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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 26, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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and it turns out we came here, here it is, this bald hill, here everything turns out, there is no road, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and other departments, and volunteers, many with dogs, often participated in the search, four-legged helpers, the most effective search engines. our specific application is fox. forests with swamps, windbreaks, grass, that is, these are not the most easy to cross forests. hunting dogs, service dogs and shepherds, for example, labradors, drahthaars, australian shepherds, border collies, do a good job of inspecting the territory; even the most common watchdogs can be successful; there are no restrictions on breed, there are restrictions on size.
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if the dog is very massive, very... overweight, yes, let's take some kind of great dane, but it is physically difficult, jumping over these logs, climbing over, running everywhere, a dog that will be very small, yes, short in stature, it will be difficult for her move there. important terms for search dog, it should not be aggressive towards people and should not be afraid of them, dogs with various phobias, they also most likely will not be able to be successful if the dog is reluctant to deal with various surfaces, does not want to go through windbreaks or is afraid of some shaky structures, this will also have its significance. all important finds are reported to military personnel, police officers or volunteers. inform the investigator, before the search begins , everyone is briefed. this interaction is at the planning stage events, who will go where, who will report to whom in what order, about things found or search information that is significant, tolya putilina’s mother also went out to
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search, she walked from the federal highway to glubtaigi, i found out already when they were looking for the child, the fact that my husband never got through to me and from a stranger i learned that the child’s father had lost, of course , everyone was worried, she still hoped for the best, we were three daughters-in-law, we gathered, from all the little dolls we took a man who also grew up in tag and he came with us, it seemed that nature itself was helping people save the child, fortunately there was not such a lot of water anywhere that he could drown, with cooling there could have been, but the weather throughout the amur region, there was rain everywhere, there was downpour everywhere, everywhere it was cold, and there was no rain there in the taiga, that is, the guy spent the night calmly in the forest, and didn’t get wet, wasn’t scared, everything was fine with him
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, but that’s where nature’s mercy ended , difficulties began, overcoming and the countdown for the boy, the search became more difficult accessibility of the area, ordinary equipment does not go there, we skidded, got stuck, the equipment did not pass, we brought in a tracked all-terrain vehicle, requested it from the arkharinsky forestry enterprise, we proceeded on this all-terrain vehicle, and to the scene of the incident, we spent about 3 hours on the road, 20 km along the toiga we drove for about 3 hours, tolya had nothing to keep warm, he could not get food or water, without which a child’s body can last no more than two or three days, but he still had one secret weapon, he was wearing a red jacket, and such an olympic, sporty one, attracts attention quite well in the forest
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, we shouted at each other and shouted, the guy lost his voice in taiga when he called for someone there to help, and he couldn’t make any sounds particularly loud, i was a helicopter saw. well, well, i don’t know, he saw me, and there were two more trees, i climbed one and started waving my arms, initially, the red jacket was noticed in the forest from the air, the information was transmitted to us, already on the ground, we moved into the area when they arrived, we divided into two groups, went in the opposite direction from each other, were in each other’s visibility range , after 30 minutes, the adults saw something... who was getting out of the dead wood, finally the boy was in his father’s arms, until the moment meeting his son, he was generally absolutely calm, not to say that he was confused , but when he met the child, he simply burst into tears, when my dad saw me, he had tears in his eyes, as
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the search participants recall today, there were tears in his eyes almost everyone, with happiness that the child is in safety, and from thoughts of what could happen, hello! it was very dangerous, and the guys literally just walked through the bear’s den, about 700-800 m from the dead wood where anatoly was, there was a bear’s den, anatoly didn’t see the bear, but he still came face to face with one animal, it was his pet dog, she was the first to find the boy, but was unable to bring people because she was not trained for this, kuna, give me your paw, at first i thought... that it could be a wolf, a bear or someone else, the friends spent some time together, dog warmed the child, and her smell scared away uninvited guests, or hoped that he would soon see dad, he usually walks around dad, i
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thought that dad was somewhere nearby, now he says that if he could get some kind of food in the taiga then one item, anyone who would choose matches, i could give it to me and secondly, i could make a fire. before going to the taiga, you need to take bright clothes, a knife, a flashlight, or something else loud with you. tolya advises those who are lost in the forest to follow two important rules: first, do not panic, because it’s so difficult to panic, you have to stay in place where you got lost, i’m not sure that i’ll get lost again, because i know almost everything now, the most correct decision that can be is to stay in place, after ... returned his eldest son to aputilin, alive and unharmed, he decided to join the search party, help
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other children, parents, grandparents get out of the forest, the same dog that came to the roofing felts, perhaps at the very time, will work with them lonely night in his life. working with a dog is not as easy as it might seem, before going out on a real search, confirm it, and the characters of the examiners of the gray-haired searches can be very different, well, at first i turned on well, then i probably got tired, so to speak, i began to be lazy, follow me walk, i shamed him for being a lazy dog, he trampled right at that moment, as with the designation , everything was fine with the designation, he sculpted loudly, did not trample, it seemed that he didn’t even trample, and each dog has its own preferences, australian heeler,
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cheerful dog, cheese , for example, very loves abandoned buildings, all these basements, some scary skli beams , i don’t know, crumbling cement under his paws, pieces of reinforcement sticking out, it all brings him incredible delight, it’s just that he happily jumps there like a trawler, he finds it very well , disentangles the smell very well, training can last from 15 minutes to several hours, depending on what exercise needs to be worked out, not only the dog, but the dog handler tests himself, his task is to decipher the behavior of the four-legged partner, the dog handler calculation is two components: the dog, which has odor information, shows it with its behavior, and the dog handler, who interprets this behavior, the search dog... must have a strong motivation to look for strangers, for this it must be
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shown that the stranger is fun and delicious, so the rescued extra feeds the dog and plays with it, and everyone around her praises her, well done, oh well done, yes, yes , tell me, yes, everyone wants to have their own some kind of calling, and where you are recognized, there , where you are praised, where you are respected for you... dogs have something similar, they want to be useful, being useful is also important for people, volunteers who are engaged in the search, they spend their energy, time, worry about the lost, often work for days, but probably the most difficult search is the one when, of course, you are looking for a criminal in whose hands there is a helpless victim, on june 12, 2015, a resident of the village of lbova, ivanovo region, woke up from a knock on the door, on the threshold he saw two
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neighbor boys, six and 8 years old, the children were scared, but were able to tell, to their home uncle valera came, he killed my mother, soon an investigative team arrived at the crime scene, the territory of the household where everything happened was comprehensively studied, examined, all possible traces were taken. events that took place before the murder, the young woman died quickly from several stab wounds, but it was obvious that she was trying to stop the killer, to block the way into the house where her children, two sons and a nine-year-old daughter were sleeping. the girl was not in the house. in addition to the murder of a woman, a kidnapping was also committed. daughters, in in connection with this, adjustments were made to the plan of investigative actions, to the plan of activities at the scene of the incident, namely, we not only
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inspected the scene of the incident, not only collected traces of evidence regarding the murder of the woman, but also carried out activities aimed at quickly searching for the missing girl, it was clear at the scene that these two crimes were committed by one person, the girl that we had to find was missing, we didn’t want to believe that the worst thing happened to the girl... the worst thing happened, the worst, if if a child disappears or gets lost, investigators immediately get involved, even if there is no crime. not in fact. in this case, the intent of the criminal was obvious, investigators began working in two directions at once. the inspection of the scene lasted several hours. measures were taken to detect traces. these are both traces of the biological origin of the criminal, as well as fingerprints and shoe prints.
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measures were also taken to identify the criminal’s escape routes from the scene of the incident. parallel there was a search for a child, along this tube, when we walked, we found a knife there that was left by him, we believed that in this sector he most likely took the girl, went in this direction, in this sector there are the villages of nepotyagovo, kozlovo , kolistovo, serbilovo, so the search was aimed specifically at these villages and villages. investigators quickly established the identity of the killer, and then it became obvious that the hope of finding the girl alive was dwindling with each passing hour. they understood that the person who was most likely involved in committing this we think about a lot of crimes, will stop at little, is in a state of aggression, in a state of strong alcoholic foam.
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uncle valera turned out to be a fifty-year-old local resident. less than six months had passed since he... the suspect was with his friend, in the house opposite, the deceased lived with her children, he communicated with the victim several times, the criminal came after midnight, the woman recognized the guest and opened the door, but quickly realized her mistake and tried him. a quarrel ensued, valery took out a knife, a few minutes later he left the house, taking the girl with him, he was prone to wandering and moving from village to village, in turn, the victim , who was not distinguished by a large physique and was , due to her age, subject to his influence, could not disobey him, so she obviously certainly
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had to follow him, in the next 2 days the village... and the entire gavrilovo-pasadsky district became a search area. the life of a child was at stake. interaction was carried out both with the internal affairs bodies and with the ministry of emergency situations, the volunteer organization lisa aert was called to help, they were used helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles were used, divers examined reservoirs, we specifically looked for him, looked for him in places of possible appearance, including looking for abandoned houses. they combed the area around ; notices were posted throughout the area ; more than 100 people from different departments and organizations took part in the search for the kidnapped girl. they combed the fields and swamps on horseback, just caring residents came and asked what help was needed, amon was called, and
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an investigator coordinated the overall work. i i was literally constantly on the phone, we exchanged constant information , they reported on what exactly, which villages were combed, which areas were combed, because there was a lot of things that needed to be looked at, some reservoirs, ponds, rivers, fields, some small forests, the difficulty was that the kidnapper knew the area well, he grew up here... and knew all the places where you could take shortcuts, how to get past villages, villages, along what paths, where there are few people, that is, some... then through paths, ravines, so that it is unnoticeable, because i understood that as soon as they found out that a crime had occurred, they would start looking for him, and they searched for him day and night, without
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stopping, i remember these crowds of people, i remember these tents in which, uh, people spent the night, for more than one day, including including our forensic investigators, there were squares, there were walkie-talkies, there were roll calls, there was a message between all members of the group, there were leaflets, there was notification of local residents, there were announcements on radio and television about what happened. the search for missing children is always difficult, not only because of the feelings that are not easy to cope with, such searches inevitably become resonant, many volunteers come. and this can become a problem, a large number of people require a lot of attention from coordinators, huge work of the entire staff team, lack of equipment, lack of trained specialists who will...
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uncle valera realized that he was driven into a corner, he was scared, tired, he decided to leave child from a friend in the neighboring village of kozlova, this was one of the places that investigators were watching from the very beginning. like a girl ended up in a safe place, was detained with police officers, of course he tried to escape, but it was pointless, the girl was exhausted and shocked, she was forced to walk for 2 days, she slept in abandoned buildings and ate almost nothing, in such cases the help of a psychologist is needed , and a lot also depends on the investigator, whether he will be able to find contact with the little... victim, because she was actually alone with the criminal, they are very important for the investigation of the criminal case, in fact they
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were the basis for filing charges, he came, knocked on the window, mom went, opened the door, they talked a little, he calmed her down with something, then he scared my brothers , grabbed me, closed his mouth, very scary, i asked him every day, let's go home, let's go home , he didn’t let me go, uncle valera kol, because you can’t steal children, yeah, in general he didn’t care what was happening, he calmly told everything, yes, he did it, as if nothing so serious had happened, well, how did i get there, i got bored with her - the first blow was here, the second, i don’t remember, whether it was here
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the chest, like that, it’s so bad, it went like that, well, it went like that, he somehow fell , didn’t pick him up and went out, and where you were detained , approximately, about here in these bushes, great, this search has an ending happy. the girl is now at home with her family, and there is hope that she will be able to fully recover from the horror she experienced, and the criminal will now spend many years behind bars, but investigators still remember this case in detail. there was a desire to quickly find this child in order to stop the horror that was happening to him it’s happening, i have 20 years of investigative experience... 20 years of work, i ’m still not used to crimes against children, fortunately in this situation the girl is alive and well, i really hope that now
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everything is fine with me, most often mushroom pickers, children and teenagers, the elderly and people with mental disorders get lost, but this can happen to absolutely anyone, this often happens, and a person goes home, the yard is not lit. an open manhole cover, a man falls, a common story, a corporate party, a new year's corporate party, a person just doesn't reached home, got lost, it is not uncommon for a person to die in a city, an adult, adequate person, who seems not to be lost, quite calmly, can find himself in such a situation, a person can run away or get lost, disappear in the forest or disappear into a big city, find yourself in a critical situation... fall into despair, but no matter what happens, we must remember, there are people who will search and will not stop until they find it, and if a crime has been committed,
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investigators will do everything possible to neutralize the criminal and bring him to legal responsibility.
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let's translate it from clerical to understandable. it's not so scary if you have instructions.
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hello, i'm boris sakimov. and i, oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. the legendary seven in the legendary sevastopol, passenger train with the historical number seven arrived in the hero city exactly on schedule, the evergreen olympic park of sochi, sirius is a place of attraction for the most talented successful schoolchildren of the country. right now, the brand new superjet is preparing for important tests, the aircraft is being accepted by the customer airline.
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heavy equipment literally bites into the taiga , demolishing everything in its path, leaving only plowed ground, this is a kind of defensive line through which the flames cannot spread further, communication with parents is only by phone, entry is allowed only for doctors, in such conditions the guys will stay for the next 4 days, after which they will go home, but they will be under the supervision of doctors for the next year, people will get to russia, this is the only thing. by plane, but nevertheless you don’t have to choose, imagine, there are 86 people in this orchestra, which means 86 musical instruments, the mistake of one is a failure for everyone, this despite the fact that one half of the orchestra does not speak the language of the other half, never together before they didn't perform.
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continue the news review now the latest data on the progress of the special operation, the russian military hit an arsenal with airborne ammunition in the cherkasy region, the defense reported. an aviation fuel storage facility was destroyed in the poltava region. also, according to the department, our air defense systems shot down three ukrainian planes in one day. two so-27 fighters in the kherson region and mik-29 in the dnepropetrovsk region. ukrainian troops shelled donetsk and makeevka. the enemy fired at least 19 155 mm shells, as well as ammunition from a drone. the massive attack began at night, as


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