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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 1, 2023 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] who are you wandering musicians ? , i'm after you. tim palaces, tempting vaults, will never replace freedom, call the strongman, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves remensky musicians, bremen musicians, i actually
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sing too, soon. essentially, this is a state within a state, because inside the camps lebanese laws do not work; the palestinians are trying to organize life and security on their own. palestinians in lebanon do not have the same rights as the local population. we lived our whole lives in darkness, in poverty, from the lebanese point of view, they were always second-class citizens,
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there was a mistake. news mid-hour short: questions for the direct line and the final conference of vladimir putin today began to be accepted from russians, you can convey the appeal in several ways, all of them are listed on the moscow putin website. popular front call centers will also open in the regions from 8:00 am. the calendar winter in magadan began with heavy snowfall on the roads due to a sharp deterioration in visibility, as well as ice and snowdrifts, and a massive accident. the sidewalks, difficult for pedestrians , are filled with snow. residents are urged to stay home. new hostage exchange in the middle east, hamas frees six people. tel aviv released 30 palestinians from prison, but did not
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allow their families to rejoice. in russia they called athletes of the year, the best athlete was boxer muslim gadzhimagomedov, two-time world champion. the women's team was awarded to swimmer evgenia chikunova. honored coach of russia in rhythmic gymnastics, vera shtelbauns, was named mentor of the year. preparations were discussed in st. petersburg. complete liberation of leningrad from hitler's blockade. the nazis were driven back from the city on january 27, 1944; less than two months remain until the memorable date. the meeting was attended by chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko and the city governor alexander beglov. in addition to the ceremonial events, personal support for blockade veterans was also discussed. these are one-time payments, the right to free russian railways tickets, medicines and treatment in sanatoriums.
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all regions are connected. i sent letters to everyone, everyone is now once again carefully keeping track of the siege survivors, veterans, considering their problems, in addition, within the framework of the inter-parliamentary assembly, i addressed all the chairmen of the parliament of the cis countries, asked them to also pay special attention to our respected siege survivors, all chairmen parliament promised that they would be very attentive to the support of our respected participants in the siege. veterans of the siege of st. petersburg took an active part in the formation of the plan, but only at the last meeting of the city coalition council for veterans’ affairs, they proposed additionally adding 45 events to the plan, almost we will all take these events into account, so i wanted to say thank you again, the best athletes, coaches of the year in russia were named at the ceremony of presenting
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the national sports award winners were identified in eleven categories. stanislav vasilchenko will tell you who received the awards. on the stage of the state kremlin palace are athletes, coaches, and sports journalists. on the centenary anniversary of the russian ministry of sports, we are now thinking about what the next century of this system will be like, we are in a very difficult period, we live, but we see that we have very reliable and professional personnel, we have great coaches, great athletes , specialists, we have... uh, a super modern sports infrastructure, very powerful management system, scientific research, and all this allows us to say that the achievements that were in the past, they will certainly be - at least at the same
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level, i hope they will be increased. honored master of sports of russia in boxing, silver medalist of the tokyo olympics, muslim gadzhimagomedov , becomes the athlete of the year at the 2023 national sports award; this year he became a two-time world champion in the weight category up to 92 kg. in the last two fights, our boxer competed with an injury. in the quarterfinals, muslim tore his ligaments, so the semi-finals and finals were boxed on moral and volitional grounds. there is always something to strive for, that’s why we have the olympic games ahead of us, if we, let’s say the russian national team, of course, we strive to win a gold medal, but after that, i think, we’ll see, maybe we’ll have the world championship there i will take part or will fight in professional boxing, the athlete of the year award in the pride of russia category goes to swimmer evgenia chikunova, in april
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of this year the athlete set a world record in the 200 m breaststroke in 2 minutes 17 seconds, the best coach of 2023 is one who works in rhythmic gymnastics, having trained many olympic athletes. develops in sports, but also promotes it at the international level, exchanging experiences. the president of the international boxing association, umar kremlev, won the nomination. thanks to him, boxing in current realities is the only sport where russian athletes
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perform under their own flag and anthem. this year , the president of the russian tennis federation, shamil torpischev, won the age of sports nomination. for 10 months of this year russian tennis players secured more than 530 victories at international tournaments in 67 countries. this award brought back a lot of memories. you can write a book. in any case, we need to think about this. so thank you very much. but life goes on. russian sport is celebrating its centenary at a difficult time. the international olympic committee is still trying to protect our athletes from the whole world. but russia continues to adhere to the principle of sport outside of politics. next year despite . all the attacks could, in russia it is planned several major international tournaments, kazan will host the games of the future and games with the participation of athletes from the brix countries, and in the fall moscow and yekaterinburg will host the friendship games. stanislav vasilchenko, alexander stalmashevsky, sergei ukharenok, sergei
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kuznetsov, news. forecasters warn of a new wave of bad weather in moscow. another heavy snowfall will arrive in the capital by the end of the week. anna volkova knows exactly when the snowdrifts will grow in central russia. by the end of the week, the european part of russia will be covered by another snow storm, which regions of the country are snowfalls and freezing rains still possible today ? storms, nature will give the european part of the country a little respite. now. i’ll show you the level, you see, above the knee, waist-high footage from the crimean peninsula, this week, the south of russia experienced the impact of two active cyclones and restoration work
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they are still going on, in taurida alone the damage from bad weather, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to 39.7 billion rubles, here precipitation mainly fell in the form of rain, but there are fewer and fewer such regions in our country every day, we are going home from crimea, there is flooding , but it’s +13, and here we have +1 snowfall in podnetsk, what kind of life, in the donbass on the eve of the precipitation phase has changed, until now it rained almost exclusively here, but on thursday a snow cover even formed, and the further north you go, the stronger the snow . over the past 24 hours, a real snowstorm was observed on in the west of the russian plain, from the black earth to the baltic shores, st. petersburg, for example, during the day visibility deteriorated to 1 km, almost 100 units of special equipment took to the snow-covered streets of the northern capital. the second mediterranean cyclone continues to spoil the weather in the european part of the country. precipitation
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in its zone is weakening, but today clouds will still cover almost the entire region, with the exception of the caucasus, the middle and lower volga, as well as the arctic, the heaviest downpours are expected in the donbass, the heaviest snowfalls, black soil in the north of the volgovyat region in the area from volgograd to kursk , freezing rains are possible. the circulation of the cyclone still contains extremely contrasting air masses, so that in the north of the russian plain there are winter frosts today, in the south, and on the shores of the black sea, the warming will increase and thermometer readings will even exceed +15°. this situation will persist until the end of this week. and it will correct it and finally bring cold weather to the russian south, a new stormy whirlwind. it will come to the russian plain on sunday and will no longer be mediterranean, but atlantic. therefore, the main influence on the weather in the region will be its cold front. the main blow of the disaster will be borne by central russia , smolensk. again, local freezing
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rains cannot be ruled out; i note that the predecessor of this vortex is also not going anywhere, it will go to siberia and will become active again due to temperature contrasts. in novosibirsk, the influence of the warm front is already being felt, the temperature today , like on thursday, will rise to +2°, then the mediterranean air masses will transform, the temperature will drop to minus one, coupled with precipitation, such a swing is a condition for the formation of ice, but on sunday... in the megapolis there will be a thaw again, precipitation will increase, up to 13 mm of moisture will fall 3 december norm in moscow today tomorrow the weather is relatively calm -4-6 in the daytime to -8 at night, light snow, then precipitation will increase sharply and a third of the monthly norm of moisture will also fall, although not in one, but in 2 days: sunday and monday, the height of the snow cover during this period can grow to 25-30 cm, more than usual... it’s going to be collected by the end of january, for me that
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's all, goodbye, on any trip you need a faithful, reliable companion, rosneft is the largest network of gas stations, where a warm welcome and a profitable loyalty program await you. rosneft gas stations are a reliable companion on all roads
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in the country. rosneft is driven by the best. today is the last day for paying property taxes. is it possible to still have time to talk about this and not only in the economic news block after
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the advertisement? unexpectedly, a sale happened on avito, a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new goods are now on sale , even on avida. don't miss discounts up to 80%. in vtb savings account rate is 15%. and the wedding is on... faster, cool, everything will work out vtb, so that you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito protects your payment for housing. payment is transferred to the landlord upon successful completion. i don’t need a seven-flowered flower to make my wishes come true, i achieved my dreams this year myself, i wish i knew a spell to do several things at the same time, but the main thing i learned this year is to choose myself, a scooter,
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a holiday - it's you, i'm a new nice active gel, when your back hurts, i easily penetrate pain and quickly disappear, it's time to train, meet the new nice active. invest in your country with a reliable broker vtb convenient technological application vtb-my investments. professionals work. sale: report even, with discounts up to 80% on avito. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool shot, i'll post it now. damn, wrong file, how to cancel? oh no, no way, artyom, this is a megaphone, everything flies with it, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, only for megaphone subscribers, for the new year our house is immersed in a fairy tale, and your fairy-tale dreams will be turned into a magnet, win 10 million to buy a house and valuable
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prizes with a new house magnet, get a loan at a 3% reduced rate, find out the available loan amount, online and without opening: credit accounts potential for business unexpectedly happened on avito, a sale happened to you, a new dress and a drill and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale, even on avito, don’t miss discounts up to 80%. just in time for economic news, konstantin, today the deadline for paying property taxes is expiring, and is there still an opportunity for those who have not done so to catch up? yes, roman, formally, there is still a whole day ahead, but of course, it’s better to hurry up. today is the deadline for paying property taxes. if you don’t make it in time, then
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starting tomorrow, penalties will be charged; in case of prolonged non-payment, bailiffs will be involved, who can block the bank account and seize property. the tax is charged on vehicles, land plots, houses, apartments, rooms, cottages, garages and car spaces. you can pay on the website or in the mobile application of the federal tax service, also at a bank, at a post office or at the mfc. but perhaps one of the most convenient ways is to set up notifications on government services and pay taxes there. the shares of the cypriot management company of pulkova airport in st. petersburg were transferred to a new russian holding company. now the st. petersburg airport will be managed by a domestic company, the cypriot offshore company will lose 100% of its shares in the authorized capital, and, accordingly, control over the air harbor. the russian government will appoint a sole executive body
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the holding will approve the charter of this structure, its capital will be 169 billion rubles. not marky brand is trading around $80 per barrel this morning, quotes were requested the day before after the results of the opec plus online meeting. market expectations for significant new production restrictions were not realized. saudi arabia, for example, decided to still extend its restrictions, which amount to a million barrels per day, but a number of other countries in total will reduce the supply on the market by another 700,000. russia, in turn, in the first quarter of next year, he will reduce rates on the foreign market by another 2000 barrels per day, this is in addition to the current 300, well, this decision was made based on the current situation in the oil market, russian deputy prime minister alexander novak said in an interview with our tv channel. this year we are seeing a significant increase
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in demand of the order of 2.5 million barrels per day during 2023, today this has been confirmed as part of the assessment of the current situation and forecasts with we see that the balances, the average five-year balances in the osr countries for oil are lower 100,000 barrels in about a day. russia's international reserves increased by $6 billion 300 million over the week. by november 24, they amounted to 587.5 billion. as reported in the materials of the central bank, the reason for the increase was a positive revaluation. according to data, as of november 17, the volume of reserves exceeded $581 billion. after the start of the special operation, the collective west imposed sanctions against the bank of russia, but was unable to completely limit access to reserves. and at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 88 rubles. 58
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kopecks. euro exchange rate 96.888. and that's all i have for now all. novel. konstantin, thank you, i’ll briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. management of pulkovo airport is completely transferred to a russian company, which will receive shares of foreign shareholders. the decree was signed by vladimir putin to protect the national interests and economic security of the country. military assistance to ukraine is in question: the united states is running out of funds for weapons for kiev, the pentagon says. continued supplies require congress to approve biden's request for additional funding, but the decision is delayed due to differences between parties. it took almost 5 hours to put out a fire at the largest clothing market in rostov on dano. pavilions with clothes caught fire and the fire covered 4,000 km. the firefighters' work was hampered by dense buildings and traders who were trying... opec plus will reduce oil production by 2,200 barrels per day next year. this decision was made by the countries following
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an online meeting. russia, in turn , will limit supplies to the foreign market by another 200,000 barrels per day. the mexican journalists club presented an annual award for national foreign correspondents. the award also went to the documentary film , which premiered on our channel in september. it was filmed by our colleague sergei brilev, although he is now in latin america, he addressed his mexican colleagues via video from cuban havana, and is now completing the filming of two new films, one of them about cuba and stalingrad, which we will show next weekend. 340 publishing houses, hundreds of events, 10 discussion platforms. fair of intellectual literature, one of
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zineida kurbatova was the first to attend and appreciate the new books. the first event at the book fair of intellectual literature, a significant expected one. in the lecture hall they talk about the theaterology of the great philosopher alexander zinoviev. the classic's work is staged on various stages; this spring the ballet scream after romanuev's go to golgotha ​​will be shown in moscow. this , of course, is always educational, some direction of movement of zinov’s thoughts, he is a teacher , he always used every opportunity, every platform, so that once again confirm, man, be a man, be proud that you were born this way, so we will talk about everything about it, it’s not for nothing that the fair is called intellectual, dozens of publishing houses specializing in books about history are represented here, this is popularization, scientific research, of late interest
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there is a growing interest in domestic and world history, as well as geopolitics, political economics, and memoirs of great people; traditionally, there is a great interest in children's literature. i haven’t visited the exhibition for 3 years and i came back, yes, i went before quite often, i bought books for my son on how to learn to write in telegram channels; a separate book about this was published in alpina. in addition, the new series are translated novels for a female audience and stories for schoolchildren. it is clear that not all the adventures and experiences of the heroes krapivin and rybakov are understandable to modern children; alpina is looking for new authors. this year , the alpina publishing group launched a new publishing house, marshmellow books. but one of these books, one of these books is in my hands now, you see the book anna's fist grishina, this book is really designed for a young audience, it seems to us that it is precisely designed to attract those very young people to read, because these are stories that are close, close to every
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teenager, for example, in this book you will learn and about the story of a teenager, this is a dacha story, a beautiful dacha atmosphere in which it is so cozy, you so want to be , monopolistic publishing houses are also represented, like ast with elena shubina’s favorite authors, among whom is now the artist mikhail shimyakin, his autobiography, like the drawings, it is complete and metaphorical. there are also small nice publishing houses, for example, igor sazonov is engaged in business, publishing books for the soul, for the first time a large album was released by the naive artist ivan silivanov, poetry by milana aldarova. sazonov not only published these poems, but also organized a prize named after her, which will be awarded in moscow in a week. well , i’m publishing the author because she writes really amazing poetry, i couldn’t find her book anywhere else for 30 years, then we decided to republish it, and that’s where it started adventure. that she had a lot of unpublished stuff, and so on, and we, as an author , began to work more closely with her, so the competition that we organized was
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also just so that other people could read, it would seem, what could be it turns out that the intellectual in cookery books can, if this is the fundamental research of william pokhlebkin, who would have turned 100 years old in 2024. william pahlepkin is a historian, a culinary historian, he devoted his entire life to the study of kulinai and here is a scientific approach, plus, of course, wonderful recipes that always turn out, time-tested, this is the first day of the fair, and there are hundreds of visitors, many are attracted by meetings with others who come for certain publications, which are a little cheaper here. nonfiction will run from november 30 to december 3, with a program of 340 events that will take place across ten discussion platforms. large sections are devoted to comics and graphic novels; there is also a separate children's program, territory
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of knowledge. dinaid kurbatov news. i’ve been working towards this all my life, we expect to do it in 10 days, this will be a record, cut it, we’re all with him, because he’s the only one, at the maximum height, higher, don’t rise, you ’ll just fall like a stone, like the wind , this is a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, it ’s like it’s chasing you, what do you want,
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master of the wind. questions for the direct line of vladimir putin’s conference today began to be accepted from russians, you can send an appeal in several ways, all of them are listed on the moscow to putin website, also from 80 am in the regions popular front call centers are opening. the calendar winter in makadan began with heavy snowfall on the roads due to a sharp deterioration in visibility, as well as ice and snowdrifts, massive accidents, difficult for pedestrians, sidewalks covered with snow, residents are urged to stay at home. new hostage exchange in the middle east, hamas frees six people. telyaviv released 30 palestinians from prison, but did not allow their families to rejoice at the return of the prisoners. israeli security forces burst into ramallo and said that celebrations were prohibited. clashes with the police began in the city. athletes and coaches of the year have been named in russia. the best athlete was boxer muslim gadzhimagomedov,


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