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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 1, 2023 9:30pm-9:52pm MSK

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mobile operating room, the car goes to any forest plantation, full, qualified medical care is provided, up to surgical intervention, that’s how we live, we went, now they’ll shoot it down, yeah, they shot it down, yes, we saw it, we’ve just just worked, magic conditions - real rate of up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank, your money works, and you receive additional income, withdraw and replenish at any time, apply online at gazpromк - time and execution
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dreams, good new year's eve, we made it ourselves, scooter, holiday, it's you , new year's seeds in a magnet, high-protein pudding hyper 84.99 magnet, price, what i need, i want, i can, i can, i want, with a credit card, i'll get it, i want, i can, i can, i want, 300 days without interest, i'm not kidding, credit... twin dragons are a great idea, don't thank me, calm down, it's hard not to notice ours, be sure where your loved ones are, geolocator and other security services , communications and entertainment, everything in the subscription is for the family, the first month is a gift, connect, take off your clothes, we were found, on your side, always with you. we know that
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there are prospects where they overcome, where they work, where they belong, there are prospects, with ural sib bank, they become a reality. ural sib - prospects where you are. this year the russian lotto is playing out as much as 2 billion. meet new good stores. vtb investment forum: russia is calling, watch on december 7, live on russia 24 on the website want to visit your dream future? with the insurance policy, the car will be repaired. one of mine friend. artyom, this is a megaphone, everything
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flies with it, only for megaphone subscribers. working with qualified investors, we at bcs realized that professionals value unique solutions and first-class service, so we have created a modern platform for managing your capital, go to bcs and get more, rubles. the future is now, create a cozy atmosphere with. polariс appliances and compact cookware. buy at competitive prices at wildbries. in btb the interest rate on a savings account is 15%. and buy your wedding faster. class, everything will work out in tb. happiness and i maxim movchen. a preventive measure will soon be taken against the kidnapper of an eight-year-old girl from kozelsk. investigators will insist on an arrest, but
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the little girl herself has already returned home and told the operatives the details of the terrible story she got into. zlata was kidnapped on november 29 and a ransom of 15 million rubles was demanded from her mother, but law enforcement agencies and volunteers also joined the search for the girl, and the news of her disappearance received wide publicity. zlubyshniks, apparently we will return to broadcast in a couple of minutes. stay with us. alpha investments give everyone 10 shares of large russian companies. open an investment account with alfa bank and collect your gift. polysorp is always with you against poisoning, allergies, hangovers. it's time to drink polysorp. magical conditions. time to make your dreams come true. descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, and share the joy. sports victories
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, scientific discoveries to be at home. take an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of km. in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition-room. moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2020 and also a lubric cube, a needle attachment, a putter, and santa claus will pull it all, pull it with a new year's loan from the post bank, enough for everything, but where is your list, come for the money, post bank, oh, cool, oh, how much hotels apartments?
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we can buy cosmetics for him and you, including perfume or a blouse, and also up to 80% for skincare products. to remember your winter holiday with warmth, book apartments and houses on avito. expectations from housing will coincide with reality. payments are transferred to the landlord after successful check-in. and we are ready to resolve reservation issues even at night. with a secure reservation on avito, everything will go as planned. on the air, the legal program is being conducted by the duty department, we continue the release. investigators insist on the arrest of four kidnappers of a girl from the kaluga region. for eight-year-old zlata, the extortionists demanded a ransom of 15 million rubles in crypto currency, how they looked for the child and what prevented the criminals from bringing their plan to the end, the word is alexandra
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mostova. eight mile zlata finally has a question. i i don't understand. thanks to the well-coordinated work of the police, they were able to trace the girl’s possible abductors; they were hiding in the ancient kosyanovo, kaluga region, where zlata was held for some time. operatives detained four. now they are leaving their lair of vile dogs in handcuffs. in addition to crime, everyone is also connected by family ties. according to media reports, irina novikova and her former detective activities, followed the suspects and detained them. currently working. the case is being conducted on the territory of the ulyanovsk district of the kaluga region, where the kidnappers lived and where they illegally held the child, in the belevsky district of the tula region, where the suspects left traces of the crime and also dropped off the girl, as well as in the city of kaluga. on november 29, news of the girl’s disappearance
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spread across all information criminals. zlatan, he’s such a child, she won’t go anywhere, she loves her mother so much, she ’s so... you know, like a family child, she always came home from school on time, this time i didn’t see her, the girl’s mother unsuccessfully tried to call child, soon the unknown people sent her a message , demanding a ransom of 1.5 million rubles, and in cryptocurrencies, when the story received a wide public response, the criminals were frightened, everything was really well resolved, the probable thief should soon choose a preventive measure, it is already known that the investigation will be insist on the arrest, now a little evil... is coming to her senses, most likely she will need the help of psychologists, alexander mostovay, mikhail shirin and sergei klinkov, lead the duty unit, the spectacular detention of a pharmacy gang in in the capital, special forces stopped the delivery of a large batch of psychotropic drugs, the strongest drugs, which
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the driver and passenger of a black sedan were after, narcolt, for you, the operatives begin to inspect the car , they immediately find prohibited substances in the trunk, so look, pay attention, put them back, there are dozens in the bag blisters with capsules and tablets, and these are not vitamins or cold medicines at all; the detainees were carrying several kilograms of potent drugs prohibited from free circulation on the territory of the country, free circulation of medicines without prescriptions and cash receipts is limited to drug-dependent citizens. but the special forces are storming the very pharmacy that supplied the capital’s drug addicts with potent drugs. the pharmacy counters are half empty; painkillers and fever pills are lined up on the shelves just for show. the most interesting thing is in the back room in plastic bags, without boxes or instructions, a scattering of blisters, they have a strong effect and help relieve the effect of the so-called withdrawal, but like heroin, they cause addiction, for the opportunity to buy
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pharmaceutical drugs without a form from a doctor, drug addicts are ready to pay huge amounts of money. for just a few blisters like these, illegal pharmaceutical dealers can get out. at least this kind of bill, and the origin of the finances of these people , as a rule, is not of interest, but drug addicts, in pursuit of the next dose, can commit theft, or even interested in searching their homes , the police found so much cash that five thousand dollar bills were enough to lay out money carpets in the spacious apartments of potential distributors of pharmaceutical drugs. by the way, only one of the detainees remained in these luxurious interiors under house arrest; the rest, by court decision , were sent to pre-trial detention for the duration of the investigation. andrey romanov, alexander ostakhov, sergey klinkov, lead the duty unit. the last case of the legend of the investigation is your rights. the topic will be continued by andrey ivlev. empty shelves, bare walls, video from the apartment of the legend of the soviet investigation
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vladimir krinichenko, the footage was taken by his daughter, who told reporters that she was missing a thousand books, 10 icons, a portrait of brezhnev, this became known a year after kolenichenko’s death, he bequeathed this apartment to his daughter, she was recently able to inherit, the neighbors saw how the new owner changed the door lock. vladimir kolenishchenko, an honorary lawyer of russia, a former investigator for particularly important cases under the prosecutor general of the ussr, spent the last years of his life in this house on mira avenue, built according to an individual design of the front stalinka. here he lived with his young wife and was always open to everyone, especially journalists. we often came to vladimiruch for an expert opinion. this is the footage we filmed, he solved more than 300 complex cases, personally interrogated ministers and leaders of soviet republics, like him, his name was vozhnyak, that is, an investigator who conducts especially important cases. they said about kolenichenko that he then fought with
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a real soviet octopus; one example was the solution of the murder at the zhdanovskaya station by police officers of kgb officer afanasyev. the investigator collected evidence and proved the guilt of the defendants. vladimir kolenichenko is one of the few who was not afraid to make loud videos; it is operational, that is, it is unofficial. fsb employees in one of the hotels. in this recording, belizovsky discusses how to kill lestavo, i saw this video recording myself, kolenichenko’s professionalism, courage and integrity were an example for many, the investigator was once offered several million soviet rubles with a salary of 600 for a transfer to another position, so as not to interfere , but he refused and lived in an ordinary stalin, what exactly was in the apartment, can we have testimony from those who entered the apartment? according to smik, the disappearance of antiques, books of icons may be related to the widow of kolenichenko, in 2006 he married a certain... lived with her for 16 years, the daughter who inherited the apartment visited very rarely, now she
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allegedly contacted police asking them to find the missing property. andrey ivlev, galina khangureeva, alena titova, lead the duty department. we will tell you more about this story on saturday, as a result of driver releases stolen cars and dealt with the wife of an influential businessman, as investigators managed to find and neutralize dangerous repeat offenders in just a couple of days. unique video of a special operation. shocking details of the crimes committed by the athlete and his henchmen, that this is a series of spontaneous attacks or an elaborate performance to divert attention, they kidnapped another man, also a random passer-by, placed him in a pre-trial detention center, only our film crew managed to communicate with the detainee, innuendo and money, i just wanted to live well, a large sum flashed by, his words, what kind of bush were they going to spoil for the pilot? we learned all the details of their criminal attacks from novorossiysk, the collapse
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of the illegal amber empire, in kaliningrad the police caught a group of restless poachers, like hunters, in which secret workshops the businessmen processed baltic gems, we will show one of the largest batches of amber seized in underground workshops. in fact, the entire range of amber is presented here, including unique colors, what unusual devices... rare footage of a maritime police chase and unexpected confessions of members of an odious gang in andrei romanov's report, why this place is notorious, the valley of shadows, the valley of death is called differently there, and many people there, well, disappear, disappear. the indian police are putting forward several versions, an accident, murder or suicide, but relatives of the victims are sure that they were victims of unknown criminals. was not found in the blood and no, i don’t believe in any of these versions, about what oddities in the case the artist’s relatives say and what
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could actually happen in one of the most he fell dead after a strong electric shock, the reason for the sharp jerk of the horse towards the pole with wires could have been repair work and metal horseshoes that conduct electricity, could the ground be energized - daria was looking into it okunev heavy shots against the backdrop of a new year tree under a garland of garlands lies a horse, already without... signs of life, it all happened late in the evening, on the corner of the big dmitrievka two girls were riding around horses, one of them unexpectedly stood up, miraculously no one was hurt, the biggest mystery is what exactly provoked the sudden alarm of the horses. perhaps still the same current? let's go, there is one horse at first, and somehow it stands strangely, with one leg tucked under it, okay, we walked around, we go further, there is a horse lying, there is a park leading from it, and passers-by passed by, who said, and here there was already an electric shock, well slightly like there, from the tiles, that is, as i understand it, someone insulated this place like that, here it’s really a permanent pillar, we have
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another organization doing the repairs, we just happened to but this is not the first time, in february on mayakovskaya right away... two horses received a shock after hitting an information desk, one was saved, the other was not. metal horseshoes bring good luck to people, but only misfortune to horses, experts say. when passing through a cable line, a horse can damage the horseshoe insulation, resulting in an electric shock. and they protect joints when jumping on hard asphalt and do not conduct electricity. there are regulations, yes, when cars have tires in winter. it's almost a century already, how horses in moscow have ceased to be used as transport, but city rental remains a profitable business from a thousand to three thousand per trip, and formally the breeders do not violate anything, the horse must move accordingly, limit the horses, timid animals, due to the loud sound, can carry
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the rider, knock down a pedestrian or provoke an accident, and they themselves, even in goloshi in the center of the capital, are clearly uncomfortable. daria okuneva, lika dzhevakhishvili, vesti, duty department. now there is urgent news that our editors receive directly from the informagen feed. telegram channels report the detention of the former minister of transport of chuvash, vladimir osipov, allegedly detained in his own house in chebaksar. despite the prohibitions and warnings of doctors, vaping is becoming increasingly popular among young people in our country. and this is not surprising. newfangled devices are faster than regular cigarettes, hooking children and teenagers on nicotine, which is what the market expects in the near future, so-called electronic devices, don’t miss the premiere this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel, a new investigation by eduard petrov has been steamed up. an epidemic, vanilla cola or cotton candy , smoke without flames, these are all the things that are mowing down our youth, they specifically passed a law so that there would be no advertising for children, however, getting an electronic cigarette for a schoolchild is not
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a problem, there is a wide choice, the sale is 150 rubles, you smoke sigrami, that's right, that's it... business, what can you do? the number of cases of the new boar disease is increasing. it was as if i was already dying; i began to shake violently. what are the consequences of smoking, thickened bronchili. the likelihood of death was very high. and when the web epidemic swept the country, we took up the matter and conducted our own investigation. they rocked the dance floor in the literal sense of the word, a very unexpected picture. observed by a resident of montreal, canada, at home. oh my god, the ceiling is shaking, it’s for rent, well, since the area is someone else’s, then you can walk around to the fullest, the tenants decided, not sparing either their legs or the peace of their neighbors, in order to calm down the party participants, they had to turn off their lights, to fortunately the ceiling held up and no one
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failed, a little more, netizens joke, the apartment would have turned into a two-level one. apparently these citizens in montreal do not have laws on silence, but these norms apply in moscow, although not always sound aggressors, sleepless nights for some are a way to become famous and have a good time, and for others a punishment worse than the last round, drinking, partying and loud conversations until the morning, muscovite natalya berezina encountered the problem of noisy neighbors a couple of years ago, a story as old as time, giving up day by day apartment next door, every day there are new characters and not always a mole... and this is at night or only during the day? this generally happens all the time, that is, when you find yourself at home, call, complain, there is no reaction. next to the door of the sound aggressors is the last chinese warning from the neighbors, albeit for litter in the entrance. and many townspeople have such stories. we ourselves often work with similar topics, someone sets up shelters for stray dogs at home, so much so that it
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’s as if a whole wolf orchestra is howling from behind the walls. others simply turn on an inadequate mode , start knocking on doors , listen to music loudly, not as if and not in the house that it violates the law on silence, in each region its norms are different, but they are described in quite detail, so in moscow the rules are one of the strictest. quiet hour in the capital begins at 21:00 and ends only at 80 in the morning. there is also a nap break, from 1 to 3 p.m. however , no one forbids you to make noise in your apartment or separate building, unless, of course, your neighbors hear it. mikhail gorodkov long i was looking for premises for my drum school, he jokes. if you don’t think about the soundproofing of the room in advance, here the silence is broken only by my own voice, the thing is that between us there is a wall about 40 cm, here we have drywall, inside there is a brick, there is a whole sandwich that stops these waves, just , but
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you can’t go against heartless physics here, even such acoustic armor will not absorb the sounds of low frequencies, bass, the wavelength of low frequencies is a barrel of a squirrel, that’s enough, there’s such a room there, already externally nothing will come of it, and the barrel will spread there up to a 3 m wave, so any noisy business before launching must check whether it is disturbing local residents, the rules are simple: the sensitive ears of neighbors should not hear sounds louder than 55 decibs, this is like a loud conversation a meter away listener, at night the standards are stricter, the noise pouring from a water tap is approximately 45 d, and if noted, there is no need to measure the noise level in residential buildings with special devices. the supreme court several years ago clearly stated what concerns ordinary citizens and what concerns housing, there is no need to measure the noise level. however, due to the fact that in all regions the laws are still slightly different, there is no clearly established one.
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