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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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haven’t you heard, the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended. moscow is recovering from the heaviest snowfall in 145 years, now weather forecasters promise frosts down to -17, but what is the weather situation in other regions? shot, support for the assault units on the turk bulge is provided by tankers and motorized riflemen of the central military district, as our military correspondent will tell you how geotsints work against the armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine. the israel defense forces storm
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palestinian cities on the west bank , local media report clashes between tsakhal and resistance units. all the details about the situation in the middle east are in our issue. tankers and motorized riflemen of the central center are working in the krasnoliman direction. district , they provide support to the assault units that are working on the tor ledge, the artillerymen are also sharing the armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces with hyocinth cannons, from the line of combat contact, report by alexey baranov, only the line of combat contact off-road, we are moving on the bmp2, from here to the front line near 3 km. subdivision.
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the central military district is engaged not only in delivering assault groups to the landing site near the line of combat contact. the crews of the armored vehicles also cover the actions of the tankers on the front line near the tor ledge. in the trenches of the bsu, servicemen were trained with a tank in tandem. the bmp stands nearby, works together with them, covers the rear so that nothing comes from behind. kremennaya, well, it’s hot, it’s hot, the hofters swoop in and throw them off. or comics fly, simply drive into the equipment, tankers of the central military district operate here on in the krasnolimansk direction both day and night, when the vehicles are moving to the front line, a battery of towed hyacinths is firing at the enemy artillery, this is footage of the so -called counter-battery fight, shot!
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as soon as the enemy opens fire, they work , they arrive at the target, the crews quickly, quickly carry out their task, we always work day and night, we have not yet had a single miss, however, the artillery of the central military district strikes at a concentration of enemy armored vehicles, like times in those areas where ukrainian armed forces are attempting rotation, replacement of crews operating at the front line, replenishment of ammunition reserves of fuel, you can calculate speed, movement, probably even read the enemy’s thoughts in order to have time to aim at that target in advance, think through the steps to hit the targets, the enemy will not be in trouble. and then, after receiving intelligence data, fire is applied immediately. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, anna povetyeva, lead the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic. krasnolimansk
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direction, torsky ledge. in moscow , the region is eliminating the consequences of a powerful snowfall, the heaviest for this day in almost a century and a half of weather observations. there are 18,000 pieces of equipment operating on the streets of the capital alone. and my colleague, maria valieva, joins the broadcast. maria, greetings, tell us what the situation is like on the streets of moscow now? yes, tatyana, greetings, but we went into one of the courtyards on komsomolsky prospekt, look. there are cars covered here, well, you can even measure the height of the snow cover, about 30 cm, of course it won’t be easy for motorists to leave here, they’ll have to take it with them shovels, brushes to clean out your cars, but it’s better, of course, today to still use public transport, not use personal cars, so i’m walking here now, well , i don’t know, the snowdrifts are about ankle-deep, they’re working in the yards. ..
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today we talked to one of them, he said that he worked all night, the roads are also being cleared now, snow removal equipment is working there, there is ice on the roads, snow continues in moscow, but the snowfall is not so heavy, cyclone oliver is gradually retreating from moscow, but still today, motorists in the data center are advised to be as careful as possible on the roads, keep their distance if possible , slow down on turns, and it’s better, of course, not to use your personal transport, transfer to public transport, we are monitoring the situation in the city, now there are 3 traffic jams in the capital, but they may increase over time; snow removal equipment worked non-stop all night. tatiana. maria, thank you, maria valeeva spoke about the consequences of snowfall in the capital region. and despite the snowfall in moscow, the day before
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two meetings at once within the framework of the russian football premier league. cska and rostov played on the web arena. and the locomotive met with zenit at its home stadium. how weather conditions affected. here's the match, stas redikultsev will talk about it. the main football attribute of december is a shovel; even the mascot of the moscow locomotive took it up. here are the consequences of cyclone oliver, snowdrifts of 30 cm, there has not been such a snowfall in moscow for 19 years, because of it the match, the central match of the russian premier league tour between lokomotiv moscow and zenit, was postponed by half an hour, but the stadium services and agronomists did everything to keep the lawn in perfect condition. well, by the way, there are winter red swords in rp. a week ago there were no contrasting balls in kaliningrad, and it was impossible to see spartak football players in white uniforms in a snowstorm. the locomotive thoroughly prepared for the snowstorm; agronomists covered the lawn in advance. everyone is watching the forecasts, the situation
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was expected, so we used stolen material to accumulate the maximum amount of snow on the surface and clear it with tractors without damaging it lawn. we're coping for now, thank god, we'll see what happens next, in any case , all services are ready, we'll try so that football wins, and we'll help, stadium services, you'll have time to clean the central part now before 5 p.m., so that we can already the sheet was given at 17 o'clock, because there is no point in delaying it, we withdraw, the final decision whether to play or not is made by the referee, in the snowdrifts growing on the edges they agree that the match will be stopped in the middle of the first. will do their job. by the way, in another moscow match, where cska hosted rostov, clever guys with shovels ran onto the field right during the game, a game that rostov did not
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want. valery karpin was furious after the match. did you like football? well, that's it, then what are you asking? you ask the person who made the decision. not to play, i don’t know who accepted it, but the person who accepted it , ask him about russian football, what did he even think, what we saw today, this, this is the murder of football, but with something like that russian football is not special, to put it mildly, if we played spring-autumn, it would be twenty the ninth-thirtieth round now , then it is impossible to postpone, because the last round must be played at the same time, for this they made a transition to autumn, spring, why, in order to watch this crap, a half-hour, forced downtime did not affect the mood of the teams , the lokomot players and ... although they slipped, they played high-quality and meaningful football, but the red ball, fired by maxim glushenkov from the corner flag, still slipped through kerzhakov’s gloves. zenit bounced back before the break, with the championship's top scorer mateo casiera scoring. the situation at rosov and cska was much worse than ours, we
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had good weather and the ball was clearly visible, and it was snowing for the first 10 minutes, at first there was a broom, and then everything passed and the weather was good. in the second half, i used a set piece, anton miranchuk crossed, and glushenkov headed the ball into the net. captain dzyuba was looking for an opportunity to upset his former team, but the defenders closely guarded the forward until the eighty-eighth minute. dzyuba opened up on the flank, saw teknizyan’s rush and passed the ball perfectly for 3:1. after this, artyom continued celebrated the goal and, it seems, hugged all the locomotive players, but traditionally refused to communicate with journalists. i’ll talk to nalo tv now, calmly and with pleasure. and all the best to you, i’m not touching you, you don’t touch me, please, peace and goodness to everyone, i’m kind and positive, the last time i probably remember something like this was with spartak, but everyone’s great, i’ll repeat again, despite the weather, despite the cold, the field
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was beautiful, so thanks to the agronomist who prepared the field, moscow locomotive beats zenit for the second time in the season, but these december matches of the russian premier league paralyzed autumn, since this snow-covered match in this calendar year is not the last for the locomotive, in 5 days 8 ural, weather forecasters are no longer predicting snowfall, but frosts of 20°. sas ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov, dmitry nabokov, and umar tuskaev, lead. venezuelan president nicolas maduro, after the referendum held in the country, expressed hope that this vote will help return guyana to negotiations, ultimately ending the long-standing territorial dispute between two countries. in gayanie itself, local media express fears that caracas will want to rape. the un international court of justice has already called on the state to abandon
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any actions that could change the status quo. the reason was the referendum that took place in venezuela, which was initiated by nicolas maduro. he proposed including the region controlled by its neighbors into venezuela after the guyana authorities began transferring mineral-rich areas of the disputed shelf to western oil companies for development. more about history conflict in our law. the territorial dispute between guyana and venezuela is over 100 years old. the stumbling block is the sekiba region, comparable in area to greece and rich in oil and other mineral reserves. in 1899 , international arbitration in paris, under pressure from london, decided to transfer 90% of the territory of isekiba to the british colony, guyana. in 1966, caracas and george town signed the geneva agreement to find a peaceful solution to the dispute, but in 2018 guyana asked the international court of justice to legally formalize control over esequiba. venezuela in in turn insists on direct
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negotiations. the situation was aggravated by the discovery of new oil fields in the disputed territories containing at least 10 billion barrels of black gold. gayana transferred the mining concessions to the american company axonmobile. in addition, according to caracas, the united states plans to establish a military base in sequiba. in this regard, the venezuelan authorities decided to hold a referendum. one of the issues concerns plans for the creation of the state of guyana and sekiba incorporation. and now footage from the telegram channel, there is a volcanic eruption, 11 people died , 12 are listed as missing, three more people were found alive, a powerful eruption began the day before, the volcano threw a column of ash to a height of more than 15 km, their situation is in the middle east, israeli armies are storming palestinian cities on the west bank of the river... about arab tv channels report this. according to their information, not only jinin was subjected to raids, but also a settlement
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north of ramala. and the lebanese publication almaidin reports on large-scale battles between tsakhal and palestinian resistance units. what preceded the night session, alega komarova will tell you about it. this night , the lebanese hezbollah movement launched a large-scale rocket attack on military barracks and idf strongholds in northern israel. islamic resistance in iraq said. in the attack on an american base in syria, and earlier, the yemeni ansarul movement confirmed its involvement in the attack on two ships that had nothing to do with israel, the idf reported. today missiles were fired at two commercial vessels. we've already made a statement, but i i repeat, these ships do not belong to israel. as far as i know, one ship is very seriously damaged and may sink, the second is only slightly damaged. this. the incident in the strait is associated with sabotage by the houthis. the weapons that the houthis use are iranian
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weapons. the activities of iranian proxies in this area are a global problem. we are now waiting for the international community to respond to this sabotage. the vessels turned out to be american, although registered under other flags, and the central command the us armed forces said: three ships were attacked, one of them successfully repelled the attack. against this backdrop , negotiations between the foreign ministers of oman and oman took place in tigeran. both reported an imminent escalation of the conflict. yesterday, during conversations with resistance leaders, we were made clear that if the current situation continues, the region will enter a new phase of conflict through resistance. now it is very easy to imagine the expansion of the conflict. in response, the israeli army published footage of an airstrike in the area location of one of the hamas commanders. he is considered the curator of the events of october 7. according to tsahal, as a result of the strike. died, presumably, the bombing took place in the south of the enclave, previously this zone was considered safe for palestinian refugees. it is also
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known about intense artillery shelling of hospitals in the gaza strip, as reported by the almadine publication. one of the hamas representatives commented on the event at a press conference. speaking of the southern part of the gaza strip, the bombing began in the south. now there is no difference between what were declared as safe and unsafe areas. there is currently an active discussion of the invasion in the media. resistance defense, but if the idf is still able to break through the southern borders, then the resistance in the south will be no less fierce than in the north. however, the head of israel's security service, in turn, announced his intention to eliminate hamas members around the world. the military man said this in an interview with the times of israel, focusing on the idf’s readiness to act even outside the gas strip, in including in turkey, lebanon and qatar. alika komarova, lead. it's time for economic news. moria, in november ukraine sharply reduced the supply of goods by road
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due to problems on the border with poland. tell us how the volumes have changed? tatyana, quarter, i’ll tell you all the details in the issue, well, i’ll start with other news. the regions will receive more than 300 million rubles for the development of the network, gas filling stations, and an order on the redistribution of funds within the framework of the state energy development program, signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. subsidies will be sent to seven regions, these are the republic of tatarstan, kemerovo, omsk, samara, sverdlovsk and yaroslavl regions, as well as the city of sevastopol. funds will then be provided. and an individual entrepreneur for the implementation of investment projects for the construction of gas filling stations, including for passenger light freight and passenger transport, and municipal vehicles. the number of published vacancies in russia has almost doubled over the past 5 years. after a short-term decline last year, labor demand has recovered in first half of this year. this is
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the conclusion reached by experts from the consulting company yakov and partners. moreover, august showed. cord: 1,200,000 vacancies, at the same time wages are growing. as the number of vacancies grew, the median salary offered doubled, which is significantly more than the growth of gdp, inflation and the consumer price index over the same period. in the regions that showed the most active growth in the proposed salary, it amounted to 85-114%. while in moscow it is only 51%. therefore, the difference in the amount of salaries offered between. moscow and the regions decreased from 58-188% to 25-105%. nevertheless, the absolute level of offered salaries in the capital remains higher than in other federal districts. due to the blocking of the border by polish carriers, ukraine's gdp growth may decline by 1%. this conclusion was reached by the
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country's ministry of economy. the main part of its exports by truck transport goes through poland. in november deliveries fell by 40%. in general, both exports and imports, if we take all directions of road transport, lost about quarters. the inconsistency of contracts means that we are incurring large financial losses, primarily due to downtime and non-fulfillment of contracts. moreover, the end of november and december are the months when new contracts are traditionally formed for the next year. accordingly, when it is not possible to deliver products on time, many contractors are looking for options to negotiate with someone else, which means that for the twenty-fourth year the consequences will be even worse than what we saw during the month of the blockade organized by the polish carriers, slovakia has already partially joined them; also on saturday, for example, the hungarians prevented travel to ukraine. sportmaster is launching a format of mini-stores, as reported by the newspaper kommersant, they will appear in small
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settlements of up to 50,000 people. the network is organized according to the franchise system. it will consist of trading. points with an area of ​​100 to 300 km, the first ones have already started operating in the kostroma region and the krasnodar territory, with plans for 250 small towns. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate today dollar 89 rubles 76 kopecks, euro 97.91. and that's all i have for now. hello, vladimir vladimirovich. i came from the republic of bashkastan. dear vladimir vladimirovich, mr. president. my question is this. we have a lot of problems and we would really like your help in our region there is really one very pressing issue, we will try to make sure that not a single issue goes unnoticed, i would like a personal question, are you satisfied with the answer, the president is closer than it seems, colleagues are sitting there on the top, they are not visible, summing up the results of the year,
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vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question to the president through the website by phone 800-20040 or via sms to number 04040. results of the year with vladimir putin. live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. volunteers from mike spoke via video conference with their loved ones. the fighters left their student days at the local technological university to defend their homeland, teleconferences took place in other cities of russia, igor pikhanov will tell you in more detail. fighters the fifty-eighth army of the southern military district is preparing for a teleconference, with the help of special equipment they will be able to talk via video link with their native university students in the city of maykop, where they study, the guys came to the army as volunteers, they are in one of the
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hottest directions of the front, so from -due to the secrecy regime, they are not often able to talk with loved ones. thank you guys, everyone, everyone for your courage, for your courage, for your desperate actions, for which we are terribly worried, worried, but well done, you are our heroes. our only grandfather , no matter who is there, we are very proud of you, although we are worried, we are waiting for you, we are waiting for you to win, and we are waiting for you all alive and well in the assembly hall of the maikob technological university there are no empty seats, dozens of people came here in order to via video link to see your classmates and relatives who are now on the front line, they all went to the front as volunteers, in total more than 100 university students joined the ranks of the armed forces, this is... a large-scale teleconference with soldiers, always me motivates even in simple things, that here is my brother, so courageous, persistent
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, brave, and this gives me the strength to live simply and to win, let us wait with victory, muslim achkhanov and oslan ehutel participated in battles with the enemy near the settlements of verbovaya and rabotina, the units in which they serve, protects the residents of the zaporozhye region from ukrainian militants, the fighters say that the enemy has suffered heavy losses, they mobilized 200,000 people, sent them, but did not advance even a few kilometers at the front, that is, a huge number, and people's resources, yes, they are throwing them away, but they cannot do anything, they should already realize that everything they do is pointless, that they will not succeed against us, the young man serves as an electronic warfare operator, intercepting enemy drones, this kamika drones, copters equipped with grenades, and reconnaissance uavs, during the teleconference he was awarded a departmental medal, for saving a wounded comrade he was presented with a state award, aslan yakhutel is a grenade launcher. according to him,
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the counter-offensive of the militants bled the ukrainian armed forces, shells are running out, specialists who can operate military equipment supplied by the west are disabled. they shot with their vaunted 15 mm, no, m777, but they hit close by, everything is electronic, they just shoot close by and don’t hit , we don’t even have a sighting device, our crew worked so well, that we immediately hit the target, were also able to communicate with their loved ones and teachers, volunteer fighters from berabidzhan, a video link took place with the pre-amur state university, i i studied for a civilian specialty, since i had experience serving the fourteenth separate guards engineering brigade, i know what it is: raat work, military craft, i know how to properly handle weapons, there i was a squad commander, here i was also reinstated, promoted, now the students are on
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academic leave, after the completion of the special operation, they are going to return to the educational institution to graduate from universities, while all of them in the future are going to connect their lives with the armed forces, the ministry defense will continue to hold teleconferences with universities so that volunteers can communicate with family and friends, konstantin povetyeva, news: zaporozhye region. now the news is sports. alexander , the leader of the russian football championship has changed again, tell us more. tatyana, krasnodar has returned to first place. so, lokomotiv and zenit played the night before in the central match of the seventeenth round of the rpl. due to weather conditions in moscow, this match, by the referee's decision , began half an hour later than planned . at the beginning of the first half it snowed in moscow continued, perhaps it was he who became one of the factors in the error of zenit goalkeeper mikhail kerzhakov. mikhail maxim glushenkov served from the corner and mikhail kerzhakov brought the ball into his own goal. lokomotiv led 1:0. zenit
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came back at the end of the first half, the goal was scored by the season's top scorer mateo casiera. at the end of the hour of play, lokomotiv midfielder maxim glushenkov brought his team ahead, resulting in a witty free kick play . and in the eighty-eighth minute , the locomotive launched a spectacular attack with the participation of miranchuk. scored the last one. 3:1 victory of the locomotive. for the second time this season , the locomotive beat the team of sergei simak. in the first round in st. petersburg it was 2:1. in other matches of the tour, fakel and baltika tied 0:0. krylia sovetov won in sochi 2:0 after this match, and the head coach of sochentsev, alexander dachilin, was dismissed. parien won a minimal victory over the urals. csk rostov - 2:0. krasnodar-orenburg 2:1, after this. krasnodar's victories, zenit's defeats, the southerners returned to first place in the table, and akhmat won his first victory in 10 matches, beat spartak. the seventeenth round ends
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today. match dynamo, rubin. in the regular championship of the continental hockey league, the central match of yesterday's game day was the confrontation in magnitogorsk. the leader of the east of the entire league today, metallurg , hosted the st. petersburg team, which is on a long winning streak. the main and extra time of yesterday's match ended with a score of 2:2, in the bulitov series, or rather the hockey players of the st. petersburg team. 3:2 victory for ska, roman ratenberg’s team already has 11 wins under. in a row and this repeating the season record for the longest winning streak in the sky western conference standings is in fourth place. russian hockey legend ilya kovalchuk returns to the sport. after 2 years, ilya kovalchuk will resume his career. the striker returns to spartak moscow. the team in which the hockey player began his professional career in 1999. the day before, the date of kovalchuk’s first match for spartak, the olympic
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champion, became known. for flight on december 24th. the chairman of the pentagon council spoke about this spartak alexander yakushev. on this day , spartak will play against kunlun. this will be a retro match that will take place in luzhnyaki. and about hockey, new york range forward artemi panarrin scored a hat-trick last night. this happened in a home match against san jose. for panarin, this is the fifth trick in nakhailov’s career. three goals from the russian helped new york win with a score. this season artemy ponarin is his team's best sniper, best assistant and top scorer. ponarin has 35 points according to the goal system plus pass. in the vtb united basketball league, championship leader cska moscow won its biggest victory of the season. csk beat astana of kazakhstan on the road with a difference of 34 points. csk scored 112 points in this match. this is a repeat of the season's record. as part
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of the moscow. all 12 declared players took to the floor yesterday, 11 of whom scored points, csk's away series continues, the army team will play the next match this wednesday in krasnoyarsk. that 's all about sports for now, see you next hour. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, she asked me to steal a cannon from the regiment for fun and shot at a peasant’s hut with her own hands, miraculously she didn’t kill anyone, what’s the difficulty? her mother is important at her court.
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everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and she’s a girl, she repents, it’s like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it together, so i’d tear you apart, coolly, where are you going, drown yourself, soon.
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we look before everyone else, where is the sun, let go? vasnetsov, i’ve just been put on, you know, i ’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again, but what’s wrong, you have neither sleep nor rest, let’s subscribe, look, and now footage from telegram channels is tanzania, 47 people died there , eight more...


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