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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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pavel, there’s no way to cancel, artyom, it ’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, only for megaphone subscribers, order homeeclub lanterns from 249 rubles from lenta stores, sbermarket delivers the holiday. on monday in the kremlin, vladimir putin received the head of the btb bank, kostin. most of the meeting was spent discussing the activities of the united shipbuilding corporation usc. on october 9 , the president signed a decree transferring 100% of the state corporation’s shares to vtb bank for trust management for 5 years. about the work of the united shipbuilding corporation under the new leadership of slema zarev. two big events
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one day apart. in severodvinsk , the gigantic nuclear missile carrier arkhanelsk is being withdrawn from eling. this is the most modern multi-purpose submarine in the world. and in st. petersburg they raise the st. andrew's flag over mozhaisk, the fifth in a series of six ships that the admiralty shipyards are building for the pacific fleet. cheers cheers! its controllability, the accuracy of determining the location, that is, the location, the acoustics showed such data, yes, that is, such detection ranges that we are at old boats with their old lamp equipment, they could only dream about it, russia has been producing submarines of this project for 40 years, constantly modernizing them, this is
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a warsaw boat of a completely new generation, a high margin of safety and unsinkability, but the most important property is that these submarines can detect a target at a distance three to four times greater than the one at which the enemy can detect them, which is why nato formed them as black holes. how the united shipbuilding corporation fulfills state defense orders, president putin and the head of vttb kostin, discuss first . let's start with shipbuilding, how to master it. in general, it seems to me that the work in the corporation on state defense procurement can be considered satisfactory, there are of course shortcomings, there are in the work of corporations, in the work of allied partners, in the mechanism of relations with the ministry of defense, but we , together with the ministry of defense, with the active help and support of the ministry of industry, are carrying out the work, created such a road map, so i think that in general we will cope with this task, usc is essentially itself industry, more than fifty factories and design bureaus, over... 100,000
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employees. the troops build, repair, and maintain ships and vessels from the baltic to the pacific ocean, from the high northern latitudes to the black sea basin. the attention of the state and corporations is natural. 3 months since it was transferred to the trust management of vtb, now the first report to the president. in my opinion, a serious modernization of the industry will be required, and even in my opinion, the construction of new enterprises, new shipyards, we see at least two new shipyards: one, in in the northwestern region, somewhere in the st. petersburg region, leningrad region, the second in the far east, i am sure that in 5-7 years we will have a modern, efficient construction industry. yeah, great, i see that you immersed yourself there, i know about your movements around the factories, this is very good. andrey kostin managed to personally visit the largest oska enterprises. at sevmash, in the center of nuclear submarine shipbuilding, at the baltic plant, where they make...
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project 2220 colas, the largest, most powerful in the world, at the nizhny novgorod krasny sormovo, they are building there dry cargo ships and cruise ships, at the proletarian plant, in the zvezdochka ship repair center, in the field of civil shipbuilding, demand is outstripping supply to meet growing needs, kostin reports to putin, oska is not able to now, there is not enough capacity and technology, you have been engaged in shipbuilding not so long ago. and yet, you have already visited teams, worked, communicated, got acquainted, i see that in many industries we are acquiring new competencies, like shipbuilding? well, i think these processes are also underway, it’s just that we the level of enterprises is very different from enterprise to enterprise, i’m traveling here, there are enterprises with modern equipment, with technologies, there are enterprises with really outdated, still technologies, but in general, industry workers see that their work
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is in demand and that they are overloaded with work, they will not be left without work, new new technologies, encourage new technologies, to look for new solutions, yes, great, does russia need do... culs. according to forecasts, the volume of traffic along the northern sea route will increase sixfold in 6 years and reach 200 million per year. for such a quantity of cargo , a corresponding number of ships, large-capacity ships for transporting lng, and large oil tankers are required. for the russian river fleet alone , more than 500 vessels need to be built in the next 10 years. there is great demand for cruise ships and trawlers. the enterprise is currently loading at the admiralty shipyard. 100%, we have a lot of orders, main orders, the main vessels that we are building, we are currently working on a series of large refrigerated fishing trawlers, a supertrawler captain martynov will soon be handed over to the customer, he will
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work in the sea of ​​okhotsk in the berinnogoy, catching mint and selts. there is a fish processing factory in tryum, and there is also a search complex on board that can detect schools of fish in the sea. these are the most modern fishing vessels in the world. there are 10 of them in the series. there are many unique orders in usc’s portfolio. here is the floating nuclear power plant academician lamonosov. here is the ice-resistant north pole platform, thanks to which russia has revived the work of drifting stations in the arctic. and this is the platform near-fault for offshore oil production. all the more surprising is that the corporation, despite achievements and competencies that no one else in the world has, has been suffering for years. losses, the factories used antique machines that belong more likely in museums, now the situation has begun to improve, enterprises are purchasing new domestic equipment, local bank experts are drawing up plans for financial recovery, the task of achieving effective indicators, putting things in order in
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the management system, putin set for vtb. saley mazarev, oleg posobin, evgeniy kostin, irina kharlamova, vesti nedelya, north-west. on monday, at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and deputy prime ministers, the focus was on the health of children, they discussed support for children with serious illnesses, the government is carrying out systematic work to help children with chronic and rare illnesses, on behalf of the head of state, a fund for good was created, among its priority tasks is the organization, rehabilitation, purchase... of medical products, drugs, including foreign ones, not yet registered in russia. in 3 years more than 23,000 patients have already received support. today we will allocate over 33 billion rubles to expand the list of severe pathologies in a variety of profiles and
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purchase the necessary medications, as well as add new unique methods of therapy. in addition, the state will provide assistance to children with diabetes. diabetes of the first type, people with such a diagnosis must have all the necessary medications and medical products, and also instructed to analyze the situation of shortage of a number of devices in russian regions, and change this situation for the better. the government is supporting regions so that they can purchase a sufficient number of continuous glucose monitoring systems and provide them to children with type 1 diabetes. we will allocate over 1 billion rubles for these purposes for the current... this will be news for the week, later in the program. cane discipline and drill in the european union, where has the vaunted european
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democracy gone? has the era of realpolitik and heavyweights ended with the departure of henry kissenger? the russian museum of st. petersburg has a unique exhibition dedicated to the 175th anniversary. from vasily surikov and what family legends about nikita mikhalkov’s great-grandfather? the truce between israel and hamas in gaza , announced last week, has ended, and the exchange of prisoners has also stopped. the pause in fighting was broken on friday by a rocket attack from hamas. the israeli army immediately resumed bombing the gaza strip, hitting more than 400 targets in one day. in
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addition, according to aljazeera tv channel, israel began to storm palestinian settlements on the west bank of the jordan river. this is no longer the gas sector. meanwhile. the problem of extermination of civilians in the gas sector is perceived more and more sharply in the world. the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, even predicted a strategic defeat for israel because of this. in this type of fighting, the center of gravity is the civilian population, and if you drive them into the enemy's embrace, you will replace a tactical victory with a strategic defeat. about what is now in the zone of the arab-israeli conflict on both sides, evgeny poddubny and sergey pashkov. nadgaza again zarevo, again tsal bvs combat vehicles approach targets in the sector. fighter flight, only for the first day the resumption of hostilities , they flew out for combat 50 times. assignments: the army reported half a thousand targets hit, and now
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the attack is being carried out on the southern regions of the palestinian enclave, under fire from khanyunas. the day before , the military scattered leaflets calling on the civilian population to leave their homes and leave the city for safe areas. the army demonstrates the captured arsenal of militants; three dozen rockets were found in the un office for refugees in gaza, which were launched from this area at israelis. azhdod and ashkilon. simultaneously reconnaissance is actively searching for hostages. resuming the operation, the country's leadership announced that now the condition of the ceasefire would be the release of all israeli hostages remaining in the hands of the islamists. there are about 140 of them, civilian and military. the wall of hostages in tel aviv consists of portraits and photographs of children, women, men, and old people. whose eyes are turned towards the general staff building. where decisions are made on a ceasefire or resumption of a military operation, every
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person, this is a tragedy, this is a drama, for someone it ended with liberation and salvation , someone else hopes to see their loved ones here in israel, someone received a summons stating that their loved one is on the list of dead, from the last batch of freed hostages, alexander trufanov’s common-law wife, sapir cohen , who was kidnapped on october 7, returned home a beautiful smiling girl, alexander, a citizen of israel and russia , remains a prisoner in gaza. on tour saturday , father alexander vitaly was killed in kibutsi niros. the whole family was kidnapped, but just 2 days ago my mother and grandmother of alexandra, elena trufanova and irena tati. they were released with the active participation of russian diplomats. on top of the preliminary list of imps. my mother, me and my son,
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were taken hostage, now my mother and i are here, and we thank the russian government for this, they made great efforts to ensure that they dodged, i really hope that the russian government. elena and her mother are having a hard time with the misfortune that has befallen them, but their friends are always nearby. yes, they told her when she was released. and what is her was there a reaction? well, she told me that she still cannot, cannot understand this, that is, these are the first minutes, and i understand her. galina dugina knows the trufan family. natives of rostov have been around for a quarter of a century, she came to the hospital immediately when her friend was taken to
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israel. it turned out that while in captivity, elena and her mother irena knew nothing about each other. and they were in captivity in different places; they were united only before liberation. that is, all this time 50 something. they didn't know anything about each other. mom was in the hospital, they were elderly the women were kept in the hospital, i don’t know for what reason, but the younger ones were kept there, then, first there, she said that they were in some house, maybe a day, and then they were transferred to a dungeon in a tunnel, they were fed rather meagerly, what i realized was not always the same, that is, there were days when, uh, there were days when they might not have been fed at all, or they were given food and told to cook it yourself, the first person released on petition from moscow was ron crooked, until now hamas has not released freedom. men, this was the first and only case so far. ron kribow was taken to wolfson hospital. doctors
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determined his condition to be good. he spent 51 days in the gas sector, a resident of karmiel , a twenty-five-year-old sound engineer came to the festival in rome, to be responsible for the sound music equipment, together with everyone else he came under fire from militants, tried to escape, but as a result ended up among those 60 guests, festival organizers, whom terrorists took us to the gas sector. 2 days before the resumption of the war, pope ilya toroschansky accompanied the liberated woman from the border. during the day's captivity of her thirteen-year-old daughter goli in kibutsi bier, terrorists killed her sixteen-year-old brother lior. the boy was choked by smoke when islamists set the house on fire. miraculously, the surviving father, a citizen of russia, turned to moscow for help. the photograph of gali, who had returned from captivity, clinging to his shoulder in a helicopter on the way home, made the rounds of
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the world press. i just felt myself. the child burst into tears, all those feelings, all those emotions that were, as it were, bottled up in some kind of image, yes, they just seemed to let it be, they seemed to give themselves free rein, and a way out and, i think i cried more than anyone about the need to extend the calm, increase the supply of humanitarian aid in gaza for the sake of freeing more hostages, tried to convince netanyahu, the secretary of state who flew to israel this week, the united states, it is extremely important that massive casualties among civilians population and displacement on the scale that we saw in the north of gas were not repeated in the south. but already at the moment when the strategic allies asked israel to wait, the military cabinet adopted the decision to continue, with the same strength and
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rigidity as before the ceasefire. we continue to fight with all our might. exactly to this. the fighters were preparing during the truce for complete victory over hamas. the return of the war in gaza means the return of tension on the northern borders. israel is again under fire from lebanon. just 200 meters from here is the lebanese border. behind it are hezbollah’s military strongholds, so the populated areas of northern israel are literally overflowing with special forces troops, tanks, and artillery. and over the dutch heights on northern israel, air raid signals are sounding in the cities, the war continues. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demgenets, news of the week, israel. these are new shots from
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the sector, but they are all similar to what the world has already seen. in the shujai gas district, about half a thousand people were killed, and as many more may be under the rubble, such data is distributed by the ministry of health of the palestinian enclave, just as there was no truce. the truce in the gas sector lasted seven full days, and at the same time both the mediators and hamas leaders tried to persuade israel to continue negotiations and maintain the ceasefire. the islamic resistance movement even proposed a new... formula for the exchange of all israeli hostages and prisoners of war for all palestinian prisoners, but the military-political leadership of israel apparently decided that this proposal was unacceptable. the idf resumed active hostilities in the gaza strip, and combat units of hamas and other anti-israeli movements in the region again began to attack enemy positions. sector
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gas. on fire again. israeli aviation strikes, as before, indiscriminately. but now the main fire is concentrated on the southern quarters of the palestinian enclave, which tel aviv previously called a safe zone. most of the attacks hit the city of khanyunis, where hundreds of thousands of enclave residents fled from the northern regions of the sector. israel formally warns residents of the need. evacuations from neighborhoods that are targets for idf aviation, but leafing, dropping leaflets from airplanes using tel aviv artillery is carried out a few minutes before the bomb attacks; people simply do not have time to leave the danger zone. the israelis scattered leaflets, but did not give people time to leave their homes. i am lucky that
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i am now at the border crossing, but i left my parents and sisters in the gas. israeli. but the command is preparing to expand the operation; on the first day of active hostilities, after the truce , more than 100 civilians died in the enclave, that is, israeli units killed more than ten people per hour. this suggests that tel aviv did not reconsider the principles of warfare in palestine. after the truce ended, doctors in the sector’s hospitals again switched to emergency work mode. every medical facility in the enclave again. accepts hundreds of wounded a day, but provides qualified assistance, doctors are not able to provide all the victims, there is not enough everything, medicines, dressings, blood products, there are not
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enough hospital beds to accommodate all the wounded, and most importantly, there is not enough fuel for electric generators, so more than that solar panels damaged as a result of targeted attacks by israeli aircraft, we call on international society to stop this massacre, which has been happening for 56 days in a row, we also demand from all parties to deliver medical aid and fuel to hospitals in the gaza strip. the week of the truce , the flow of humanitarian aid, which was significantly increased at the time of the ceasefire, still could not radically affect the humanitarian situation in the sector. it is still catastrophic. there was no water or food. u i have seven children. in spontaneous refugee camps, palestinians live in inhumane conditions, bread is baked on
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the street in makeshift ovens. garbage and old furniture are used to start a fire. and at the same time , the palestinians here have no hope that the situation will change for the better; they cannot leave the enclave, there is hope. only people who are foreign citizens have, as soon as active hostilities resumed, groups of foreigners began to gather again at the rafah checkpoint, who are awaiting evacuation from the sector. i contacted the swedish embassy more than thirty times and in the end we were informed that the lists of citizens for departure were formed by egypt and israel. i want to cry, i want to scream, i'm locked here alone. while my whole family is outside the gas. at the same time, israeli units cannot yet achieve complete superiority in the north of the palestinian enclave. combat units of the islamic
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resistance movement are putting up serious resistance in the destroyed areas of gaza and jibaliya. in the footage that is distributed hamas can see that israeli units are suffering losses during the fighting. hamas groups are coming close to the israeli infantry, and as soon as israel resumed air strikes on the sector and fighting on the ground in the north of the enclave, the situation on the lebanon-israeli border again began to heat up; fighters of the lebanese hezbollah began to attack military targets. at the same time, tel aviv threatens, quote: with the destruction of lebanon if hezbollah increases the scale of hostilities. at the same time, israel continues to apply. strikes on neighboring syria again idf aircraft attacked the shiid district, saida zeinab. in the quarter there is the mausale of the granddaughter of the prophet muhammad, which
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is a shrine for the entire shiite world. previously, terrorist attacks were carried out by isis militants in this area. tel aviv believes that this quarter of damascus is being used by pro-iranian forces and the islamic revolutionary guard corps. israel hits damascus regularly, in violation of all international norms, thereby tel aviv... certainly provokes iran's allies to retaliatory aggressive actions that have already led to a partial naval blockade of israel. yemen continues to hunt ships heading to israeli ports, even despite the presence of the american fleet. this has already led to some companies changing the routes of their tankers and container ships. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov. news week, middle east. the russian-language telegram channel of the german publication build reports the dismissal of senior correspondent jurgen helfricht. yurin
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helfricht is 60. his name has become known to the german public after a report from vladimir putin’s office apartment, where the future president of russia lived as a kgb officer from the fall of 1985 until the spring of 1991. but helfricht was fired. beat is not for this. that report was just a creative success. the fatal thing was the co-authorship of a book called “learning to love russia,” where the main author was the ex-head of the dresdondan opera ball, hans joach frei. the book was published in german in 2018, and the russian edition appeared in twenty. i wrote the preface to the german edition the then minister of culture of russia vladimir midinsky. and the russian version was already preceded by the text of vladimir putin. it cannot be said that yurgin helfricht, who has now been fired , hid his participation in the project, but somehow
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it turned out that bild paid attention to this story only now, or someone paid attention to the build only now, one way or another, and this was the decision of the editors bilt accepted as soon as she learned about the participation of sixty-year-old helfricht in writing the book rusland leben learnen. the journalist did not inform editor about participating in this project and would never have received permission to do so, since such a worldview has no place in the build. german, and a couple of weeks ago in germany they banned the sale of books by german journalist hubert seipel. more than 10 years ago, he conducted a long interview with vladimir putin. hubert seipel also made documentaries for the ndr television and radio company. he successfully made films about china and russia, and was the first in the world to interview edward snowd. now seipel no longer works for ndr, but
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the company's management does. publicly suspects seipel is that he received a secret fee from russia. seipel denies, nothing has been proven, they threatened to sue him, but everything hung on like that, just persecution. however, let's return to hans joachim frey, the german director and cultural figure, whose book learning to love russia is also now banned for sale in germany. hans joachim frei, personality in the german opera world. very famous as a stage director, artistic director and director, staged almost all the classics, founded a world cultural forum in drezdan under the slogan is that culture is more, in the sense that culture is more than just art. in 2006, frey revived the tradition of the annual dresdon opera ball, which vladimir putin also attended in 2009. putin invited fry first to dinner in dresdon.
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and after dinner, still work in russia, well, here is work in the big one, in moscow, in st. petersburg, in other theaters in russia and belarus, and years later, artistic director of the sirius children's center in sochi, and then another banned book, 2021. and you should understand that i had the same ones prejudices that spread. the order of friendship is a presentation ceremony this year, i don’t speak russian very well, i live in moscow, i work. mr. president,
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it is a great honor for me, i consciously chose to work on the side of russia, one is young. got really drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment with her own hands, shot at a peasant’s hut, bang, miraculously didn’t kill anyone, what’s the difficulty? her mother is an important person at her court, everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like everyone else, and
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girl. he repents, it seems, they drove him to paris , we’ll eat oysters, one could forgive him, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, but i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it, so i’d tear you apart with horses , cold, where are you going, drowning, soon!


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