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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 3, 2023 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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we look before everyone else, where is vasnetsova , where should we let him go, vasnetsova, i’m in fact right now, you know , i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again, but what’s wrong, you have no sleep or rest, let’s sign up and look. our guest today
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is the famous economist jeffrey sachs. what did we talk to jeffrey saxon about? well, of course, about ukraine. i think this war goes back to the nato expansion that the us started in the mid-nineties. zelensky, the ukrainian leadership made a terrible mistake by listening to the americans then, and achieved no success failed. washington doesn't know that their policy has failed, they just don't know what to do about it. i think the war will end the day biden picks up the phone and calls president putin and says: nato will not expand, it was a bad idea, we are stopping, we need to find a way for ukraine to survive. in the story of galina chugunova, timchenko's team.
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discovered an unexpected turn, in the next folder, in the same archive of agnia barto, the guys found a letter from her mother, it turns out that marie wrote a letter to ogniborto, asking her to find her daughter galina, and galina wrote a letter to ogniborto, also asking her to find her mother. marina chugunova died in 1980 without ever seeing her daughter. the guys managed to find her grave at the rally cemetery in moscow. later they found information about her two brothers, one of whom, ivan chugunov , was in his native village of lemno, kalinin region, during the occupation. in the occupied villages, the nazis terrorized the local population, engaged in robberies and robberies. it’s hard to imagine the values ​​of collective farmers, what they could be, right? icons,
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some items, perhaps from everyday life, but everything was taken off, right down to felt boots in the severe frost, clothes, shoes, blankets from babies were taken off in order to simply make windings for the german soldier who was walking here, and sometimes just these blankets were thrown away, well, just to have fun, many people died from frostbite, from hunger, from illness, one young man refused to water his horse. nazi, he brutally killed him, there, inflicted several dozen stab wounds, another there, refused to give it to the german boots, he killed him, and they set fire to the house, the man tried to get some things out of there , to save at least something, he was shot, the principles that german soldiers had to follow were enshrined in several orders, one of these was, for example, discovered in the archives of the gestapa, which was captured by soviet troops after
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the occupation of the city of kalinino was lifted, it was called an order on the conduct of troops in the east, and there we find the following things: supplying food to local residents and prisoners of war is unnecessary humanity. tiered wooden church of the nativity of john the baptist in the village of shirkovo, a unique monument of russian architecture. over these centuries, the church has seen a lot, but the time of the german occupation wrote perhaps the most tragic pages in its history. in 1941, in the basement of this church, as is known , up to 500 civilians were kept at different times, they were given bread once a day, they were deprived of drink and food, among the prisoners
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was the soviet prisoner of war nikolai fokin, unfortunately, we have such a small photograph of only this person that has survived , they took him. interrogated for a long time, tortured him miraculously managed to escape when he was once again sent to his next destination; on the way he ran away and went to the active army. nikolai fokin was one of the participants in the partisan movement in the penovsky region. anti-fascist resistance in this territory began to operate immediately after the invaders appeared here in the fall of forty years. the red army soldiers defended our village for a very long time, but then there was still an order to retreat and units of the 249th infantry division retreated from our village, that’s how they they said that
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it was very difficult to look the local residents in the eyes, because people understood that they were left - at the mercy of the fascists, this was the most difficult time. more than twenty partisan detachments operated on the territory of the penovsky district of the kalinin region. they organized sabotage, disabled enemy equipment, collected intelligence information about the enemy, and distributed leaflets. in our region, the partisan movement is interesting because all the units were very mobile, they were located from units the nazis, somewhere at a distance of at least 20 km, this is a very small distance, so every minute such detachments could be discovered by the enemy and destroyed, underground fighters, mostly teenagers, worked next to the partisans, they told how my mother’s
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sister died, she went on reconnaissance, they sent her and the germans hanged her under a hill , she was mutilated, they buried her only... they buried her in snow, because there was a lot of snow, volodya pavlov was filming, and his mother came and told him that alla had died, a seventeen-year-old komsomol member, volodya pavlov, a resident of the village peno, was a scout, from the fall of '41, he and his partner, eighteen-year-old zina galitsina, collected intelligence data for the headquarters of the twenty-second army, they had to walk along the roads between villages, if patrols met them, introduce themselves as brother and sister, they were dressed very simply . on december 29 , 1941, the guys were going on their next mission, and on the way they were stopped by a german patrol. this was supposed to be a routine document check,
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but a traitor was found who betrayed the young scouts. these two young people they arrested, began to interrogate, then moved on to torture, they drove needles under their nails and cut out stars on their chests, but they remained silent, without telling anything, this was done to intimidate the population, so that there would be no contact with the partisans, primarily the partisan movement, this is an absolutely terrible force for the german command, they did everything to... this partisan movement, there was an order to stop all movements from village to village, they were shot on the spot for moving from one village to another. local residents, as best they could, they helped partisans and underground fighters, the archives preserve the memory of their heroism, one can say
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about a native of the village of zalesie, nikita aleksandrovich alexandrov, who repeated the feat of ivan susanin, he is in order. 300 fascists - this whole detachment was led deep into the forest, in our area the southern border of the taiga passes, if you get lost here, you may not get out of these places, the fascists forced them to lead this peasant through impenetrable forests towards ostashkov, he brought them only as far as the village of lushnya, led right to our active units, that is the fascists were all destroyed, alexandrov was bayoneted. the village of peno became the first regional center to liberate units of the 249th infantry division of the fourth shock
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army during the toropetsko-kholm operation. the nazis abandoned it on january 10, 1942. while escaping, they literally wiped the village off its face. my grandmother, when she returned to the village of peno after the evacuation, she did not recognize it; many houses were blown up because there were bombings. can you imagine what kind of foam there was, i remember very well, these are black stalbs, when we arrived at our house, everything was looted down to the smallest detail, everything, there was nothing, in the forty-fourth year, a special act was created by a specially created commission in the penovsky district, based on the results of this act we can testify to the following, that in the penovsky district. .. 63 civilians were shot ,
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five civilians and red army soldiers were hanged, 30 red army prisoners were shot , six people were wounded, six people were maimed, burned alive, among civilians 80 people were raped, about nine girls and women were raped, abducted in german slavery, 21 people, 13 people were blown up in minefields, 400 died from bombings... 53 people and several more people suffered in other abuses. facts about nazi atrocities on the territory of the kalinin region are still being investigated by the investigative committee of the russian federation. a crime without a statute of limitations is being investigated under article 357 of the criminal code. genocide. over the past period of 2023, the investigative department has already interrogated more than 170 persons,
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respectively, who provide information about committing crimes against civilians, but in most cases , of course, we are faced with crimes, including those of a mass nature, that were veiled, that is, citizens were taken - to forests, to swampy areas, to those places where, accordingly ... there were no witnesses, and punitive actions were already carried out against them, therefore, in this case, it is naturally much more difficult for us to establish the place and circumstances of these crimes. and here it is there were old warehouses, they were made from local bricks, there were workshops, they raised livestock, they grew vegetables, grain, barley, rye, wheat, and oats. the psychiatric hospital in the village of burashevo was founded at the
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end of the 19th century by the outstanding doctor mikhail litvinov. the institution was considered advanced in russia. one of the progressive methods of treatment was occupational therapy. of the pre-war buildings, only the wooden pharmacy building miraculously survived. the rest of the germans blew up. it is known that according to one information they blew up eight buildings. they set up a casino there, the medical buildings were badly damaged, a stable was located in one of the buildings, an uncontrollable fire started in another building, which quickly led to the collapse of the load-bearing structures, so it was a very sad sight after the war. the nazis appeared in burashev in mid-november 1941, by which time some of the staff and patients had been evacuated from the psychiatric hospital. the most, let
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's say, the most serious patients remained in the beds, those who, due to age and physical defects, could not to move, or due to the deep severity of mental disorders, so they served as this cannon fodder for the nazis. the nazis broke into the wards, threw patients out of beds, stabbed some, shot others, plundered the hospital's food supplies, leaving people without food. according to various sources, about 700 patients were killed during 3 weeks of occupation. before the germans began to kill the sick, they first offered to free the buildings; some of the sick were released, but there was nowhere to go anymore. cold season, many returned back. the murders
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were carried out with the help of chemicals, with the help of medicines, in super-high exorbitant doses, all of this was supervised by nazi doctors, and only a few perpetrators were selected from the local population. the head of the department, vladimir kurakin, has known about nazi atrocities in a psychiatric hospital since he was a child. the memory of these horrors is passed on from generation to generation. it was quite difficult to experience all this again, especially since there were still people alive who... directly through passed, who were not performers, but simply witnesses to this inhumane slaughter of our patients. in the proletarian district of the city of kalinino, the corpses of 607 people were found in three pits, the villainously tortured by the invaders. the corpses were thrown into the pit in a chaotic disorder. without observing
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basic burial rules. the skulls of 67 corpses were crushed and teeth knocked out. forty corpses have their hands tied to their backs with wire, twelve corpses have nooses around their necks, two female corpses have their mouths tied with scarves, most of the corpses are missing shoes. these and other criminal facts about the atrocities of nazi troops immediately after the liberation of the kalinin region were documented by counterintelligence officers. today the unique archives have been declassified. they didn't take anyone into account. laws of human morality, and the commanders of the fourth german army , together with their officers and soldiers, stole and killed red army soldiers and civilians, and on their orders, officers and soldiers of the german troops tortured, gouged out eyes, cut off ears, noses, killed women, children and the elderly. in the kalinin region, during the battles of the occupation
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more than 300 settlements were destroyed, including kalinin and stalin. red army soldiers died in prison camps created by the nazis in the region, almost 2,400 people were taken to forced labor in germany, thousands of people died at the hands of the occupiers. kalinin is the first regional center that was liberated in december 1941, i myself am a native of tver, all tver residents know that on the victory obelisk, which was installed in the sixties, a torch is lit twice a year, says the flame that visible from different parts of the city, this is may 9 - victory day, and december 16 is the day of the liberation
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of kalinin, from the kalinin region, this is a large region. uraga was fully known only in 1944. during this time, many families were separated by war. and after its end, the relatives tried to find each other, perhaps even turning to agna borto for help. before the war, it seems to me that we lived in a wooden house, in general, i don’t know. i think it was the mother. i don’t remember my father at all, i only remember that he came once, in military uniform, he brought cookies. i heard that one mother from belarus is looking for her daughter, allochka. i 'm sending a photo, maybe i look like someone they're looking for. there is a saying from one of the outstanding
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writers that how can i be happy if there is so much grief around me. it seems to me that my grief is, and... somehow, well, how to overcome it , yes, as it were, drown it out with these searches, because helping other people, that was always her priority, it’s you, that’s what i have left this is the only one where i’m an excellent student, in the sixth grade, as a teenager, i was sent to a technical school in the city of kostroma, where she remained to live and work, at the age of twenty, behind her... she already had numerous correspondence with the directors of all the orphanages where she was raised, with the archives of the ministry of defense, with the archives of the red cross, with various newspapers, where she asked everyone to help find her mother, her mother was a military shooter-birther and no one could help her, in search of galina chugunova’s relatives,
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the students of school 185 were able to find information about her mother marina’s brothers, one of them, cast iron, lived all his life in the tver region. local residents helped us and explained that ivan has a daughter, sveta, who lives in the tver region, spirova. svetlana told us and confirmed that ivan, her father, had a sister, marina, and marina also had a son, igor, with whom she came to see them very often ; svetlana saw igor very often. she also told us that in 1928... parents mikhail and his wife, parents nikolai, ivan and marina, died from a lightning strike; they were raised by their grandmother akulina and grandfather stepan. in march 2023, after 78 years, galina chugunova finally found a family. now we want
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to give you in a frame such, you know, a genealogical pedigree chart of your family, a chart of the rodunovs, and who do you think will hand it to you? your sister-in-law, sveta, specially came from the ter region to meet you. svetlana ivanovna, please. the students of konstantin timchenko do not lose hope of helping other children of war. plans to create a website with the archive of agnia barto with a special search algorithm. today they see this as their mission. there are also other interesting activities in my life, but finding people has a special place in my interests. and as long as i study, as long as i get an education at this school, i think that i will not abandon this business, it is important for me to maintain the connection between generations, if we lose this subtle connection between the past and the present,
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our memories will be lost story. investigators have their own mission. in zubtsovsky in the tver region , the burial of two people was found. the investigation found out: the nazis hanged these men for collaborating with partisans. this is one of the latest cases of employees of the investigative department of the tver region, who are investigating the crimes of the occupiers. this work continues today. any crime committed in relation to the life and health of citizens, especially in relation to the life and health of children, civilians, it should still be so, that is , the guilty persons, they must suffer legal punishment, and here there is no need to say that it was a war,
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that it was somehow justified, not a single deprivation of human life, in my opinion , can be justified, these crimes have no statute of limitations, because this is a crime against humanity, this is a violation of all rules , laws of customs of warfare.
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why are you looking at her all the time? why haven't you heard? the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended.
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who are you wandering musicians, we don’t have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible trumpet tour, this is mine group, hello, where have you been before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t do without deception, i’m behind you, they are palaces, tempting arches will never replace freedom, call the little bird , accepted, grab them, the fairy tale that was waiting for, a donkey, and a dog, a cat, cockerel, they called themselves remensky musician, premium musicians, i actually
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sing too, coming soon, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website, russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but. dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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there is a contact “results of the year” with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children. we open the doors of modern classrooms, we create new cultural spaces, and of course, we open new routes and points of attraction, discover the achievements our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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we look before everyone else, where is vasnetsov , let him go, vasnetsov, now in reality , you know, i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again, but what’s wrong, you have neither sleep nor rest, let’s sign up and look.
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hamas. brought in all the women and children who were hostages in the gas sector, this was stated by the deputy head of the movement’s politburo. according to him, the remaining prisoners are soldiers and men who previously served in the israeli army and there will be no negotiations on their release until the attacks on the israeli army stop. palestinian enclave. today, an air strike in the northern gaza strip killed more than 100 people. this was reported by aljazeera tv channel. according to him, the attack occurred on a building where civilians lived
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. but in turn. israeli minister of defense.


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