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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 1, 2023 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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[000:00:30;00] vanilla cola or cotton candy, smoke without fire, here you sold it to a minor child without documents, all the kolyans were sold , of course, and the hookah-malyan, this is all that our youth are mowing down, they specifically passed a law so that there would be no advertising for children, however getting an electronic cigarette for a schoolchild is not a problem, there is a wide choice, sale is 150 rubles. you smoke, that’s right, this is
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the kind of business, what can you do? there are more and more cases of the new boar disease, it’s like, well, you’re already dying, i started to shake violently, what are the consequences of smoking electronics, my bronchi were very compressed, i was literally suffocating, the patient had been using vep for two months, a symptom of wood in the kidneys, these are all compacted bronchili, the probability of death was very high, and when the vep epidemic swept the country, we took on this case and conducted their investigation. thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight. i am a pashtun afghan, i am a russian
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soldier, i have the honor. they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it beckons , we don’t let them in and won’t let them in, calmly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, they had legs, but no, we need to move on, he’s leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, soldiers, i urge you to lay down. we don't want wasted shade. hello, we will tell you about the main legal news and topics of the day in the program hosted by the duty department, i’m andrey ivlev with you. and at the beginning, more than 50 million rubles in state income, property for this amount was seized by the nikulsky court of moscow at the request of the prosecutor's office from the relatives of the former
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colonel of the russian ministry of internal affairs, dmitry. zakharchenko, these are two apartments on vernansky avenue, money in dollars, euros and other currencies , as well as numerous jewelry of a woman billionaire officer, so zakharchenko’s ex-wife, jaana saratovtseva, lost six pairs, gold rings, pendants, 6 million rubles 3,000 euros. another zakharchenko’s lover, marina simynina, had six pairs of luxury watches, as well as a fair amount of jewelry, turned into state income. zakharchenko's father had three precious chronometers. the former colonel himself had previously lost his gold rolex watch, which were seized during the search. petmama will remain in captivity until at least mid-december. the moscow city court recognized as legal the extension of the arrest of entrepreneur valeria fedyakina, she is involved in a case of billion-dollar fraud, the blogger offered clients, as she said, profitable investments. she showed footage of her beautiful life and introduced herself as just a bethmama. why did the glamorous lady throw a tantrum during
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the court hearing, what did he say? in my defense, reporting by alexander ostakhov. valeria fedyakina, better known as bitma, perhaps on one of the most unusual video conferences of my life. accused of particularly large-scale fraud, she is used to communicating with clients against the backdrop of luxurious interiors. now he communicates with the judge from the pre-trial detention center and will appeal the arrest in the moscow city court. a few weeks ago, fedyakina was detained and arrested without fanfare, the court banned filming, perhaps this is due to an incredibly big thing. interest in this topic, but filming the appeal is also prohibited, we can only capture protocol participation before the start of the meeting, but even this lady dissatisfied, first covers her face with her hands, then simply leaves the frame. but recently valeria fedyakina was open to communication with people, inviting them to invest in various projects, the construction of a seven-star hotel, oil, even a tanker fleet. moreover, the girl offered clients to withdraw their
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cash abroad, and for a reason. with an additional payment, they say, connections abroad allow it, although usually a commission is taken for such operations, i will broadcast to you online from monaco, i will be glad to see everyone and tell you about our... opportunities, everything has changed, when valeria fedyakina suddenly disappeared with money, one of the deceived clients wrote a statement, in total the businessman gave the girl about 7 billion rubles, this is more than a ton of cash or the annual budget of an average city, no one returned the amount to the mysterious businessman, he told about this in our program in an exclusive interview on condition of anonymity. i have people who work on armored vehicles, they come, pick up the cache, and bring it to her office. you give money here, you receive it in dubai. these unique shots show the transfer process money, on the table are the same almost 7 billion rubles allegedly stolen by valeria fedyakina. this, of course, is only a small part of the amount, for understanding. this is what a billion looks like in five thousand dollar bills. to transfer seven
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of these cubes, a truck may have been needed. valeria fedyakina's lawyers have so far refused to comment, but our program has obtained a statement from the girl in which she names. the victim on her own behalf and says that she was deceived by her business partners, they say they offered cooperation, and as a result, within 2 months they took her out of the company and kidnapped bitmam more than $40 million, such a scenario also cannot be ruled out, experts say. banal greed, people are so crazy that every second person in the market considers himself an expert, but it was greed that turned them into victims, most people consider her an out-and-out fraudster, but the truth is there are several... very serious players who are confident that she herself became a victim of even bigger scammers, probably the puppeteers who controlled bitmai created the image of a rich lady, bought premium foreign cars, took her to luxury resorts, rode on a yacht,
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as if they wanted to convince potential clients, give your money and you will live the same way, now the fairy tale has come to an end. in addition to the interests of the investigation, there is an objective threat to fedyakina’s life from her accomplices, as well as the beneficiaries of the fraudulent scheme, who are interested in keeping fedyakina silent forever. the detention center for bitmama is the only place today where she can feel safe. the court apparently thought the same. valeria fedyakina's defense asked the court to change the measures suppression for house arrest, they say the lady is already eight months pregnant, and a document that allows her to live in the united. will soon become invalid, fedyakina herself addressed the judge, as if she was constantly trying to cry, the nomido could not be moved to pity, the preventive measures remained the same, arrest. alexander ostakhov, lead the duty unit. pulling on the tires can lead to accidents. from
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december 1, motorists are required to change summer tires to winter ones; the corresponding regulations were approved in the fall. seasonal operation rules apply to owners passenger cars with no more than eight seats, excluding the driver's seat. and small trucks weighing no more than 3.5 tons. these conditions are dictated by the need to increase the degree of protection of road users, as well as reduce the likelihood of road accidents, taking into account the low efficiency of using summer tires in winter. state traffic inspectorate employees carry out explanatory work and warn car owners about the need to install tires of the appropriate seasons. remind that according to traffic rules, car owners are required to check the technical condition of the car before leaving and on the way. fraudsters have opened the season; a month before the new year
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, dubious sites with advertisements for the sale of caviar, for example, began to appear on the internet en masse. it’s as if the swindlers are preparing to hit the jackpot on the traditional requests of russians; by the way, several muscovites have already fallen for the scammers’ bait, buying air instead of a delicacy, as for... the network and not getting caught in the network, maxim shevchenko figured out. with in a clearly spoiled mood, gordey sokolov makes tea, a sandwich with caviar, which could be an addition to the meal, there is nothing to prepare, the main ingredient is sturgeon caviar, the man ordered it on a telegram channel. it was written there that this was golden caviar, some kind of albino sterlet, some rare, rare form of caviar, and i fell for it. he communicated like an ordinary seller, like transferring money to his card, friends shared a link to that same telegram channel, the fake seller has an impressive 70,000 subscribers, therefore, gordey did not
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have any suspicions; he sent 45,000 rubles for his order through an online wallet, and after that the interlocutor blocked the correspondence. gardey went to the police and found out that he was not the only one injured. based on this fact, the investigator of the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the kharashovsky district of moscow opened a criminal case under article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation , fraud. police officers are implementing the entire necessary range of operational and joyful measures according to preliminary data from the actions of those same internet scammers have collectively affected more than a dozen people; according to lawyers, tracking the whereabouts of the villains will not be easy. they can receive their money only if these persons are found and the court finds them guilty of committing a crime. this happens rarely, including due to the fact that the majority. the new year's week
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is traditionally a hot time not only for buyers, but also for sellers; non-christians offer the opportunity to buy festive table attributes, delicacies and alcohol, greatly reduced prices, for example, in december, sales of champagne traditionally increase fourfold, this is well understood by bootleggers who constantly drive tons of carbonated drink from unknown raw materials in barns, garages, industrial zones, sparkling wine is diluted in buckets and tanks, then bottled. with bright labels, and then - i generally prefer not to drink , you can’t tell, but can you, many buyers don’t see anything wrong with buying a delicacy under the counter, demand, as you know, creates supply, this has been shown more than once raids we carried out in the capital's markets, a double counter, something without logos below, but cheaper, half a kilo 25, half a kilo 25, that such black caviar, like already cut
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asetrina, is of poacher origin, and where it came from, in such cases no one can really say, if any accompanying documents for sale are not generally allowed in our country, when purchasing such exclusive goods on the internet, falling into the trap of scammers is as easy as shelling pears, the president of the union is sure of this sturgeon alexander novikov and notes that in the case of a proud man who tried to buy golden albino caviar, the chances of success were practically zero, well, firstly, this is indeed an extremely rare product, it is extremely rare that you can find it on the russian market, in official, probably, there are no sales of it at all, and abroad such caviar costs about $6,000 per kilogram, that is, well, this is an obvious deception, so i do not recommend that anyone not be fooled by cheap offers and generally buy caviar from unknown persons,
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anywhere, in on the internet or in markets. experts emphasize that no professional can determine by eye how good a delicacy is; experts recommend following simple rules, not chasing cheap prices, focusing only on trusted stores that follow basic rules for storing the product, and also broadening your horizons and checking the authenticity of the manufacturer can be found on the website, created with the support of the federal fisheries agency, then there is a high probability that neither the upcoming holidays nor your health will be spoiled. maksim shevchenko, fedor eliseev, alexey kashlakov and yuri ermakov. news, duty department. the so-called istra raiders received prison sentences from 16 to 23 years. their sentences were announced in the moscow regional court; they made their bloody foray into a cottage in a town near moscow 3 years ago. then the bandits brutally dealt with the owner of the house. five participants in the attack were soon detained. did not deny their guilt. during the interrogation
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, the defendants gave confessional statements to the investigator, and with their participation , the testimonies were verified on the spot. besides, criminologists, using forensic technology, conducted searches in their garages and households. during the inspection , the murder weapon itself was seized, as well as other items relevant to the investigation. investigators established that the vystrinsky cottage of a pensioner, the raiders directed. address, but were met with shots from a traumatic weapon, so the owner tried to defend himself from uninvited guests, but died in a shootout with bandits, one of the accomplices had already heard the sentence, he was given 10 years, now he was sent to a colony his accomplices, training helps to cope with fires, the response time to an incident for the capital's emergency services employees has been reduced, this is especially important now, when with the onset of cold weather, the number of fires
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in residential buildings increases, how modern heat and smoke chambers help firefighters act competently in extreme conditions, our correspondent vlada egorova tried on the heavy ammunition and was convinced that the exercises were really difficult, well, i’m already half ready, i also want to test myself in the role of a firefighter, what are we starting, you and i are starting from putting on combat clothing, well, in principle, i coped with this task, however, with the outer ammunition it’s not so simple, you need dexterity, the uniform weighs about 50 kg, and yet soldiers have to work in it every day in the most difficult conditions, risking their lives , rescuing other people's skills for such operations , rescuers hone in this training center. here you can not only see with your own eyes what happens during fires, but also experience everything for yourself. the gas protector is not ready, the pressure is 300. first of all, the fireman you need to check the pressure in the cylinders, these will only have enough oxygen for half an hour. we'll find out during the training, and of course, we'll tell you what it's like. it takes 30 minutes to walk, it is during this time
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that firefighters must now overcome complex , intricate labyrinths, hard-to-reach places, and also save the victim. this is an imitation of an attic storage area. basements where firefighters hone their skills daily. so, the rescue mission begins, it’s good that there is a helmet, i’ve already hit my head several times on these, on these structures, it protects perfectly, it’s gone it’s only been 5 minutes and i’m already practically exhausted. the heat and smoke chamber is not just a training pavilion, here fighters are literally tested for strength; the alarming environment, darkness, special effects, the tests are not for the faint of heart. but it helps to adapt to extreme conditions and overcome fears - heavy smoke, cries for help, the sound of collapsed structures, all this is an imitation of the conditions of a real fire, now we are training how to navigate a path through narrow
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obstacles in a warehouse, one of the most difficult stages of training is this overcome difficult-to-reach narrow spaces and not only get out of them yourself, but often save the victims, for example, this is how firefighters extract them using a rescue loop. saving people is the first priority, but according to firefighters, the most difficult thing is not even this, it is more difficult to find them, for example, in heavy smoke or under rubble, now we will look for the victim and go through the rubble, we need to evacuate the person, because how is it even possible here? it’s not clear how to get through, and this is already a task, what is called teasing, for a beginner with it’s not easy to cope with, but under the guidance of experienced... fighters, we can go through the maze in one or two seconds. right now we evacuated the victim, practically pulled him out of the fire. there is one last obstacle left: a narrow hole. the main thing is to go through it without losses, and during evacuation not to harm either yourself or the rescued person. by the way, there was enough oxygen, the tasks were completed faster than planned , but it all depends on the complexity of the route,
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the operator determines it, observes the process on the other side of the camera and can change almost everything in it, from the lighting of the smoke to the situation. i can do it manually. go through the installation, just close all the doors that are convenient for me, or do the first route, this is our first floor, partly the second, i’ll tell you from my own experience that the first training session, naturally, it was some kind of wow emotions, that is, i i couldn’t understand what to do, i was scared, i felt somehow, well, uneasy, let’s just say , gradually with these trainings inner calm develops, each fire, according to nikita, is not like the other, the cell... imitates different options and teaches to be ready for literally anything. tests in a smoke chamber cannot be passed without special training, it begins here in a warm chamber, this is a kind of fitness room for firefighters, although everything is complicated by the high temperature and reaches 40°. this is how firefighters develop endurance and get used to increased heat loads. i recently took
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part in a competition called vertical lifting, where i had to climb to the thirty-sixth floor. i completed this in 7.5 minutes. yes. ae, but on average, to prepare the body, you need about 15 minutes on it walk around, and here you can also walk on a treadmill and pedal, but be sure to take turns and in full gear , and so on in a circle several times, it helps to keep in shape and trains endurance, this team makes from 6 to 20 trips per day, so often there is no time for sleep. and in these footage, firefighters are actually putting out a fire in a private house in one of the villages near moscow; first the roof caught fire, and after that the entire house was spared no casualties, the residents were evacuated. the fire broke out due to a short circuit, the ministry of emergency situations it’s not in vain that he warns, make sure that the electrical networks and appliances are in good working order, and it’s better to get a fire detector; if you find yourself in captivity of fire or under rubble, don’t make unnecessary movements, save your breath, make your way through the smoke on a flat foot, there’s less of it below, it’s
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best to take shelter in a room , where there is a window or balcony, or immediately call the firefighters, thanks to their skills they will pass through the fire through the smoke. this is how real firefighters work. vlada egorova, vadim garbunov, vesti, duty department, steam curtain, despite prohibitions and warnings from doctors, vaping does not lose popularity and continues to be a source of danger. this weekend, watch the premiere on the russia 24 tv channel, a new investigation by eduard petrov into the vaping epidemic. vanilla cola or cotton candy, smoke without fire. here you are sold to a minor without documents. the child has been sold all the kolyans, of course, and the hookah-hookah , this is all that is mowing down our youth, they specifically passed a law so that there would be no advertising for children, however, getting an electronic cigarette for a schoolchild is not... a problem, there is a wide choice,
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sale 150 rub. you smoke, cigra, that’s right, that’s the kind of business, what can you do, there are more and more cases of the new veper disease , it’s like, well, you’re already dying, i started shaking violently, what are the consequences of smoking electronics, my bronchi are very compressed there were, i was literally suffocating, the patient had been using vep for 2 months, a symptom of wood in the buds, these were all condensed bronchili, the probability of death would be very high. and when the web epidemic swept the country, we took up the matter and conducted our own investigation. girls caught in a difficult situation in the kostorom region , the police came to the rescue. here the child found himself in an unfamiliar area, far from home; it is unknown what would have happened next if not for the rescue patrol. report by galina hungureeva. 6 pm, busy kostroma yaroslavl highway. it's -10 on the street, on both sides of the road. snowdrifts, unexpectedly bright headlights of a patrol car highlight a small figure in a striped jacket, the picture is like a mirage,
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an eight-year-old girl is walking along the side of the road in the dark, sixty-eighth kilometer of autorogue 132, that’s how she explained it, that she was very cold, so we immediately put her in the car , she didn’t have a phone with her, she didn’t know her parents’ phone number, she said that she was in first grade at school, a girl named oksana had been wandering along the road for quite a long time. was so frozen that the sleeves of her jacket dangled, she hid her hands from the cold and pressed them closer to her body, as it turned out, the first-grader got lost, instead of her native village ilyinskaya in the kostroma region she walked in the opposite direction, what’s worst is that none of the motorists even i slowed down to help the child, perplexed, because the highway was quite busy, the flow was very large and none of the adults, women, men, for some reason, no one paid attention to her, well, naturally. as if, because well, there’s no other way, there’s no other way. the police officers immediately put oksana in the car, turned the heater on high and rushed to the
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police station. on the way, the schoolgirl told me, went out for a walk, decided to buy food for the cat, and for this she went to the regional center. on the way, she was picked up by a regular bus, but the girl got the wrong stop and got off at a completely different place than she had planned. didn't the driver ask you where you were going? so you got off the bus, so you went again, right? and how long did it take you to walk, do you remember? and then, what happened? the police came and collected me. oksana’s mother, an employee of a local sanatorium, who was at work at that time, and the pddn staff reported her daughter’s adventures. she immediately arrived at the police station and took her daughter, explained that her husband was on a business trip, and asked her neighbor to look after the child, but she decided that the girl has already left the house to meet her mother from work. to dozens of thanks from the worried mother, the police officers only modestly responded. no words are needed before thanks, the child is fine, safe and sound,
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that’s all. galina hungureeva, duty officer. we watch news online, and watch bright fragments of our releases on the platform. go to the broadcast tab and turn on an honest detective story.
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we're all happy. hello, i am boris sakilov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with we are discussing with experts how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach
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people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. a clear signal, at what point you will say: i have done everything in this project , everything i could, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general this is how to achieve what you have achieved, you think that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure. look how very safely they stored the drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. hallera in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of botulism. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and
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deceitful the us government was. supported by washington works in tbilisi. public health laboratory. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these
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diseases, which they themselves brought here. questions for the direct line and the final conference of vladimir putin today began to be accepted from russians; you can submit an appeal in several ways at the price indicated on the moscow putin website. also from 8:00 a.m. popular


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