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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 1, 2023 9:00pm-9:26pm MSK

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so america sends you a ton of money and your wife goes shopping in paris, see how that works? now zelsky has bought double the level of corruption in ukraine, which, of course, is an excellent reason for non-admission to the european union. the problem is the enormous power wielded by the team of irresponsible advisors around zelsky, creating the potential for influence peddling. there is a risk of the emergence of new oligarchs due to connections with the authorities and embezzlement schemes. accumulates capital and tries to maintain power, because and is in no hurry to make unpopular decisions, for example, new people need to be sent to the front, perhaps this is also part of the political struggle, with commander-in-chief vsu zaluzhny, the cost of the issue is human lives, in this case, obviously no one is interested. egor grigoriev, evgenia zemtsova, news. look how very safely they stored the drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. how insincere and deceitful
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the us government was. with the support of washington works in tbilisi a unique public health laboratory. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track movement and spread.
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the european union still cannot agree on the twelfth package of sanctions against our country; it should have been adopted back in mid-november, but something apparently went wrong; our partners are clearly depleted. and european politicians are also preparing a gift for our president, as western media write, at a meeting of heads of state, the governments of the countries the eu will not consider the issue of accelerated accession of ukraine to the european union in mid-december. we will discuss this and other issues with the acting permanent representative of russia preez kirill logvinov. kirillo mikhailovich, hello. i didn't miss anything in the twelfth package. correct assessments of what is happening here now. in brussels, but
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work on the next twelfth package continues, the mating is going on, if not painfully, which is clearly evidenced by the fact that the official presentation there was no proposal from the european commission, which it proposes to include in the next package, everything was limited to only a short press release, the european one, because at the time, we need to understand why, because during the coordination of the previous packages. as you remember, member countries, they made every effort to ensure that the final version did not include what is really important to them, what is important for their national economies, but this time, for the twelfth time, the european commission decided to go differently with the countries member, let's say colloire, but it is known that a number of members, member countries, they have already requested the need
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to block the entire twelfth package. kiril mikhailovich, is there some kind of leak, what are the main contradictions, well , belgium probably wouldn’t want to get rid of our diamonds, it’s interesting, as you said, there is already some information, or so far this is all incomprehensible, you know, while all this is incomprehensible, because even now... well, i don’t want to simplify the whole situation, but the seven must say their weighty word, as far as we know, in general the belgians are waiting for there will be a go-ahead from seven, then it will be possible to talk about it, because otherwise the belgians will remain , they are already openly saying that everything that was necessary in principle is already included in the previous 11 packages, that’s basically it
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now, there are such discussions here about the advisability of continuing the practice of these package decisions, because well , it is proposed, for example, wouldn’t it be better to move on to such a, so to speak, smoother expansion... of the anti-russian sanctions lists, when already, well, yes, kirill mikhailovich, they said that this is one of the packages, as you said, everything has been included, this is something that does not directly harm the european economy, as they believe, in fact, any item there harms the european economy, this is understandable, but for them it seems that they are not harming themselves that much, so you can still put pressure on us, and you know, there is another interesting information, it seems to concern not europe, but it seems to me that here something similar was echoed in the statements of the americans, what do they want to achieve by the age of thirty? reduction in revenues from the sale of our oil and gas by half, this is by the thirties, that is, they are starting to live on breakfast, uh, and it seems to me that the same situation is in europe
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now, that is, we will deal with the russians later, but for now apparently we won’t harm ourselves, it seems to me that some kind of situation, no, don’t you think so, so to speak, the main concern of european business, it is associated with a decrease in global competitiveness and the european economy, for example, it is clear to everyone that the european union is already significantly behind - from the usa, by gdp growth rates, in terms of volume, foreign direct investment, these are the public signals that we are now hearing from european business, russia, to the detriment of our own... these voices are really heard here now, but let’s see how these people, although we we know european business , in general, and the lobbying structures here, in particular in brussels, to what extent they can reach the european institutions, which, well, in general, are simply fixated on this
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task of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia. well, yes, if they are in the same petrochemical industry, all precisely because our gas is not cheap, well , real cheap, or rather. so to speak, the americans are simply selling at inflated prices, and of course, these voices, i also came across that part of the business , by the way, the head of bavaria, merged with imagine, this is my assessment, he may not have merged there, of course, with an alternative for germany, other opposition blocs against scholz, who was put in a difficult position, well, you know, in principle, what is happening in germany, it, it... has a direct projection on what is happening with the european union, let’s take , for example, even the issue of agreeing on the parameters of the european peace fund, yes, through which, accordingly,
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arms supplies are financed, which everyone now knows well, in general, everything that is now is happening in germany, yes the euro, uh-huh, yes, yes, it’s connected precisely with this and with the decision of the well-known decision of the constitutional court, then in general, of course, all this affects the european union in the discussion of the parameters of assistance to ukraine and so on and so on , therefore no, definitely, that is now, for example, again, yes, for this we need to revise the multi-year financial plan, this will now be done by the leaders of the european union at the upcoming summit on december 14-15. again, taking into account the formation of this hole in the budget, this is a prospect, that now the european capital will chip in additionally, contribute additional money to this fund for ukraine, this prospect now looks, of course, so to speak, to
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germany, the summit at the upcoming eu summit everything will be limited to making a political decision to continue financial support for ukraine , i said this revision, perhaps it will slide to the beginning of next year, well, you are talking about the summit, which is supposed to take place in mid-december, this is where they are preparing a gift for putin, as the western media write, i really won’t leave my conscience aside , however, they are exactly what you said, they are not ready to consider this issue, because they were so actively moving this carrot closer to the nose of kiev that look, we are already right there. we will now begin negotiations, suddenly they postpone it again, do you think, is it still due to the fact that there is no consensus, such a classic one, or is it just some technical problems they have, you know, no, that’s the phrase that you
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cited, regarding the gift, it reflects those ambiguous sentiments among the member countries, in relation to the expediency of adoption, the adoption in 2 weeks of a decision to open criminal negotiations with ukraine, i remind you, on the issue of carrots, which, according to responsibility, for the possible negative consequences of their decisions, this recommendation was extremely politicized, and it is based on, ostensibly based on an analysis of kiev’s fulfillment of the necessary conditions for the start of these negotiations, but in many european capitals they are well aware that the true state of affairs in this country is completely different, by the way, on a few days ago, kuleba’s ministry of foreign affairs also made such a statement, in my opinion, even here in brussels, tried to assure that... ukraine will become an asset for the european union, and not a burden, that is, it means that the negotiations, that
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the relevant conversations here in brussels, in european capitals are already underway, and well, accordingly, here is some, due to the lack of any good arguments in favor of ukraine’s forced entry into the european union, accordingly, many of the sungami that you just cited as an example or something like not to do there, a gift to russia or not to give kiev up to moscow to be torn to pieces , and so on, now, in principle, i’ll even say this here, the thesis about the need to send, let’s say, rays of political support to kiev, does not work, so there is no consensus, this issue is one of those discussed options is to postpone, which traditionally takes place in march, well, you said so poetically about the rays, but what about the fact that this discussion in countries about accepting disputed territories where there are conflicts, just like
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nato, the eu, this is in i mean ukraine , moldova, respectively georgia, this discussion, how active it is and what is the position of certain parties here, you know, the discussion as such, the purpose of this stuffing was, so to speak, to proactively cast doubt on a completely justified argument opponent... in the course of forced expansion of the eu at the expense of the countries mentioned above, these are primarily moldova and georgia, and note that about ukraine in this context, but no one is talking about here, because if everyone understands, in case, which have become russian regions, this will mean the actual recognition of a fait accompli , they cannot do this yet , that is, in other words, all these conversations, once again there are no discussions, but all these
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conversations, we consider them as an attempt put pressure on those european capitals which, i repeat, ask a completely reasonable question, what is the expediency of the problems, but plus here you need to understand that this stuffing, it was intended, among other things , for georgia and moldova, that it will find the response necessary for the european commission... in particular in chisinau, this is what happened, the moldovan authorities fully supported this point of view, and this was also done exactly on the eve of the eu summit, confirming that they were ready to do anything to accept them. our foreign minister viktorich lavrov stated that moldova next in line and the fate of ukraine awaits it, apparently, this is exactly the case, this is an initiative, this is... joy, how the moldovan authorities with romanian passports are preparing the country, it seems, for extreme troubles, but
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there are other points of view in europe, interesting a thing that, well, listen, i ’m not talking from brussels here, judging what’s happening on the vienna site, but listen, well, in general, of course, here we now live in such a world that, well, it’s clear that everything that what happens here in brussels is certainly reflected in those venues where our country is working, and well , in the current situation, it’s simply forced to contact those who lead here, yes, but for a year and a half they excluded us, excluded us, led this discussion, suddenly sergei viktorovich spoke like that, his speech was very emotional with the soul of a minister, i listened very carefully, and it seems to me that things began to dawn on me a little, in any case, mr. fitsev met with our ambassador, it turns out that it’s becoming clear, he said
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after that that it was necessary, it also seems to me that i’m curious how you think, i think so, because that well, you see, of course, these countries, or there, at the expense of even slovakia, or there at the expense of one meeting with the russian ambassador, of course, cannot reverse the whole situation, but objectively, the countries are members of the european union, the mission, not the european union as an organization, and the member countries , to varying degrees, are beginning to understand that it is necessary, it is impossible to continue to put opportunistic instructions, the opportunistic installation of the european union over their national interests, sooner or later the european voter, the voter in these countries, will not understand all this, this is the process this rethinking, it will certainly be painful, but in some countries, probably in those countries that will begin to think about it earlier, it will be easier to get out of this impasse, and
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perhaps they will also be able to set an example for other eu countries that are now... well, in general they look at each other and wait for what will happen next. yes, kirila mikhailovich, an interesting situation is now beginning to develop, because it’s clear that some european politicians are still there, there are other statements, of course, i mean mrs. berbak, they are still dreaming of a million shells in the twenty-fourth year, which is completed, and here we will closely monitor this. kiril mikhailovich, thank you very much, thank you for taking the time, we will closely monitor the developments of events, all the best, i will remind you that we talked with the acting permanent representative of russia, pres., kirill logvinov.
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today we remember boris maksudov, our colleague, and for a very... he died 9 days ago after being fatally wounded in a ukrainian drone attack. it was another business trip to the svo zone, the result was supposed to be a big film about our soldiers fighting in the zaporozhye region. and the interviews, his previous reports remained, the memory of him remained, what he was like frame by frame. word to anton potkovenko. for his film about how a unit of the eighth army of the southern military district fights in the zaporozhye direction, how they fight and live, it is immediately clear that borya is among the fighters in the dugout, volunteer murat bogilov with the call sign grandfather shows him the field kitchen. murat, that man is in the kitchen they feel the same over there, yes , as i understand it, sometimes you also have to, yes
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, well, as they say, war is war, and lunch is according to the schedule, but no one has ever refused caucasian cuisine, so sometimes we have to, we cook, this is the skill of a journalist , to catch the attention of both the hero and the viewer, so that you want to watch, empathize, borya knew how to do this. the film will be released on our channel, it will be completed by boris’s wife, olga armyakova. today , nine died during filming in zaporozhye, while preparing material about the shelling of the armed forces of ukraine. a ukrainian drone dropped a wok on him, a shot, fragmentation and grenade. borya was seriously injured. the doctors did everything possible and there was hope that everything would work out, that he would remain alive. but the miracle did not happen. storm. and we must definitely continue his work and storm died storm died like a soldier at a combat post, we must still do the maximum so that this business that he...
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led, we continued with a vengeance, and did his job very honestly, yes, he did not sit out somewhere in the rear, he is more significant than ostankina, and even the emskoye field, because that, remembering our fallen departed comrades, of course boris, and igor kornelyuk, and anton voloshin, all who are laid to rest here, you understand that this is truly the place of power of russian journalism, it is impossible to come to terms with this grief, we can only do one thing , to be closer to each other, always, so that galina borisovna, boris’s mother, and olga, and brother vitaly, everyone
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who remained. we felt our shoulder, our support, and that we would always be there for you, no matter the circumstances of our very difficult life. it was easy to work with him - say cameramen and fellow journalists who went to the front with him. he was always interested primarily in people, their destinies and experiences. it was these laconic and at the same time deep portraits, borya was always very precise in his formulations, that made his materials so lively and sincere. if we take our correspondence together, we always have some kind of argument with him. we had different ideas about beauty, about the plot, how it should be built, and this is very good, because he had his own opinion, his own vision, as a journalist it is very important for a journalist, a journalist is remembered, yes, especially a journalist with his own he was a very good journalist, but he would have been just a star of our television, but unfortunately he didn’t have time, and i always watched his reports when they were included
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in broadcast, and when i sat in the studio and it was immediately clear that he was doing what he loved, it was wonderful. borya started working in the krasnodar region, where i began my creative journey, and when he died, a huge number of our... and guys, our colleagues, including in krasnodar, in sochi, where borya worked, they wrote to me to convey words of condolences, so that i would say some important words about bor, who was truly a person who united many people, i want to say that this is not only great grief for all those who were at the funeral, who are here now, but also for those who are not here now, but borya taught reporting skills, how to speak simply about complex things, how to convey the essence through details,
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certainly with references to the general cultural code , everything is like in the old soviet cinema, he wrote it’s about artillerymen, schoolchildren, people who want to become journalists, a young guy, he has grown his profession to such a level that... he could and with pleasure share his knowledge with young people, with those who today want to be journalists, want to be in this profession, but communicating with schoolchildren and students is very difficult, they sense falsehood, feel if a person misunderstands something, and so he did it brilliantly, when in the editorial office we had some heated arguments and discussions . we found some interesting topics for conversation from unusual points of view, we sorted it all out, and boris was an incredible interlocutor who could always
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deliver, in his work he is a painstaking master, boris was really happy, especially in the last moments, and there is confirmation, conditionally, yes, these are our correspondences, too , in which he admits this, he says that i am now truly happy in my family, in my work, but he is such a sensitive person, and he was worried about that, he was embarrassed to admit his part to other people, the struggle remains to live in in our hearts, borya remains to live in our memory, borya remains to live in his reports, in relation to those who did this, our fist lives even stronger. the cameraman, anton fedotov, who was at the gathering in zaporozhye, who was filming his very last film, says that they often... played chess. boris asked him to pull him up and even started winning. anton put it on his table in the editorial office, which we decided now no one will occupy this white chess king. during the camp
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we played chess almost regularly. bori loved this one game, trained, playing with him was interesting, extremely, he was always thoughtful, and even when the game of the summer and... was about to give up, the sea fought to the end, he led, with this i, alexander krievsky, say goodbye to you, all the best to you , well, after a short advertisement, our broadcast will continue with the program: vesti, duty unit, which means that we
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are now driving along the berdyansk-vasilievka highway, on the right side we have a line of contact, that is, we are now about a kilometer away from the enemy.
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