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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 28, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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because of the megastorm , several hundred thousand people are still left without electricity. how is the south of the country coping with the destruction? where is the cyclone headed? hamass and tsakhal continue to exchange hostages, the truce is formally maintained, but in fact shooting is heard in the gaza strip. israel is about to resume massive fire. in ukraine, the air alert did not go away; there are no prospects for the ukrainian armed forces at the front directly on the line of combat contact. how is the digitalization of the country going, details of support for it workers and also on what they are working on in the program is made in russia. in southern russia, megastorms are subsequently eliminated. in crimea , the ferry crossing in simferopol has reopened ; all access roads have been cleared and treated.
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the angarsk and grushevsky passes are operating as normal, meanwhile, the emergency mode is in effect in ten regions of the peninsula, and the emergency mode has been introduced in aluzhta, sudak and pervomaisky. is olga kurlaeva monitoring the situation at the scene ? today in crimea in sevastopol is a working day, but this is a working day and a school day day for schoolchildren and social service workers, and in general the repair crews worked. there were a total of 236 repair and restoration teams daily, about a thousand people ensured the safety of the residents of the southern peninsula, as for electricity supply, electricity has already been supplied to most populated areas, but there are still hard-to-reach areas where emergency teams are still working. as of this morning, 93,000 people are still without electricity, 245 villages have a water supply interruption, of the boiler houses, 125 boiler houses that would have been de-energized yesterday, respectively
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heating has been restored at 52, work continues, the main thing is that teams have been formed , almost without exception, the pace that we have gained allows us to say that by the end of the day today the electricity will be restored in full by 100%. in sevastopol, after all, there is still a state of emergency, this emergency is more of a municipal nature, and today utility workers are probably working more with the consequences of the overnight snowfall, because at night such christmas, good new year's snow fell, today we still have to examine... canvas how much is it damaged, many questions are asked about the sevastopol aquarium, it will resume its work today, but the third hall , where the exotic fish that died, will open no earlier than in april, the government of sevastopol promises to help the institute of southern seas biology in restoring it technical bases, the same thing is now happening in crimea, everyone is busy with restoration work, more than 350 people. evacuated, they will be able to return
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home at any time once they have been rescued they will say that in principle it can be safe , i also want to add that now there is no wind, there is no storm, the weather is clear, but weather forecasters warn that the wind may increase to 22 m/s. already this evening. olga kurlaeva, sergey septic tank, republic of crimea. the coastal settlements of the tuapse region also took the brunt of the disaster. the surge waves destroyed the embankment beaches, the water reached bus stops, and stuapse our correspondent, andrei malyovanny. we are in the village of olginka, tupsa district, and the situation here is not the best, in in particular, as far as the weather is concerned, now it is raining heavily, one might say even pouring, with hail, i am about 100 m from the coast, and if you can see behind me .
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here is garbage - this is garbage that washed up here, even during the storm that happened yesterday, here in olginka, on the coastal strip, all the shopping pavilions that are here were destroyed, and the elements did not just smash them, yes, it destroyed the roller blinds, went inside , destroyed all the goods , all the equipment that was there and also left behind... literally sea tones pebbles, the beach infrastructure was also damaged, we were still in the village, in the resort village of dzhubga, the beach awnings there were blown away, they were seriously washed away, and then large logs simply fell over them, that's it, literally all the beaches are strewn with large debris, these are driftwood, logs of all kinds there is less garbage, the sea is still unstable, very rough in some areas. waves
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up to several meters high and you can also get wet under them, this is the situation on the coast now, very, very unstable weather, in the south of russia , several hundred thousand people remain without electricity; power supplies to their homes will be installed tomorrow, energy minister nikolai shulginov promised this on our air. increasing winds, sudden changes in temperature, and which probably do not allow quickly restoring damaged elements, because you only need to work then, especially at altitude. in that case, but we restore, as you noticed, anyway, even taking into account the situation, weather conditions, i think it’s optimal. congress young scientists started in the sirius science and art park, the program included business, exhibition, sports and cultural parts.
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our correspondent, alexandra perfileva, is following the congress, she joins us, sash, greetings again, what is the average age of the congress participants? yes, georgy, i welcome you, but the average age is about 30 years, in general, the key theme of the third congress is the space of opportunity and development, today is the congress, over the course of 3 days the congress will gather more than 5,000 participants, let me tell you i’ll even demonstrate how many people are here, these are all young scientists and every minute they come here more and more, so let’s talk directly, hello, you are a young scientist, how old are you? 20? you see, there are younger, younger people, what can you imagine? i came from an economics school, i’m a political scientist, we’re doing a study on the image of the future of russian science, how scientists themselves think about it, we interview them, and we do this kind of sociological analysis, that’s it, thank
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you very much, let me demonstrate to you, there are several stands here, not only young scientists take part, but the largest corporations, there, for example, the stand grew... atom, to the right of us is the stand of the ministry of education and science, this is what i understand, the regions are already coming, the nizhny novgorod region, the motto, discoveries are being made here, alexander, welcome, well, tell us what interesting things you have at your stand, and our stand is generally divided into three zones, uh, it shows innovative business, universities, scientific institutes of the region, and infrastructure projects, talking about companies. for example, it can be noted that this is a 3d development, this is a startup that actually started from a university bench, is now a successful enterprise working together with automobile enterprises and factories that supply import-substituting products for the russian automobile industry, this is
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an industrial press, let’s say, for the preparation of parts, what else is there, i see this is an innovative project for attracting investment? and here is indicated, let’s say, our main achievements, what was done with the help and thanks to nizhny novgorod nots, well, here, by the way, are all these developments directly , they were also partly either financed or supported in another way, nizhny novgorod in us, here we are gradually moving into the block of universities, scientific institutes, developments that are used from microelectronics to space, because we have a quantum valley, here is just a model of a technology park that will soon be built in the lower one, where all these
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startup scientific teams can be located and work, thank you very much, but let's move on, i want to note that not only young people are participating here. from regions of our country, but in general from all over the world, from 25 countries, including iran, kazakhstan, belarus, cuba and many other countries, i said before that the largest state corporations are also participating, for example, sberbank, here, and presented sberbank scientific prize , hello, tell me, yes, our sberbank scientific prize and laureates are presented here, also ours... which sberbank leads, there is a section on generative artificial intelligence, kandinsky, system teaching gestures, and let's go to artificial intelligence, let's go, our generative artificial intelligence, where everyone can create the image that he imagines, how he likes, and
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here is already a board of images generated by guests of the exhibition, also devices, our smart devices, our blockchain, yes , sberbank’s blockchain laboratory exhibited sign language recognition here, thank you very much, but also here, as i said before, young scientists from other countries present their achievements, we in the morning we talked with the minister of education and science, valery folkov noted that science is developing anywhere in the world, science is, in principle, international, any science is structured in such a way that all advanced achievements, colleagues on the one hand want to share, no matter where this discovery is made, therefore, all leading scientists read each other, regardless of where they work, in which country, on which continent, in which university. also, over 3 days
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, more than 120 different activities will take place here, including lectures, and various conferences, as far as i understand, kovalchuk’s conference is going on right now, so we will follow and tell you live, georgy, sash, thank you, our pain is sitting in the park at the work of the congress of young scientists, it may be different, no matter what became the cause of pain, if there is pentalgin, universal remedies against different types of pain, pintalgin , we can do without pain, magical conditions, real rate, up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account in gazprom bank, your money works: and you get additional income, withdraw and top up at any time, apply online at
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at the forum of the russian exhibition the day of the perm region and military-patriotic dictation. more than 550 people decided to test their knowledge about the diversity of our country. well, we’ll find out all the details from anastasia ponko. she joins us from vdnh. nastya, good afternoon, please tell us what the exhibition guests should pay attention to today? hello georgy, first of all, i’ll start with where this day actually began, this is writing
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an all-russian patriotic dictation. participants will learn the results very soon, on december 9. it ended quite recently, literally 20 minutes ago, an all-russian action is taking place for the second time, the participants of the dictation test their knowledge about the history of russia, fateful battles, victories, commanders, heroes, military events reflected in art, literature, today at vdnkh this dictation was written by approximately 550 participants, these are schoolchildren, young army soldiers, as well as cadets of the educational and methodological center for military-patriotic education of youth: how do you imagine the profession of an actor? i am sure that it is important, firstly, it strengthens the child in terms of overcoming some obstacles, overcoming himself, testing our knowledge, this is firstly, and secondly , well, we, as adults, must contribute in every possible way to prevent the falsification of certain issues, both historical and modern, of the current
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period, yes, we must tell the younger generation about what is happening in the modern world, about its geopolitical structure. the dictation could be written in a face-to-face and online version; the places where it was held face-to-face became the studio of the russian knowledge society in many cities of russia, as well as in schools, higher educational institutions, colleges, center for additional education, during the dictation, participants had to answer 50 questions , each, a minute was given for reflection per question, the dictation includes test, closed questions, correlation of dates, events, images, names, also video questions, well, here you go , what the participants in this dictation themselves say, with aggression, no, it wasn’t difficult , the hardest thing, probably, were the pictures, because i didn’t understand them, i really liked it, it was a test of my strength i wonder what it is, in general to try
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myself, i can, i can’t, in general, what do you think, how much did i write, well, i think, out of fifty. i probably answered, well, about 40, a lot of interesting questions now related to these topics, which are very important to go through, for a person to know his history, the main thing is, in general, i really liked it. by the way, although the face-to-face format of the military-patriotic dictation has been completed, everyone will be able to answer the question and test their knowledge online until december 12, also on the russia today forum exhibitions will tell how the day of the perm region is celebrated in this region, visitors are developing science, education, digital technologies, what is being done for young people, the older generation, and the days of the regions are traditionally opened by their governors, dmitry makhonin, the head of the perm region, told visitors to the exhibition about his region and the main achievements, i understand, i understand
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, it’s interesting, we are proud of our industry, why, because the perm engineering mind creates, engines, space engines, the ferm engineering mind creates new technologies such as photonics technology, perm it companies are leaders in their industries, perm robots are the best, and you can see this at our stand, and of course, our it companies can easily develop in our technology parks, which are the largest in country, which is something i don’t want to do, so this day is very busy, a huge number of lectures, master classes, and also, of course, concerts in this region. thank you, i told you. russia dnh. the authorities of st. petersburg urged
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employers, if possible, to transfer part of employees to work remotely in the coming days. the city is cleaning up after a snowstorm. in the meantime, the consequences are being eliminated in the south of russia. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova, she's joining us. tanya, greetings. what will the weather be like today? tomorrow afternoon there will be a new cyclone. today there is relative calm almost everywhere on the russian plain. the main topic of discussion for residents of st. petersburg and the leningrad region. today, who, with what and for how long , dug out the snow from a car in the parking lot or leaving the site. in the prizersky district in the leningrad region there are now snowdrifts 47 cm high. even in the ski resorts of khakassia and in the arctic there is less snow. there is now 20 cm of snow in st. petersburg. the snowstorm in the northern capital ended only in the morning ; the main cleaning of the streets and courtyards from the snow ahead. while it is quite difficult to move around the city, it is still unknown in the south, yesterday in socha ended with hail , today also began, with a weak positive temperature, hailstones melted on
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the roads, snow slush, a cyclone, which was the cause of a powerful storm in the south and intense rainfall in the center of the country in the northwest is gradually losing force. the vortex continues to move along a rather unusual trajectory, back to the west, to europe, but having noticeably weakened, ... air enters the russian plain in the rear of the cyclone, today the frontal sections stretch through the northwest, through the central region, and further to the subural. in the south the weather is not stable, but compared to yesterday, today is a period of calm, with only moderate rain on the black sea coast. at the same time , a cyclone in southeastern europe is gaining strength, this whirlwind will begin to influence the weather in the south of russia tomorrow afternoon, now the whirlwind is flooding the balkans with rain, but in our country the process is expected to be less intense and brighter than the previous cyclone, although the wind will increase again and there will be heavy precipitation again. in tochi today it is rainy and cool, +6 +7. at night the precipitation will stop and there will be fewer clouds. tomorrow the air will warm up to +12,
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with short-term rain possible in places. but on thursday, a new cyclone will bring intense rainfall to the resort town. in a day maybe fall out 15-20 mm. the maximum temperature will be +10. then the weather will improve. by the end of the week the temperature in the city will be +15-16. in moscow today minus -4 during the day, light snow at times, in the evening the frost will intensify to 6°, precipitation will stop, at night the air will cool down to -10°, tomorrow in the afternoon -4. in the afternoon it will snow again and the wind will pick up, gusting up to 18 m/s. today the snowfall will continue, it will continue all night and all next day, so the snowdrifts in the capital, which have settled up to 19 cm, can significantly increase. thank you, i know tatyana belova. us with weather forecasts in the european part of russia. vtb
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solutions. rosselkhozbank is more than you it seems that russia is building its policy in accordance with the realities, they are such that nato considers our country an adversary and does not abandon plans to contain it, said presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, commenting on the statement of the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance jens soltenberg about preventing war. nato considers russia an adversary, nato is an alliance that was created as an instrument of confrontation, it was conceived, and its architecture was built in such a way that it is essentially an instrument of confrontation and an instrument of containment of our country, one way or another, so this, no matter what is invented there, no matter what statements are made, this is the main, main purpose of this alliance, as we see it,
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this is, naturally, the alliance analyzes the situation, the alliance sees , the real state of affairs, so far the alliance has not abandoned its plans to contain russia and what is called the slaughter of the ukrainian people as ritual victims in the fight against russia, we understand this very well, and we are building further its line of action precisely in accordance with this, with these realities, a special war... the operation continues.
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