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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 2, 2023 9:30pm-9:57pm MSK

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come for money mail banking forum vtbb russia is calling, watch december 7 live on russia 24 on the website the feed has everything for the new year. large sweet set mini 500 g 199 rub. ribbon. temperature. take effervescent paracemolval. renival ocetelic acid effervescent tablet. we are two. i’m in the dungeon, and i’m ryva, and we’re in the elevator, and we’re waiting for you, not a second without each other, this is a continuous connection, like a reliable mobile internet billine for continuous communication with loved ones bilayin, on your side, i don’t need a flower, a seven-flowered one, for my wishes to come true, my dreams this year, i achieved it myself, i would like to know a spell to do several things at the same time. but the main thing i learned
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in the city of genichesk, let's go in now and talk with the head, with the director of this school, but i would immediately like to mention the new large sports complex, let's see how the athlete's classes are going. the sports complex was built in record time, builders entered the site in july, and already in november, after the school holidays , the first lesson was held in the hall. and we have been for a very long time we were waiting for this moment, well, let's just say, for the first school this moment was very long, since the year eighty-five we had six projects, on the site where we are standing today, it was like unfinished construction that was demolished, this building, there was only a gym more than 500 km away, here you can practice any kind of sports , i expected that there would be a sports complex, but that it would be so magnificent, i honestly, well, didn’t quite expect it, as i would have in the past...’
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competitions often went, visited many places, well, that is, such good ones you can count the number of gyms on just one hand, well, i used to go to competitions all over ukraine, i myself have also been a judge of the national category before. judge the referee in the market, as it were, and the locker rooms are all conditions, the director of the school, natalya mikhailovna , has been working outside since 1998, and says there has never been such a large-scale renovation in the educational institution. you know, the attention of the big country, about us about small ones like our city yeniches, our small first school, although we have 200 km of students studying 343 students today day, we are overcrowded, you know, the most important thing is that the russian woman is heard, but relatives live in the kherson region, there are showers in the locker rooms, yes, yes, even a hair dryer, even hair dryers, for a girl this is very important, yes, but how has life at school changed in general? during this time, yes , it has changed a lot, everyone has become active
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, we have different groups, like the russian youth movement, everyone is actively participating, and this greatly helps the development of the school, thirteen-year-old kiril, has... no longer traveled anywhere, to sevastopol i went, did you expect such transformations, no, i did not expect such transformations, i thought that since we used to have a small gym, it will be so , and here it’s convenient to play volleyball, otherwise we always had the ball hitting the ball before and we were counted as goals, vladimir kakul is also a boxer, a master of sports, he worked as a coach in a local children’s school. youth sports school, until the summer of 2020, applause. any master of sports in boxing should be able to nullify, he is self-taught, he taught himself, well, as if for coordination of movements, for brains, for manual dexterity, and so on, but balls are not his only hobby, creating them at school
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medical music class, said , done, today we are working according to the program, the future, this class, well, for us, let's say, medicine is one of the stages of studying anatomy, but today we have a more extensive understanding of anatomy today - all the models that make up the human structure, they are collapsible, by the way, the children really like this moment, a medical and music class, as well as a sports complex appeared in the kherson school, thanks to the region’s chief, adegea, now a construction team is bringing from the republic. new tile, that's all, as they say, too was made by the construction republic of odg , the christmas trees that we see are also a gift from us, from the republic of odgea, we hope that they will take root here and
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feel great, let’s just say, you have such a climate, it seems to me that you have everything is so expensive in russia in relation to children, 500 meters, a running track, a football field, exercise equipment, such grounds for... how they reacted to the fact that you would have to go to a new region of russia, they treated it with understanding, as they say, we understood that someone has to do it, so why not us? genetic school number one, special for the russian-speaking kherson region, teaching here has been conducted in ukrainian since the nineties and after joining russia the language remained in the program. we are being taught the ukrainian language, i will say the situation is this, if last year we were purely psychologically, we were at... in order to preserve the ukrainian language as a subject, let’s say, as a subject in the curriculum, we had ukrainian as a native language, but now the situation is changing and this year before introducing the ukrainian language, we conducted monitoring, we have ukrainian language goes to study the ukrainian language, they wrote
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an application, we want to study the ukrainian language, that’s it, no problems, if you take it today, in general, as they say, at school, well, it’s three percent. yeah, and it makes me happy, of course, that people seem to, well, want, even today , that unlike ukraine, when they remove the russian language, yes, somewhere there is everything, we don’t speak, persecution, even those people who are fighting today, but there are so many such cases in lvov, he defends ukraine today, he speaks russian, today he no longer ukrainian, it’s good that it’s calm, if you want to speak ukrainian, please, well, there are teachers of the ukrainian language, apparently they still have fewer. started working, right? you know, i want to tell you, well, our nelya sergeevna, we have one teacher, the ukrainian language is gone, because the number of classes, as if teaching the ukrainian language, as if at odd hours, with her current workload, we even have hours , as if
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the class teachers were leading their pen into it, according to the director, from the moment of reunification with russia teachers and students have new opportunities. active, you have proven yourself, please, the children went to moscow, university shifts, as they say, there is somewhere to go and this beautiful region, russia, as they say, and vladivostok, and kavardina balkaria, and odegei, and tuapse, and orlyon kartek, children today had opportunities that they had not seen in the last, well, let’s say, 15 years, they didn’t even have the idea that it was possible to relax in such camps, when the authorities of the kherson region announced the evacuation residents from the right bank of the dnieper to the left genichesk, a resort town and port on
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the sea of ​​azov, became the temporary administrative capital of the kherson region. if it's not a secret, what are you asking gentlemen? for peace, we only ask for peace, for health, so that our children and grandchildren are all alive and well, so that we live happily and are always with god. about 20,000 people live genetically, and there are a lot of seconded specialists. how. builders from belgorod who took on the major renovation of the genetics central clinical hospital. four buildings are under renovation, catering unit, laundress, traumatology, which will later be transferred to the ministry and under the anatomy of the building, and we are carrying out such work, well, or rather, we have carried out such work as large parts , internal work , full engineering, heating, that is, all four buildings are ready for heaters.. . the season is already all connected, you didn’t have any fear when you went to this region, you know,
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there were a lot of thoughts, but we have to do it, guys, it’s not easy for them to fight there and they still need to help, like if our help were like this, they have already faced dangers in their own belgorsk region, they were restoring houses damaged by ukrainian shells in shibekin, you were in the kherdfond region before everyone else, of course, for sure. years i was here, i was here, but here it was compared to what i now saw, how roads are being built, how infrastructure is being built, even there are roads, some things, these are gas stations, these are some cafes there, well, i don’t know , yes, you can have a snack, that is, things have changed for the better, geniche is far from the line of military contact, it was not damaged during the fighting, but many buildings are already have long stood in a semi-abandoned state.
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the buildings were quite neglected , no renovations had been carried out here before us for a very long time, but we came in, it turns out in may, we have a contract in mid-december, well, as you can see, the work has already been completed today, one of the hospital buildings, the traumatology building, in general, it was built in 1918, it turns out, yes, yes, we... capitalized it, well, i hope it will serve for many years, yeah, there are a few difficulties, it turns out that under the building there used to be catacombs, which we had to fill it with a depth of, well, from 8 to 4 m, well, can you imagine, when there were wooden floors here, we opened it up, as if we paid attention, well, let’s just say, i’m also such
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a patriotic person, and accordingly, after the start, swotam decided that his i need to make a contribution to building the healthcare system. the very first, let’s say, main task of our regional ministry of health is to increase the availability and quality of medical care. that's why all this is done, firstly, it's an improvement diagnostic base , let's say, this is the maintenance of medical equipment, the second is the retraining and advanced training of our personnel, this is the medical staff - this is the average staff, so to speak, in 2023 , five multifunctional public service centers were opened in the kherson region, suitable ones were selected and restored for their placement premises, the mfc in the center of genichesko
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became the first in the region for which a building was erected from scratch, we have now arrived at the multifunctional center, my documents, here it is already fully landscaped, it’s been working since august, it was built in 3 months, uh, i even see a children’s room, it’s better towards people, the attitude is more or less like this... human financial is much easier, pensions correspond, that is, your pension is higher here, yes, yes , yes, even take, well, my mother , whom she received a ukrainian pension now, as they have already converted into russian, this is heaven and earth, yes, you have worked, well, i have an old age of 40 years, even more, my mother is 44 years old , she received a ukrainian pension of 5000 uah and if you are russian, the russian pension is shorter than 32. apply
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the pension was withdrawn from the compulsory health insurance policy, now it is possible in a single window, as they joke here about the window of opportunity, construction began in the month of may, thanks to the republic, in 100 days, they actually built this wonderful building, before we sat in a very small room, there was no waiting area, no there was no way to comfortably receive people, there were very small tables, now a building 500 km away has been rebuilt , thanks to which we have increased the capacity, this is already 18, compared to 13-15 there, 500 applicants, the same as all other mfcs in the kherson region taken together likes it when we can help people, there are different situations that have arisen at the present time, and since we make documents, then , accordingly, we help people integrate
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into the russian federation, this is help, these are different types of documents, this different... to influence retirement, uh, medical treatment and so on and so forth, that is , when everything works out, when people find it all, receive it, of course, it naturally brings great pleasure, and as for the restoration of the region itself, then for you personally, what most of all, so to speak , impresses you, i don’t know, the construction of roads, schools, or, yes, everything is impressive, you know, when i looked at all this before, it was all depressing, because well, to be honest, well, and so here, yes, the city resort, it’s only here in the summer, yes, but in the winter it’s really sad here, that is, now you look at both winter and summer, everything here is the same color, here somehow everything has begun to transform, you can live here not only in the summer , enjoy the sea air or
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some kind of sea holiday, but in principle edible, how were you served? good , positive, there are no negative aspects, you lived somewhere in the western region, immediately chernigov, then kiev, then back to the western side, also went to the western side, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, okay, well, in general, this is the kind of mfc you built, like you are honestly much more comfortable, you can wait adequately, sit in your turn, and not stand on the street and get dirty, that is, everything is much ideal, that is, everything is much better, do you feel like you are being taken care of? yes, a lot, i think i’ve been living in russia for 2 years, everything has changed for me satisfied, it’s a pity that she didn’t come earlier, one of the frequent requests, receiving a one-time payment of 100,000 rubles and a housing certificate. today, many of our citizens would like to stay at home, since our territory has not yet been completely liberated, many people will give
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our citizens a huge opportunity to stay on the land, that is, in a house for a family of two . for three or more per family of one person. in october 2022 , more than 80,000 people were resettled from kherson and surrounding settlements, including for them they are building these prefabricated houses with all the amenities. the house was assembled in 9 days as a sample usb panel on both sides, fire resistant, and this is the professional construction of these houses. yeah, that is, it consists of it consists of two. usb panels, usb panels are not chewed by mice, because we have already been asked questions, what if mice chew them, the mouse breaks teeth, just like military ukraine, they break teeth about our military, each house comes with at least two hundred square meters of land, its own septic tank and the installation of all communications, well, we are now preparing for
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next year, design work is underway for major renovations of schools and kindergartens. and we are designing a program - major repairs and repairs of roads, in 3 years we must bring the roads to 80% of the standard condition, this is the water supply and sewerage system, that is , the housing and communal services system, well, everything, all sectors, all in a short period of time, thanks to this program, we will reach the russian average level of indicators. in 2023 , about 300... kilometers of roads were repaired in the kherson region, and the work does not stop, now we are on mira avenue, the city genichis, there is a major road repair going on here, such repairs, that’s what i saw around the city... they are going on everywhere, moreover, i was driving along the federal highway from melitopol to genichesk, the road to crimea, all roads are being repaired,
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where it’s safe, where there is an opportunity to carry out repairs, these repairs are happening there today, although the genetics were not affected by the fighting; when leaving the city, ukrainian soldiers blew up the road bridge across the strait and washed to the arbat strelka, now it has long been restored. where are you from where do you come from? i, sinakiwa. and to work for the benefit of the people, they should lay 10 paving slabs , they should lay 10,000 square meters, then they should lay 8,000 linear meters of cooper stone, well, they should lay asphalt and concrete, about 4,000 of the foundation layer and 4,000 of the top layer, how does it work for you, excellent, excellent, they will be there soon all new roads, it will be the most genic. concluding our stay in the kherson region, of course, i would like to note what all the local residents with whom i
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had the opportunity to communicate noted. they said that they they feel real concern for their homeland, for themselves. they, of course, note that they previously did not receive due attention from the previous state, but now everything is new. and we believe and know that russia will not abandon its people, and of course, as soon as possible, the entire kherson region will be part of our large country, interest is dripping, you need money, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to money. you divide it into 24 months, you can conveniently repay it, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with ease, the sale is even great, with discounts
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contract servicemen receive regional measures support, combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here. serve under contract. hello, i am boris sakilov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought, together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you
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in the future. investment rating, economics.
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