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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 2, 2023 12:00pm-12:28pm MSK

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he is your russian boy, dying for the fatherland is better than being a soldier, demons are galloping, angels are waiting on the threshold of eternity, in the 21st century, in the nineteenth, who are you wandering musicians among us.
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a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible trumpet tour, this is my group, hello my fans, hello, where have you been before, why have i never seen you, i fell in love with the princess, but the king is interfering with our love, deception cannot be avoided here, i am for you. ilm's palaces' tempting vaults will never replace freedom, oh, call the strongman, accepted, grab them, the tale you've been waiting for, asel , what, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the remensky musicians, the bremen musicians, i actually sing too, soon, let's see what's in the app or on the website, russia,
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traditional, modern , technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition. footage of successful attacks by russian artillerymen came from near artyomovsk, donetsk people's republic, scouts raised the air covertly get close to the positions of our troops. having received this information, the command transmitted the coordinates to the gun crews, our soldiers
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quickly aimed the battery at the target and, with the help of drone operators who corrected the accuracy of the strikes, destroyed the militants. and this is footage from the severodonetsk region in the lpr. russian drones are attacking positions in the ssu, near belogorovka. strike drones destroy enemy equipment and manpower. most often , questions on social topics are sent to the program summarizing the year with vladimir putin. these are the results of the first day of work shared. golcenter. citizens are interested in the situation in healthcare, education, benefits, pensions, another important topic for the country’s residents is the military service and support for military families. for the first time, applications began to be accepted 2 weeks before the program itself, and it’s not for nothing that the popular front says that more often it was expected according to forecasts, as a result , even more people will be able to ask the president a question; this can be done in several ways at once, by phone, via sms, or on the website. and social networks, that until
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each problem is resolved, the kremlin emphasizes that there will be a popular front control this process. there are specific questionnaires, calls, we clarify the data of our citizens so that we can contact them if necessary and listen to the question. all the pressing problems that surround everyday life, starting with healthcare, construction, education, medicine, but in connection with the new year holidays , congratulations and wishes are already being received. including the president and representations to our country, and also a lubik cube, a needle attachment, a key, then the bank's post office will be enough for everything, but where is yours list, come for money, post office bank, hello, a gift is waiting for you in the megaphone, buy
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an infinix with communications and get a second smartphone as a gift only in the megaphone. this year, in the new year's billion from russian lotto, we have prepared something special for you, 2 billion. rub. everyone has a chance to become a billionaire. we guarantee! buy tickets in stoloto branded stores on the website in the mobile application. give your loved ones a billion chance, when there is one step left to great success, you remember all your steps, uncertain at the beginning, then sweeping, desperate steps, reasonable steps, steps towards, steps in defiance, steps through the storm, etc. storm, steps, steps, steps, here's one more step, and you understand, everything is just beginning, sofcombank takes a step and enters the ipo, details from the brokers for the sovcomcom ipo. on new year's eve, a kind wizard
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conjured miracles for every resident of the city. and my dad built a real castle even without any magic. we did it ourselves. scooter, holiday. this is you, the feed has everything for the new year, and even a pineapple costume or dragon wings. receive mixiks as a gift for shopping in stores at the checkout with delivery of the order and create funny characters. collect, mix, play. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 15%. and buy your wedding faster. cream paint palette gives a rich color. and the triple care system restores, moisturizes and nourishes. your best color choice. new buildings on tsang offer a huge selection of attractive offers. such a benefit. smart tv toshe for only 2499. magic
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conditions - real rate, up to 15 per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you get it. additional income, withdraw and top up at any time, apply online at gazprombank time to make dreams come true. alexander nikolaevich, december 29th? no, i have ice delux. so, on the twenty- eighth? no, i have a big hit, only in the app it’s delicious, period. sale, very even, with discounts up to 80% on avito. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply, we’re all in, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, here’s the file,
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everything works for them, only for megaphone subscribers, pay less, splat toothpaste 1390, pyaterochka helps out, well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a handyman. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to the bank , divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards, it’s easy with the bank, nato’s advance to the east was a fatal mistake, ukraine will never become part of the western world, so says american economist jeffrey sachs , professor at columbia university, usa, un advisor , gave an interview to arkady mamontov. author's arkady mamontov's project american method, watch it right now. the american method, our guest today is the famous
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economist, jeffrey sachs. he is a professor at columbia university in the united states and is also an advisory secretary to the united nations. and at one time, he was an economic adviser to the general secretary of the cpsu central committee, mikhail gorbachev, and then to the president of russia, boris yeltsin. the stop and our post-soviet space in general. what did we talk about, jackson, of course, about ukraine, about this terrible conflict. for the first time, perhaps, a representative of the western elite said such a thing, it is very significant that the americans, the american elite, made a terrible mistake, starting in 2008, they constantly
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provoked, provoked, provoked russia, announced that nato was going east, that ukraine - this is part of the western world , that it will be in nato, and that there will be missiles, and crimea will be theirs, the american fleet will be stationed in sevastopol, they were provoked, and today jeffrey sachs says that what is needed is not negotiations, no, but a call from biden is needed, president of the united states, our president, vladimir putin, that the united states was wrong and nato will not go further, this of course sounds fantastic, but on the other hand, jeffrey sachs says that this will help break the impasse in which the current situation has reached .
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i think this war goes back to the time of nato expansion, which the us began in the mid-nineties, when the soviet union was already ending its existence, the us promised president gorbachev that nato would not expand to the east, and the idea was to ensure the world and what will happen normal relations between the united states. the soviet union, or between the united states and russia after december 1991, but as soon as the soviet union collapsed, american political strategists began planning the expansion of nato. they deceived russia. this was the opposite of what they promised. initially, and by that time the soviet union no longer existed, so this idea of ​​nato expansion was bad. when hungary, poland, and the czech republic joined nato. the russian leadership was not happy about this, but it did not cause him great fears,
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because it was somewhere far away, but in 2004, george w. bush expanded nato to seven more countries, estonia, latvia, lithuania, romania, bulgaria, slovakia and slovenia. and then the russians said, wait a second, you said you wouldn't expand an inch, and now you've taken 10 countries, stop. and during the munich conference. in 2007 putin said that you deceived us, you said that you will not expand nato, but you continue to expand, stop, in 2008 george w. bush said: no, no, nato will expand, and take ukraine and georgia as our members. i would like to thank these wonderful people from eastern europe whom i recently met. welcome, thank you for being an example, thank you. for your courage, your dedication. the democratic wave appeared here 15 years ago, today it
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has reached georgia and ukraine. one day the call of freedom will be heard by every mind, every soul, one day the wind of freedom will reach every people, every nation. this was a very provocative statement because as a result, russia would be surrounded by nato countries in the black sea. and if you look at the map, then... russia neighbors in the black sea for us from the point of view of our security. and yanukovych in ukraine said that we just want to be a neutral country, we don’t want to be part of nato. and then in february 2014, president yanukovych was overthrown with the help of the united states. i think the war will end
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the day biden picks up the phone and calls president putin and says: nato will not expand, it was a bad idea, we let's stop, we need to find a way for ukraine to survive, nato will not expand, we have many topics to discuss, including nuclear weapons and other issues. this is how a war can end. i continue to propose to washington to stop this war, so that they can pick up the phone and call, because as long as it continues, ukraine is suffering greatly, and everyone is suffering, russia is suffering, the whole world is suffering, but the united states can stop this, it seems to me, directly today, recognizing that the whole idea of ​​nato expansion was terrible idea that it is, and it wasn't necessary, i think the war might end. i think i'm not the only one who
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talks about this a lot, my fellow scientist, john mearsheimer, has said for many years that the u.s. did a lot to provoke this unnecessary war, and for some time the administration did not want to hear anything, because washington was sure that russia would be defeated, this struck me as very strange and stupid. russia cannot be defeated in this war. but washington i didn't want to hear it. she cannot win this war, and washington simply does not know what to do, in the white house they are trying to find some kind of formula in which he will not admit that he made a mistake, but i don’t care whether he admits or not, what matters is that before until now, official washington
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does not pay any attention to the central issue of nato expansion and security, there is no realistic view of things: washington does not know that their policy has failed, they simply do not know what to do about it, i think, if biden will say that it was a mistake, he will look, first of all, because of the presidential elections that will be next year, but this is a dangerous policy in this situation, when so many people are dying in ukraine every day. i think washington is well aware that all their efforts have failed. will not put up with the further expansion of nato, ukraine will not defeat russia, and some other way must be found, and every day i propose, they will accept it, and better, faster, because the current war in the middle east is driving the external us policy into an even greater crisis. this
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issue that is being discussed in washington now, there are a lot of politicians, especially in the republican party, who say that stop spending money on ukraine, that the budget is in big deficit, we cannot afford it, this is not our priority, we must stop this funding, and of course, the biden white house continues to ask congress for more money every day, and many congressmen receive funds for their... company from the military-industrial complex, almost every congressman has a constituency in his constituency, so this is a very sensitive issue. the sentiment of the american people is definitely this: don't spend tens of hundreds of billions of dollars more on something that doesn't work on something that doesn't make sense. whether
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politicians are listening to this is a big question, but whether lobbyists from the military-industrial complex or the white house are holding up is still unclear. but there is no doubt that funding for ukraine is declining, but whether it will be stopped completely, we will see, but it is definitely decreasing, but this should there must be an end, this war must not last forever. nearly 50 years ago, military businesses deliberately structured their supply chains to touch every member of congress because they knew that if they did, politicians would be like, “you have workers in your district who depend on our company, this has been done.” deliberately, this has been going on for decades, when american president biden gave a speech to the american people a few weeks ago, he said that we need another 100 billion dollars to support ukraine.
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here are some states where military production is located, these are arizona, texas , it is not yet clear whether this worked or not, by and large the americans don’t care whether ukraine joins nato or not, but for russia this is very important, that’s the problem, but in the usa it makes no difference to people, for them this is a war waged by the top, not the bottom. yes, perhaps some people are trying to win something, but i don’t think it’s a lot of money, and that you can earn something from the ukrainian economy, their economy is ruined, the population has also decreased greatly, because in this war i had to say, we remain neutral, don’t drag us into your stupid
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war, and even in march 2022 zelensky said: we want to be neutral, we want to end this war. we give our allegiance to a peaceful and diplomatic path, and we will follow him and only him. but the americans told the ukrainians: no, keep fighting, keep winning. and zelensky, the ukrainian leadership made a terrible mistake by listening to the americans then. because it led to a year and a half of suffering, victims, economic and... collapse and no success was achieved. when you talk to an american, any american from any sphere, the conversation always comes up about the dollar. about money, and now the dollar is losing its position, because it is no longer an alternative to gold, but rather an american
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weapon in the fight against countries that do not want to be satellites of the united states, their boasters, but this is a clear example of what is happening to us now in our fight against this hegemon, he also said that there are no more paper chromes, even in india, somewhere in the rural outback, in in the foothills of tibet, you can pay by phone, right by the road, buying there, say, chicken or turmeric, such an indian seasoning, but in europe now it is very difficult, for example, for russian tourists, everywhere they require not cash, but a card, and without a card you are almost nobody , this is how we gradually drag the world into the world, by the way, maybe about him?
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centuries before the second world war and even before the first world war, the pound sterling was the main international currency of settlement, when international trade was carried out in pounds sterling, they were backed. first world war, then the great depression , world war ii, at the end of world war ii, the usa was the most developed economy in the world by a huge margin, its currency was the only one that was trusted, and it was the only solvent government. and the dollar became the new currency, the base currency for world transfers. he was comparatively. backed by gold, there was a complex backing system that existed between 1945 and 1971, the dollar standard replaced the gold
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standard, but nevertheless, others governments could exchange american dollars for american government gold if they wanted, but only dollars began to exist, but the dollar was backed by the power of the united states, the ease of use which was the greatest in the world, the ease of using dollars for international payments, but both of these aspects have changed, now the united states it's no longer such a big deal to use dollars if you 're in a country that doesn't get along very well with the us, because the us has confiscated $300 billion. funds, usa confiscated the money of venezuela, iran , afghanistan, north korean money, so if you are not friends with the usa, then do not use
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dollars, because the usa can take them for themselves, which is why now in some countries, especially in the brix countries, there are blood settlements so that the countries, from whom the united states can confiscate money, could easily transfer funds, i would like to propose increasing the share of project financing in national currencies. this would not only increase the weight of our currencies as an alternative in international payments to the world, but would allow to avoid additional cost risks during mutual settlements. i will all use dollars, this is a bad idea for the usa, but washington is full of arrogant people, they believe that there is no alternative to the dollar, so they can do whatever they want, but america will soon understand that there is an alternative to the dollar, non-dollar payments should become big part of the world economy in the next 10 years, it can only be exchanged for
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other pieces of the same paper, but no real goods or services or seashells or gold or silver, nothing behind it no, it is only used because people accept it. this is what we call fiat currency, it can be bought, there is a demand for it, it can be exchanged for goods, but it is not backed by anything, people use dollars only because other people accept them as payments, and until the united states will not print too many dollars, the dollar will retain its value within the framework of those goods that can be bought with it, if our government, the central bank, which... this will be expressed in inflation, because the central
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the bank distributed the value of the currency depends on its supply, on the limitation of this supply, if the government prints too much money, then there will be high inflation, from an economic point of view, much better than war. and the idea that war is good for the economy is not true. the us wasted at least 5 trillion dollars by simply blowing the whistle on afghanistan, iraq, syria, libya, all these wars that the us was stupid about, only increasing the us national debt. he is very tall now. the government owes about 100% of the debt. it weakens our economy. our situation would be much
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better if we spent. money for peaceful consumption, for housing, for infrastructure, for the railway network, for digital systems. there are so many good things you can spend money on. war is not a very good investment. of course, it can enrich some companies that produce weapons, but society does not get richer from the war, society gets poorer from it. the us debt has been growing since 2000, it started growing from 35% and rose to 100% of national income and it continues to grow and grow - this is not a good situation, for almost all this time there was a very low interest rate, and now there is high debt, and quite high...
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