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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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don’t rise, you’ll just fall down like a stone, at the speed of the wind, it’s a super cyclone , a killer cyclone, it’s like it’s chasing you, what do you want, master of the wind,
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anyway, as you say, we ’re not running away from europe, it’s running away from us , we , since they are completely confused in this political singularity, should we continue to live with them, if they themselves do not understand what to do, at least we can offer them something smart, and here we put them like a rat driving her into a corner so that she has no way out is not our task, and not the task our leadership. naturally, if we can offer them a neutral strip dividing east and west, which provides security for both, not just security, but prosperity, the same, remember vienna, remember budapest, there were luxury cities, right, but due to what the economy worked, which they are now losing, finland was how much, we offer them a better life outside of confrontation, outside of military budgets. but i
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propose to expand this zone to the atlantic, no, just up, well, there are no options here, well, come on, why not, why not , of course, well, well, you just have to go to natural boundaries, there’s no other way, henry segorich, a very interesting discussion is emerging here, i’m actually watching during this time the changing positions of the leading media , political experts, you can see that from the moment the arab-israeli conflict began , everything is being systematically done to keep the situation in ukraine as silent as possible within a week or two, and then, in this empty field, begin to throw out theses about what, well, apparently putin won, there is an economist coming out with these images and articles on this subject, experts are speaking out about this openly, i understand why they needed this respite, that is, why am i saying this, this is not like the arab-israeli conflict diverted so many resources from... the west that it
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simply could not deal with ukraine, no, they needed something that would allow them to simply keep quiet about the situation in ukraine for a week, two, because they know how to run the track accelerated to such an extent, that if you just pull it out of the socket , they will fly very far if it stops so abruptly, so they needed to get some kind of respite, they needed to get a respite for the reason that the stakes were in fact very high, that the west of the country was put finally in this confrontation, in fact, according to the preliminary results, if we generalize the year 2002, they showed that western weapons, nato weapons have no advantage over russian weapons, and these are collective weapons, this is not only the united states of america, all european countries, all western countries, and in many indicators our weapons are ahead of them,
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there was no such impression before the start of the special, not like in other countries abroad, even we probably didn’t realize this, we know , those systems where we are still temporarily lagging behind, but by leaps and bounds, yes, by leaps and bounds, we are eliminating these problems, they have shown that their political system is much less designed for large-scale mobilization of the population’s economy and social relationships in general in a society than ours, this is simply indicative, the diplomatic weight, their real diplomatic resources, at least turn out to be insufficient to not only isolate the russian federation, but at least leave it without the support of the world's largest centers of power, essentially alone today turns out. the western world,
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which is not able to win anyone over to its side in this context, what follows from this, what impressions follow from this, there was a very interesting discussion about... what it means, what their goal is they bet, what should we bet, why did they do this? i really agree, yes , that it is unlikely that western countries proceeded from the assumption that by supplying such and such a number of tanks or supplying such and such systems, they could defeat the russian federation on the battlefield, i have not read, at least such analytical materials and yes , in reality, they all boiled down to the fact that everything must be done to overthrow the constitutional system in the russian federation, but this did not happen, and it did not happen, it seems to me, for two reasons: one is objective, the second is subjective, the objective side of the question is that their assessment of the political system in russia is more of an ideology and less of a scientific analysis, because
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they perceive the russian political system not in the form in which it exists, in the form in which their liberal ideological orientation dictates to them, which they say that there cannot be such a political regime, there cannot be such a political system, and at the same time it enjoys the support of the population and reflects the will of the population, in their world, this system necessarily oppresses the population, the population is just waiting, which means that when liberal democracy flies to them on various types of aviation, there must be rainbow ones, there must definitely be rainbow rainbows, and this is their objective mistake when it turns out that no population. in fact, it’s not that , it now supports more than before the start of the special military operation, because it has finally begun to see the steps that the authorities have been expecting for a long time, there is a subjective side to the question, that it is obvious that those people who are advised there on russian issues , especially those who left the territory of our
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country, are people who here with difficulty gained 2%, and then these 2% left here with them to various destinations, they are like here 30 for years they said that... this is the government, this is not a country, these are bad people, so they also tell these fairy tales that have little in common with reality, and this is of course a strategic mistake of theirs in our regard about what he was talking about andrey olegovich, i want to agree that it is necessary to work with those countries in europe, i might even take it a little more broadly, there is not only eastern europe, any country in europe today where forces will come to power that... can veto further support for ukraine, withdraw from the sanctions regime in in relation to russia, must have a very clear idea of ​​what benefits they receive in return from the russian federation. for a very simple reason, in the nineties, our foreign policy has already been burned very badly once
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by the fact that it thought that objective the interests of the eastern european countries will push them to the fact that they themselves want to become a buffer between russia and between russia and the west, and based on this , look, for the eastern european countries it was much more profitable to be a neutral zone of reality, if rationally , if they made rational decisions, they would have acted this way, but they made an irrational decision, they wanted to become the west, and not a bridge between the west and russia, but their others do not exist, that is, as they thought to the janitor, say, you’re like you think, well, what’s the problem with these joining, when i communicate with them at this level, they always think differently than their elites, i mean, here’s an example of zelensky, and in ukraine and not only everyone, everything they voted for a president who would be at least constructive with russia, and then the conditionally collective soros
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corrected the course, i have this, that is, this does not mean that they initially elected people who, and this doesn’t matter, this is exactly what it says , look, in hungary there is no soros and, accordingly, a completely different exchange rate. well it this is, of course, a very big simplification, if everything comes down only to soros to the fact that they simply chose a person, recruited him, everything is much more complicated, if we are talking about, i agree that of course decisions are made by the elites, who else can make them, decisions are everywhere they don’t recognize the elite, and if we don’t work with the etites, our opponents work with them, then it turns out like during the great patriotic war, yes, when on june 22 they went, and we throw leaflets at them, we are sure that it’s german. so here you need to be realistic and work with them in all sorts of directions, because it is quite obvious that they are not going anywhere, and we, simply being a rational
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country in this regard, must understand that it is much more profitable to have in the west a minimum number of events and processes that distract us from our own development. and other things , so that we can concentrate on our growth, development, well-being , etc., and for this we need to intervene, we need to work for their space, there is no other way, never, we can consider ourselves... anyone, we we can say that in general, we are the largest europeans in the history of mankind, the problem is that they have never considered us part of their civilization in their lives, they don’t consider us to be considered, they won’t, in general, i just think that this is probably correct, because the russian federation - this is the central, most important country of the orthodox civilization, it cannot be western by definition, because the west is catholic, protestant states and today we are faced with a unique situation, a huge number, well, a large number the number of orthodox states, still integrated into the political
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and military-political indicative association of western civilization, greece, bulgaria, romania, they are orthodox countries, but at the same time , political institutions and regulation mechanisms of western states are spreading on their territory, which will definitely make itself felt , i think, in the near future, in the coming years, perhaps decades, because we see that these states have quite serious problems with integration, these structures are observed, as for, i will conclude with this, that’s what concerns, in particular , the situation related to ukraine, back in march, in april, in this studio , if i’m not mistaken, i said that a conflict between the military and zelensky, that this is the most predictable thing that can happen, that as soon as it comes to a military defeat, to the military defeat of the current leadership of ukraine, politicians will begin to blame the military for this, the military will blame political figures for this.
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it is against this background that such interviews take place, these are all attempts to get out of the situation , because for the west this way out exists, we see it, it’s just a change of some political representatives to others, who actually don’t change anything in the country yet, to be too motivated and happy that now the right everyone comes, yes, let's say fitsu - this is a figure for slovakia there, this is at least a person predicted for us, well, wilders came, already the first thing he did, he says, i will now make a concession on almost all issues, if only i was prime minister, i i don’t want anything else, to be a prime minister, in their case, this is a working scheme, in the case of the americans, well , in november they will change the president, they will say that biden should be there, good evening, we are completely different people, we wouldn’t do that admitted, but what can you do, in the case of ukraine, i see that the current leadership... the political leadership with these interviews, yes, in which there are scandalous revelations, they are turning in every possible way to
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the western elites with a request that you either help us , retain power somehow thus, because leading western publications are already publishing materials about the fact that whether elections will be held in ukraine or elections will not be held in ukraine depends on whether zelsky, through his western curators, will be able to ensure that zelsky is prohibited from participating in them, because then maybe he will carry them out, and if he is not banned, then he will do everything not to carry them out, now the conversation is already being held in this field, it is no longer about giving us missiles or an airplane or what - then, give it there is a way out for us so that we can maintain power in ukraine, these people are not interested in anything else at the moment, if you don’t give us this opportunity, we won’t drown alone, we will try to drag you all along with us and will talk about each of you, yes, they don’t understand that sacrificing them is not something that costs nothing
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, that unfortunately, unfortunately, ukraine has become in this combination against russia, for them the cheapest resource that they use, for them the resources are much more expensive , let's say their economic growth rates or level of well-being in the usa, they don’t even care about europeans, about their real close employees, whom they simply survived to the last. in this regard, the last question is: to negotiate, not to negotiate, and i am sure that the president will make the decision that will best suit our interests, but i have no doubt that negotiating with ukraine is it’s a pointless exercise if people tell it themselves, they say we were negotiating with the russians, and then they called us boris johnson said yes to the negotiations and we immediately left, but what’s the point? after all, it’s like, if what i’m saying now,
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the audience doesn’t like it, they will be offended by the speakers, and not by me, that something is wrong, they hear from there, it is necessary to talk with someone who has subjectivity, subjectivity is obviously the only country in the confrontation with us that shows subjectivity, this is the united states of america, other countries do not have subjectivity, they destroyed european countries, they are destroying their own economies by political order, they don’t care from there... they didn’t want to care about their own population, they go into conflicts that significantly harm themselves, only because their presence in power depends on the united states of america, in the case of ukraine, they and their western curators say that for 3-4 days we will not give money, mattresses, heating there, this country will not exist at all, what is the point of negotiating with someone other than the united states of america, with them the conversation can only be about one thing, not there temporary ceasefire, no suspension of hostilities, talk about only one thing, about the new security architecture, about the structure of the world order
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that interests us, everything else, we have already seen, went through and nothing. this one doesn’t, generations will pass, yes, so the ukrainians will ask who made us fight, that we lost so many people, boris johnson will say, who is he? yes, in some yellow newspaper he writes something, really, who is he, churchill, or what? what is he like, churchill on minimum wage? what kind of churchill is he? no, well, it drinks the same way, but cherchel at least he lost his empire, so the fairy tales, no, well... all the fairy tales are about how churchill is a great politician, yeah, look what kind of british empire he took and what he left, he lost everything, where is the greatness, because the man lost empire, and boris johnson , a clown, a cheap guy, who didn’t even stay in his job, who sacrificed ukraine
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to interrupt the most vulgar scandal, a mediocre party during covid, and for the sake of somehow wanting these devices, besides, i saw there were videos, but she's still stupid there somehow smiles and talks nonsense, it’s not good , let’s laugh, she didn’t laugh, she became, so she used to have such a cheerful laugh of an idiot, but now she somehow stopped pleasing us with her madness, and most importantly, she ran out of these learned phrases, she she spoke like that with the same gesture, today doesn’t mean that yesterday, that yesterday doesn’t mean that today, in general, why do i like them, that they’ve become completely cardboard, and so celluloid, well, let’s show you a living one , trump, this company is a righteous crusade to free our republic from biden and the criminals of his administration, criminals of criminals, they think they can do
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whatever they want, break every law, say whatever. whoever wants to throw out all the rules and get out of all the stories unpunished. america will be free, so donald, come on, come on, fight, fight, donald, you can do it, come on. when stoldenberg said that bad news would come from ukraine, in fact he should think about a different direction, bad news for europeans may come from the other side, from the atlantic, if they win. he , this is the main problem, in my opinion , that the european elites are worried about now - this is what will happen in 2024, god forbid, he comes, there are neoconservatives, some, like robert kagan or lis, i have no doubt in mind, cheney, the daughter, the daughter of a famous neoconservative, and even the vice president of the united states, they are already practically saying that
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it is necessary to remove him, that is, they can physically remove him, because if he comes, then the whole speaking... the structure that was built by the united states will collapse. i agree with generdi tiranovich that the united states needs to talk, but unfortunately, there is no one, yes, at the moment this will not work, because we can come to an agreement with this administration, and there with trump, and through another administration will come in 4 years, which means we are laying out this entire list of our agreements, and we will say, you confirm, no, yes, we cross it out, you confirm, no, we cross it out, because that's exactly how it works. and the fact that trump is coming, i am very much for trump, i would really vote for him, because he would destroy america in 4 years, here is another administration, even worse than kamalo, kamalo, to unfortunately, it
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’s unlikely that she will be able to, they’ll bring some gavinam, kamalo, so she has another year left. if he makes it or doesn’t make it, well, it really seems to be really bad there, they don’t want to show him to the people in the sky, the sand man, yes, yes, yes, this robot, speaking with parallel measures , pay attention, he tries to run all the time, he does, that’s for sure, that’s when he sees the podium , he apparently has a reflex like uh, pavlov’s dog, he shows that he’s starting to jog, then abruptly he stops because he’s running out of strength, that’s right, he stops abruptly, then he walks, that’s exactly what nato does, actually. speaking, the same stoltenberg, he also shows him the goal, he starts to take off, but uh, why do i say that this is still dangerous, the mechanism works, the mechanism that has been created, it gradually is crumbling, this... american core, it is crumbling slowly , quite, it is crumbling, but slowly, here i am, i would be the austins, he has a very difficult situation with lloyd austin, he is a military man, he understands a lot,
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his generals tell him, it’s impossible, we won’t be able to pull it off, by the way, i didn’t know, it turns out that he defeated isis, well, yes, well , in general, the strong man said arrogantly, he’s like isis won, and he and he are here with him, the general’s is combined with the political, because what politicians tell him, listen, you’re talking about these three conflicts, not stutter, the united states is a powerful power, it is a hegemon, it is not three , it will handle 10 conflicts, and the poor man understands, on the one hand, that his fellow generals say that we won’t handle two, but on the other hand, it turns out that we will, you need to tell him as a politician that the united states, he started with the fact that the united states is the leader and that we will be drawn into three conflicts, these are the ones. not like an afghan , we’ll pull it off, but also yes, we ’ll probably run away from everywhere so quickly, we’ll pull it off, as long as we can, of course, but he needs to convince these european comrades, and they
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have a congress, meeting, summit, whatever, so to speak, on the fourteenth, on which they must decide, this, this, well, what to call ukraine, some kind of association , this current one, can be accepted into the european union, it is clear, it is clear that it is necessary, it is clear that for no reason, this is the ideal option to kill it with the euro, it must be accepted, because here we immediately check, this test passes on the fact that that they will have to pay for all this, i see, secondly, will the forty- second article of the treaty on the european union work or not? that is, will they jointly defend it or not, it is approximately equal to nato, the united states, here we need to... give a proper parade at blinkin, the united states is stepping aside, what is the fifth article, guys, this is your country, the country of the european union , figure it out, yes, you have the forty-second article
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, come on, but we, no, you don’t have any army, how unlucky are you, oh, you have it, you have a national army, especially the mighty polish army, which has been pumped up , let's go ahead, by the way, we will pull back the contingents, our nato contingents, we, i mean, the american ones from poland most likely, most likely... can in this case pull back, but the point is, that when they say that the americans are looping , i once asked, the responsibility of nato’s european command, it extends from lisbon all the way to chukotka, to vladivostok, the pacific command was not responsible for us, how does this coincide with nato, with nato’s responsibility? and here's to me the american colonel explained very well that nato is a european instrument. or not
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, a few years ago i said that nato , excuse me for quoting myself, is a mechanism for the colonization of europe, because in fact what happened, that is, this is the mechanism through which the united states, the de facto occupier of europe, uses it as your own colony, well, this is certainly true, this is a task that all nato structures solve, this is one, just a very beautiful name, that is , neocolonialism of the current version is called nato, you know, i wish i was here a little i didn’t agree, because, yes , feel free to disagree with the presenter, it’s kind of wrong, but somehow it works out a little for me, often, i think that when colonies are seized, they don’t really want to... there, the europeans fled to the american-santric world, now they are in it with great pleasure, they don’t get certain things from it, tovarikan, well, what kind of people did they take with pleasure,
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first of all, let us remind you that they stayed there after the second world war, just that happened, happened typically when they raised an elite who no longer think of themselves differently, yes, they captured these after the second world war and kept everything for themselves, after the second world war there was an idea that the united states would leave, there are many who, in america itself, there in europe they didn’t let us from there, let’s get out of this, from this garbage dump, this, by the way , is gorbachev’s main crime, which, of course, because when he dissolved the warsaw pact and gave all the communist people’s movements, he did not achieve the automatic dissolution of nato and the withdrawal of all forces america and britain from continental territory. what fell apart, the chinese call it the suicide of the soviet union, initially, so to speak, what
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was not done at all with... the soviet bloc, and when gorbachev made his first speech, when he began to give up, it was all clear , but i’m not talking about that, i’m just saying that the europeans, and they grew up and then there were people who really wanted the british to really want the americans to stay in europe, despite the fact that they were one year old in the second half of the forties with americans in general in a number of places, well, how they were forced out of the middle east by the americans, but in principle, in principle, the fear of the soviet union forced them to go, in fact, treat the american occupation with very great favor, so to speak, in addition, we must not forget that the american the bases then at that moment acted as some kind of centers, well, where you could make money, where the americans stood, practically in war-torn europe, these are the americans for a small change, in fact, how long was the marshal’s plan 12 12 the mechanism always worked in re-colonization
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12 billion, this has always been the case, but now, now they are, in principle, through nato, through this concept that european responsibility extends to vladivostok and chukotka, they are trying to connect, to make a circle around the world , to connect two rings, and - okay, europeans, but in the far east there are many people, many countries and many elites now, they are not brought up in the american spirit, well, i don’t mean the japanese and south koreans, for example, say, the filipinos or there, uh, the vietnamese, especially, they are trying to trust the united states with something, so trust for the united states in the current conditions, i think it is easy to go to destruction. the history of democracy in russia goes back
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to ancient times, the meeting of residents in the evening made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 16th century, a new institution of class representation had appeared - the councils of the whole earth. they ensured legitimacy and continuity of power and established a new electoral tradition. catherine ii. included elements of election for decisions on a number of state issues tasks. for the first time, the foundations of voters were laid. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii , zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized as a new source of power. the state duma became the country's first all-class legislative body. she was elected for 5 years. the elections were multi-stage, held in four chickens. elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal direct, and were held by
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secret vote. the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary for russia; voting rights were granted not only to men, but also women. in 1936, universal, equal, direct elections were enshrined in the ussr constitution. in december 1993, the current constitution of russia was adopted. modern electoral legislation and legislation on political parties are being formed. russia is significantly ahead of other countries in organizing and holding elections; today every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice in order to support changes for the better in our lives, elections in russia are important, honest, and convenient.
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well, now there’s a representative of the command, the indo-pacific, excuse me, command of the united states, declares that at the beginning of the twenty-fourth year medium-range missiles and tomogaw cruise missiles will be deployed, where he didn’t say how many he didn’t say, but this, in my opinion, is the first such specific statement after the nineteenth year, after they tore up and withdrew from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, to be stationed there, of course, europe is here...


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