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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 1, 2023 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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questions for the direct line and the final conference of vladimir putin today began to be accepted from russians , you can send an appeal in several ways, all of them are listed on the moscow putin website, and from 8 a.m. call centers of the popular front are opening in the regions. the calendar winter in magadan began with heavy snowfall on the roads due to poor visibility, as well as ice and snowdrifts, causing massive accidents. it’s also difficult for pedestrians, the sidewalks are covered with snow, and residents are urged to stay at home. new hostage exchange in the middle east, hamas releases six human. tel aviv released 30 palestinians from prison, but did not allow their families to rejoice at the return of the prisoners. israeli security forces rushed to ramallo and said that celebrations were prohibited. clashes with the police began in the city. athletes and coaches of the year have been named in russia. the best athlete was boxer muslim gadzhimagomedov, two-time world champion. for women, swimmer evgenia
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chikunova was awarded, and the honored coach of russia in rhythmic gymnastics, vera shtelbauns, was named mentor of the year. russia has started accepting questions for a direct line with vladimir putin. this year it is combined with a large final press conference of the president. you can send your message in several ways: there are toll-free numbers for calls and sms. a mobile application has also been created. the question will be accepted on social networks or on the website. moscow, putin, there is an opportunity to record a video message. in addition, today in each region, from 80 am, local time, the work of the popular front call centers begins, and they also receive calls from citizens. direct line press conference of vladimir putin will take place on december 14, journalists from both federal media and from all regions of the country will gather in the studio, and there will be foreign correspondents who are accredited in the capital. russia takes full credit. the role of management of
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pulkovo airport in st. petersburg, the share of foreign shareholders in the business is transferred to new domestic companies. vladimir putin signed a corresponding decree to protect the national interests and economic security of the country in connection with the introduction of western sanctions. the document talks about the creation of the northern air gate holding company capital cities. he will receive all shares of the authorized capital of the current management company of the air force, its shareholders, including investors from the united states, germany, the emirates and qatar. on the first day of winter, magadan was covered with snow, there was ice and snow drifts on the roads, visibility dropped significantly, all this caused massive accidents. it is extremely difficult to move around the streets, not only for motorists, but also for pedestrians. residents were urged to wait out the bad weather at home. our correspondent, lyudmila sherbakova, talks about the situation in the region. everything happened very quickly, say eyewitnesses, the driver of the honda exceat,
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magadan, who was in a hurry, flew into the oncoming lane, the car collided with a toyota, which was a girl, she was eventually taken to the hospital, toyota passenger oleg kuchinsky says that he didn’t really have time to understand what happened, well, girls, no, most likely it’s in his head fog, okay, we’ll live, they took the girl to the hospital, yes, he took him soon, that is, there was a blow, there was a good blow, two cars, well, plus or minus 60 and there 60, just as the driver said, he gave a little gas, to steer out of the skid, but it didn’t work, two more cars. flew into the ditch a little later, the drivers decided to stop to help the victims of the accident, but also lost control. both explain that the road is very slippery. i’m driving, i see two cars are parked, all broken, i think i need to stop, help people, i helped. how did this happen? well, everything stopped , which dragged me there, there was also poor visibility on the columaya federal highway, regional roads on the coast of the magadan region, traffic inspectors recorded many accidents in magadan outside its borders, there was only one recommendation, choose. safe driving speed,
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which will provide you with constant control over the vehicle. there is no need to focus on the speed limit on these sections of the road. on the magadan balagannaya talon highway, visibility is poor. the highway is open, but drivers are asked to use extreme caution. in these places, during the thaw of snowfall , an avalanche danger is declared from time to time. there is no avalanche danger today, but nevertheless monitoring of the current situation has been organized. in case of avalanche danger, on dangerous a lifeguard will be on duty in the areas. according to weather forecasters, this cyclone came to the coast of the magdan region, the north sea of ​​okhotsk, in magadan in the volsky district of the region it became warmer, in places there was a strong gusty wind. according to forecasters, heavy snow in magadan will continue for about another day, then the weather will improve on the coast of the region and become colder again. lyudmi cherbakov, alexander feshchenko, vesti magadan. entrepreneurs are calculating damage from fires. at the largest
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clothing market in rostov on dano, pavilions with clothes broke out late in the evening, fire instantly covered 4,000 km; to knock down the flames, it took firefighters almost 5 hours to work between dense buildings and merchants who were trying to save their goods. instead of an emergency, they cordoned off traffic on the adjacent streets and had to close them, despite all the efforts of the firefighters, several pavilions were completely burned out. the cause of the fire is currently being investigated. in the artyomovsky direction, russian artillerymen destroyed fortified strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, and the positions of militants near solidar were discovered by drone operators. the coordinates were transferred to the command, after which gvozdik self-propelled gun crews received information about the concentration of nationalists. in a matter of minutes, they took up firing positions and struck with high-explosive fragmentation shells. scouts using drones provided accuracy adjustments. this made it possible to destroy an
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enemy motorized infantry unit with minimal ammunition consumption. and in the kherson region , the russian military has almost built an underground fortress on the left bank of the dnieper. branched labyrinths. shelter tunnels are necessary to fight the enemy, who is on the other side of the river, and although now we mainly have to fight against drones and artillery, our fighters are ready for any development of events and have prepared surprises for the nationalists, our correspondent olga kurlaeva will tell you which ones, everyone, attention to the shelter, air command, there is a cormorant in the sky, this is what the soldiers of the 205th brigade of the dnepr group call the drones from the right bank, and underground on... the left bank there is a whole street of dugout trenches, where our servicemen hold the defense around the clock. this is our main exit, there is an armored door they put the personnel here to live, rest, sleep, and eat. closer to the rear, living
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area, dugouts or rooms. here the soldiers rest after completing combat missions. we have 10 people living here, i'm white. right now, the soldier is resting, he has been replaced by a shell. sleeps, in case of an alarm, he is blown up, immediately grabs his weapon, the batteries in the lindage are electric, but in case of a power outage, there is a place for a potbelly stove, and there is the stove itself. a strong ceiling made of three layers of logs can withstand the impact of enemy artillery in a trench, that is, transitions between utility rooms and observation posts, also under an anti-drone roof. therefore, our walls are necessarily reinforced with wooden shields, exactly in the position in which they stand, wider at the top, so that the mass of sand presses and there are spacers everywhere, everything is thought out here to the smallest detail, this is an evacuation exit, the wounded are brought down here through a short route, they provide medical care already in in the conventional rear, even the boards on the floor are walking around, it’s not for nothing that if someone is walking
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outside, listening to, say, drg, these guys install these boards here in the evening thing, they fall asleep there. empty and she, she hangs above and begins to create sound. strangers don’t walk here, and they won’t be able to get through, into the branched networks of trenches, you can simply get lost, this is a blocked gap, it’s like an intersection, corridors go from it in different directions, for example, to a recreation area or to firing lines, here is the position grenade launcher, from here the observation of the firing of grenade weapons is carried out. for preparation, here we had a supply of food for 3 days, and such firing points of observation posts tens of hundreds of meters of tunnels and construction has not yet been completed. work on equipping positions is mainly outdoors, but only when the sky allows, that is, ukrainian cormorants are not flying, one was caught almost completely.
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now it is in our hands, we will study it, study it, yes, the circuits, at what frequencies it works, on a makeshift drone , the details are carefully chosen to match the tone of the flag, our fighters have learned to plant such birds, according to statistics they shoot down eight out of ten, there are anti-drone guns, but we play it safe like this, that is, this is already one hundred percent option, a fighter with a quiet, belly-bellied face in peaceful life worked as a foreman on large construction sites , including participating in the construction of the crimean bridge, and now at the front line his knowledge came in handy, we are underground, that is, in a shelter, not every shell will penetrate. no matter which corridor you come from, you will definitely come to an intersection, where there is such an impromptu stand with quotes from the film, you can shake your snot on your fist, you can call your mother, you can make pants, and you must complete the assigned task. olga kurlaeva,
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sergey shcheptev, 9th roto, 205 brigade of the dnepr group. kiev needs to start negotiations with moscow, since it has been protracted. the conflict does not lead to any solutions, said republican senator rand paul. he emphasized that even if the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine calls the situation a dead end, then it is necessary to stop military actions and resolve the issue. everything points to us that we have reached the point where we need to start negotiations. in fact, we were in the same situation a year ago, tens of thousands of people died, and we simply did not move from places. paul noted that ukraine will not be able to oust the russians, and attempts to return crimea are unlikely to be successful, a year ago kiev rejected the only important condition for peace negotiations, refusal of nato membership, in a year, according to the senator, there may simply be nothing from ukrainian industry to stay, besides, paul is convinced that the united states will not
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be able to finance the kiev regime for a long time; another 100 billion dollars in aid to a foreign state will only increase the national debt of the states themselves. vladimir putin is winning the battle against the kiev regime, an article with this the headline was published in the american publication the economist; journalists noted that from the first day of the specialization, the russian president broadcast the image of the winner. vladimir putin has increased russia's military power and also strengthened his position within the country. at the same time , zelsky’s rating is rapidly falling, the authors of the publication emphasize: the reason is corruption scandals and ukrainians’ fears for their future. journalists also doubt the european integration of kiev; they believe that the process of the country’s accession to the eu and nato will be delayed, because ukraine’s membership there does not meet the interests of the western powers. now economic news, konstantin joins me. churikov, konstantin, good morning, today an experiment begins on labeling new groups of goods, what exactly will be labeled? roman,
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hello, the list is actually very large, from canned food to radio electronics, so i’ll tell you about it now. an experiment on marking, radio electronics and optical fiber starts in russia today. the barcode already familiar for dairy products, water and other goods will be applied to the socket, lighting conductors, lamps, lighting fiber optic cables. the duration of the experiment in radio electronics is until the spring of 1925, and in fiber optics until next december. almost 60% of companies from these industries decided to participate in the experiments even before they began, and today , december 1, the introduction of mandatory labeling of tobacco products was completed. now, without qr codes, it is impossible to sell not only cigarettes and tobacco, but also vapes. brand oil is trading around $80 per barrel this morning. uh, the quotes dropped the day before results of the opec online meeting. at the meeting
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, some participants announced additional voluntary cuts, which would bring the total supply reduction to 2,200,000 barrels per day. saudi arabia, for example, is extending its restrictions, which amount to a million barrels per day. russia, in turn, in the first quarter of next year will reduce supplies to the foreign market by another 200,000 , russian deputy prime minister alexander novak spoke about the decisions taken to meet opec plus in an interview with our tv channel. saudi arabia first confirmed for the first quarter of next year that it will maintain a voluntary cut of 1 million barrels per day. russia will increase the reduction in exports, which we voluntarily amounted to an additional 3,000 barrels per day, we made a decision for the first quarter. increase this volume to 500,000 barrels per day and a number of other countries that
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participated today also voluntarily announced that they would reduce production by another 700,000 barrels per day in the first quarter. duties on oil exports will be reduced by one and a half dollars, the ministry of finance said in a statement. for the period from october to november, the average price of a eurol barrel was 79 dollars. 23 cents, and the brand. cost more than 88.5, that is, our oil, it turns out, is sold at a discount of less than $10 and much higher than the notorious western ceiling of $60 per barrel. duties on light petroleum products and oils will also decrease; on the contrary, liquefied gas will become higher. russian black sea ports resumed cargo transshipment after the storm. it was disrupted due to weather conditions. how says the rossmore message to the fleet, get to work already. sochi and anapa, terminals in yevpatororiya, feodosia and
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kerch are also operating again. freight transportation is planned to be resumed soon in taman and tuapse. the weather in the southern regions worsened at the end of last week. since monday , hurricane winds hit the black sea coast, wave heights reached 10 m. this is simply a record for 100 years. in crimea alone, damage from the storm was estimated at 39 billion rubles. well, at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 88 rubles 58 kopecks. euro exchange rate 96,888 that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin. thank you, now to the latest messages. airport management. pulkovo is completely transferred to a russian company. it will receive shares of foreign shareholders. the decree was signed by vladimir putin to protect the national interests and economic security of the country. military assistance to ukraine is in question; the united states is running out of funds for weapons for kiev, the pentagon says. to continue supplies, congress needs to approve biden's request for additional funding, but the decision is delayed due to
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disagreements between parties. it took almost 5 hours to put out the largest fire. in rostov it happened, pavilions with clothes caught fire, the fire covered 4,000 km. the firefighters' work was hampered by dense buildings and traders trying to save their goods. opec-plus will reduce oil production by 2,200,000 barrels per day next year. this decision was made by the countries following an online meeting. russia, in turn , will limit supplies to the foreign market by another 200,000 barrels per day. israel. hamas agreed to extend the truce for another day, the wall street journal reported, citing egyptian officials. earlier, hamas released six hostages in exchange for the release of 30 palestinians from israeli prisons to the west bank. after their return to the ramala area , massive clashes with the police began. alika komarova will tell you the details. the seventh
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hostage exchange ended in riots on the west bank of the jordan river. after the return of palestinian prisoners home, israeli forces security officials said celebrations in honor of the liberated palestinians were prohibited. because of this, the long-awaited meeting of relatives escalated into nightly clashes with the police. fires broke out throughout the city, and several police cars were thrown with stones. at the same time, israel and hamas agreed to extend the truce for another day. antony blinken also previously called for an extension during a trip to israel. the seventh day of the humanitarian pause, the seventh day of the hostages returning home to their loved ones, and i know that for israel, for the united states, for a number of others countries of the world whose citizens are being held hostage by hamas, it is necessary for every captive to return home, so we hope that the humanitarian pause will be extended, this is also important for the residents of gaza, only during the truce they have the opportunity to receive
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humanitarian assistance. meanwhile , a minimum amount of humanitarian aid arrives in the enclave, according to the palestinian red cross, with an agreement on 200 vehicles per day; about 50 trucks arrive in the gas sector every day. severe food shortages felt by all local residents. i lived in gaza, now we have moved to the south in the hope of safety, there is no food, no electricity, we cannot even get basic products, such as flour and water. everyone stands in huge lines for food, waiting for days, hoping to bring at least something to the family. of course, we want the war to end as soon as possible. in tel aviv there are mass rallies with calls. extending a humanitarian deal to release all hostages held by hamas. while waiting for the prisoners, their friends covered square table and prepared their favorite food, and next to them they put photographs of those who have been waiting at home for almost 2 months, but the israelis themselves insist that after the hostages are handed over, the ground operation must continue. we do not need a ceasefire, we need to strike a powerful blow at them, finish
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them off, but before that we are obliged to return from captivity the soldiers and women who served in the border kibbutzim. so there is no talk of any complete ceasefire, it will only harm us. conflict could really get bigger, military spokesman the hussites said that if the idf resumes aggression in the gaza strip, the yemeni armed forces are ready to launch military operations against israel. alek komarov, vesti. the mexican journalists club presented an annual award for national foreign correspondents. the award also went to the documentary film, which premiered in september. on our channel, this is a film now translated into spanish, what went wrong, in spanish mullet. on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the military coups of south america, it was filmed by our colleague sergei brilev, although he is now in latin america , he addressed his mexican colleagues via video from cuban harbor, where he is now completing the filming of two new films, one of them about cuba and stalingrad, which we will show next
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weekend. the trophy from the games of the future will go to the icc today. he had already arrived in baikanur; before that, the main prize - a futuristic cup made of plastic and metal - was traveling around russia. i have already visited eight cities. the last stop before the space launch was saratov. there the trophies were met with scope, flash mobs , performance indicators of athletes. the games of the future are the olympics in the fitgetal concept. it will combine esports and classical sports disciplines. the first games in history will be held in february in kazan. about 80% of schoolchildren and junior students play computer games in one way or another. and the task of the sport was to provide them with a new incentive, to show themselves not only at the computer, but on the sports field, and when fidget sport gives new heroes in this direction, i am sure that this will become a motivation to really engage
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sports among a large number of the younger generation, now sports news ilya, or rather even more sports news from ili kazakova ilya good morning, it became known when the court of arbitration for sport expects to publish a decision in the case of figure skater kamilla valieva, they previously talked about january next year. indeed so, but the deadlines have changed, the international skating council announced that the court of arbitration for sports plans to publish its decision regarding the arbitration proceedings in the valieva case by february 12. ceremony the presentation of the national sports award took place on thursday at the state kremlin palace. according to its results, boxer muslim gadzhimagomedov and swimmer evgenia chikunova became the best athletes of the outgoing year. in addition to gadzhi magomedov , plavecent was nominated for victory in the pride of russia nomination as the athlete of the year. maxim burov. together with chikunova , lala kormarenko (rhythmic gymnastics) and victoria lisunova (artistic gymnastics) competed for victory in the pride of russia nomination as athlete of the year. in
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the category trainer kodaat the award was honored coach of russia in rhythmic gymnastics vera shtelbaums. in the category of russian sports facility, the best sports facility, the martial arts palace named after artyom osipenko in the bryansk region became the best. the greek spider, together with magomed azdoev, made it through. conference league finals, the team took first place in its group, beating german tracht in an away match. in the europa league matches, alexander kokorina's arias lost his chances of qualifying from the group by playing nich reins, kokorina was canceled with an assist, alexey mironchuk's atalanta parted ways with portuguese sporting secured first place in the group, miranchuk entered the field 20 minutes before the end of the match. brighton beat ajak and entered the european competition for the first time and immediately qualified for the playoffs. liverpool defeated lask, mersesaitz at home and took first place in the group. roma also secured participation in the playoffs, but now with a modest servet leaves questions about where the romans will get there. bright match in france. marseille beat ajax 4:3. the club
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from provence is in the playoffs, and the dutch are leaving the tournament. in the vtb united league, zenit took revenge on urmash for defeat at the start of the season, beating ekaterinburg 61:59. the outcome of the meeting was decided in the final 45 seconds, where zenit players were more accurate. runa also scored a victory over ostana 93:90 in overtime. the hosts started the match confidently, and by the big break they increased their lead to +200. however, in the second half, the muscovites managed to win back this gap and send the match into overtime. in the extra five minutes, alex tayu made two key offensive rebounds, giving runa additional attempts from behind the arc. 13 seconds left at the meeting, astana was aiming for equality, but anderson missed. runa bounced back with a minus. this is the biggest comeback. and the team interrupted the five-match home winning streak of the kazakhstan team. in the continental hockey league, admiral beat siberia on a visit to overtami. slovat yulaev turned out to be
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stronger than lada at home, and gbars won on his site. chinese kunluniy restar won against spartak with a score of 5:3. after two periods, the red-and-whites changed their goalkeeper instead of andrey koreev. on ice dmitry nikolaev appeared, for whom the game became his debut for the red and white. kunlun stood up. in ninth place in the western conference standings with 31 points in thirty games, spartak also leads in the west with fifty-one points scored after 38 matches. in the men's handball super league, cska beat the chekhov bears at home, inflicting the moscow region team's second defeat in the season of this national championship. the current champion beat the long-time leader in men's handball by one goal, the score 25:24. recently, csk prevailed over zemites in a volleyball match, now the team has again shown character, the hosts, splashing with dedication and character, in the end snatched victory for another fundamental rival. the best player
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of the match was cska goalkeeper vasily bogdanov, four penalties taken and the gate locked in the last 6 minutes of the match. after ten rounds , the army team is leading by a three-point margin. this was spot's news. novel. ilya, thank you, we continue. the government discussed support. employees of various industries, in the focus was on doctors and teachers. maria filippova will tell you who else is entitled to additional payments. healthcare system employees in the regions will receive additional support, mikhail mishustin announced this during a government meeting. we are talking about territorial compulsory health insurance funds in 86 regions, which will receive more than 30 billion rubles. the prime minister emphasized that, in accordance with the may presidential decree, the wages of felcherov and sisters should not be lower than the regional average, and income doctors are twice as high. at the same time , local monitoring is important so that the allocated funds reach health workers in each
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region. support is due. and other public sector specialists. the benefits must ensure the level of salaries established by the may decree; another 11 billion will be added to the 36 billion planned for 2023. including for teachers, kindergarten teachers , college teachers, university professors, cultural, scientific and healthcare workers. today we will allocate an additional 11 billion rubles. financing will also be executed. obligations to employees of certain federal government agencies. the opportunity to additionally support specialists in certain industries, as mikhail mishustin noted, proves that the russian economy continues to develop despite external challenges and increase the country’s income. according to preliminary estimates from the ministry of economic development for january-october , gross domestic product growth amounted to 3.2%. moreover, the strongest dynamics
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were observed in the manufacturing sector. industry almost 7.5%. all this was reflected in federal budget revenues for the reporting period, for 9 months; they were more than 3 percent more than the forecast value. expenses also increased and amounted to about 70% in three quarters of this year, this is the highest level of funding in the last 10 years. the need was met thanks to strengthened executive discipline, the prime minister emphasizes. subsidies are also expected in the automotive industry. manufacturer support is especially relevant in conditions of external restrictions, when there are not enough foreign spare parts. to ensure uninterrupted operation of conveyors, it is necessary to localize the production of the maximum possible number of automotive components within the country. the government will allocate an additional 15 billion rubles to the industrial development fund. subsidies will be used to finance at least ten significant projects. including the organization
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of serial production. and the anti-lock braking system and passive safety elements will receive more attention industrial design and engineering, and not only to create new car models, but complex, in-demand equipment in general. the meeting participants also discussed new opportunities for farmers. now farmers will be able to more actively develop agritourism. the current law will be adjusted and it will be allowed to accommodate tourists in guest houses on agricultural land. according to mikhail mishustin, the government will... support the hospitality sector, and this is a step towards small medium-sized businesses. the history of democracy in russia goes back to ancient times. national meeting
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of residents of the veche. made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 14th century, a new institution of class representation appeared: the councils of the whole earth. they ensured legitimacy and continuity of power and established a new electoral tradition. catherine ii included elements of election to solve a number of state problems. for the first time , the foundations of electoral law were laid in relation to cities and urban populations. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii, zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized as a new source of power. the state duma became the country's first all-class legislative body. she was elected for 5 years. the elections were multi-stage, held in four chickens. elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal and direct, and were held by secret ballot. the adopted law turned out to be
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revolutionary for russia. voting rights were granted not only to men, but also women. in 1936, universal, equal, direct elections were enshrined in the constitution of the ussr. in december 1993, the current constitution of russia was adopted. modern electoral legislation, legislation on political parties, a system of election commissions are being formed, and the foundations for gas elections are being laid. the digitalization of election procedures is actively underway. russia is significantly ahead of other countries in organizing elections. today , every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice, to support change for the better in our lives. elections in russia are important, fair, convenient.


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