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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 22, 2023 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov and we. the creators of the russia 2062 project
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of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day, the duty department and i, maxim movchan. the details of the cynical kidnapping of a child in solihard have become known. the disappearance of the schoolgirl turned out to be planned and carried out remotely by telephone scammers from ukraine. unknown call. parents of the girl
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demanded a ransom of 2 million rubles. the crime was caught on a surveillance camera. the footage shows the schoolgirls leaving their house and getting into a taxi. the car takes the child away in an unknown direction. police investigators quickly calculated the route of the car and established all the circumstances of the incident. a minor girl received a call from an unknown man who introduced himself as a doctor and said that her mother had been in an accident and was in the hospital. at the same time a man. through an application on the internet, a taxi convinced the girl to leave telephone at the entrance, take a taxi and go to the village of oksarka, where her father is supposed to shoot her. the vigilant taxi driver suspected something was wrong and decided to wait for the father with the girl; instead of the parents, law enforcement officers arrived at the scene. in reality , no one intended to kidnap the child. the hope was that the parents would quickly transfer money to the scammers. and if it weren’t for the instant reaction of the police investigators, the swindlers would probably have gotten what they wanted. in a colony in
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the nizhny novgorod region, the former head of the department of its own was found dead. security of the investigative committee mikhail maksimenko. the colonel was once sentenced to 14 years for accepting a bribe from the crime boss zakhary kalashov, known as shakro the young. investigators proved that, together with his former colleagues, maksimenko received a million dollars for the release of an associate of a crime boss from prison. and now the former colonel himself died under still mysterious circumstances. word from maxim shevchenko. the first messages that appeared on tuesday afternoon announced the death of the former a high-ranking employee of the investigative committee later turned out to be incorrect, they said that mikhail maksimenko took his own life in the moscow lifortov pre-trial detention center, but later this information was denied and the place of his death was named correctional colony number 9 in the nizhny novgorod region. maksimenko was a significant person in the security forces, the former head of the main department. and
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security of the investigative committee of russia became widely known during the high-profile corruption scandal, which started there was a gang conflict on rotzhdelskaya street in moscow in december 2015. an armed clash under the cover of darkness occurred due to money disputes between the owner of a korean restaurant, zhanna kim, and the people of the so-called thief in law zakhary kalashov, a well-known figure in certain circles . during the shootout, two of its participants were killed, and eight more... were wounded , others were detained, among whom was a close friend of shakro, andrei kochuykov, known in certain circles as an italian, shakro, who at that time, according to some it was believed that the leader of the russian underworld tried to rescue the italian from behind bars, he decided to bribe witnesses and was so generous that a galaxy of high-ranking officers responded to the offer. there were several bribes, and after receiving them , the defendants were detained, among them the former head of the investigation of the tsao of moscow. alexey
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kromarenko, once the main researcher of the capital alexander drymanov, and the same security officer of the skr, mikhail maksimenko. none of the demoted officers agreed with the accusation. falsified, based on testimony of one person, nothing to do with it, no evidence other than this testimony, no, i didn’t slander anyone and i’m not slandering anyone and i don’t blame anyone for this, maksimenko’s strange behavior began in the pre-trial detention center, journalist eva merkacheva, who was part of the the public monitoring commission visited places of detention with inspections, claims that maksimenko then refused to eat because he believed that someone might slip him... food, some kind of drugs. he couldn't write, i i remember how he wrote out my last name, because he did not have the strength to hold a pen, that is, that man who was incredibly tough, iron, i would say, a colonel, he begged us to take him to a civilian hospital, and because, according to him, he no longer eats or
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drinks anything, despite all his fears, nothing happened to maksimenko in the detention center, in 2020 he received a sentence, 13 years of strict regime and was transferred to a colony, until recently served his sentence very diligently, worked as an orderly in the medical unit, had encouragement and even hoped for a transfer in the future to a correctional center, where conditions were much milder. the news of maksimenko’s death in the colony came as a surprise. among the alleged causes of death of the fifty-year-old convict is suicide, allegedly his body was found in a storage room , but one way or another, now experts will have to carefully understand why mikhail maksimenko died within the walls of the colony. maxim shevchen. dmitry frolov and kiril kryuchko, vesti, duty department. astrakhan doctors continue to fight for the lives of victims in as a result of severe poisoning with synthetic drugs. the day before, dozens of people who bought and consumed the poison found themselves on the brink of death. three died. the police detained the alleged
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pawnbrokers, and also found out that the owners of the illegal store were hiding abroad. local investigators reported on the progress of the investigations to the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin. report from the astrakhan region. astrakhan kirov hospital for doctors of the acute poisoning department these few days of testing our strength since the nineties are the first time we have had such mass poisoning. narcotic substances such as opium, methadone, they affect the breathing center and block it, and the person himself stops breathing on his own. methadone is a heavy synthetic opioid, and traces of it were found more in the blood. than twenty people, three of them , two nineteen-year-old girls, died before the ambulance arrived, the rest of the victims were literally pulled out of the world by doctors, upon admission all the patients were seriously ill, then there is an immediate reaction, naturally we strengthened the teams, and for some
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categories of patients who were extremely severe, we even transferred them to artificial ventilation. the incident itself became known the day before, after a statement from the ministry of internal affairs. the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the astrakhan region received information from a medical institution about the hospitalization of twenty residents of astrakhan with signs of toxic poisoning by an unknown substance. it was previously established that the victims had consumed synthetic drugs. the police quickly identified the alleged distributors of the poison. they turned out to be three citizens of the former soviet republics; as soon as the first news about the poisonings appeared, the trio began to run together. the suspects were detained in the stavropol territory, as i found out. who went to astrakhon, then came here to, well, to pawn goods, not before, but what about closer?
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they just needed money, potential drug dealers speak russian with difficulty, this, by the way, could be a death sentence for their clients, according to one of them versions, the victims were sure that they were buying on... called mephidrone, but they were sold methadone , both are potent psychotropic drugs, crystalline form, both toxic in appearance look the same, but their effect on the body and dosage are fundamentally different, poisoned by methadone are now lying in every ward, but for obvious reasons they flatly refused to talk to us, even without a camera. now the investigators are faced with the task... to identify the manufacturers of methadone, because the detained foreigners, apparently occupied the lowest level in the hierarchy of the drug trafficking group, these are the so-called pawnbrokers, that is, small distributors of the potion, someone produced this toxic synthetics, and then supplied the batch to a visiting drug dealer.
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the investigation department, the investigative committee of the russian federation of the post-strakhan region, has initiated criminal cases into the deaths of three people based on the crimes provided for in the first part of article 109, namely, according to the latest data, 19 people have already been admitted to the astrakhan hospital with severe methadone poisoning, only thanks to the prompt assistance of doctors, eight of them have already been discharged. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, lead the duty unit from astrekhan. and at the moscow city court , classes have begun on an additional professional development program for employees of the press services of the district courts of the city of moscow. chairman of the moscow city court mikhail ptitsin personally met with press secretaries of the capital's courts. the event was also attended by the deputy director, head of the legal programs production service deepp-news eduard petrov. mikhail ptitsin noted the importance of promptly informing the media about resonant processes. thanked his colleagues for the objective journalistic material about the capital’s courts. by the way, last year
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moscow courts considered 3 million cases, a dark secret of the endless steppe. khakass investigators are finding out how the best farmer in the republic could manage to hold slaves for years in the middle of a snow-covered field. there they supposedly had no hope of saving passports, they were engaged in the hardest labor, while their... details from alina skachkova snowy khakassia desert, an alienated farmstead, the nearest civilization is 6 hours on foot, this farm, hidden from view by the hills, became a real captivity for three people, the local owner viktor olisov, as investigators found out, kept slaves here for years, he tried to beat me alone, as if well, one on one, he knocked me off my feet, kicked me, then closed me in... he closed me in the cellar once , i already had a small child, i
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sat there for two hours, honestly, i’m afraid of him on the one hand, i’m generally afraid of him , svetlana is the only woman who, after 7 years managed to free herself, two other men were allegedly kept in this shack made of boards, they were called to work, in fact they took away their passports and forced them to plow for days, they beat her for every mistake, they locked her in the basement for trying to escape, and this is the wife of a sadistic farmer, she her own version, the owner is walking through the property... purely unsubstantiated, there is no evidence, and i don’t know, figure it out, you can discredit a person in a minute, restore honor and dignity, it costs a lot, in the area ulisov really had the reputation of the best farmer in khakassia, here in in court, a stack of certificates of awards, he received grants from the government, and the minister of food of the republic personally came to look at his exemplary farm, where there are 5,000 heads of sheep alone, and suddenly, like thunder, he was accused of using slave labor, and also of
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storing explosives. more quickly, there, half to floor, all the way to the floor , the suspect, being the director of a peasant farm, looked for two men and a woman leading a social lifestyle to perform various jobs on the territory of his farm. workers repeatedly attempted to escape, but the suspect brought the man and woman back, they discovered it by accident, the police came to the farm for a completely different reason, not long after, a worker from there disappeared without a trace, they still can’t find him, he left the ataru post, left ataru, the post, netaru , sakhman, he left sakhman, post, he said at lunchtime, he came, changed clothes, as if back and forth, something oh, i’m tired, tosi barefoot, in the end in the evening he was not there, and the container was left without a person, and no one saw exactly where, in which direction he went, you know, but he left, that’s what’s strange, half of the farm workers smile and don’t complain about anything, aren’t they intimidated, others accuse them of slavery, there are a lot of questions in this story, for example,
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telephones, the prisoners supposedly had them, but for some reason they they never used it to call for help, or svetlana, during her time in captivity, managed to give birth, and not in the stable, in the city hospital, but even there she didn’t even hint about her trouble in a whisper, they say, who needs her without documents, all the passports ulisov kept documents with him, as if she herself personally she gave it away, they don’t owe money, well, for the first children, who are in her houses somewhere. she puts together, well, like her, elements, my wife paid for them every month, well , we had documents for this, viktor ollisov faces up to 10 years, for the duration of the investigation he was placed in a pre-trial detention center, and somewhere in the distance, above the sun has already set on the decapitated farm, how many more secrets remain behind this fence yet to be discovered, but among the locals there is still a rumor circulating that there could be much more slaves here. alina skachkova, lead the duty department. minister of internal affairs delsii. kolokoltsev arrived in cuba, the head of the ministry of internal affairs plans to have a number of bilateral meetings, during which he will discuss
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issues of law enforcement cooperation with cuban partners. in addition, vladimir kolokoltsev will visit the fideli castre heritage center and lay flowers at the memorial to soviet internationalist soldiers who died in cuba. don't miss the premiere of eduard petrov's new investigation on the russia-24 tv channel this weekend. bryansk defeat of the saransk octopus. chronicles of the sixth department. bloody gang. zaransky appeared in the bryansk region in the late nineties. they were created to participate in criminal showdowns. its founders met the reputable businessman vitaly. kiriyenko, former police officers. kiriyenko provided them with housing, money, and a large number of weapons. how many bullets did you pull out, you have eight, how did you even manage, god help, to put a number of commercial organizations in the region under your control, they entered into open confrontation with competitors, like detectives unraveled the tangle of crimes of past years, in
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saransk they felt very, what did chief vitaly kiriyenko receive punishment? there was no task of exchange, but simply neutralization. you yourself did not give orders to anyone to despoil a person. we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. no feasts under neighbors' windows. the state duma is considering an initiative, which is popularly called the law on liqueurs, we are talking about fake bars, about the establishment of 24-hour alcohol markets, several of which daniel sukharuchka visited at night. this is another test purchase by social movement activists in the southwest of moscow. light moment of the hand this cashier removes the cap from a bottle of vodka; after 11, this is the only way they sell alcohol here. this is how some cunning businessmen circumvent the law, sell alcohol as if from a bar, open the bottle, but
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leave it on the hook. now nothing prevents you from closing it yourself and drinking somewhere else . local businessmen use this trick because they have a bar license , but the one who sold alcohol during prohibited hours doesn’t even know this, why did you force the person to open it, what kind of scheme tell me, well, what kind of scheme is this, all questions to manuals? what now, and you don’t understand, so what now, well, i understand further , the owner of the store, of course, did not show up for an explanation, the activists are sure that this store does not deserve a license, the police are immediately called to the scene, this store calls itself a bar, and for confirmation of this dubious legend, entire decorations were deployed here, these are supposedly shelves with alcohol, glasses from which no one seems to have ever drunk, this is supposedly a bar counter, although it looks more like a showcase, here is a place where guests can sit
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talk, three chairs and one, wobbly table, i wonder who issued the bar license to this establishment, and this is your bar, but it turns out, yeah, but it’s not funny for you to call all this a bar, give me a bar, i’ll say it again, no, why, and how should i give it, say no again, or what? i can’t hear it, how can i find it? well, you come during the day and find it, that is, your bar is open only during the day, you serve alcohol at night, but your bar is open only during the day, did i understand correctly? and this is a typical situation, confident social activists, so called... and liqueurs, after the introduction of a ban on the night sale of alcohol, began to mimic bars, the raid of fighters for sobriety, this time state duma deputy sultan khamzaev joined, he drew attention to obvious violations; according to the law, there must be toilet and sink, which this supermarket does not have in pamina, questions arise about the size of the hall, but for some reason no one has noticed this until now. as a state duma deputy, i have complaints about the work of
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law enforcement agencies in this regard, this location, why don’t you see it, why doesn’t the district police officer work here? why exactly do we need to come here, so that you, i don’t want to scold you, i want there to be order here, show us specifically here, at this location, how the police work, now the police will take care of this establishment, what violations will law enforcement officers find in this dubious store, we will definitely check it out; we have already sent an official request to the capital headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs of russia. on levika the problem is all-russian, so many social activists and deputies believe that they need to be dealt with much tougher. these are unfortunate entrepreneurs, essentially scammers, knowing what they were doing specifically , they didn’t care what the goals, desires or tasks of the state were, their specific task was business, nothing personal, we make money at any cost, breaking the law , deceiving means the state, and here, of course, to put things in order, because here is a store, here is a bar, well, how many of you have gone to a bar in a store, and meanwhile, a quarter
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of crimes in the country are committed while drunk state, the other day a law was presented to the state duma for consideration that would give the regions broad... powers to combat such establishments. in particular, local authorities, at their discretion, will be able to prohibit the sale of alcohol at night, even in bars; if the bill is adopted by law for many leftists, such a blow will most likely be fatal. daniel sukoruchik, matvey sidorov, conductor, duty department. in crimea , a pimp from anapa who forced minors into prostitution was caught and sent under the knife. in at least a dozen people were involved in the criminal scheme. they were looking for girls, including schoolgirls. and they persuaded me to participate in intimate business through deception, threats and blackmail. when the faces of the forces appeared in the house of love, the pimp fled to the peninsula, but it was not possible to hide for long. the law is not written by the old monkey. it would seem that a strict ban on keeping wild animals in... mach has been in effect since january 1, 2020, but it does not apply to exotic pets that were acquired before this date. what 's it like to live across the wall from a pet zoo?
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how stairwells turn into dangerous jungles, behind which bars, repeat offenders serve prison sentences. loopholes in the legislation are trampled by paws and hooves. in the report by denis voskovsky. the whole neighborhood knows that a monkey lives in this house on yaseneva street. in every detail, she wears diapers at home and washes them four times a day. the capuchin monkey, people say, always behaved extremely friendly. sit on the shoulder, there, there, sniff the head. there is a nurse on your shoulder, she has sat, repeatedly. but unexpectedly an exemplary primate escaped from the apartment and bit a neighbor; in order to calm the raging capuchin, the intervention of rescuers was required. the owners. animals refuse to comment on the pet's prank, hello, i apologize, the film crew of the russia tv channel is conducting the program, and in the case of the monkey, i already explained to your colleagues
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, there will be no comments, where the disgraced capuchin will end up, it is unknown, in an eco-park in the village of shikhovo three monkeys live at once, who moved here from the city apartments, matilda the macaque is withdrawn and timid, there is an assumption that she was certainly offended quite strongly. anfisa the macaque is a pronounced extrovert, she is ready to extend the paw of friendship to everyone , but the menagerie staff warns against contact, with representatives of wild fauna it is always unpredictable how many emotions, such a blunder, it can bite, yeah, you are my bunny, in the very next moment, peace and friendship are restored , come on, 90% of the private zoo, the so-called refuseniks, the cutest looking peach communal recidivist, he drowned the neighbors, turned on the water, he turned on the gas, and the miniature pig, contrary to the assurances of the sellers,
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swung at a seasoned boar, broke furniture and bit the owners. but let’s return, as they say, to our monkeys, contrary to prevailing stereotypes, they are not at all so harmless , the diet of the same capuchins consists not only of bananas, but also of meat, they are also predators, such a monkey can calmly, such monkeys can tear a leopard, calmly, there are a thousand monkeys in the apartment of the famous trainer aziz oskaryan, but all the toy ones to keep primates at home are troublesome and dangerous, they gave me a monkey, a customs officer, i brought her home, she lived in our house, lived, lived, i decided to let her out to walk around the apartment, and when i began to put her in a cage, she didn’t like it, she got unhooked from me so that my mother didn’t i’m grieving, they gave me two stitches, the law prohibiting keeping wild animals at home... came into force in 2020, but it does not apply to owners of animals acquired before changes in legislation, the law does not have retroactive force, one would like to say, maybe in vain , denis vaskovsky,
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maxim gavrilets, ilona agasieva, tatyana popova, lead the duty department , the owner of the darvol jewelry brand, darya spiredonova is again in the criminal chronicle, this time we are talking about a deal worth half a million dollars, for this money business ledia allegedly promised one of the clients to buy some of the most expensive and gemstones in the world, tourmaline. or, several years have passed, since then there is no money or jewelry, so far we are talking only about a lawsuit, but the story may result in an investigation, let me remind you that spidonova is already a defendant in several criminal cases about fraud with debts of hundreds of millions of rubles. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and the honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation, we watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective. and our episode was completed, maxim vovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, serious amounts, there is a clear and clear signal to russia, at what point you will say, that’s it, i did everything i could in this project, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general, here’s how to achieve it what have you achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change in any structure, evolution is happening.
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i haven’t done a lot of things before, then i did, dream, fly with me, you’ll promise now and if you don’t take it, i won’t take it. i've been waiting all my life when we can just talk to you, you don't want to hear anyone but yourself , we can't put it off, we're preparing to catch it, it's hard to keep up with a person, dad, i want to see you, who is trying to catch the wind, i write a letter to him every day , and then, when he returns, i give him mine, and he gives me his, i go to the storm, why are you bothering me, what do you want? it’s necessary, let
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him go down, where, every time i worry when he leaves, but he comes back, he didn’t promise, master of the wind, come on, fedor, hold on, we are alexander and dmitry kvashnin, i calculated a model of a super-hard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer, and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science. develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties.rf.
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the israeli government approved. deal with hamas, the decision was made after hours of debate between ministers. the palestinian movement, having released some, will release some of the hostages, these are 50 children and women. in exchange, the jewish state for 4 day will cease hostilities in the gaza strip and allow more humanitarian aid to pass through. israel will not withdraw troops from gaza, but undertakes to stop reconnaissance flights over the enclave for 6 hours a day. negotiations with hamas took place through the mediation of qatar. us state deb.


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