiev, as usual, they are trying to blame everything on russia, supposedly we have some kind of maidan 3 plan, although if zelensky had a sense of humor, he would call it maidan z, but in fact the kiev regime itself is doing an excellent job of dealing with the split in power, there are some issues, disagreements between the office of the president and the commander in chief, lately more and more information has been disseminated about what we have, let’s say, there are different groups in the armed forces, two separate armies, they are called troops , i’m telling you procurement information, there is an army of one general, there is
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an army of another general, i think that fighting on the battlefield should be directly managed by professionals, too, there is the commander-in-chief is zaluzhny, there is a general staff, all other forces, branches of the group must be subordinate to others.
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the president is not a military professional, he never did this before the war, he did it before the presidency, uh-huh, that is, they still read in ukraine that they are standing at the airport, unfortunate country, scott ritter, well, in general, he generally
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believes that zelensky's days are numbered if trump manages to win the november election, and the big question here is that he still will not be president of the united states until inauguration day in january 2025, i bet i bet by this time, zelsky will no longer be the president of ukraine, i bet that this will happen. there will be no more war. i am 100% sure that this topic will not be discussed by anyone at this time. nobody will talk about the ukrainian-russian conflict. everyone will talk about russia's victory over ukraine during the ongoing denocification of ukraine by russian forces that occupied its territory. stupidity in the extreme. zelsky understands that he has lost international support. he's the least important leader right now. in the world, no one answers his calls, no one. pays attention to him, so he tries to resurrect something that will give him some illusion of importance, but no one
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needs him. he has to deal with serious problems inside ukraine. there is a growing rift between civilian and military authorities. general zalozhny is not delighted with zelsky, on the contrary. there is talk about a purge of ranks, which could affect zaluzhny, and there are rumors about a possible military riot involving zaluzhny. so i think zelsky has a lot to worry about. everyone hello, the fairy tale is literally and figuratively truly wonderful, love works wonders, captivating, directly amazes, directly saturates, really, such an easy and most importantly, kind work, when you look, you cannot remain
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indifferent, shiborshchi, alive , funny, exciting, optimistic, a fairy tale about love, about happiness and about kindness, imbued, not evil, with only emotions, it is magical, adventurous, instructive, i will fulfill any of your wishes, in some direct traditions, you know how probably in mine they filmed it when i was a kid, finally, otherwise i was starting to get bored, this is a great family movie, let there be more movies like this in our world. my name
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is emelya, the merry girl at the behest of the pike. let's look before everyone else, let's get acquainted, veronika pavlovna, vosmetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull of vasnetsov. always one step ahead by four.
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subscribe and watch. ruslan bortnik also thinks so. that we most likely should not be talking about the maidan, we are talking about something else, about attempts at some kind of forceful actions, immediately in relation to the authorities, that’s how a forceful seizure of power, without preludes, without without without slogans and demonstrations, that’s what we’re talking about, attempts to stratify within the government, an attempt to seize power by force, well, attempts at what is called a conspiracy and a coup, that’s... i understand, but it’s good when relatively speaking, military groups, groups of armed people, are trying to seize some control centers, trying to seize leaders , trying to seize some media centers, that is, when the attempt to seize power is completed, it’s not about protest, that’s why it’s not maidan, wrong what to call him
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maybe something that potentially has some tiny probability of happening, this is something, this is something else, probably there, i don’t know, not even the black rada, what, this, this is something, something closer to there to the october revolution, something to aurora and something to something like that? well, aurora is a pity to waste money on you, but this topic, that no one is talking about war at all, everyone is talking about how the seizure of power will be carried out and regime change in kiev is extremely interesting, here is the october


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