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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 28, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] if you find yourself in such a difficult situation, if you receive an injury, especially a road injury, you consult with specialists from federal centers, and this allows you to, well, coordinate actions, evacuation, among other things, but also train all hospitals in the russian federation in modern technologies for emergency medical care. . of course, the circle of goodness is a unique project created on your behalf. in the twenty-third year , assistance was already provided. more than 2,300 children, and the outreach program is expanding if we started mainly with one disease of spinal muscular atrophy, today there are already 88 diseases, those that are provided with drugs, as well as medical devices, today nine nasologies are included, as well as including five models of technical rehabilitation,
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patients who need it receive it, as for rehabilitation, the number of children who received it at all stages has increased by 37% since the twentieth year, and almost 3 million children were covered by rehabilitation last year, finally last year, compared with the nineteenth year, the number of children's rehabilitation beds increased by 17%. on your instructions, the federal project , optimal for restoring health, medical rehabilitation, was implemented in 38 regions, equipped... two medical organizations, five federal centers this year, another 34 regions and 40 medical organizations, as well as seven federal centers are implementing the tasks in this program . on your instructions , such large global projects are being created, these are large- scale world-class rehabilitation centers, one of them was you opened on june 1 in the moscow region, construction is now ongoing in novosibirsk in
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patoria, and in less than 5 months , more than 2,000 children, the most complex and severe ones, have already received rehabilitation in the center, which was opened on june 1. i want, i announced at the beginning of the speech, a certain technological transformation, i would like to dwell on it a little. today in our country we have one of the most global and broad programs of prenatal diagnostics and natal screening; this qualitatively new stage began in the twenty-second year, when government, a project was implemented to expand nonnatal screening, these are 40 groups of congenital hereditary diseases, for this purpose 10 largest regional and federal centers were created, equipped with equipment, and today every newborn child undergoes this testing, this has already made it possible today
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to identify 4-67 children are diagnosed with a congenital or hereditary disease, why is this so important, this allows, taking into account the activities of the fund, a circle of good, in fact catch this child, provide him with drug therapy and avoid disability. i would also like to stop, on your instructions, to provide children with diabetes mellitus, the first type with continuous glucose monitoring systems, we , by government decision, allocated 5 billion rubles for the purchase of these medical devices, all these tools for this work in synergy and the availability of direct medical products and financial resources, therefore, at the expense of the federal budget, all children in the country with type 1 diabetes
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will be provided with these types of products, thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, for the special attention paid to the issues of motherhood and childhood. well, today my colleagues from different regions will emphasize and show how this is implemented, including with soul, because it is, of course, impossible to approach issues of motherhood and childhood and providing assistance to young patients without such an emotional overtone, thank you very much. thank you, mikhail abevich, you said that child mortality... from zero to 17 years inclusive or up to 18 years, decreased by 4%, but i have 2 in my papers, this is the last year, these are the numbers for this year that we now see, these are the numbers for the twenty-third year, taking into account the month of november, so we see the dynamics today like this, of course , that is, over 10 years 2.1, and over the last year, yes, yes, yes, yes, this is dynamics,
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a very, very important component, therefore for this category of children it is very important as a preventive orientation of the parents’ attitude, because childhood injuries, its attention specifically to the inclusion of telemedicine technologies, consultations, air ambulance, this is also a separate project, on your instructions, it is being implemented, thank you, thank you very much , so please, varopaev igor viktorovich , chief physician, orenburg children's hospital, clinical, thank you for the gift to the children of the orenburg region, their parents and the medical community. we are happy to start work in new, modern and most comfortable conditions. our hospital's 800 employees are fully prepared to provide medical
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care to our little patients within the walls of our new home. all leading specialists our clinics were trained in federal centers. thanks to the construction of a new hospital, we now have everything we need. to provide modern and high-quality medical care. the new medical complex united three hospitals, which were located in different parts of the city, over an area of ​​10,000 km. and now our hospital is large - 54,000. comfortable one- or two-bed rooms, the latest generation diagnostic equipment, uh, a modern emergency room, smart operating rooms, all this is now available to our doctors and patients. dear. vladim vladimirovich, we really appreciate your sensitive attitude to healthcare and childhood, thank you very much from the team of the regional children 's clinical hospital of our patients in the orenburg region, on behalf of the team, allow me to give you
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an interactive book, a photo album about our super hospital, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, everyone hello to your colleagues, thank you very much and good luck. thank you, please, pastor denis vladimirovich, governor of the orenburg region, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, with your permission i will very briefly try to say that in fact the large-scale transformations that are taking place in the region, thanks to your support, over the past 5-6 years we have launched an oncology center in orsk, and the importance... emphasized back in his time, viktor stepanovich chernomdin, who spoke about the need to build it 30 years ago, but we built it, launched long-term construction in 2-2 and a half years, and today 60,000 patients
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receive medical services there, the regional a hospital where 200,000 patients are served, next year we will complete a complete modernization of absolutely all ... buildings, the most modern equipment and the best conditions, of course, contribute to solving the tasks that you set for us. an infectious diseases hospital, which was built completely from scratch, the facility was built in 1934, and today we serve there, more than 10,000 residents of the region in modern conditions, this decision was supported by you, was money allocated and the latest information about the regional, too, infectious, today it works for the benefit of the residents of the orenburg region, i’ll also tell you a few numbers about modernization, over
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the past few years we have 511 objects under the modernization program that have undergone reconstruction, we have received 580 new cars and 178 of them are ambulances, we don’t have ambulances, more than 5 years of service, this is, of course, a huge victory, and this became possible, of course, thanks to your decision, a national project, today we are, as you already noted, a very important building for us, the chief doctor said that we have been move individual buildings we will go to this new hospital, this facility began to operate and the buildings in which our doctors worked were from 1852, 1852, and today we have a state-of-the-art facility, equipped with, well, all the equipment that is needed, of course this is very, very important, at a work meeting
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with you, when you helped turn on this facility, i just got involved in national projects in 1920, it was funded separately, we built it a year ahead of schedule. of course, now children will work for the benefit of orenburg residents, the families learned that you would be opening this facility and, of course, conveyed huge words of gratitude to you. and invited you to visit this wonderful center to see it all with your own eyes. vladimirovich, thank you so much for supporting all these facilities, when i called the facilities , infectious diseases, oncology, regional, now here is the regional children’s facility, this is not, this is not some separate building, this is not an extension, these are new, completely new objects in return those who served for 100-150 years, so thank you. and low bow for the support from all
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orenburg residents. yes. thank you. i hope you will continue to work in the healthcare sector at the same pace. please, sevastopol, natalya borisevna shiner, city hospital number five. good evening, dear vladimir vladimirovich, this is the report from the chief physician of city hospital number 5, center. protection of maternal and child health shiner natalya borisovna. the opening of a new clinic is a joyful event for all residents of the kazachya bukhta microdistrict. previously, the children's clinic was small, located in residential building, only two pediatric rooms. there has never been an adult section here. more than 9,000 people live in the district, 3,500 of whom are children. now it is a new, bright, beautiful, modern... building, put into operation in november
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of twenty-three, the clinic has an adult department for 200 visits, offices for specialized specialists, six therapeutic areas, an antenatal clinic, a children's department for 120 visits per shift , offices of specialized specialists, four pediatric areas, with full work in the clinic can employ more than eighty specialists, the adult department - 20 doctors, the children's department - 9 doctors, 14 nurses and more than 15 non-medical personnel. the clinic brought together pediatricians who were educated at simferopol, smolensk, and donetsk medical universities. i would like to express words of gratitude from all employees, from myself personally, and of course, convey the positive emotions of our first little patients. thank you for caring about your health.
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sevastopoltsev, the report is finished, thank you great luck, please, razhaev, mikhail vladimirovich, vladimir vladimirovich, good evening, good evening, dear colleagues, well , it’s really a very happy event for us, we were already in test mode in mid-november, of course we started accepting patients here, because the district knew , that the clinic is ready and that the doctors have already appeared, that you can already visit... the red walls, so of course, it took some time to set up all the work, now it is completely ready to work fully today, and now analya borisovna , here, in cossack microdistrict, you know where the 810th brigade is based and where, in general, the wives of the families of our military personnel, basically such an adult clinic never had a children's clinic in the apartment there were only two rooms, and
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in the spring of this year i will report to you, schools and kindergarten, we are finishing a whole social cluster here , we have one more facility left, a cultural center to build, we will have everything in cossack bay so that our military families feel fully in the area where they live, well, i wanted to say a few words to say, in general, about what has been done, you know, it’s great that for 10 years, that’s... the year when the work began, we in sevastopol did not have a single healthcare facility that met the licensing requirements of russian, modern requirements, at the moment 92% of our hospitals are licensed, it is , of course, thanks to the unprecedented support of you, the government of the russian federation, that we have a federal target development program for crimea sevastopol, we
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have built. object, renovated capitalized 27 medical facilities, purchased 13.00 units of modern equipment under the national project, and this allowed us today to almost complete the licensing program, we have finally sorted out all the problems that we had during the construction of the emergency hospital of the oncology center, because good at the rate of construction, will be completed at the end of next year, in the twenty- fifth year these two... large hospitals in sevastopol will be opened, currently sevastopol healthcare is developing at a good pace, we are keeping up with modern trends, thanks to... the support of the ministry of protection, we are fully, all our hospitals work in a digital circuit, we have all these consultations with federal medical institutions, so that we receive less and less support in a timely manner, by the way, already intervention operations
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require sending children to capital cities , more and more, thanks to telemedicine, we are deciding here in sevastopol, in general, this year we have another 400 visits per shift next year adult clinic on shevchenko, we have now realized that we are opening new full-fledged clinics, which have never appeared here since soviet times. thank you, for your support, thank you, mikhail vladimirovich, after our conversation the day before yesterday, the fuel supply there has increased, all processes have reached maximum speed, okay , thank you, yes, please, elena alekseevna, kosotkina, krasnoyarsk region, central regional hospital, good evening, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, we
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live in the distant siberian city of yeniseisk, today is a very important event for the city of eniseisko, the yeniseisk region and our hospital here. the obstetric and therapeutic building begins its work, which also united three institutions, which were located in adapted buildings , scattered throughout the city, we solved several problems with this, first, we now correspond in terms of the level of provision, we can accept the second level of medical care in one and a half times more births, we created a hospital town, brought the obstetrics and therapy service closer to diagnostic department, today we conducted an introductory tour to all interested residents of the city, who shared
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their joy, their delight at what happened, we have a qualified team that is ready to provide assistance to the population, we say with gratitude, we express our words of gratitude for the fact that questions medicine, motherhood, childhood, the state pays enormous, enormous attention, our hospital this year turned 220 years old, on our territory. there are a lot of settlements to which we provide help, a famous doctor was a doctor in our hospital, honor our very deep-rooted
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traditions, thank you very much again for your contribution to us. elena, all the best to you, all yours. the team, everything is fine, good luck, please, mikhail mikhailovich, governor, dear vladimir vladimirovich, good evening, dear colleagues, health care issues, without changes, are in the top five most important issues in the opinion of residents of the krasnoyarsk territory and the development of the health care system, constantly arouses genuine interest citizens. thanks to your support, vladimir has been pooling the resources of the federal national project since the nineteenth year. in the region, as part of our healthcare development program, modernization has covered 500 different facilities , including 70 with a children's profile or specialized children's institutions - these are , of course, medical centers and outpatient clinics, but large medical centers, similar to the one we are in now. 11 medical equipment were again delivered to these
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institutions, 220 ambulances, more than 500 vehicles a different focus for the needs of our healthcare, the results, of course... today life expectancy in the krasnoyarsk territory already exceeds the 2019 level, and infant mortality is significantly lower than the level of 19. i am grateful to the ministry of health, mikalai albertovich brought to us in september a large landing of experts, the main non-staff specialists of the ministry of health, where we sorted out reserves in each area to improve life expectancy indicators in the krasnoyansk territory, and today, on the basis of these recommendations to improve the regional health care development program. thanks to the various national projects that you initiated, we today ensure the comprehensive development of territories, this applies not only to the capital’s problems, but also to such regions as the angara region. at the end of august - you opened traffic on the northernmost bridge across the anesey vysokogorsky bridge, it is located right here, not far
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from this hospital, in this same edinesey district, thereby we continue the comprehensive development of the lower angara, and the residents of these territories enthusiastically received your instruction to resume work on the north siberian railway project; it should definitely pass here along the angara and open up completely new economic opportunities for this wonderful macro-region. however, i understand that in siberia, in addition to transport infrastructure , the key issue is the population, these are the people who will live here, we are paying close attention to demographic issues in the region, approved this year new program for the development of demography. this program has various directions, we are improving regional and social support measures, we are transferring them into a proactive mode so that there is less bureaucracy and more targeted social assistance. every seventh... family in the krasnoyarsk territory today raises three or more children, and the number of large families has increased significantly in recent years, so we are now focusing primarily on supporting
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large families, on the eve of the year of the family, in on the eve of mother's day , last week, i presented regional awards to mothers of many children, honored families, i want to share with you a unique acquaintance with the vershinin family, which lives on the banks of the yenissei in the venkian village of burn. today’s grandmother proskovya aksentievna was in the soviet union worthy of the title of mother-hero, she raised 13 children, today simple avsentina has 65 grandchildren, already 42 great-grandchildren, this is this family, these are real siberian traditions. vladimir, i think that in godya, such examples special attention needs to be paid, perhaps compiling a chronicle of the best family practices of the peoples of russia. on the other hand, give special federal attention to large families, hold some events similar to what we are holding today at
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vdnkh, there are no less reasons for pride, there is no less confidence in the future, thank you very much for the systematic support, and we will further develop our healthcare system, demography and integrated development of the siberian regions, thank you very much, ok, thank you very much, so let's move to the volgograd region, turbanova, city children's clinic number two, please, voluzhsky, voluzhsky city, good evening, dear vladimir vladimirovich, our clinic is located in a new actively developing part of the city of volzhsky, satellites of the city of hero volgograd. the clinic is located in a standard four-story building and provides primary health care to more than 1,900 children. the clinic employs 180 employees,
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transport accessibility is fully ensured volume, the distance to the nearest public transport stop is 30 m. for the convenience of patients, there are parking spaces, on the territory of the clinic there is an indoor stroller area, in connection with the implementation of federal projects, we have the opportunity to work in a new comfortable, modern children's clinic; during these projects, capital work was carried out. .. modern diagnostic and treatment equipment was purchased, which allows us to extensively examine our young patients in a short time. a new design was developed in accordance with the service brand book health, which is reflected in the navigation elements in the uniform of employees and the design of the halls. new zones for a comfortable stay were opened, card storage, an open registration, children's corners were equipped, and new furniture. our specialists are actively involved in the informatization of healthcare in the volgograd region;
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the functionality of making an appointment with a specialist has been fully implemented. our children and their parents responded positively to the changes in our clinic. the staff of our clinic, our little patients and their parents express to you thank you very much for your support of children's healthcare. thank you. i wish all the best to all patients, all parents and your entire team, good luck. andrey ivanovich, thank you, good , good evening, vladimirovich, dear vladimirovich, in accordance with your decision, the volgograd region, together with the government of the russian federation, with the russian ministry of health, is implementing a large-scale program to modernize and develop the healthcare system of the bolgordy region. and creates truly modern foundations providing medical care to the population in all
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main areas. the absolute priority of our joint work is issues related to maintaining the health of children in general, supporting motherhood and childhood. in recent years alone, 72 territorial divisions of children's medical institutions have undergone transformation, repairs have been carried out, equipment has been updated, and the material base has been improved. in general , the modernization of children's and medical institutions has made it possible to identify children's diseases at earlier stages, and with better quality. about this is also evidenced by the implementation by the volgograd region of the main target indicators in the field of children's healthcare, defined by russia, the implementation of the program for the modernization of children's healthcare institutions will allow in 2025 to update the material and technical base of 70% of children's medical institutions
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in the region, we expect that the program will be continued, we also propose a separate the program will continue to pay attention to the modernization and creation of modern regional multidisciplinary children's hospitals, which will be entrusted with the coordination of all key processes in the area of ​​child care, including issues of recovery and rehabilitation, as an important component of preserving the health of children. and also, preventive medical examinations are systematically carried out in schools. no doubt, they give a positive result. but at the same time, we believe that in high school, for the purpose of a more in-depth and high-quality examination of the health status of children and adolescents, and earlier detection of diseases on the threshold of their entry into adulthood. it is possible to provide
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in-depth medical examination. with expanded necessary. with the allocation of a separate amount of government funding for this work in the program of state guarantees of medical care, in addition, one of the serious problems in the healthcare sector remains the high level of disease caused by the human papillomavirus, which can cause complications in many ways, including cancer, and it affects experts believe that it is possible to prevent the serious consequences of such diseases by vaccinating adolescents from 9 to 13 years of age, as a number of countries have already done, having included this vaccination in a unified national vaccination calendar with the allocation of government funding, according to experts, there has been a sharp decrease in diseases associated with this
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virus. we respect you, you have declared 24th year in russia as the year of the family. protection of motherhood and childhood, protection of the family, is an absolute priority. we expect that the implementation of the primary healthcare modernization program will continue after 2025. and questions discussed today at the meeting will be taken into account. once again, thank you for your support. thanks to the government of the russian federation, then our ministry of health. thank you. who is helping in the implementation of this task, thank you very much, well, thank you for the proposal, for yours, i will ask tatyana alekseevna at the end to comment on some things that were proposed by colleagues, so please, konovana vladimirovna, yakutia, this is ityk, kul, so, i as i understand it,
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the settlement is a village in yakutia, what good did they do for residents of your locality, for this village? good evening, dear vladimir vladimirovich, today for our team of the entire population of the takinsky district, a very joyful, historically significant exciting day, today we are opening a new clinic, which was built as part of a national healthcare project. our district is characterized by high birth rates and natural increase, more than 16,000 people live in the district, of which 4 and a half are children, the clinic being introduced today is very comfortable and convenient will provide the opportunity to provide quality medical care to all its patients, especially children. the children's service of the clinic is equipped with modern equipment
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that allows diagnostics and treatment


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