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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 3, 2023 5:30pm-5:58pm MSK

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he was left an orphan, but survived forever, keeping the horror he suffered in his heart. how many other children found themselves alone during the war, separated from their families. in the photo, agnya lvovna with her son, his name was igor, but at home everyone called him garik, in 1945, when the family had already returned from evacuation, he went for a bike ride, next to stomoshinsky lane, where the poetess’ family lived, and was hit to death by a truck, the boy died on the spot. for a month and a half, according to the recollections of her relatives, she considered herself guilty of her son’s death; her work saved her. in 1946 year she ended up in an orphanage, which was located in the city of zrenniygorod, in which 30 brothers and sisters gathered, children who had just been lost during... the great
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patriotic war. she wrote a poem, which was called “zvenigorod”. and it is with this story that the story of the search for children begins. after publication from venigorod , the barto was written by a woman from karaganda. sofia gudeva asked to find her daughter. eight-year-old nina was lost during the war. agnya lvovna took this girl’s gray horses and carried them to police. and after an eight-month search, nina was found. she was already 18 years old at that time, and thanks to agna lvovny, this meeting took place. after this incident, agnie and barto began writing from all over the country, tens of thousands of people looking for their relatives saw the last hope in the children's poetess. i really remember that many people from other republics of the soviet union, many from rural areas, who had never been to moscow , they had no one in moscow. from close
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people, except for agne lvovna, they came very often, and some of them sometimes didn’t even have money it was for a hotel, so they spent the night at agniyalovo, and then all together the next day they went to meet with the found relatives. over the 9 years of the program’s existence , agna lvovna managed to reunite 927 families. but what happened to tens of thousands of other people, help whom. art, we look there, what we can work with, this is the name, address, maybe some special signs, this will play a big role for us in trying to find the person. ninth-grader stanislav kazhemyakin and his classmates free time conducted in the archives, students of konstantin timchenko, half a century later, are trying to continue the work of bart’s lights. they searched, but then there was no
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internet, you yourself understand, and if the answer is negative, then wait another month for another request, wait for an answer, this is of course a minus, but now it’s the other way around, the minus is that almost everyone, unfortunately, died, every time we come across the trace of some family, he died, he died, he died, the relatives sold the apartment, well , they left in an unknown direction, that is, the address in the letter is no longer relevant, blood clots, varicose veins. these health problems can be caused by bad blood vessels. the drug angionorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionorm - keep blood vessels normal. so what's there? magic cashback. with a gazprom bank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. order lanterns. from 249
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timchenko’s team unexpectedly discovered that the guys found a letter from her mother. it turns out that marie wrote a letter about gniborto, asking her to find her daughter, galina, etc. also asking to find her mother. marina chugunova died in 1980 without seeing her daughter. the guys managed to find her grave at the meeting cemetery in moscow. later they found information about her two brothers. one of whom, ivan chugunov , was in his native place during the occupation. in the occupied villages, the nazis terrorized the local population , engaged in robberies and robberies, it is difficult to imagine the values ​​of the collective farmers, what they could have been, and there are icons, it’s easy to simply make
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windings for the german soldier who is walking here, and sometimes these blankets were simply thrown away, just in order to have fun, many people they died from frostbite, from hunger, from disease. one young man refused to water a nazi’s horse, he brutally killed him , inflicted several dozen stab wounds there, another refused to give his boots to the german, he killed him, they set fire to the house, the man tried to pull out some things from there, at least save something , he was shot, the principles that german soldiers were supposed to follow were enshrined in several orders. one of these was, for example, discovered in the archives of the gestapo, which was captured by soviet troops after the lifting of the occupation of the city kalinin, it was called an order on the conduct of troops in the east, and there we find a tiered wooden church of the nativity of john
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the baptist in the village of shirkovo, a unique monument to russian architecture, a temple built without a single nail for almost 400 years, over these centuries the church has seen a lot, but the time of the german occupation wrote , perhaps, the most tragic pages in its history; as is known, at various times up to 500 civilians were kept, they were given bread once a day, they were deprived of drink and food very often, among the prisoners was a soviet prisoner of war nikolai fokin, unfortunately, we have one like this. he was taken prisoner , interrogated for a long time, tortured, he miraculously succeeded, he escaped along the way, went to the active army, nikolai fokin was one of the participants in the partisan movement in the penovsky
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region, anti-fascist resistance in this territory began to operate immediately after the invaders appeared here in the fall of the forties. they defended our village for a very long time, but then there was an order to retreat and units of the 249th infantry. retreated from our village, here as they said , it was very difficult to look the local residents in the eyes, because people understood that they were left at the mercy of the fascists, this was the most difficult time, more than twenty partisan detachments operated on the territory of the penovsky district of the kalinin region, they organized sabotage, took out damage to enemy equipment. collected intelligence information about the enemy and distributed leaflets. in our region
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, the partisan movement is interesting because all the units were very mobile, they were located from - parts of the nazis, somewhere at a distance of at least 20 km. this is a very short distance, so every minute such detachments could be discovered by the enemy.... destroyed, underground fighters, mostly teenagers, worked next to the partisans, they told how my mother’s sister died, she went on reconnaissance, she was sent and the germans hanged her under a hill , she was mutilated , buried, only buried with snow, because there was a lot of snow, volodya pavlov was filming and came to his mother and told him that alla had died, seventeen years old... komsomol member, volodya pavlov, a resident of the village of peno, was a scout.
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since the autumn of '41, he and his partner , eighteen-year-old zina galitsina, had been collecting intelligence for the headquarters of the twenty-second army. they had to walk on the roads. on december 29 , 1941, the guys went on their next mission. on the way they were stopped by a german patrol. this was supposed to be a routine document check, but i found it. who betrayed the young intelligence officers, these two young people were arrested, they began to interrogate them, then they moved on to torture, they were brutally tortured to such an extent that then their parents could not even in appearance identify their children, and they drove needles under their nails, carved stars on their chests, but they remained silent, without saying anything, this was done to intimidate the population, so that there would be no... contacts with the partisans, first of all, the partisan movement is absolutely terrible force for the german
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command, they did everything to neutralize this partisan movement, there was an order, they shot on the spot for moving from one village to another, local residents helped the partisans and underground fighters as best they could, the archives preserve the memory of their heroism, you can to say about a native of the village of zalesie, nikita... aleksandrovich aleksandrov, who repeated the feat of ivan susanin. he led about 300 fascists into the depths of the forest. in our area the southern border of the taiga passes; if you get lost here, you may not get out of these places. the nazis forced them to take this peasant through impenetrable forests in the direction of kostashkov. he only brought them to the village of lyushnya. led directly to our active units, that is, the fascists were all destroyed, and alexandrov
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was stabbed to death. the village of peno became the first regional center to be liberated by units of the 249th infantry division of the fourth shock army during the toropetsko-kholm operation. the nazis abandoned him. january 1942 , when they fled, they literally wiped the village off the face of the earth. my grandmother, when she returned to the village of peno after the evacuation, she didn’t recognize it, many houses were blown up because there were bombings, you can imagine how foamy it was, i remember very much ok, these are black pillars, when we arrived at our house, everything was looted before me. in forty-four year, a specially created commission in
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the penovsky district created a special act . based on the results of this act, we can testify to the following: that in the penovsky district 63 civilians were shot, five civilians and red army soldiers were hanged, 30 captured red army soldiers were shot, six were wounded and crippled people, burned alive - 80 people among civilians, about nine girls and women were raped , 21 people were taken into german slavery, 13 were blown up in minefields, people died from bombing 453 people in other abuses , several more people were injured. facts on article 57 of the criminal code. genocide. over the past period of 2023, the investigative
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department has already interrogated more than 170 persons, respectively, who provide information. about the commission of crimes against peaceful citizens, but in most cases , of course, we are faced with crimes , including those of a mass nature, which were veiled, that is, massifs in swampy areas, in places where, accordingly , there were no witnesses, and there against them punitive actions have already been carried out, so in this case it is naturally much more difficult for us to establish the location and circumstances of these crimes. and here there were old warehouses, they were made of local bricks, there were workshops, they raised livestock, they grew vegetables, grain, barley, rye, wheat, oats. the psychiatric hospital in the village of burashevo was founded at the end of the 19th century
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by the outstanding doctor mikhail litvinov. the institution was considered advanced in russia. one of the progressive treatment methods was occupational therapy: of the pre-war buildings , only the wooden pharmacy building miraculously survived; the rest were blown up by the germans. it is known that , according to some sources, they blew up eight buildings , according to other sources, five buildings, yes, in one publication they set up a casino there, the medical buildings were badly damaged, a stable was located in one of the buildings, in another building the management began... the nazis appeared in burashev in mid-november 1941. by that time , some of the staff and patients had been evacuated from the psychiatric hospital. on the most, let's say,
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patients remained in beds, those who, due to age, physical defects. or due to the deep severity of mental disorders, they served as cannon fodder for the nazis. the nazis broke into the wards , threw patients out of beds , stabbed some with bayonets, shot others, plundered the hospital's food supplies, leaving people without food, according to various sources, three weeks before the already cold season, many returned back. murders were carried out using chemical means using drugs, in super-high exorbitant doses, all this was supervised by nazi doctors, and from the local one.
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the head of the department, vladimir kurakin, has known the textbook since childhood. the memory of these horrors is passed on from generation to generation. it was quite difficult to experience all this again, especially since there were still alive people who had directly gone through it, who were not perpetrators, but simply witnesses to this inhumane massacre of our patients. in the proletarian area of ​​the city. kalinin , the corpses of 67 people were found in three pits, villainous tortured by the occupiers. the corpses were thrown into the pit in chaotic disorder, without observing basic burial rules. the skulls of 67 corpses were crushed and teeth knocked out. 42 corpses of the hand of the light corpses are missing shoes. these and other criminal facts about
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the atrocities of hitler’s troops immediately after the liberation of the kalinin region were documented by employees. intelligence, today unique archives have been declassified, they did not take into account any laws of human morality, and the commanders of the fourth german army, together with their officers and soldiers they killed red army soldiers and civilians, and on their orders, officers and soldiers of the german troops tortured them, gouged out their eyes, cut off their ears and noses, and killed women and children of the starks. in the kalinin region, during the occupation battles, more than 300 settlements were destroyed, including kalinin and the torzhok oxbow. more than 1,700 red army soldiers died in prison camps created by the nazis in the region. almost 24,000 people were taken to forced labor in
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germany, thousands of people died at the hands of the occupiers. kalinin is a regional center the first one to be released. december 16 , 1940 tver and, all tver residents know that on the obelisk of victory, which... was installed in the sixties, twice a year a torch is lit, says the flame, which is visible from different parts of the city, this is may 9, victory day and 16 december, the day of the liberation of kalinin, from the kalinin region, this is a large region, the enemy was fully known only in forty-four. during this time, many families... found themselves separated by the war, and after its end, relatives tried to find each other, perhaps even treated a request for help to agna and barto, before the war
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, it seems to me, we lived in a wooden house, in general i don’t know, it seems to me it was my mother, i don’t remember my father at all, i only remember that he came alone one day once i brought cookies to the military, in uniform, i heard that one mother from belarus is looking for her daughter, allochka, i ’m sending a photo, maybe i look like one of those who are wanted, there is a statement from one of the outstanding co-writers that how i can be happy if there is so much grief around, so it seems to me that agnia somehow expressed his grief, how to win, yes, how to drown out with these. because helping other people has always been her priority, it’s you, all i have left is this, where i’m
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an excellent student in the sixth grade, as a teenager i was sent to a technical school in the city of kostroma, where she stayed to live and work, at the age of twenty, behind ugali’s back there was already numerous correspondence with the directors of all the orphanages where she was brought up, with the archives of the ministry of defense, with the archives... she asked everyone to help find her mother, her mother was a military shooter-birther and no one could help her. in search of galina chugunova's relatives, students of school 185 were able to find information about the brothers of her mother marina. one of them, ivan chugunov , lived all his life in the tver region. local residents helped us explain that ivana has a daughter , sveta, who lives, she told us and confirmed that ivan, her father, had a sister, marina, marina also had a son, igor, with whom she very often came to see them . svetlana very often saw igor,
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she also told us that in 1928 , mikhail’s parents and his wife, nikolai’s parents, ivan and marina, and they died from a lightning strike and were raised by their grandmother akulina and grandfather stepan. after 78 years, galina chugunova, finally. i have found a family, we now want to give you in a frame such, you know, a genealogical pedigree diagram of your family, a diagram of the rodunovs, and who do you think will give it to us, your sister-in-law, sveta , specially came from the tersk region to meet you , svetlana ivanovna, please help other children of war, in plans to create a website with the archive of agnia barto, with a special algorithm search, today they see this as their mission. there are also other interesting activities in my life, but finding people takes a special
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place in my interests. as long as i study, as long as i get an education at this school, i think that i will not abandon this business, it is important for me to maintain the present, lost our memories will be our history. investigators have their own mission. the burials of two people were found in the zubtsovsky district of the tver region. the investigation found that these men were responsible for collaborating with partisans the nazis hanged him. this is one of the latest cases of employees of the investigative department of the tver region, who are investigating the crimes of the occupiers. this work continues today. any. crimes committed in relation to the life and health of citizens, especially in relation to the life and health of children and civilians, it should still be investigated, so to speak.
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revealed, that is, the guilty persons must suffer legal punishment, justified, not a single deprivation of human life, in my opinion , can be justified. these crimes are not have a statute of limitations, because this is a crime against humanity, this is a violation of all the rules, laws and customs of warfare.
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