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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 1, 2023 11:00pm-11:27pm MSK

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on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you receive additional income. withdraw and top up at any time. apply online at gosprombank - time to make dreams come true. apartment in moscow. such a benefit. narrow washing chicken burger at a bargain price, only tasty and to the point. very sale. with discounts up to 80% on avito pay less global village 7999 such traffic jams are impossible to drive, so it’s time to fly, dear ladies and leonid, fly there, back and wherever you want, with 5% cashback, pay for tickets to website, while they are registering, they will also learn about all the advantages of the world card, but can i have some coffee? one of my friends
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has a difficult relationship with the internet and there’s no way to cancel that file artyom, it’s a megaphone , everything flies with it, only for megaphone subscribers, you’ll get extra, extras, be in the know, extra for everyone who is on yandexplus, additional cashback points when paying for yandex. why are you looking at her all the time? why haven't you heard? the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended.
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hello, we're on the air internationally review, in the studio fyodor lukyanov, today on the program is international review. events of the week, chronicles, facts, commentary. the results of the truce in the gas sector, the exchange of hostages, what’s next, materials from our program. sampmanman back and forth, open ai scandal. why is artificial intelligence dangerous? the monroe doctrine celebrates its anniversary. who keeps order in latin america? bela is ready
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to quarrel with guyana. any limited nuclear war can develop into a general one. i suggest we start a war. the question arose only if the soviet union attacks us. if the soviets attack, and we are much more afraid of them than all-out war, they will be able to blackmail the free world until it capitulates. everything i suggest implies that we. henry kissinger, in an interview with tv presenter, kissinger passed away; the world's most famous international affairs specialist ended his earthly journey at the age of 101. for realist conservatives, kissinger is a model of foreign policy sobriety and common sense; for leftists and liberals, a ruthless cynic, whose hands are up to his shoulders... covered in blood, for
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conspiracy theorists, the head of the world behind the scenes. but there is hardly another person whose opinion you could hardly make out as an almost hundred-year-old man. kissinger's secret is inner integrity. the main book , peace restored, is the best analysis of the 1815 congress of vienna. written in the first half of the fifties. over a 75-year career, he has been in every form. principle learned as a student: the conditions of international stability, balance, maybe the finale, there is an eternal search for balance, its violation of reconstruction, there is no unconditional victory, the loser sooner or later demands his rights, disturbing the balance, it is better to integrate it into the overall system on acceptable grounds. now the approach is the opposite: value correctness, read complete destruction of wrong. for the west
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, kissinger treated the demonization of vladimir putin dispassionately, as an important element of the balance, no more, but no less, he was always for... rationality, and this is now the most scarce commodity, with the departure of kissinger it becomes even rarer. you know what what most worried the patriarch of international politics in his declining days was artificial intelligence. for the last 5 years , the us transportation safety board has been proposing that artificial intelligence control the speed limit on the roads. in 911: you are speeding! parisnat from india! samtman, back and forth, the story of the dismissal of the appointment of the director of open ai. on the right is microsoft, on the left is altman’s main place of work. rick mckee's
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new year's story. i asked artificial intelligence to write a letter for me to santa claus, says the teenager, and mom starts reading for everyone. it industry and caused a boom of indignation and memes on social networks. almost all of the ai ​​specialists, hundreds of them, signed an open letter in support of the ceo and threatened to leave if their former boss was not returned. among the signatories was the initiator of altman’s resignation, a member of the board of directors, a native of russia, ilya sutskever. dissatisfied employees launched a flash mob on social networks with the hashtag “open ai”, sometimes without their people, and a photo of altman with a badge, an ordinary visitor to the company, collected more than 20 million views on the social network x. on november 19, under pressure from an investor , the company’s management secretly began negotiations for the return of altman and at the same time found a replacement for him. emmett shear,
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co-founder of the twitch video service. under these conditions, microsoft management, which owns almost half of open ai shares, invited altman and brockman to head their own artificial intelligence research team. against the backdrop of news of altman's possible transition to the corporation, the price of microsoft shares soared and beat record. but the transition never took place. the parties found a compromise. altman and bruckman are returning to open ai, but leaving their membership on the board of directors, which now consists of three people: the chairman, former saals-f ceo bret taylor, clinton's treasury secretary, larry summers, and coord co-founder adam delgelo, who was a former member of the advice. in honor of the return of the ceo, open ai employees threw a noisy party at the headquarters in san francisco, and social network users
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selected casts for the film adaptation of the corporate scandal, offering jesse eisenberg, cillian murphy and michael cera for roltman. a packaging robot in south korea killed a technician after mistaking him for a box of vegetables. a pentagon drone decided to destroy the operator who was interfering with it during simulation tests. news of recent months. the topic is becoming increasingly alarmist in nature. was atak the dream of science fiction writers of the past? although in science fiction everything is ambiguous. ultimately, artificial and natural intelligence will not be identical, they are two different phenomena, two different specializations, they work together, they mutually complement what the other lacks, in cooperation they will achieve much more than each individual. the last interview of one of
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the most important science fiction writers of the 20th century , isaac asimov, a few months before his death, about artificial intelligence. azimov, a native... petrovich of the smolensk region was the first in literature to formulate a rule for robots, that is, for artificial intelligence, back in the forty-second year. in the early forties, the american science fiction writer azi kazimov released a series of works, i'm a robot in in one of the stories he described three laws of robot technology, which, in his opinion , every robot should obey when interacting with a person. they are formulated as follows: first, a robot cannot harm a person or, through inaction, allow a person to be harmed. second, a robot must obey all orders given by a person, except in cases where this contradicts the first law. and third, the robot must take care of its safety to
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the extent that this does not contradict the first second law. according to the author's idea, the laws were implanted directly into the positronic brain of robots and were reliable. protected from revision and rewriting. inaccurate or unclear wording of an order can lead to illogical and incorrect behavior of smart machines. for example, the robot speedy from the story. the cow breeder did not carry out the order of the protagonist because he did not formulate it clearly enough. the lake where the robot was supposed to get selenium was dangerous, and the low potential of a person’s order, that is, the second law of robot technology, was equal to the high potential of the law of self-preservation, that is the third law, which caused speedy to begin circling around the lake, along the line where the potentials of both laws were equal. in another story, how a robot got lost, we are talking about... what can happen if you deviate a little from the three laws, the robot corrected
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the first law, removing the postulate that a robot with its inaction can cause harm to a person, this was necessary for so that robots do not die senselessly, trying to save a person from radiation, which in limited quantities was harmless to him, and the robot is about this i didn’t know, in order to prevent the escape of a potentially dangerous robot, the complex was isolated, but... among its fellows, it had to be identified, because the robot could potentially kill a person, indirectly, for example, by letting a person die through its inaction. asimo's law, a robotics specialist is called an ideal. in reality, some create machines in opposition to them. back in 2016, an american researcher created a robot capable of deliberately harming a person. by the time
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these laws of robotics and the first books about robots, well, before there were also books, but asimov became famous because he elevated it all to a completely regular, so to speak, formulated the concept, if you will, made it the object of good literature, especially at that time. good, uh, 80 years have only passed since the abolition of slavery in the united states, when asimov began writing about faithful, devoted and safe mechanical servants who, in general, remarkably replaced the slaves that many older people still had, i i think in my memory in the forties of the 20th century, this must also be kept in mind all the time, so, uh, from the very beginning it arose from these... two or three laws - dualism, on the one hand,
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the same asimov always exaggerates the idea , that the three laws of robotics are fulfilled either by robots or very good people, uh, robots are more decent than people, the main character fusen calvin repeats all the time, on the other hand, there is a constant fear that suddenly the laws will stop working, and there is even one story about how - a certain robot turned out to be not without the first law, but the first law was truncated, that is , it cannot allow, cannot bring harm to a person, but it can allow it through inaction, it was already a disaster and the same susan calvin says, i would simply immediately destroy such robots with all her love to robots, that is, this dualism, the dream that these can be... sewn, some say at the hardware level, we can say that at the bios level, into this very
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cybernetic machine, but in any case, a priori these can somehow be indestructibly driven into a being, this is a dream, with on the other hand, if it doesn’t work out, then it ’s terrible, because for a generally rational-minded person, especially a western -minded person, i think the idea that someone is more durable, more quick-thinking, more robust, and at the same time not will begin to seek dominance over those who are weaker, it just doesn’t fit in my head, to be powerless in front of my own creation, isn’t this horror, also a tradition of fantastic literature, starting with frankenstein, mary shelley, or the plays of karl chapak ruhr, from where in all languages borrowed invented... to the authors the word robot, as psychologists say, this is due to
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a person’s fear that his creation, a robot or artificial intelligence, will be too similar to a person, that is, a person associates a robot with himself and, as it were, extrapolates all his abilities to the robot , that is, a robot can feel, experience emotions, which is why a person is afraid of a robot, not because it is somehow dangerous. because we have created a lot of weapons in the world, yes, we talk about them, but for some reason no one talks about artificial intelligence so he doesn’t really raise the topic, artificial intelligence is too much, as if it were his own. more primitive, more such are found, it is as if logically, as he himself is programmed within the framework that he spoke, i will logically make people think that robots are safe, if logically no one can contradict me, it is as if they will have to agree with me, that’s what he said, people actually agreed
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that yes, these robots can be controlled, they can bring usable versions of a robot endowed with artificial intelligence. again this old prejudice that a robot is too similar to a person has returned. asimov , of course, too, if, if not for the three laws, it was quite possible, well, to face catastrophic, very serious consequences, there are hints of this, by the way, the late asimov already in the eighties, he even himself realized that he was weak. .. artificial intelligence, if you sew these into it, it will turn out to be unproductive creatively, evoristically, strong intelligence will definitely find some kind of logical loophole that will allow him to bypass these three laws, that’s where it all ended, now these laws can be used as a convention for creating
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a work of art, but it is already very difficult to believe in them. a later stage there is the foundation of a series of novels, and there robots already actually possess what can be called artificial intelligence, they perform actions based on some kind of personal experience, they can already feel emotions, some desires and can even violate, not directly, of course, but somehow indirectly, they are specifically looking for ways to break these laws, the three laws of technology that do not... how to take better care of humanity, this really raises questions about artificial intelligence about the extent to which we can give them freedom to this artificial intelligence . the question is common to all types of intelligence, morality and expediency, the ends of means. artificial intelligence, what is its main difference from human intelligence, it is
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absolutely dispassionate, emotionless, rational. rationality is his main thing as if it were a trait for the science fiction writers of the seventies and eighties, and also depending on how the people writing this fiction imagined this rationality, uh, it could look like both positive and negative qualities, how to lead to a rational confirmation of the human ethics, so to its rational violations, well, let’s say what i mean , in fact, because human civilization, for all its decency, loyalty, yes, it is not rational, it is based on some a priori and unprovable emotional values, let’s say, for some reason you can’t kill children, you can kill adults, but you can’t kill children or women, why, try to prove this to artificial intelligence, it’s impossible to prove it rationally, these are purely emotional things, here’s
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a rational artificial intelligence, let’s say why is this it’s scary because he... for him this ethics means nothing, children, future adults, if adults can be killed, but children, until they grow up and become adults, why can’t you kill them, if you don’t kill them, they will become adults , then them we will have to kill again there in a few years, but this fear, i’m afraid , is based on a dummy, because in fact , without any artificial intelligence, we kind of formulate these prohibitions and kind of observe them, the press appears in the unkindness of women, old people and children. oh, what horror! on the other hand, uh , now go defeat the people of amalek, and spare no one, neither man, nor wife, nor child, nor suckling child, nor
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ox, nor sheep, this is by the way god says, not any it's crazy. leader, and god, this is the first the book of kings, the bible, and i'm afraid, and there is, we know, throughout history this has happened more than once, there were and are peoples who attribute to themselves the right of other peoples to appoint amalek as nations, and to end up with them from the point of view of artificial intelligence on the same board equal rights, for them this is horror , because roughly speaking, what about us, for what, we are not amaliks, these are amaliks, these are the ones we appointed, as if by the development of man himself, that is, if artificial intelligence develops, man must develop even more than him. that is, must have some kind of knowledge, some kind of skills that will still put a person higher than artificial intelligence, and now, frankly speaking, it’s getting to the point where people
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are starting to rely too much on artificial intelligence, there is such a good saying, it works on at all levels, even the highest, such as artificial intelligence, what we put into it is what we... will get out of it. let's head to palestine, after the commercial. peeditions to the arctic, on the twenty-seventh i have nuggets. what about the twenty-sixth? and on the twenty-sixth cappuccino. delicious calendar at a delicious point. every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in the app. delicious and to the point, i demand the continuation of the banquet, ryaba,
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the truce in palestine lasted exactly a week. fighting resumed on friday morning . what's next? all goals, well , let’s say, the opposition to israel, we asked knesset member from the opposition party yesh atit, vladimir belyak. vladimir, do you have any idea about the further operation, how long it can last? we initially set ourselves two main goals, but one can argue which one is more, more important, there is some dispute about this , let’s say, disagreements in israeli society, the first goal, at least from my... point of view from our point of view, the most important goal is the return of our people, our hostages, everyone, this is a very important value in israeli society
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the return of all our prisoners as our hostages, and we must do everything possible to return them, the second goal is to ensure the safety of our citizens by destroying the military and political infrastructure of hamas. i really hope that we will be able, within the framework of the agreement that was in force, is in force, has been in force for the last week, to return as many of our people as possible, including everyone, including women, children, men, old people, soldiers, everyone, every last one , and further, i think that there is, uh, in principle, a consensus in israeli society believes that we must continue the military operation, because we have no intention of returning to the situation of october 6, when there is a terrorist organization on our borders that threatens
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our security. in light of the massacre that happened and the war crimes that hamas committed to ensure the safety of our citizens, because this is the main condition for the return of our citizens to those settlements on the southern border that were evacuated today, the first phase the ground operation was focused on the northern part of the gaza sector, where they were before the truce before, i can’t call it a truce, right? a temporary, temporary ceasefire, but there were, and i think that there were even more difficult tasks for this in the south of the gaza strip, given that hundreds of thousands of civilians today have moved from the northern part to the southern, southern strip of gaza, given that a significant part of the military force is still concentrated in the south, naturally, i think that the army today is preparing for the next stage next, next stage
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will be - the southern part of the gas sector,
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