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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 2, 2023 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov, today the international review program includes events of the week, chronicles, facts, comments. the results of the truce in the gas sector, the exchange of hostages, what’s next, materials from our program. sampmanman back and forth. scandal around open
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ai. why is artificial intelligence dangerous? the monroe doctrine celebrates its anniversary. who keeps order in latin america? venezuela is ready to quarrel with ggayana. any limited nuclear war can develop into a general one. and we have to ask ourselves, is this is it worth it? i’m not suggesting that we start a war , the question will arise only if the soviet union attacks us, if the soviets attack, and we are much more afraid of them than a general war, they will be able to blackmail the free world , right up to its capitulation, everything i propose implies that we are willing to take the same risks as the soviet union, if this is not the case, we will simply lose. thirty-five-year-old henry kissinger in an interview with tv presenter mike ulles, nuclear
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deterrence. on thursday, kissinger passed away. the world's most famous international specialist, he ended his earthly journey at the age of 101. for realist conservatives, kissinger is a model of foreign policy sobriety and common sense. for leftists and liberals, he is a ruthless cynic with blood on his hands. for conspiracy theorists, the head of the world behind the scenes. but there is hardly another person whose opinion... was listened to so carefully, even when the words of an almost hundred-year-old old man could hardly be understood. kissinger's secret is inner integrity. main book - the world restored, the best analysis of the congress of vienna of 1815, written in the first half of the fifties. over a 75-year career, he, in any form, followed the principle he learned as a student. conditions. balance of power,
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imbalance - war. kissinger is the anti-fukuyama with his end of history. international relations cannot have an ending; there is an eternal search for balance, its violation and re-creation. there is no unconditional victory; the loser sooner or later demands his rights, upsetting the balance; it is better to integrate it into the overall system at acceptable grounds. now the valuable rightness has come, read the complete defeat of the wrong, for the west, the demonization of vladimir putin is not a policy, but an alibi for its absence. these words of kissinger in 1414 were constantly recalled to him, accusing him of pandering to the dictator. in fact, kissinger treated russia dispassionately, as an important element of the balance, no more, but no less, he was always for rationality. and this is
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now the most scarce commodity, and with kissinger’s departure it is becoming even rarer. do you know what worried the patriarch most? international politics in its waning days: artificial intelligence. for the last 5 years of his life, kisinger constantly turned to this plot, seeing dangerous trends. american harry varvel, national. the us transportation safety board proposes that artificial intelligence monitor speed limits on roads. police officer says: your vehicle reported you and called 911. you were speeding. parishnath from india. sam altman back and forth. the history of the dismissal of the appointment of the director of open ai. right - microsoft, left - altman's main place of work.
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new year's story, i asked artificial intelligence to write a letter to santa claus for me, says the teenager, and mom begins to read out whether or not to be a good boy. that is the question. jongaring, on his robot it is written: open ai, and he says to a group of scientists: this is so cute, it turns out that the researchers have some concerns? taylar jones for gover digest. popcorn controlled by artificial intelligence. a voice comes from the microwave: have you exceeded your daily calorie allowance? no popcorn for you. jeff katerba, just when you thought politics couldn't do it anymore. symbols of american parties, democrats and republicans, are running, a robot is catching up with them with the inscription artificial intelligence for the 2024 elections, we have formed our own party, he says. artificial intelligence is the
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number one topic. there is no arguing with the importance of the problem, but the taste of fashionable sensationalism and the smell of big money come from sometimes you don’t understand what else. on november 17, a company known for its advanced developments in the field of artificial intelligence, was at the center of a scandal that the media called a rebellion or an attempt at a corporate coup. the board of directors, without warning investors , fired sam altman, the ceo and founder of the company, and after him removed co-founder... greg brockman. the official letter indicated that altman was not forthcoming in his interactions with the council, and this allegedly interfered with his ability to carry out his duties. according to the financial times, the entrepreneur wanted to introduce a new heavy-duty tool into the company's work.
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artificial intelligence, but the board of directors had concerns about the safety of their use. the news of altman's resignation came as a shock to the entire it industry and caused... boom of indignation and memes on social networks. almost all of the ai ​​specialists, hundreds of them, signed an open letter in support of the ceo and threatened to leave if their former boss was not returned. among the signatories was the initiator of altman’s resignation, a member of the board of directors, a native of russia, ilya sutskever. dissatisfied employees launched a flashmob on social networks with the hashtag "open ai" - nothing without its people. and a photo of alman with a badge, an ordinary visitor to the company, collected more than 20 million views on the social network x. on november 19, under pressure from an investor , the company’s management secretly began negotiations for altman’s return and at the same time found a replacement for him. emmett shear,
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co-founder of the twitch video service. under these conditions, the management of microsoft, which owns almost half of the shares of open ai, proposed altana and brock. lead your own research team artificial intelligence. amid news of altman's possible move to the corporation, microsoft's share price soared and broke a record. but the transition never took place. the parties found a compromise. altman and bruckman return to open ai, but leave their membership on the board of directors, which now consists of three people: the chairman, former head of salesforce brett taylor, clinton treasury secretary larry summers and coor co-founder adam diangel, who was on the previous board. in honor of the return of the ceo, open ai employees staged a noisy party at the headquarters in san francisco, and social network users
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selected the cast for the film adaptation of the corporate scandal, suggesting jesse eisenberg, cillian murphy and michael cera for the role of aitman. a packaging robot in south korea killed a technician after mistaking him for a box of vegetables. a pentagon drone decided to kill an operator who was interfering with it during a simulation test. news of recent months. the topic is becoming increasingly alarmist in nature. did the science fiction writers of the past dream about this, although everything in science fiction is ambiguous. artificial and natural intelligence will not be identical, these are two different phenomena, two different specializations, they work together, they mutually complement what the other lacks, in cooperation they will achieve much more than each individual. the last interview of one of the most important
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science fiction writers of the 20th century, isaac asimov, a few months before his death, about artificial intelligence. azimov, native petrovichs. region, he was the first in the literature to formulate rules for robots, that is, for artificial intelligence. in the early forties. american science fiction writer azya kazimov released a series of works, i am a robot, in one of the stories he described three laws of robot technology, which, in his opinion, every robot should obey when interacting with a person. they are formulated as follows: first, a robot cannot harm a person or, through inaction, allow a person to be harmed. second, the robot must obey all orders given by a person, except in cases where this contradicts the first. law. and third, robot must take care of his safety to the extent that this does not contradict the first
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second law. according to the author's idea, the laws were implanted directly into the positronic brain of robots and were reliably protected from revision and rewriting. inaccurate or unclear wording of an order can lead to illogical and incorrect behavior of smart machines. for example, the robot speedy from the story did not fulfill the main character because he did not formulate it clearly enough. the lake where the robot was supposed to get selenium was dangerous, and the low potential of a person’s order , that is, the second law of robot technology, became equal to the high potential of the law of self-preservation, that is, the third law, which is why speedy began to circle around the lake, along the line where the potentials of both laws were equal. in another story about how a robot got lost, we are talking about what can happen if... we deviate a little from the three laws; the robot corrected the first law, removing
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the postulate that a robot can harm a person through its inaction. this was necessary so that the robots would not die senselessly, trying to save a person from radiation, which in limited quantities was harmless to him, but the robot did not know about it. to prevent the escape of a potentially dangerous robot, the complex was isolated, but the modified nester hid among... his brothers, he had to be identified, because the robot could potentially kill a person, indirectly, for example, by letting a person die through his inaction. robotics experts call asimov's laws an ideal; in reality, some create machines in contradiction to them. back in 2016 year, an american researcher created a robot capable of deliberately harming a person. it is alarming that this is a dangerous decision that the robot makes on its own.
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by the time of the creation of these laws of robotics and the first books about robots, well , before there were also books, but asimov became famous because he elevated it all to a completely regular, so to speak, formulated a concept, if you like, made it an object good literature, especially for those times, good. uh. only 80 years have passed since the abolition of slavery in in the united states, when asimov began to write about faithful, devoted and safe mechanical servants, who, in general, remarkably replaced slaves, which many older people still had, i think, in their memory in the forties of the 20th century, this must also be kept in mind all the time , therefore, from the very beginning there arose from these two three laws. dualism, on the one hand, uh, the same asimov always exaggerates the idea that the three laws of robotics
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are fulfilled either by robots or by very good people, uh, robots are more decent than people, all the time repeats the main character susan kaelin , on the other hand, there is a constant fear that suddenly the laws will stop working, and even here is one story about how a certain robot, but... turned out to be not without the first law, but the first law was truncated, then that is, he cannot allow, cannot bring harm to a person , but he can allow it through his inaction, it was already a disaster and tauzan calvin says: i would simply immediately destroy such robots with all her love for robots, that is, this dualism, the dream of so that these can be sew, some... at the hardware level, we can say that at the bios level into this very cybernetic machine, but in any
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case, a priori these can somehow be indestructibly driven into a being, this is a dream, but on the other hand, if if it doesn’t work out, then it ’s terrible, because for a generally rational-minded person, especially a western-minded person, i think the idea that someone is more durable. more quickly thinking, stronger, and at the same time will not begin to seek dominance over what who is weaker, it just doesn’t fit in the head, to find himself... powerless in front of his own creation, isn’t this horror, also a tradition of fantastic literature, starting with frankstein, mary shaley, or the play of karl chapak ruhr, from where it was borrowed into all languages ​​by the authors , the word robot, as psychologists say, is due to a person’s fear that his creation, a robot or
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artificial intelligence, will be too similar to a person. that is, a person associates the robot with himself and, as it were, extrapolates everything these are the robot’s abilities, that is, the robot can feel, experience emotions , that’s why a person is afraid of a robot, not because it’s dangerous, because we have a lot of weapons created in the world, yes, we’re talking about them, but for some reason no one is talking about artificial intelligence does not really raise the topic, and artificial intelligence is too similar to humans, which is why it causes fear in humans. then asimov, as if with his robots, are more primitive, more programmed within the framework that is located, he seems to be logical, like himself he said, i will logically make people think that robots are safe, if logically no one can contradict me, it’s like they will have to agree with me, so he said, people really agreed
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that yes, these are robots, you can control them, they can be useful, but... now with the advent of a more modern version of the robot endowed with artificial intelligence, again this old prejudice that the robot is too similar to a person has returned. asimov, of course, too, if, if not for three laws, it was quite possible, well, to face catastrophic, very serious consequences, and there are stories about this , by the way, the late asimov has already... years, he even himself realized that - weak artificial intelligence, if you sew these into it, it will turn out to be unproductive creatively, evoristically, a strong intellect will definitely find some kind of logical loophole that will allow it to bypass these three laws, that’s where it all
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ends, now they can be applied to these laws as a convention for creation. works of art, but believe in them it’s already very difficult, if we take, for example , a later stage there, a series of novels from the founding, and there robots already actually have what can be called artificial intelligence, they perform actions based on some kind of personal experience, they can already feel emotions , they may even violate some desires, not directly, of course, but somehow indirectly they are specifically looking for ways to violate these laws, the three laws of work engineering, which do not allow them to take care of humanity better, this is already really raises questions about artificial intelligence and the extent to which we can give them freedom to this artificial intelligence. the question is common to all types of intelligence, be it natural or artificial, the relationship between morality and
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expediency, the ends of means. artificial intelligence... what is its main difference from human intelligence, it is absolutely dispassionate, emotionless, rationality, rationality, its main, as it were, trait was for science fiction writers of the seventies and eighties, and also, depending on in fact, how the people writing this fiction imagined this rationality, it could look like both a positive and a negative quality, both leading to a rational confirmation of human ethics, and to its rational violations, well , let’s say what i mean, here in fact, our human civilization is all about decency, loyalty, it’s not rational, it’s based on some a priori and unprovable emotional values, say, well, there’s a war, people
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kill each other, for some reason kill children you can’t, adults can, but you can’t kill children or women. why? try to prove it to artificial intelligence. it is impossible to prove this in a rational way, this is purely emotional stuff. here is a rational artificial intelligence, let’s say, why is it so scary? because for him this ethics means nothing, children, future adults , if adults can be killed, and children, until they grow up and become adults, why can’t they be killed, if they are not killed, they will become adults, then they will have to be killed already there again after a few years. but this one fear, i'm afraid, is based on a dummy, because in fact, without any artificial intelligence, we formulate these prohibitions and seem to observe them , they appear in the press, the unkindness of women, old people and children, oh, what horror, on the other hand , and now go defeat the people of amalek, and do not
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spare anyone, neither husband, nor wife, nor child , nor suckling child, nor ox, nor sheep, by the way, this is god, he says, not some demon-possessed leader, and god, this is the first book of kings, the bible, and i am afraid that - the rationality of artificial intelligence those who are most afraid are those who ascribe to themselves the right to violate ethical laws, but demand their observance from those around them, and there are, we know , throughout history this has happened more than once, there were and are peoples who ascribe to themselves the right to designate other peoples as nations of amalek, and to be on the same board with them from the point of view of artificial intelligence is a horror for them, because roughly speaking, why should we, we are not amaliki, these are amaliki, these are the ones we
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appointed, no matter how much we would like to delegate responsibility machine intelligence, not it turns out, man is still the crown of creation, right? asimov connected the development of artificial intelligence very strongly with the development of man himself, that is, if...' intelligence develops, a person must develop even more than he does, that is, he must have some knowledge, some skills that will still be to put humans higher than artificial intelligence, but now, frankly speaking, it’s getting to the point where people are starting to rely too much on artificial intelligence, there’s a good popular saying: if you drown, then you get it, here it is... it operates at all levels, even the highest, such as artificial intelligence, that’s what we put into it, we ’ll get out of it in a digested form, we’ll go to palestine, after advertising,
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russia is a country great achievements, right now we are making discoveries in science, our children are opening the doors of modern classrooms, we are creating new cultures. and of course, we are opening new routes and points of attraction. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition. the truce in palestine lasted exactly a week. fighting resumed on friday morning . what's next? the israeli side promises war. will continue until all goals are achieved, well, let’s say the israeli opposition, we asked knesset member from the opposition party yesh atit, vladimir belyak. vladimir,
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do you have any idea about the further operation, how long it can last? we initially set ourselves two main goals, but one can argue which one is more, more important, there is some debate about this about, let's say, disagreements in israeli society, and the first goal: at least from my point of view, the most important goal is the return of our people, our hostages, everyone of the latter, well, this is a very important value in israeli society, the return all our prisoners as our hostages, and we must do everything possible to return them, the second goal is to ensure the safety of our citizens, and by destroying the military and political infrastructure of hamas, and i really ... hope that, that we will succeed within the framework agreement that was in effect, is in effect, has been in effect for the last week , to bring back as many of our people as possible
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, including everyone, including women, children, men, old people, soldiers, everyone, every last one, ah, next, i think that there is - in principle , a consensus in israeli society that we must continue ... the military operation, and because we, we have no intention of returning to the situation of october 6, when there is a military-terrorist organization on our borders which threatens the safety of our citizens, in light of the massacre that happened and the war crimes that hamas committed on october 7, we must do everything possible to ensure the safety of our citizens, because this is the main condition for the return of our citizens. to those settlements on the southern border that were abandoned today. the first phase of the ground operation was focused on the northern part of the gaza sector, where there were
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peace before i can’t call it a truce, yes, a temporary, temporary ceasefire, there were, certain military successes were achieved in terms of control in terms of destroying hamas infrastructure, but there is also part of the north and i think that a more difficult task is in the south of the gaza strip, given that hundreds of thousands of civilians have today moved from the northern part to the southern part, a significant part of the military force is still concentrated in the south, naturally, i think that the army, today it is preparing for the next stage, the next, the next stage will be the southern part of the gaza strip, already on the third day of the conflict, october 9, the israeli defense forces regained control over all border areas with gazorans country, attacks soon began on the military and
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command post of the islamists in the north of gaza. all of them are usually located in basements, often in residential buildings, schools, hospitals and mosques. these strikes resulted in numerous civilian casualties. according to the financial times, during the entire military operation in the north of the sector , more than half of the houses were destroyed. a week later, the israeli military command called on the entire civilian population. evacuate from the north of the enclave to the south. the israelis gave him a day and allocated a corridor security: salah eddine road. tens of thousands of residents of gaza complied with this requirement and left their homes. a large-scale ground operation in gaza began 2 weeks later on october 27, the very next day the israeli defense forces reported the destruction of 150 targets and the elimination of several high-ranking hamas militants. on october 31,
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an air raid on the jabaliya camp killed senior hamas commander ibrahim biari and more than 40 others. jabali is one of the most densely populated camps in the gaza strip, where descendants of refugees live arab-israeli war in 1948. on november 2, the israeli army announced that it had completely surrounded gaza city. after another 10, the tsakhal announced the destruction of more than 150 tunnels. according to one of the hamas leaders, their total length under the gas strip exceeds 500 km. on november 15, the israel defense forces announced the discovery of a hamas command post on the premises of the al-shefa hospital in gaza. after the siege, the hospital was stormed. some weapons and underground passages were discovered on its territory.
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and she published a video from the tunnels under hospital, there were rumors that the bunker under the ashshifa hospital was built by the israelis in the eighties, during the occupation of gas, but it is almost impossible to verify all this information, it is difficult to link all these photos and video materials from the tunnels to the area, so where they were taken is not completely clear. for almost a month of the operation, israel occupied the north of the gaza strip, the military encountered quite serious... difficulties in conducting a ground operation, including due to the severe destruction of the city itself after the bombing. hamas, for its part, claims to have inflicted serious losses on the israeli army. the militants use explosives and various traps. sound decoys are installed in destroyed houses, attracting the attention of israeli soldiers.
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in the video that he publishes. hamas claims that israel lost hundreds of armored vehicles, but it is impossible to confirm this; the total number of arabs killed in gaza, according to the aljazeera tv channel, exceeded 1,500. israel does not confirm this figure, but does not deny it either. number of israelis killed in the october 7 terrorist attack according to israeli estimates. exceeds 1200 people. hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 headquarters project.


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