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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 3, 2023 10:30pm-10:58pm MSK

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the american made a terrible mistake , starting in 2008, they constantly provoked, provoked, provoked russia, announced that nato was going east, that ukraine was part of the western world, that it would be in nato, and that there would be missiles and crimea there will be them, the american fleet will be stationed in sevastopol, but they were provoked, and today jeffrey sachs says that what is needed is not negotiations, no, but what is needed is a call from biden , the us president, to our president, vladimir putin, that the us was wrong, and nato it won't go any further, that's what it sounds like, of course fantastic, but on the other hand, jeffrey sachs says that this will help break the impasse in which the current situation in the world has reached.
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i think this war goes back to the time of nato expansion, which the us started in the mid-nineties, when the soviet union was already ending its existence, the us promised president gorbachev that nato would not expand more than an inch to the east, and the idea was that to ensure peace and that there will be normal relations between the us and the soviet union, or between the us and russia after december 1991, but as soon as the soviet union collapsed, american political strategists began planning the expansion of nato. they deceived russia, it was the opposite of what they promised. initially, nato’s goal was to protect europe from the ussr, but by that time the soviet union no longer existed. when hungary
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, poland, and the czech republic joined nato, the russian leadership was not happy about this, but this did not cause him much concern, because it was somewhere far away, but in 2004, george w. bush expanded nato by another seven countries, estonia, latvia, lithuania, romania, bulgaria, slovakia and slovenia. and then the russians said, wait a second, you said you wouldn't move an inch during the munich conference. in 2007, putin said that you deceived us, you said that you will not expand nato, but you continue to expand, stop, in 2008 , george w. bush said: “no, no, nato will expand.” and we will take ukraine and georgia into our composition. i would like to thank these wonderful people from eastern europe, with whom i recently met. welcome, thank you for being an example, thank you. for your courage, your
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dedication. the democratic wave appeared here 15 years ago, today it has reached georgia and ukraine. one day the call of freedom will be heard by every mind, every soul, one day the wind of freedom will reach every people, every nation. this was a very provocative statement, because the result of russia was that ukraine, romania, bulgaria, georgia and turkey, and yanukovych in ukraine said that we want just to be a neutral country, we don’t want to be part of nato, then in february 2014, president yanukovych was overthrown with the help of the united states. i think the war will end
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the day biden picks up the phone and calls president putin and says: nato will not expand, it was a bad idea, we are stopping, we need to find a way for ukraine to survive, nato will not expand, we have many topics to discuss, including nuclear weapons and other issues, this is how the war could end. i continue to suggest that washington end this war. so that they can pick up the phone and call, because as long as it continues, ukraine is suffering greatly, and everyone is suffering, russia is suffering, the whole world is suffering, but the united states can stop this, it seems to me, right today, by recognizing that the whole idea of ​​expansion , was not necessary, i think the war could end quickly if the us accepted that it was not going to expand nato and talked seriously with russia on the issues.
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i think i'm not the only one who talks a lot about this, my fellow scientist john mearsheimer has said for many years that the us did a lot to provoke. didn’t want to hear anything, because washington was sure that russia would be defeated. this struck me as a very strange and stupid idea, because, as you know, under current circumstances, russia cannot be defeated in this war. but washington didn't want to hear it. now that they see that the situation has become so dire, ukraine. washington simply does not know what to do, in the white house, they are trying to find some formula under which he will not admit that he made a mistake, but i don’t care whether he admits it or not, it is important that until now official washington does not
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pay any attention to the central issue of nato expansion and security, because of this there is no realistic view of things... he resists primarily because of the presidential elections that will be next year, but this is a dangerous policy in this situation, when so many people are dying in ukraine every day, russia will not tolerate further expansion of nato. will not defeat russia and we need to find some other one way. and every day i suggest how to find a path to peace. perhaps one day they will accept it, and better, faster, because the current war in the middle east is driving us foreign policy into an even greater crisis.
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this is an issue that is being discussed in washington now. there are a lot of politicians, especially in the republican party, who say stop spending money on ukraine, that the budget is in big deficit, we can’t afford it, it’s not our priority, we must stop this funding, and of course, the biden white house continues to ask congress for more money every day, and many congressmen receive campaign funds from the military-industrial complex, almost every congressman in his congressional district, there is no need to spend additional tens and hundreds of billions of dollars on something that does not work for something that doesn’t make sense, whether
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politicians will listen to this is a big question, and whether lobbyists from the military-industrial complex or the white house are holding it up is still unclear, but there is no doubt that funding. but this must be done end, this war should not last forever, almost 50 years ago, that under this condition politicians will be favorable to them, because they can tell every congressman: there are jobs in your district that depend on our company, this was done intentionally, this is already ongoing. when american president biden gave a speech to the american people a few weeks ago, he said that we need another 100 billion dollars to support ukraine. here are some of the states where military production is located: arizona, texas, pennsylvania. biden named
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them, he tried to influence domestic politics in these states in this way. it’s unclear whether it worked or not; by and large , it won’t matter to the americans. in russia, this is very important, that’s the problem, but in the usa it doesn’t matter to people, for them this is a war waged by the top, not the bottom. yes, perhaps some people are trying to win something, but i don’t think it’s a lot of money, and that the ukrainians are saving money. neutrality is valued at tenths, do not drag us into your stupid war, and even in march 2022, zelsky said: we want
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to be neutral, we want to end this war. we are committed to a peaceful and diplomatic path, and we will follow him and only him. the americans told the ukrainians: no, keep fighting, keep fighting the russians, you need to weaken russia, you need to defeat them, and zelensky the ukrainian leadership. they made a terrible mistake by listening to the americans back then, because it led to a year and a half of suffering, casualties, economic and demographic collapse, and no success was achieved. when you talk with an american, with any american from any sphere, the conversation always comes about the dollar, one that today the dollar is losing its position, because it is no longer... an alternative to gold, but rather is an american weapon in the fight against countries
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that do not want to be satellites of the usa, their boasters, well, a vivid example of what is happening to us now, in our fight against this hegemon, he also said that paper money will eventually become a thing of the past, for example, in sweden there are no longer paper money, even in india, somewhere... in in the rural outback in the foothills of tibet, you can pay by phone, right by the road, buying there, say, chicken or turmeric, such an indian seasoning, but in europe now it is very difficult, for example, for russian tourists, everywhere they demand non-cash, gradually we are drawn into this shining future the digital world, by the way, maybe george orwell wrote about it in his immortal novel 1900 , the eighty-fourth year in this dystopia. in
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the first half of the 20th century, before the second world war, and even before the first world war, the pound sterling was the main international currency calculations. when international trade was conducted in sterling pounds, they were backed by gold, albeit weakly, and backed by the authority of the british empire itself. empire , then the first world war happened, then the great depression, the second world war, at the end of the second world war the usa was the country with the most developed economy in the world, by a huge margin from everyone else, their currency was the only one that was trusted, and it was the only solvent government, and the dollar became the new currency, the base currency for the world transfers, it was relatively backed by gold, there was a complex system of backing that... between 1945 and 1971, the dollar standard replaced
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the gold standard, but nevertheless, other governments could exchange american dollars for gold by the american government if they wanted, but in august 1971, the united states said: we no longer exchange gold for the dollar, from that moment only dollars began to exist, but the dollar was backed by the power of the united states and the ease of use of the american banking system in international trade. the strength of the dollar depended on two things: the strength of the american economy, which was the largest in the world, and the ease of using dollars for international payments, but both of these aspects have changed. now the us is no longer such a big economy compared to others. and secondly, it’s not so convenient to use dollars now. if you're in a country that doesn't get along very well with the us because the us confiscated $300 billion
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of russian funds, the us confiscated money from venezuela, iran, afghanistan, north korean money, so if you are not friends with the us, then do not use dollars, because the us can take it for itself, which is why now in some countries, especially in the brix countries, of which russia is a part, they have begun to create a foreign system. so that countries from which the us might confiscate money can safely transfer funds. i would like to suggest increasing the share of project financing in the weight of our currencies as an alternative in the international calculations of the world economy, but it would allow us to avoid additional cost risks when mutual settlements. i always tell my colleagues in washington: don't take money from others, they will stop using dollars. this is a bad idea for the usa, but there are a lot of arrogant people in washington, they believe that
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there is no alternative to the dollar, so they can do whatever the dollar exists, non-dollar payments should become a big part of the world economy in the next 10 years, the dollar is worth nothing in purchases, it can only be exchanged for other pieces of the same paper, but no real goods or services or seashells or gold or silver, there is nothing behind it, it is used only because people accept it. this is what we call fiat currency, it can be bought , there is a demand for it, it can be exchanged for goods, but it is not backed by anything, people use dollars only because other people accept them as payments, and until the united states will not print too many dollars, the dollar will retain its value, first, if it prints
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more money than there are goods, then of course the dollars will lose value, it will... this one of the reasons why the last couple of years there has been high inflation is because the central bank gave away a lot of dollars in twenty, twenty during the coronavirus pandemic, this led to inflation in twenty two , in twenty, the value of a currency depends on its supply to print too much money, there will be high inflation. from an economic point of view, peace is much better than war. and the idea that war is good for the economy is not true. the us wasted at least $5 trillion just by draining the pipe into afghanistan, iraq, syria, libya, all these wars, which the united states was stupid, only increased the us national debt. he is very tall now.
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the government owes about 100% of the national income and it continues. it is quite large, and the costs of war make up a large part of this debt, it weakens our economy, we would be in a much better situation if we spent money on peaceful consumption, on housing, on infrastructure, on the railways of good things that we can spend money, war is not a very good investment, of course it is may enrich some companies that produce weapons, but society does not get richer from the war. society is poorer because of it. the us debt has been growing since 2000, it started growing at 35% and rose to 100% of national income. and it keeps growing and growing - it's not a good situation. during almost all of this time, interest rates were very low. and now there is a high debt and a fairly high interest rate. and now the government
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is spending a fortune on paying off the interest on this debt. and this too in its own way. all the debts household debt, corporate debt, government debt, make the economy more fragile to shocks, unexpected increases in interest rates, to a large amount of debt, this can create serious problems, in the usa i constantly say that our budget deficit is a big problem, some of my colleagues they say don't worry, it pumps up the economy, creates demand, high employment , but i've been in... economic crises for over 40 years now, and i know that if you accumulate very large debt, as an individual or as a government, you will have many problems. in cryptocurrency, no, i don’t believe in it, i could be rich, but i didn’t buy it. i think that money should be regulated by the government, i think that the government
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should not confiscate money from people, they should allow people to use it properly. and i think there should be a government regulated monetary system, but regulated responsibly, so i think there will be digital currencies from central banks, which means we will be able to pay with our phones or some other gadgets, make very efficient payments in an efficient way , without much need for the banking system, paper money is not very convenient, it can be lost, it can burn, but of course, yes, they give anonymity, and anonymity can be good for illegal transactions, but many countries, even considering that some regions of india are very poor, very often you can pay with your phone, buying fruits on the roadside, everything is moving into the digital sphere, it is a more efficient and simpler system payments. that i don’t want to be rich, of course
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, i want to feel comfortable, but i don’t want to be rich, in order to be rich you need certain skills, you need to be lucky and you really have to want to become rich, that is, you have to bet money in the first place, this is a certain type of character, some people do not want to be rich, they just want to have everything they need to enjoy their life, conflicts do not bring... good to the world of peace, on the contrary, they incite chaos, which the united states wants to control, and the first secret is that the americans themselves are afraid of it and... elite, this is the reasoning of an economist from the united states, jeffrey sachs, about calling our president, it was the american method, see you.
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for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight. i am pushtun, an afghan, i, a russian soldier, have the honor. they look at this glow of ours. calmly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, well, no, we need to move on, the doula is leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want vain shadows.
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i’ve been working towards this all my life, we expect to do it in 10 days, this will be a record, rubbish.
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the edge of possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, don’t rise higher, you will just fall like a stone, a killer cyclone, he will but chase you, what do you want, master of the wind.
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