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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 29, 2023 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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constitution of the ussr. in december 1993, the current constitution of russia was adopted. modern electoral legislation is being formed, legislation on political parties, a system of election commissions are laying the foundation for gas elections. the digitalization of election procedures is actively underway. russia is significantly ahead of other countries in organizing and conducting elections. total. not every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice in order to support changes for the better in our lives, elections in russia, important, honest, convenient. news in the middle of the hour, briefly:
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he took part in the opening of new and renovated medical institutions in five regions at once, the president joined via video link, the head of state was told about the equipment of the buildings and how many patients they will be able to receive. russia has never refused negotiations with the kiev regime and has not set the goal of conquering ukraine, said presidential aide vladimir midinsky. he said that at a meeting last year , moscow demanded that crimea be recognized as russian and begin negotiations on the independence of the donbass republics. the israeli army always detained a convoy of doctors and wounded. they were heading to alshifa hospital. this is reported by the palestinian red crescent. as a result of the new exchange, 12 hamas hostages and 30 palestinian prisoners were released. the russian military took a stronghold north of artyomovsk. the artillery struck the enemy fortifications. then the paratroopers launched an assault. they destroyed the militants with grenade fire and machine gun fire and secured new positions. series of storms
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warnings are in effect in the southern regions of the country. an active cyclone is expected there in the next few days, and crimea, which just recently experienced the storm of the century, will again be at the epicenter of the disaster. details immediately after the ad. no matter what kind of businessman you are, enterprising, entrepreneurial, entrepreneur, you eat. whether you are growing or cutting your hair, for a real business, you need a bank for business, psb, a bank for the real, zbermarket delivers, delivers a holiday.
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buy richard tea in magnit stores , take part in the promotion, win a million rubles and other prizes, at magnit, why is the credit sbercard the most profitable in the country? every month a new interest-free period of 120 days begins. month - make purchases. three - return the money. so here we go again: free notification service forever. apply online or allocate and receive benefits every day. storm conveyor. the european part of russia barely had time to recover from the blow. storm of the century, a new cyclone is already covering the region, which areas of the country will be hit by the elements today, will the new whirlwind turn out to be as destructive as its predecessor, how much precipitation will fall in federal cities, sevastopol and moscow. this is the weather, a joint project
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of the russia 24 tv channel and the fob center, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello, about the black sea hit by a storm again today. the break between the two cyclones turned out to be very short: let me remind you that on sunday the region was hit by a mediterranean whirlwind of record power, so monday and tuesday in torid were devoted to recovery from the hurricane, sevastopol and evpatoria suffered the most from the wind and high waves, much of what was on the shore was destroyed by the forces of the elements. just imagine what ’s happening here now, i took out all the sand, filled it with stones, it’s higher than the fences, so much work, well nothing, everything is in order, and the waves washed ashore not only small pebbles, but also larger cobblestones, it’s just amazing how huge the stones are, they threw it away, only on tuesday, in the afternoon, emergency crews managed to restore the power supply to all the houses in sevastopol, but in in other regions
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, local blackouts still persisted, and in some places there was water gushing onto the land due to the surge wave; alas, today the situation in the russian south is set to worsen sharply. the storm of the century brought the mediterranean to european russia. cyclone. they are characterized by high storm potential, but quickly run out of steam. so by tuesday there was practically nothing left of the vortex. the cloud fields of the warm front gradually moved to the north of the russian plain during the day. but pay attention, already the day before another bright white mass of clouds formed over the mediterranean sea, this is a new cyclone, almost an exact copy of its predecessor, it has already reached the black sea and has intensified due to the warm water from its water area and is beginning to spoil the weather in the southern regions of our country, heavy precipitation in
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during the day, the crimea, kuban, nezovya don, donbass, kherson and zaporozhye regions, as well as the black earth region will be covered, where, in addition to heavy rains, there may be freezing rains, but as for the strong wind, the northern black sea region will again suffer from it. this vortex is slightly weaker than the storm of the century, but gusts near its center will still be extremely dangerous 20-25 m/s. in sevastopol, the main bad weather will occur in the morning hours. there is heavy rain in the city, and air currents can accelerate to 23 m/s. then during the day the elements will begin to weaken and will finally calm down tomorrow. over the next 20.4 hours , about half a month's worth of moisture will fall at the local weather station. i will add that, as in the case of the previous cyclone, this one will ruin the weather not only in southern russia. other federal cities also suffered from the storm of the century . after hitting the crimea and kuban, the whirlwind began to rise in the meridian
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direction and about a day later brought snowfalls first to moscow and then to st. petersburg. this time the scenario will almost completely repeat itself. it's cloudy tomorrow poles. will shift to the north and cover the entire western half of the russian plain. if we talk about the south, then the main rains will move to the kuban, but the center and middle volga will fall into a zone where the temperature during the day can rise to zero, and as a result, freezing rains are possible. it will start snowing in moscow this evening, and the main blow will be delivered at night. by tomorrow morning, about 13 mm of moisture will fall in the megalopolis, and local ones cannot be excluded. the wind in the dark can accelerate to 20 m per second, the weather will improve on thursday afternoon, but light snowfall will persist. that's all for me, goodbye. on any journey you need a faithful and reliable companion. rosneft is
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the largest network of gas stations, where a warm welcome and a profitable loyalty program await you. rosneft gas stations are a reliable companion on all roads in the country. rosneft is driven by the best. now news economics konstantin exporters have finished the tax period, what will happen to the ruble exchange rate? yes, roman, analysts say that the ruble will now be supported by foreign exchange operations by the central bank, completion. tax period in russia exerted pressure per ruble on tuesday, exporters transferred vat, personal income tax, as well as excise taxes and insurance premiums to the budget. by the end of the trading session, the dollar rose in price by more than 60 kopecks, to approximately 89.5 rubles. the euro rose by more than 90 kopecks, exceeding the mark of 98 rubles. in the yuan , the dynamics are more modest, an increase of less than 10 kopecks to 12.5 rubles. well, today's trading started with a small one. dollar corrections. in the near future, the key factor influencing the ruble may be the resumption of
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the central bank's operations on the domestic foreign exchange market, as announced by the regulator himself. details central bank promises at the end of december. but in addition, an opec plus meeting is expected on thursday, which can support oil prices, and therefore our currency. pochta bank received accreditation from min-digital for working with biometrics, and the day before the same was issued to sberbank. technologist. confirm a person’s identity based on his unique physical characteristics, among the advantages is getting rid of some of the routine procedures of remote banking services, the project was launched in the eighteenth year (ministry of digital development) together with the central bank to work with a single with the biometric system, commercial organizations must receive state accreditation; in addition to sberbank and post bank , rosselkhoz, alfabank and vtb previously received it. officials. the united states does not exclude the risk of further growth of inflation in the country. the fed board of directors said
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that energy prices may rise in the coming months, and this will hinder the fight against rising consumer prices. therefore, in the base scenario, the key rate should be further increased. otherwise, the 2% inflation target will not be achieved. in addition, the rate must remain at a high level longer than it was before the coronavirus epidemic. well, it’s worth noting that literally the day before. the head of the european central bank also warned about the risks of inflation. the market consensus now is that the largest regulators have supposedly completed the cycle of policy tightening, but judging by the latest statements, there are no such guarantees. in europe, after grain , ukrainian sugar is now not welcome. this product, which flooded the eu market, required re-export outside the union. french association beet growers. it turns out there is such a thing. and according to experts, the volume of ukrainian sugar imports to europe this season alone could
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reach 800,000 tons, which is approximately twice as much as in previous periods, while over the five previous years the average figure did not exceed 21,000 tons. well, now supplies have increased tenfold, and this is essentially real dumping on the part of ukraine. it is noteworthy that french farmers do not demand protective measures from paris, but directly from the european commission. official at the end of the release exchange rates for today, which were set by the central bank, dollar 88 rubles, 61 kopecks. euro 97.06 , that's all i have for now. suddenly there was a sale on avito, a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter , etc. happened to you. don't miss discounts up to 80%.
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register your business for free at follow your dreams only dare dot bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. new year's discounts at magnit. macfa pasta 44.99. magnit - the price is right. you will receive additional information, be aware, additional information to everyone who is in yandex plus, additional cashback points when paying with yandexp, we take it, mega discounts, cashback, apartment, the main event of the year, and you withdraw.
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such a benefit, and eldorado, unexpectedly there was a sale on avito, a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder , and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale, even on avida, don’t miss discounts up to 80%, well what is there, magic cashback, gazprombank card cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets, pay less global village 7999 come in. airplane service of apartment solutions from transaction to renovation and furniture. on black friday, all goods reach the megamarket only through the prime plus price squeezer. for example, the cberboom smart speaker costs only 8,990 rubles. i have a new nice active gel. when your back hurts, i
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easily penetrate to the root of the pain and quickly disappear. it's time for training. meet the new nice active. new buildings on cian offer a huge selection of profitable offers for reliable residential complexes. call the developer directly from the application. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. take it credit cards, transfer debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easily with the bank. a huge selection of shoes from the oha brand for real winter. stylish and high-quality shoes for every taste, choose oha at wildberries. as part of the national project on housing and the urban environment, more than half a million people have already been resettled from dilapidated houses. how to get into the program and what square meters you can count on, we will tell you in the program
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instructions. there are programs in the country resettlement of emergency housing stock. in this issue there are instructions. in 5 minutes we will tell you how to include your house in one of them and what kind of housing you can count on in return for the one that is subject to demolition. first of all, you need to understand that dilapidated and dilapidated housing are different things. we should not be talking about obsthetics, but about the threat to human life and health. emergency housing subject to demolition is a legally defined term. and they make appropriate decisions to recognize such residential premises or apartment buildings as emergency and subject to demolition. term dilapidated is a roundabout term that essentially means there, but there is a deterioration in the characteristics there, non-compliance with the regulatory requirements of residential premises, but here only an assessment of the technical condition of the object itself can answer the question of what can be done next with this dilapidated housing, yes, what either it must still be recognized as unsafe and
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subject to demolition, or it can be reconstructed, brought into standard condition. housing can be recognized as unsafe in the following situations: when building structures are damaged or deformed and this threatens collapse. there are tilts that affect the stability of the house, the environmental situation has changed in terms of radiation levels, noise, vibration and other factors. sanitary and epidemiological standards have been violated; this could also be caused by an emergency situation, including annual floods, mudflows, landslides, avalanches. other. emergencies resulting in the house being beyond repair. in addition, emergency officials can recognize a structure that is located in a place where destruction is possible during man-made accidents. what what to do if you have reason to worry about safety, where to go? for owners and those living under a social tenancy agreement, the procedure
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is different. if a person lives under a social tenancy agreement, then he can apply directly to... a departmental commission created in each constituent entity of the russian federation with a corresponding application. and the procedure for assessing the technical condition of the object is launched, based on the results of which one or another decision should be made. if a person is the owner of this residential premises, yes, then he must also submit a corresponding application to the interdepartmental commission, but with a technical assessment report attached, which... is carried out by a specialized organization. specialized organizations are organizations that are members of the relevant self-regulatory organizations that have the right to conduct survey work. the application can be sent through the state services portal or the mfc. the application must be considered within 30 days, but what to do if it is refused?
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if a person is denied recognition of his home emergency, yes, he can first of all file a lawsuit in court about the inaction of local government bodies in this case, if the court decision is in favor of the citizen there, then the expenses that he will incur, including for assessing the technical condition, will be reimbursed. the next important question is where will they be resettled from emergency housing? residents on social rental terms. according to the area of ​​the premises in the same municipality, but if a person is an owner, he may be offered monetary compensation or new housing, the size of both the other will depend on the redemption market value of the emergency apartment. this assessment of the market value includes not only the cost of the residential premises itself, naturally taking into account its wear and tear, taking into account
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its emergency condition, yes, but also the value of its share in the common property, land plot, as well as the costs associated with moving there, a complete list is in us is provided for by current legislation. if a dilapidated house that is subject to resettlement is included in the regional targeted resettlement program , then the owner has the opportunity to in addition to the redemption value in cash, yes, also get another residential premises of equal value, and here we are talking specifically about cost parameters, yes, that is, residential premises with the redemption value taken into account, at which his emergency apartment was assessed, as for the timing. from a dilapidated house, it is important to understand that there are no standards, the schedule is formed by local authorities, the priority is determined by the date the houses are recognized as dilapidated, however
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, priority is given to houses in which a threat of collapse has been identified. let's take a look again what needs to be done to move out of emergency housing. first you need to submit an application and the necessary documents to the interdepartmental commission. please note that the owner orders the examination at his own expense. then you need to get a decision based on the results of the commission’s work; if the house is recognized as unsafe, it will be included in the regional resettlement program, then you will receive a notification about the seizure of the land plot and a draft agreement on the seizure of real estate for state or municipal needs. the agreement must be signed if you do not have objections, and send back within 90 days. the housing will be accepted and the corresponding act will be drawn up. all that remains is to get a new one and sign a social tenancy agreement and register ownership in the russian register, or receive monetary compensation and purchase the property yourself. if you have any questions, if you want to know about other
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rules that work in the housing market, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will talk to experts and will definitely tell you about everything in one of the next editions of the instructions. next in our broadcast a selection of the most important interesting events of this day in different years and eras. how this day is remembered in history, we’ll tell you right now, hello, november 29 , 1784, the most controversial letter of the russian alphabet celebrates its birthday: e, invented by princess ekaterin dashkova to denote such a sound not with two letters and o, but with one. the first to put this idea into practice were poets and statesman gabriel derzhavin in personal correspondence, and writers ivan dmitriev and nikolai karamzin published their poems with a new letter, but in the alphabet was not included for a long time. the yocking pronunciation was considered by many to be common, unbecoming for educated people. after the revolution, the letter yo was
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declared only desirable, and finally in 1942 it became mandatory, but only formally; in practice, its use remains advisory, selective and completely unregulated. on november 29, 1941, the nazis executed vera voloshina, a twenty-two-year-old girl, a member of a sabotage detachment. she performed the same task as zoya kosmodemyanskaya, they died one day. but vera’s feat was not known for a long time. the athlete was involved in athletics and jumped with a parachute. it is believed that ivan shadr chose her as the model for the iconic sculpture of a girl with an oar in gorky park in moscow. when the war began, vera volunteered to join the army. she was taken to one of the units of the intelligence department of the western front. seven raids behind enemy lines were successful, and during the eighth the group was ambushed in the village of golovkovo. vera was captured, beaten, tortured, and then
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hanged. before she died she sang international. for a long time she was considered missing, and her grave was not immediately found. in sixty-six, vera voloshina was posthumously awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree, and in ninety-four, she was awarded the title of hero of russia. november 29, 1947 general assembly. the un adopted a resolution dividing palestine into two states - jewish and arab, although the arab states opposed it. together with them were the british, who owned this territory for a quarter of a century under the mandate of the league of nations and wanted to maintain their influence there, so the united states they did not support it because they wanted to strengthen themselves in the middle east. the ussr also sought to weaken the british empire and saw an independent jewish state as its potential ally. and position. turned out to be decisive. a majority of 2/3 of the votes was obtained thanks to the votes of representatives of the ussr, poland and czechoslovakia, which were part of the soviet bloc. the soviet union
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provided military political support. israel and was the first to recognize him as deia. on november 29 , 1971, one of the most high-profile premieres of the soviet era took place - the play hamlet in taganka theater, directed by yuri lyubimy. it was a completely new interpretation of shakespeare's tragedy, closer to modern times. shakespeare's text translated by boris pasternak was fascinating. and poems from doctor zhivvag increased the emotional intensity. vladimir vysotsky in the role of prince datssky played a lonely man, rushing about, in a world of indifference, hypocrisy and betrayal alien to him, or not to be , that is the question, is it worthwhile to endure the shame of fate without complaint, or is it necessary to resist, rebel, arm, victors, die , die, fall asleep, the acting ensemble with him consisted of veniamin smekhov, alla demidova and other taganka stars, vysotsky played hamlet
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for almost 10 years, this was the last performance in which he appeared on stage a week before his death. this is what this day in history was like.
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vanilla cola or cotton candy, smoke without fire, here you sold it to a minor child without documents, all the kolyans were sold, kolyans, of course, and a hookah-malyan, this is all that is mowing down our youth, they specifically passed a law so that it wouldn’t happen... .for children, however, get an electronic cigarette for schoolchildren are not a problem, wide choice, sale 150 rubles. you smoke, sigrat mimi, that’s right, that’s the kind of business, what can you do, there are more and more cases of the new veper disease , it’s as if, well, you’re already dying, i started to shake violently, what are the consequences of smoking electronic cigarettes, my bronchi are very they were compressed, i was literally suffocating, the patient had been using
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vep for 2 months, the symptom was wood in the buds, these were all compacted bronchili, the probability of death was very high, and when the web epidemic swept the country, we took over it case and conducted their investigation. the goal was never to conquer ukraine. vladimir midinsky told why kiev rejected peace; he reminded: russia has never refused negotiations. every resident of russia should have access to the most modern types of treatment. vladimir putin took part in the opening of new hospitals and clinics. the israeli army storms the city of jenin. on
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the shore, soldiers take va...


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