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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 1, 2023 8:30pm-8:55pm MSK

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russian defense sergei shaigu announced statistics: in six months of those actions, which in ukraine are called a counter-offensive, the ukrainian army lost more than 125,000 people, and 16,000 armed forces, effective and powerful fire damage, as a result of their combat capabilities were significantly reduced. our military personnel act competently and decisively, occupying a more advantageous position, expanding the zones of control in all directions. and now in more detail about what is happening in individual areas of specialization, here is footage from kleshchievka, donetsk front: our southern the group brilliantly cleanses the flanks of artyomovsk, knocking out the trenches and the worst apu losses in this direction, up to 300 people per day. the militants are increasingly leaving the dead on the battlefield, those who squeezed out are fleeing, mining the bodies of their colleagues, these are terrible images from the disputed area, our fighters discovered the body of a ukrainian soldier, under which a tank mine was installed so that it could not be removed. neighboring south donetsk. front, where the crews of the tank
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formation of the vostok group provided support for motorized rifles, made passages in minefields, thereby opening direction of the unit of the vostok group of forces, in cooperation with army aviation artillery, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry, seventy -ninth air assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of novomikhailovka and ugledar, donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 95 military personnel and two artillery vehicles. the m-777 system made in the usa, as well as the d-30 howitzer. on the zaporozhye front from the dnieper, stopping enemy attempts to expand the zone of control. ibid from our air defense complex shot down a mi-8 helicopter, and also destroyed a mik-29 plane in the nikolaev region. the situation with aviation is not easy for ukraine right now, and more and more often they fly to the places where aircraft are based. to nip it in the bud, not even allowing it to rise into the air, this is also the task
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our military faces; they cope well with it, here is the footage.
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the patriarch, but you can say about him briefly, with him went the era of so-called realpolitik, the truth of this very realpolitik performed... there have already been few states in recent years, but now the country is really ruled by a new generation that does not remember how global conflicts end, how internal political squabbles in the united states affect international life, we talked about this today with the acting director of the institute of the usa and canada, sergei vladimirov , hello, thank you for finding time for us, of course, relations between russia and the united states have historically had different periods, there were very... warm relations, there were also cool ones, there were, and are, as they are now quite hostile, i would call them that, firstly, your assessment of the current, our, our current relations is very interesting, well, i would like this in general, yes , i represented the interest of the united states on
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the world stage, i represented them very successfully , but it is clear that he was never a friend of russia, but he was a sober politician who tried to bring maximum benefit to his... country of the united states, but not only at the expense of harming others, well, let’s say, there was always some kind of compromise , how do you think, is there any hope that such a level in politics, well, regarding the fact that what henry kissinger was for american foreign policy, if people similar to him now, well, of course, there are always professionals, this is an axiom, that’s because people... and they work , on the other hand, you know, the time when henry keissinger was active, and the peak of his career was still the seventies, it was a completely different period in soviet-american relations at that time, and he certainly repented of in its place at its time, because it a rational and
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traditionally dialogued approach greatly contributed to the formation of a security system of international relations and the signing of a number of agreements with the soviet union, which subsequently resolved issues of strategic stability and nuclear arms control, for example, a treaty on the reduction of offensive arms was signed, a treaty on missile defense, from which we are now essentially... we observe that keisinger’s passing away is in many ways symbolic coincides with the process of this restructuring of modern international relations and their transition now to such a state of polycentricity, yes, where we have a number of strong world centers, not just two or one, as was the case during the cold war or immediately after, but with on the other hand, you know, about modern american politicians who are involved in the field of international relations. i must say that in general the ideological situation in the united states now is such that they
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seem to perceive themselves as a victorious country in the cold war, and accordingly, victory , it strengthens the ideology, and less causes any attempts at rethinking, mistakes made, they build a belief in their rightness, accordingly, this to some extent, of course, influences this generation of figures of the sixties and seventies and the eighties, many of them still... went through the second world war, ah, it was leonid ilyevich brezhnev, on that side henry kissinger, on our side, academicians, georgy arkadevich arbatov and nikolai nikolaevich inozemtsev, they, you see, they better felt the price of the issue in this sense, they better understood what a global conflict is and how dangerous it can be, now, of course, practicing american politicians are much younger, in a sense, the belief in ideology is the possibility of some quick resolution of processes, in general, it is becoming , unfortunately, somewhat stronger, sergevich, as i understand it, what can we say that it is
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now possible to find some kind of compromise with the americans on some serious issues that relate to the limitation of offensive and various strategic weapons, but hot conflicts, and so on, in general, i am not taking into account now only the internal political situation in the united states, and above all, regarding foreign policy, of course, in relation to ukraine. but it is clear that a lot is said now that there is a split among the american establishment on this issue, but it seems to me that this split is greatly exaggerated, but do you think, well, look, the split really exists and it has been going on for a long time, it exists republicans who traditionally look at questions in terms of a free hand for american foreign policy, there are democrats who traditionally come more from such... and cooperation with allies. at the same time, the next year, of course, will be the pre-election year, and expect a number of speculations on
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a whole, on a wide range of topics, including those related to american foreign policy. in this sense, of course, the ukrainian problem is now a rather toxic topic, and if the biden administration tries agree, it will be used against the republicans. if, administration biden will use some leverage to increase pressure. on the russian federation through greater spending of funds and the allocation of additional assistance to ukraine , bypassing the limits that have now already been allocated, and in principle are practically exhausted, will be used in the same way against the biden administration, so this topic is becoming difficult to predict in relations now, since if we look at previous elections, both the sixteenth year, when donald trump won, and the twentieth year, when he biden bypassed, one must understand that a number of completely random speculations, a number of completely random scandals can have long-lasting consequences, which for
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bilateral relations end in their further degradation, the introduction of a number of new sanctions restrictions, carried out simply as part of the political struggle of both parties, that’s what i imagine that this is the most important challenge in this case. sergeyovich, that is , did i understand you correctly, it turns out that we don’t care who wins the elections, because none of the administrations, none of political forces are not...ready for a constructive conversation with us right now? yes , you know, absolutely right, i believe that the arrival, conditionally, of any republican president, whether we are on opposite sides of the conflict, and accordingly, both countries must play it in their favor, this is purely strategic, at the same time, even if we can imagine that some candidate will come and someone will win who will strive to establish a more or less... constructive dialogue with the russian federation, at least on issues ukraine, you see, during the period of change
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of administration, we should expect the creation of a number of legislative restrictions that will limit the activities of the next president and, in principle, block one or another possibility of adopting some alternative paths of development, this is the same thing that we observed, for example, in the seventeenth year , at the very beginning, when the obama administration was leaving, a number of executive orders of an anti-russian nature were introduced, which... blocked the attempts of the trump administration, or rather, even just some ideas the trump administration should build a constructive dialogue with moscow and wait for some drastic steps in the international arena regarding not only russia and ukraine. well, first of all, i mean, of course, taiwan, china. well, you know, the situation with taiwan is specific, because on the one hand, taiwan is the largest supplier of chips, and high-tech chips for the united states. xie is now the largest factory located in taiwan, it is
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a taiwanese factory. accordingly, there is nothing to replace taiwan in this regard and any conflict around taiwan, especially if it goes into some kind of hot phase, if this is hypothetically imagined, although i subjectively view this with a significant degree of skepticism, it will lead to the collapse of the semiconductor industry, and accordingly, in general, will cause a very serious crisis for the world economy , since if we lose semiconductors, we, i mean everyone , will have to reproduce the technological base of the sixties, seventies, which developed before the advent of microelectronics; accordingly, we will be faced with extremely serious problem, comparable to a major global conflict, in this sense , in the same way, i think the united states understands this very well and is acting very carefully, the situation in taiwan will probably be more like some kind of strategic step-by-step competition between the two parties to introduce a number of restrictions on mutual attempts, which in general are quite logical for china, since taiwan is part
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of the territory of the people's republic of china. by the way, it should be noted here that gradually countries that were previously such third parties all these processes, countries mostly from the developing world, which considered taiwan an independent territory, are still gradually reconsidering their position, an increasing number of countries accept the idea that taiwan is still part of china, moreover, the united states officially recognizes that china is one and taiwan is part of china, therefore the conflict here will be more connected with some measures, non-military pressure, yes, that is, these are more sanctions restrictions, these may be some attempts to influence... in ways, but hot phases i would not expect a conflict in taiwan, since it would simply be critical for both sides, yes, but if we return to the internal struggle in the united states, you know, i think it is unlikely, since after all, in congress, for both houses to pass impeachment, at the moment
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there are no such situations there; impeachment, unfortunately, i must admit, is becoming quite common. things in american political life, since there was really such a threat of impeachment for two presidents, it was nixon, then bill clinton, everything the rest, representatives, you know, this becomes such an instrument more of a declaration of attitude towards the president than of any real influence on the president, in this sense, of course, the institution of impeachment is simply devalued, and if now they try to somehow carry out impeachment again, well, maybe someone... votes, but i wouldn’t expect that it’s really real, especially since there are no real prerequisites for impeachment now, sergei vladivich, thank you very much, let’s see how the legendary alfabank credit card goes free forever has become even more profitable, now withdraw cash for free from any atm to fondly remember your winter
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entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund , a lot about their business on this year the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. happy new year to billionaires. buy tickets on the website. investment vtb forum: russia is calling. watch russia-24 live on december 7 on the website, pay less. soki global village 799. pyaterochka helps out. working with qualified investors, we at bcs understand. professionals value unique solutions and first-class service. that's why we created. a modern platform for managing your capital, go to bcs and get more. poroshenko’s main goal was a trip
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to washington, where he planned to meet with both democrats and republicans. why this is important, egor grigoriev will tell you. the border guard mayor patiently listens to the ex-president of ukraine petrashenko. enthusiastically waving the order of the chairman of the verkhovna rada and demanding that he be released from the country, he was going to visit warsaw, go to washington for a meeting of the international democratic union, the ex-leader’s tour wrote: with the poles i had to talk about lifting the blockade of our carriers on the border, with the americans about securing funding for military aid, which has almost dried up this year, under a threat in the future, and without it we will not be able to defeat russia, so what happened today on the border is not minor, it is anti-ukrainian sabotage, it is not just an obstruction of the diplomatic work of my entire team, unfortunately, the blow to poroshenko’s defense capability is nothing
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lost, people think about her less and less, ukrainian oligarchs politicians are more busy with the struggle for power, poroshenko has now joined the fuss between zelsky and zaluzhny, elections in ukraine have been canceled, at least until the end of martial law, there is another the option of a coup is perhaps what the current leader of the country fears most of all. i will be president as long as the people of ukraine need it and until the end of the war.
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