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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 3, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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as long as russia remains strong, it needs defenders. watch the second part of our program. cultural policy. what accents are you willing to spend money on? report of the minister to the state duma: rent a room by the sea, under what conditions will guest houses be able to operate? and support for creators, what does the creative industries bill promise? an inclusive estate, new shores, has appeared near pinza, they help people with disabilities realize their talents, draw without arms or dance in a wheelchair, projects with a wide range of interests, people come here people from all regions of the country, who and how can settle in a unique place, found out dinna ishmukhametova. with every stroke there are more bright colors, natalya
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shindina loves landscapes, her masterpieces are born in an unusual way, the artist has learned to masterly use a brush without hands, the diagnosis of cerebral palsy has deprived her of such an opportunity, i really need to develop my talent, but this is where they really help, i i have long wanted to have my own exhibition; from scratch in an open field near penza , in just a few years they built an inclusive an estate where people with different forms now live. from different parts of the country, i stayed at home until i was 30, helping with the kids, and then, then i realized that life wasn’t going on, and nothing was changing for me, so i decided to change my life. the stroller chair does not interfere at all with olga cheshoina learning to dance, practice vocals, voice korean comics, and knit amazingly soft blankets, despite the fact that her arms are paralyzed. each resident came here with his own. project yana
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emoldinova from ufa created her own a creative workshop where the custom artist now teaches others how to change space and clothes to suit their taste. i started customizing clothes 3 years ago, i didn’t bet on creativity at all that it would grow so much, but it’s a very popular product, so to speak. dj, arranger, musician, nikita spirin has dreamed of his own recording studio since he was 18 years old. now here on new shores, he has the opportunity to teach others the art of djing. the essence of the project is to give ... children the opportunity to develop themselves creativity to inspire people. a completely barrier-free environment has been created here. the main condition for becoming a resident of an inclusive estate is the implementation of an original, socially significant project, educational, creative sports. today we have a historical moment, because the novye berega art estate complex is 100% completed. 200 and 3 days have passed since the moleben was served in an open field for the construction of new banks. in 4
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years , six houses, five infrastructure facilities, currently home to 56 residents from 23 regions of the country, including new territories of russia. quite recently, six people with mental disabilities from a miners’ orphanage orphanage from the territory of the donetsk people’s republic, and four children in wheelchairs from the kherson region, settled in the art estate. i like it warm and cozy here. no, on the contrary, they are making plans for the future, soon victoria and denis are going to get married, it’s impossible to express this, we are very, very glad that we created such a project, that well, that there are people, for us who care, thanks to this project, yes, i got everything, and i got life, and here i started working for the first time, accessible environment, wonderful team, place of work,
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everything is super, the project is designed to become a federal platform for the development of modern inclusive practices in russia, such experience will be in demand in other regions of the country. denish mukhametov, dmitry volodin, maxim marin, anatoly volnikov, vesti penza. next , watch the continuation of the parliamentary hour program. the parliamentary hour program is on air, we we continue, the priorities of cultural policy were discussed at okhotny ryad this week; minister of culture olga lyubimova delivered a state report on the state of the industry to the deputies. about what kind of movie we will watch next year, who can become a participant in the intervision, and even about replacing turkish hammams with russian baths. in the report by elena zhelnina. you live alone,
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you’re angry at the whole world, did you think you ’d get away with it, don’t panic, that’s it, and then something appears with open eyes, which doesn’t have any rules, it’s just okay for him interesting, he is interested in everything, and its creators were able to gather the whole family in the cinema, and cheburashka successfully coped with this task, in 2023 the domestic comedy with a furry animal in the title role became the highest-grossing family russian film, if we take it on a larger scale, films of this genre bring almost... and a quarter of the total box office revenue for the year, the deputies are sure, indicators that should become a springboard for the domestic film industry, and even more so , there is a platform for a quick and powerful start in russia. what we see in the movies is television, we read in books , unfortunately, uh, rather an anti-family policy,
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look, we even have one cheburashka, with my grandmother, grandfather in the family, and not a large family, but seriously, how will the ministry of culture correct the situation in promoting traditional family values, one of the most important, expensive areas for us is family cinema, we have a lot of children's, big, good films ahead of us over the next year, there is practically no such direction in the ministry of culture, which did not specifically deal with family issues and the topic of large families. the parliamentarian discusses the development of the domestic film industry during olga lyubimova’s report, the minister talks about the implementation of the state cultural policy, the department has developed a new edition and strategy until 2030. expenditures of the consolidated budget to support culture are increasing from year to year. over the past decade they have increased more than 20 times. this dynamic clearly reflects not only our efforts, but first and foremost attitude to issues of state
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cultural policy on the part of the president and government. deputies expect to see a new approach to assessing and implementing the entire program in the country next year. increase the status of the report. they proposed the minister of culture of russia more than once before the state report, the chairman of the committee on culture, elena yampolskaya, recalled this. national culture is a whole system of interdepartmental, interlevel and interregional connections, and we expect in the next state report that this entire system to see how effective it is, how efficient it is, whether there are any contradictions vertically or horizontally, so that together we can find effective ways of these... we discussed the pushkin card, several proposals from deputies were made about the program: it can be issued large families and primary school students. now russians from 14 to 22 years old can buy tickets to a cultural event using a card. communist nikolai ivanov noted
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the importance of the project. the pushkin card introduced by the ministry of culture opened the doors museums and galleries for a huge number of young people, introducing them to culture. the state duma called for more attention to be paid to a special military operation; the first film about the north military district, called witness, went almost unnoticed in russia, but even if successful, this topic should not be limited to cinema halls. we must show our achievements on all possible platforms. well , let's make an exhibition of damaged nato and any other equipment on red square, well , people will come from all over the world to watch, everyone is there samples, the most modern ones fight against us , and we beat them, cultural policy influences the processes in society and reflects changes in it as accurately as possible,
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the relevant committee noted, the cultural elite of the country has changed since the beginning of the war, today there are hundreds of our colleagues, cultural figures at the front really. work, these are not only artists who perform and sing, these are also writers, artists who today go to the front and draw portraits of our today's heroes. deputy oleg leonov recalled the initiative to transfer the powers to regulate policy in the field of television and literature from the ministry of digital affairs to the ministry of culture, he also outlined the no less pressing issue of renting certificates for films. we need to do this. control what is played in our cinemas and issue rental licenses, they talked about museums, books, music, deputies are concerned about the topic of the recently announced intervision music competition, which should be
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a response to eurovision. olga lyubimova reassured her that the project would not be a simple copy of a european project; she would sing in russia, according to her according to him, they will call performers who share our spiritual values. values, when 100% everywhere, today it sounds, it’s only western music, not the content, neither, nor any other, well... not representing any virgin value, then that’s the question. most tourism services have a cultural basis. in many countries around the world, infrastructure is being built on it, and it is no coincidence that a proposal comes from the audience to come up with a face for our tourism so that it becomes more attractive. how do you feel about working with your ministry ? begin to develop standards for russian hospitality, provision of services, to the point that instead of, say , turkish hammams, there will be russian baths in hotels... designing so that, along with english breakfasts, there will also be representatives of russian national
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gastroculture at the breakfasts. of course, we are ready, and we are all very happy, and federal museums and federal theaters are coming up with separate programs, because we see how the tourist flow is increasing, we see that tourists are coming, already watched and strict, like supporting culture in the state duma was discussed even before the presentation of the report; the minister met with faction deputies. 2024, all points of the national project of culture, recreation centers, libraries, children's centers in museums, cinemas are dedicated to him, we return here and see that family films have really found their audience. this year , four projects for children and family audiences and one unique author's animation received financial support from the cinema fund; an additional selection is now underway... based on the results of which the fund will work on more several pictures
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, what to do on the first day of the new year, many russian families have already decided, troubodour get off the roof, otherwise you will fall, your song can change the world for the better, promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise, elena zhelnina , sergey gordeev, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, duma tv parliamentary hour. deputies continue to analyze the situation with the sale of vapes, including to children. there are many violations of the law regarding the open display of products and trade near schools - the head of the duma said committee on youth policy artyom metelev. according to rospotrebnadzor , almost 30,000 events were held. in nine out of ten cases, violations of the rules for the sale of electronic cigarettes were detected. the youth parliament will conduct nationwide monitoring of the implementation of the law banning the sale of vapes to children. it is necessary to attract active young people to this work, regardless of party affiliation,
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the state duma speaker noted. it is correct to involve all youth organizations of our parliamentary factions, all political forces, represented in the state duma and not only, they will be involved in the country’s development agenda and protect its interests. anyone who has ever planned a vacation in russia has probably encountered an offer to rent a private house or room from local residents. most often... it costs less than a sanatorium or a hotel, and the supply is growing, but according to the law , hotel services cannot be provided in individual residential buildings, and since this is illegal, then the rights of tourists are not protected in any way, in order to change the situation, deputies proposed to carry out experiment, legalize guest houses on the black sea coast. alexander shavrinin figured out under what conditions some would be able to work calmly, while others would be able to relax. for the owner of a guest house in sochi, nikitava, a solution. thought was a relief: a man is just planning to open a business; doing this in the legal field
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will be much easier and more profitable. this year they began to squeeze very hard on the part of utilities, that is, guest houses are forcibly transferred, that is , without notifying the owner, to commercial tariffs, although people also live in the house, then there are on a permanent basis, that is, people live and work in them; after the law comes into force, there will be no commercial... tariffs for registered guest houses, parliamentarians assured. i think this is completely illegal, especially since some resource providers have not been able to transfer, for example, gas workers, guest houses to commercial tariffs, so we need to return to the usual scheme, and let our colleagues together ensure that municipalities implement this practice canceled, it is completely illegal, since it is izh, then people should pay as citizens, owners will also be able to advertise their houses and count... on government support measures, bringing them into the legal field will solve another problem, in conflicts between tourists and
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owners, it began to manifest itself especially clearly after the influx of anti-russian sanctions, when citizens began choose domestic resorts more often. problems arise, that is, the basic rules of the hostel are not followed, and sometimes unsanitary conditions are created, but unfortunately, sometimes there is criminality in the relationship with... the owner of the relevant house, and those who vacation in this house, therefore it is necessary to regulate the process, this opinion is supported by russians, muscovites who live in hotels and... have always preferred guest houses to hotels. the girl spends every summer vacation in crimea and wants to feel comfortable there. i would probably be interested if this law also advertised certain requirements for what this guest house should be like, maybe as some kind of rating, maybe of these houses, but not from the standpoint of what is there good, not good, from the point of view of reliability, that yes, you really booked, you arrived, you received a service of proper quality,
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as you imagined it. at the same time, the business will not suffer, the deputies emphasized, there will be no unnecessary checks by various... authorities, as well as excessive requirements for the condition of the premises. the simplest standards of a hotel without stars will be applied to guest houses, with an area of ​​no more than a thousand square meters and no more than fifteen rooms. an important point, the owner must be registered in this house or in other housing on the same site. of course , regulation and the introduction of rules in this area is necessary, but this must be done very carefully, so that, in general , those for whom this is a source of income, but also those who consume these tourist services, do not suffer. deputies supported the concept of the bill. it is planned that the experiment will begin in april next year and will last until the end of 2026. it will affect three subjects: sevastopol, crimea and krasnodar territory. alexander shavirin, maria burkova, andrey tarasov, nikita kharaskin, yulia borodina, anna merikyan, elena bogdan. duma tv. parliamentary hour.
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crypto account mechanisms, when the developer can receive money from real estate buyers. only after the commissioning of the object from 2019 it protects shareholders of new apartment buildings. by order of the president, this useful system can be extended to the construction of private houses, according to special standard projects, or using house kits made from domestic building materials. the bill was adopted in the first reading. how this initiative will protect people in exclusive deputy chairman of the committee on construction and housing and public utilities svetlana razvorotieva gave an interview to our program. spark accounting. firstly, this is not a mandatory norm for those who build izh, yes, this is the norm, as if at the choice of the contractor, by agreement of the parties, but if a person wants to protect himself, he can agree with the contractor on this form, and it is necessary, of course , here, well
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, the law seems to require full transparency, that is, such a contractor who... money based on the crow accounts, he must register there in the unified state system of housing construction and full information about it and about the object should be disclosed there, but about the contractor, of course, it is important there that he is not in bankruptcy, there were no penalties against him before, that is, such maximum transparency of the picture , which should probably attract many consumers, but why was there a need to implement such a measure at all, that is, in this sector in the izh sector there is also a lot of deception, why even president vladimirovich putin ordered to work on this question. unfortunately, this is so, if we say there, we drive in the vicinity of moscow, we will see a huge number of abandoned cottage villages, villages for which citizens paid, but in which the developers
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went bankrupt and unfortunately did not fulfill their obligations, how will the adopted bill help, people they will, of course, feel more protected, at least they will be sure that before the building, and this building, is put into operation, until they accept it, yes, this money will not go anywhere in extreme cases, they can, well, just be returned to creativity, the road and state support, the bill on creative industries passed the first reading. dmitry oreshkin will tell you what it is and how he plans to increase the country’s gdp at the expense of creators. sergei smirnov has been involved in industrial design since the nineties. he began to take his first steps in the profession while still a student.
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industrial design is such an interesting cross-industry activity when a specialist tries to create a competitive opportunity. a beautiful object, but which will be effective from the point from the engineering point of view of all ideas, from the marketing point of view. today, he has already hundreds of successful projects, ranging from water filters, which are found in almost every home, to medical robotics, and there are many such creative examples in russia; our people have enormous creative potential, they need to be helped to develop it. today, in most developed countries, the share of the creative economy in total gdp reaches eight, or even nine. in our country these figures are three to four times lower, therefore it is necessary remove barriers, cut off everything unnecessary for the development of this area. there are about 20 laws in russia now. which regulate the activities of creative industries, and at least 10 different departments. we define a single responsible executive body with the responsibility
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of introducing an information register on creative industries entities; in our understanding, this is the ministry of economic development, and this is a principled position. in addition, the law proposes to consolidate the concept of the creative industry, as well as their types. it can be areas related to the use of historical and cultural heritage, to which another type of creative industries includes choreographic, musical, literary works, photography, and of course, fine arts, where without it, this bill will allow just such professions to be brought to the fore , writers, artists, cultural figures in the broad sense of the word, it is aimed at our future at... at showing the interest of our youth in modern professions. the third type of creative industries is associated with the use information and telecommunications technologies, data processing,
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software development, video game creation, advertising, publishing, and media activities. it is the designer, it is the artist, it is the creator who begins to determine what we will ultimately buy and what we will use. accordingly, it seems to me that this idea is growing, and the state is converting. the fourth type of creative industries is applied creativity, this is the production of clothing, accessories, scenographic art, as well as design, architecture and deli. tell me, what in the current legislation hinders the development of the creative industry, what exactly will the adoption of this bill help the situation with, today , often, many of them are not even defined, with the adoption of this stable legal structure, we will be able to provide quite significant assistance at various levels to representatives creative industries, after the government determines a priority list of creative industries,
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regions will be able to select the most significant and important areas for themselves. development processes creative industries are going in the regions in a variety of directions and of course, there should be the possibility of regulation; there should be the possibility of state control, if you want, there should also be oversight. the creative economy is fast. the sphere will only gain momentum, in this case it is important that these relations become more transparent, more understandable, the creative industry is a powerful tool that is successfully used by many countries, including as soft power, for example, fashion, cinema , games, by developing these areas we can promote your values, culture and achievements, both in domestic and foreign markets. on friday, the bill was discussed during parliamentary hearings, in which the authors and market representatives took part. dmitry oreshkin, andrey tarasov, anna melikyan, sergey vergunov, duma tv,
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parliamentary hour. the best that creative people from different fields have already done in russia can be seen at the international exhibition forum russia. it is currently taking place at vdnkh in moscow. what did state duma deputies pay attention to there? in the report. 89 regions, ministries, companies and state corporations, in total more than 130 expositions from all corners of our vast country. here are the main achievements of russia on one site; more than 500 excursions are held at the exhibition every day. vyacheslav volodin, vice-speakers of the state duma, leaders of factions and heads of specialized ones. committees got acquainted with the best modern technological developments, scientific discoveries and key achievements in the industrial, social, sports and cultural spheres of the country. you know,
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being here, you especially feel that has been done in recent years, as the president says, that a country whose leadership thinks about people, sovereignty, and development is achieving amazing results. today there is not a single region of russia where there has not been significant progress for the better. this is the basis for us not only to strengthen our sovereignty, but also to enter the top five most developed states. neither russophobic western sentiments, nor aggressive sanctions policies are an obstacle to russia’s development, the deputies noted. and the exhibition is a clear confirmation of this. this exhibition. about how wide and vast our country is and what kind of people live in it, it is very important when, in the moment, we see all the achievements, we sometimes forget that, what
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how... there are a lot of interesting things in russia and most importantly not just over the past year, and over the past decades, how our country has changed. parliamentarians noted the importance of the exhibition for the patriotic education of the younger generation. all faction leaders emphasized that it is very important to show this exhibition to children and youth so that they become proud of the country where grow. the main vips, the vips at this exhibition are the children, those who watch it. absorb, learn to understand that russia is a special power being formed today in these years of new world architecture. the technological discoveries of russia in the pavilions are combined with the traditions of the peoples of the country and its natural resources. here are the perm robot, kalmyt outfits, and sakhalin volcanic sand. when a volcano erupts and magma rises from the depths of the earth and descends the slope
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falls into the sea, beats for a long time and is thrown onto the coast , such beautiful sand appears on the shore, you can touch it, it has magnetic properties, and is a natural phenomenon, and the most important thing that i thought was that i would definitely bring my family here i will definitely bring my grandchildren, because it will be very interesting for them and i believe that our younger generation should know as much as possible about our great country. alexander shavririn, nikita kharaskin, sergey gordeev, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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i’ve been working towards this all my life, we expect to do it in 10 days, it will be a record, cut, on the verge of possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, higher, don’t rise, you’ll just fall like a stone , with the speed of the wind, it’s a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, it’s like it’s chasing you.
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what do you want? lord of the wind.
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snowfall, blizzards, gusty winds, the capital region attacked


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