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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 3, 2023 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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cultural objects, the program for the development of places of employment even includes the creation of an art museum, which will employ about 200 people, objects are not built chaotically, construction is preceded by a thorough analysis , when making projects, we still make the economic efficiency of each project in each project, and approximately we we understand where offices will be in demand, and where there will be more housing, because after all, we do everything for people, it must be... linked, that is, the product must lead to the fact that this the territory will live differently and will be popular not only among residents, but among those who will come there and work. the program for stimulating the creation of places of employment shows high efficiency; developers willingly agree to dilute their housing portfolios with social and commercial real estate in exchange for benefits; in the end , everyone benefits, both the business itself, the city, and locals.
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one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment with her own hands and shot at a peasant hut, miraculously the suicide bomber... didn’t kill him, what’s the difficulty? her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, they drove to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could have forgiven, but according to the law, siberia it’s supposed to be, siberia, siberia, now i’ll cut out your tongue, we won’t
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hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i would tear you apart with horses, two heads, where are you, drowning, soon,
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let’s look before everyone else, where is vasnetsova? vasnetsova, right now i’m actually, you know, i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again? yes that well, that’s it, you don’t have any sleep or rest, let’s sign up and watch. on december 2, 1823, the munroe doctrine, america for americans, was proclaimed. this year in the usa it is celebrated solemnly. for
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americans, this is a major public holiday, but other nations suffered seriously, and many were even exterminated as part of the implementation of the monroe doctrine. the munroe doctrine can be perceived as one fragment of the foreign policy strategy of the united states, or it can be viewed in a broader sense, and for this purpose, probably, you just need to find those roots, that base on which the american state was generally built, i will not reveal the secret if i say that the american state is a synthetic artificially created country and state, therefore it was built on
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some specific laws and postulates, one of these postulates is its uniqueness, this is a state that is paradise on a hill, this state has a natural right, and by the way the founding fathers spoke about this, a natural right to tell other states how to behave on this earth. what are the problems associated with doctrine? we very often perceive that it came from somewhere out of nowhere, that there was such a president monroe, and who suddenly put forward the concept, america for americans. this is not entirely true, well , first of all, let's start with the personality, this is a brilliant diplomat when we talk about
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the purchase, the famous great deal of louisiana, bought from france by the united states. a gigantic purchase, we all know about the purchase of alaska, yes, in my opinion, this is a large part of the criminal chronicle, in my opinion, yes, according to the circumstances and the consequences, indeed, the ransom of france from louisiana is of course a gigantic deal, this is monroe, this is him, as a diplomat, he formalized all this, this is a man who worked with thomas jefferson, this is a man with a very interesting biography, start since this is the fifth... president of the united states, and the last representative of the virginia presidents, in american historiography you can find this term virginia presidents. what are virginia presidents? this planters. these are slave owners, these are
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planters, these are, in general, people aimed at the extensive development of the united states. and munro, he actually had an idea. at the end of his life to be a planter , nothing worked out for him, he turned out to be untenable as a planter, but it was his dream, and this is the ideology that was the basis of the monroe doctrine, and in fact, the monroe doctrine is, on the one hand, a continuation of the ideology of his fathers - founders, that is, the state, manifest destiny, the united states. this is a state that was obvious predestination, by the way, this term appeared 20 years after the announcement of the monroe doctrine , it was formulated in one of his articles by the journalist osalevan, he actually became famous for this, because this
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doctrine of manifest predestination, it was formulated later as the ideological basis of the general foreign and domestic policy of the united states, and - the munroe doctrine, it is actually part of this general foreign policy strategy, a strategy for uniqueness, a strategy for impunity the united states, the strategy is that whatever the united states wants to have, it will have. the bottom line is that the nav are leaders, they themselves set the rules for the world community by which it should function, periodically change these rules, those who disagree face american economic, sanctions, and military power, this is the doctrine
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of expansion economic space of the united states, in response to which it was adopted, it was also to a certain extent reactive, but accepted. she was there in 1823 year in response to the actions of the european holy alliance, this is, excuse me, russia, austria, prussia and france, which joined it at that time, monarchical, so, the return of the bourbons, about whom they said, they forgave nothing to anyone and learned nothing , which demanded the restoration of spanish control. over the latin american colonies, and the americans already considered latin america as their economic zone of influence. monroe established latin america as his own with his doctrine and his previous actions
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sphere of influence, primarily economic exploitation. it was precisely to stake out this territory in 1823 that the munro doctrine was aimed. and here it must be said that initially the british provided very serious support to the united states in the implementation of the monroe doctrine, because the british controlled the seas, they were not interested in the countries of continental europe strengthening in latin america, and the united states of america, realizing that they on the one hand , there are no resources to oppose anything serious to the european colonial countries, but it is still necessary to ensure their security, they decided to cooperate with great britain and declared that these countries are the sphere of their priority interests, the decision was absolutely the same, well, economically motivated, quite sound, the americans had enough to develop them, quite quickly ,
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in comparison with the european capitalisms of developing capitalism, latin america, the caribbean, well, count for 75 years, for 75 years the expansion of the united states was, by and large, locked in western hemisphere, this is 1898 , the spanish-american war, the americans began the spanish-american war very prudently, spain was a moribund monarchy, it was easiest to finish off, and the famous story when hearst, the owner of the largest publishing house, told his correspondent, i am war i will do it, and the provocation, the explosion at linkory maine, hence
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the american slogan, which became the reason for the start of the war with spain, the monroe doctrine was a political expression of the essence of the then american capitalism, as capitalism slaveholding capitalism, plantation capitalism and capitalism... essentially directed towards extensive expansion. on august 12, 1898, the united states gained sovereignty over the hawaiian islands, completing its annexation. only after europe became overextended in the first world war, to put it mildly, did the americans come to europe and the stage of exploiting... a weak point in europe began, it was germany, and from there there is a direct road to
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the marshall plan, you see, and from marshall plan, the direct road to today's vassal dependence of europe, which completed its long journey in the role of a junior partner, to the monroe doctrine more than once, the americans returned and refined it, for example, under roosevelt, the monroe doctrine was first presented as a doctrine. with a big stick, as part of the policy of pan-americanism, and roosevelt’s quote is widely known that you need to talk to your neighbors softly, but hold a big stick in your hands, and they immediately forgot about softness, so the practice of the big stick in the usa was used very widely, and since they has never shied away from military interventions to protect their interests in this region, and many countries with these military interventions , the united states has already announced quite loudly that they are the state
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that really has the natural right to conquer all other spaces, president theodore roosevelt, uncle of the famous president in 1904, monroe sort of developed this concept, and it continued to develop further and further. and it seems to me that what is important for us now is precisely that the americans still have not lost faith that their the state is a city on a hill, everything they do is granted, this is the right granted to them by the almighty, they have the natural right to tell other states how to exist, what laws to live by, when anti-american sentiments as a result of such colonialist policies
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are neo-colonialism, it was called this policy because, in general, it was quite tough, and the name itself, neocolonialism, shows that it was comparable to the policy that the spanish and other colonialists pursued in in latin america, when dissatisfaction with this policy began to grow, the good neighbor policy was proposed to the united states of america. began to carry out, for example, information influence operations, in hollywood films to show latin american countries from an attractive side, but what this actually resulted in was support... for dictators, when the same roosevelt said that even if this is a son of a bitch, but this our bitch, in fact, to any violation of human rights, the formation of police regimes in these countries, the united states turned a blind eye as long as the state pursued a pro-american policy. subsequently, the united states tried to extend the monroe doctrine to the entire world,
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first to its zone of influence, after the world became bipolar after world war ii, then, when the illusion of unipolarity arose, the illusion of the unconditional dominance of the united states, what began as a doctrine monroe turned into a concept of a unipolar moment, which closely intersected with the ideas of the end of history that were then advancing from the end with the idea of ​​a new world order formulated by the former elder. and this is such a long history of expansion on which stands... the well-being of american society in general, which is why they are so sensitive to any independent voices, any attempts to exercise sovereignty, because any independence is not in agreement, they are not against independence, they are agreed the united states, everyone who wants to go
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their own way, well, like today's china, sorry, you don't have... the right, however, the dilemma that now faces americans, it brings them back, partly from us, and even more partly from europeans , in fact, to this monroe doctrine, it is impossible, it is impossible to reproduce it in its modern form, if only because there was globalization, there are global systems, world trade, a globalized information society, that’s all, yes, but nevertheless... the geopolitical and geo-economic restrictions of the united states since 1820, let’s say, by 2020 , 200 years have passed, they have changed very, very little, then there is, roughly speaking, a story i made a circle in 200 years, this is where
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this vector of the circle will lead, it will be very interesting, but in any case, remember the manroms.
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the opportunity to hear and be heard equally... is important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 200 40 40 via sms to number 040-40 or through the websites moscow
1:50 am and moskаdefis putinu. rf. all the details. on the sites, we will try to make sure that not a single question goes unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. donkey, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves remensky musicians. the fab five, this is my band, i've never seen you, and princess, i actually sing too, you clearly need a rebrand, bremen town musicians, grab them! soon, what the hell is happening, where am i? so, we act according to the old proven scheme, she is a serf peasant of a cruel landowner. when everything doesn’t go according to
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plan, our grisha lost his temper, improvise, what do we get as a slave for running away? execution set it on fire? no, i will not. okay, i myself, cold, want you to look me in the eyes when i put you out. soon.
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labeling of soft drinks, combating illegal transfers of pension savings and expanding preferential lending to broiler producers. with the beginning of winter, russians will experience a number of important innovations. thus , from december 1, menpromtork obliged to label non-alcoholic drinks in plastic glass, except for juices, nectars and compotes. we are essentially talking about carbonated sweet water. market experts say the measure is extremely necessary, namely soda , there have been a lot of questions lately, after the departure of foreign companies from the russian market it has doubled at the expense of domestic firms, analysts estimate the volume to be more than 60 billion
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rubles, the introduction of labeling will show how much soda we actually produce, from what is it made and what kind of money do they earn from it, but dishonest players will have to leave the store shelves, a whole range of fines are provided for them for especially large crimes, up to 5 years in prison, and well in addition, an experiment on marking optical fiber and radio electronics will start in december. the experts we interviewed believe that previous experience with labeling dairy products, cheeses and tobacco has shown its worth. everyone benefited: the market, buyers, and the state. soft drinks even before the start of the experiment, suddenly, out of nowhere, 200 new companies appeared that registered in the system, these are companies that no one, neither regional authorities nor regulators knew anything about, that is, they did not report in this way, they apparently carried out their activities underground in the shadow sector, well, that is , we can say that the soft drink industry was whitewashed by 23% even before the start
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of the labeling experiment, and we are confident that these numbers will continue. the ministry of agriculture is expanding support for the poultry industry, including preferential financing, for example, they are introducing targeted preferential lending to producers of broilers and their processed products for the purchase of machinery and equipment, construction and reconstruction of poultry complexes, and with next year they plan to launch a new program to improve the biosafety of poultry farms. another innovation in december came into force: the ban on registration on russian websites using a foreign email. authorization must be done using a mobile phone of domestic services. these include, for example, the state services portal and a unified biometric system. the solution is designed to further protect the personal data of citizens. this law is largely aimed at ensuring technological sovereignty and data protection users, users will have to use new methods of approaches to protecting and authorizing their data on sites
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, and this will also help our internet services fight fraud on their platforms, because it will be more difficult to ensure anonymity on the network. the fight against the illegal transfer of savings from one pension fund to another will intensify, extrajudicial... will be considered by the financial ombudsman, and the limit on the amount of 500,000 rubles in relation to citizens’ claims to non-state pension funds has also been removed funds, the law will come into force on december 11. now a new option has appeared, when you can challenge, precisely in the financial services office, the illegal transfer of accounts from one non-state pension fund to another, and thus you do not have to go to the courts again, pay money to lawyers, it is enough to submit an application in the prescribed form , by the way, can be done electronically through the financial boltsman portal, and
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thus claims and good news for car owners will be considered; they will not be fined for summer tires in december, but according to the head of the state traffic inspectorate of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir chernikov, every vehicle owner must prepare his car himself so that he can safely drive on the roads in winter. who are you wandering musicians, we don’t have
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a bright leader. legendary musical quartet and irresistible troubodour. this is my group. hello my fans. anger. where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love. there's no way to cheat here. i'm after you. the tempting vaults of palaces will not replace them never, freedom. call. exile, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves premensky musicians, bremen musicians, i actually sing too, soon, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series. let's look, look, in
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the app or on the website, russia, traditional, modern, technological , original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition. forum russia, our guest today is the famous economist, jeffrey sachs. what did we talk about, jeffrey sachsam, of course, about ukraine. i think this war goes back to the times
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of expansion. the us started in the mid-nineties. zelsky, the ukrainian leadership made a terrible mistake by listening to the americans then, and no success was achieved. washington doesn't know that their policy has failed, they just don't know what to do about it. i think the war will end the day biden picks up the phone and calls the president and says, nato will not expand, it was a bad idea.
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all women and children who were hostages in the gas sector, this was stated by the deputy head of the movement’s politburo. according to him, the remaining prisoners are soldiers and men who previously served in the israeli army and there will be no negotiations on their release until attacks on the palestinian enclave stop. today, as a result of an air strike in the north of the gaza strip, more than 100 people were killed, al-jazeera tv channel reported. according to him, the attack occurred on the building where they lived.


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