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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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arab tv channels, and the lebanese almayadeen building speaks of large-scale clashes between the idf and palestinian resistance units. in the kupinsky direction of the special operation, fighters of the russian west group of troops destroyed a warehouse with ammunition of the ukrainian armed forces. in yuzhno-donetsk, our grads help the infantry to open enemy strongholds. the firing range is tens of kilometers. crews work at each firing position for no more than 20 minutes. the popular front call center accepts questions for the results of the year with vladimir putin. event will take place on december 14. this is a combined format of a direct line presidential press conference. you can ask a question by phone, sms on the website on social networks. and now let’s return to the topic of weather: in the regions of central russia they are eliminating the consequences of heavy snowfalls. about the current situation. gregorova
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, she’s joining me, good morning, well , it’s sweeping, winter is sweeping, we’ve reached the record , we’ve reached it, which means there’s 36 cm of snow at bdnkh, there’s even more here than you said, in the mgu area there’s 41, in balchiga there’s 43, that’s the center of the city, that is this did not happen that day. so, at the beginning , yesterday morning before the snowfall began, the height of the snow cover at the moscow reference weather station was 19 cm. during the day , 14. moisture got into the precipitation, the snow continued at night, and now official data has arrived on the amount of night precipitation, at the moment the height of the snow-covered dnh is 36 cm, this is a record. the previous one was 30 cm. many moscow motorists today decided to use public transport. cars and exits from parking lots are covered with snow, it took a long time to dig out, being a pedestrian is also not easy; you have to walk through snowy mountains to get to the bus stop. but the residents of one of the areas in the vtuls
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turned out to be more prudent, they came out with shovels to help the utility workers the night before the end of the snowfall, by the end of the day the snowfall subsided, in the morning people left their yards without any problems. on average, every millimeter of precipitation corresponds to a centimeter of snow cover, but of course, a lot depends on the characteristics of the snowflakes themselves, and what shape a snowflake will take depends on its conditions formation. in frosty weather, these are thin plates, at a temperature of -10, snow can fall in the form of columns, well, yesterday the conditions corresponded to the formation - this is the most beautiful and familiar type of snowflakes and the one that gives the maximum increase in snow cover. here 's some more data on snow depth . in the city of alexandrov, vladimir region, the height of snowdrifts per day increased from 17 to 38 cm. in yuev polsky from 15 to 34, in vladimir from 15 to 29. in pereslavl zalestkoy, yaroslavl region from 11 to 27. so, the next southern cyclone, across the russian
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plain, this cyclone passed south of its predecessor, so the central region was in cool air and precipitation occurred only in the form of snow, the cyclone is moving east, towards the volga region and the urals, as the cyclone moves away, there will be snowfalls in the central region weaken, the frosts will begin to intensify. firstly, the cyclone itself draws in cold air from behind the polar region, from regions where it is now -30, and secondly , the influence of anticyclones will increase, which means that there are fewer clouds, the air will begin to cool down more at night, and the cyclone, gradually weakening, carries bad weather to the east of the russian plain under the influence of frontal sections, today the south, the middle volga and the urals. in the warm front zone in the saratov and chelyabinsk regions, freezing rains occurred , traffic on highways was stopped, flights were delayed in orenburg for the same reason, and chilled precipitation was also observed in bashkiria and the samara region. in moscow, light snow is still possible until the end of the day,
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the maximum temperature will be -6°, at night there will be fewer clouds and the air will cool down to -12. tomorrow afternoon there will be light snow in places, the thermometers will not rise above -10, well, in the future it will be even colder, on thursday night in the capital for the first time -20, well on friday night, according to preliminary calculations , the temperature may drop to -27°, that is winter got down to business thoroughly sounds scary, thanks katya, it was ekaterina. gregor with stories about record snowfalls followed by frosts in the european part of the country. and now to the situation in the venue area special operation in the southern direction, where russian missiles are aimed at military targets of the ukrainian armed forces, crews of rocket systems help the infantry to open enemy strongholds. our correspondent eduard punigov went to the firing positions together with the military. a fighter with the call sign rocket is special at the front from the first day.
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the military registration and enlistment office itself came and signed a contract, now he works as a driver of the grad multiple launch rocket system. why do i have a slotted rocket, because i’m a fast eater. because the boys are helping the pihota, that’s why i’m like this quickly, that’s why they called me a rocket, i’m already sending rockets, russian post, i’m sending a parcel in honor of our boys. over the course of a year and a half, the car came under fire four times, there were numerous holes from shrapnel around the entire perimeter of the body, fortunately , none of the crew members were injured, they shot at us in the cabin, that’s it. came under fire, it was unexpected, we didn’t hear the drone , it picked up on us, we waited for the target, in the end this target managed to reach us for the first time, as if the crew
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was safe and sound, they managed to run back to the trenches, they waited and the car was stolen, no big deal was, no, are you talking about it so easily? well, because everything is already normal, this city of the vostok group works in the southern donetsk direction of svo, helps assault groups to open enemy strongholds, the firing range is about 20 km, the crew makes combat missions every day, including at night, right now the squad received from reconnaissance coordinates of the new target, the installation is loaded right now... there is no need to prepare a shooting area, the hail can unfold anywhere, which is why
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it is difficult to calculate and destroy it, for for the enemy, these installations are of course one of the most desirable targets, so the crew needs to act as quickly as possible, for everything about everything in about 10 minutes, no more, they need to quickly shoot back and immediately change their location . 540, protractor 4280, level 301 point. in one gulp, the reactive system covers a huge area, like three football fields, and another enemy stronghold, hidden in a forest belt, is destroyed. the crew of this city has long stopped counting how many such accurate hits there were. the crew quickly leaves for their starting position. straightaway begins to prepare for a new task. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. after the referendum held in the country, venezuelan president maduro expressed hope that this vote will help return guyana to negotiations and ultimately end
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the long-standing territorial dispute between the two countries. in the state itself, local media express fears that karaka will want to forcibly annex esequibo. due to growing tensions, the un international court of justice. has already called on the state to abandon any actions that could change the status quo. the reason was the referendum that took place in venezuela. it was initiated by the country's president, who proposed to include the region controlled by its neighbors into venezuela, after the authorities of guyana began to transfer the mineral-rich areas of the disputed shelf for development to western oil companies. read more about the history of the conflict in our help. the territorial dispute between guyana and venezuela is over 100 years old. stumbling stone. the sakiba region, comparable in area to greece and rich in oil and other mineral reserves. in 1899 year, international arbitration in paris, under pressure from london, decided to transfer 90% of the territory of isekiba to the british colony, guyana. in 1966, caracas and georgetown signed the geneva agreement to find
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a peaceful solution to the dispute, but in 2018, guyana asked the un international court of justice to legally formalize control over esequiba. venezuela, in turn, insists on straight lines. gayana transferred mining concessions to an american company. in addition, according to caracas, the united states plans to deploy a military base. in this regard, the venezuelan authorities decided hold a referendum. one of the questions concerns plans to create the state of guyanna equiba and incorporate it into venezuela. alfabank's legendary free credit card has always become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. it’s always nice to find gifts without trudarins and
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to replace bad habits with useful ones, we have made significant steps in the development of our relations in the world, this arouses... genuine interest, the neocolonial system has ceased to exist, thank you come, don’t forget us, there is lasting interfaith peace in the country.
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no fundamental changes have occurred today in terms of the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the operation, your opinion is important, we need to start let's get to know each other better, we'll fall in love, cool , god bless you, you're probably better than me... you know, no, my grandfather was a peasant, he lived in a village, koter province, we bow before yours. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. we continue broadcasting. new medical centers and outpatient clinics will open in villages of the khabarovsk territory. thanks to standard designs designed for harsh winters and modern modular
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technologies, construction takes a matter of months. next, a report by lyudmila smirova. v in the center of the village there is a large cartel, everything is compact and convenient, in a multidisciplinary administrative building there is a post office, police, mfc club, an outpatient clinic is being built nearby, in the winter we go to work on the roof of the building, interior decoration of the premises, heating, water supply, hot, cold water, sewerage, everything is autonomous , by june there will be a beautiful building, new outpatient clinics for the village, three-layer sandwich pans according to the northern version, and a backup diesel generator. fire extinguishing tanks, four specialized rooms and a day hospital 200 km of health with a full spectrum household amenities, to turn the village that grew up under the now former timber industry enterprise into a village of the 21st century, national projects of russia helped, the facility is being built in a large cartel according to the health care program, the program is extensive, covers many regions of khabarovsk, the khabarovsk territory, the outpatient clinic
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is completed, designed according to modern standards, will meet modern standards, a clinic for people, so that they do not have to go to the city every time, construction will solve the problem not only of residents, but also of doctors. now receptions are conducted in an adapted building that has already survived two fires, convenience on the street, but the staff is staffed by a therapist, pediatrician and gynecologist, there is even a physiotherapy room, we are naturally waiting for a new outpatient clinic, we will then be able to separate the flows of healthy and sick patients so that they do not all meet in one corridor, we will have... a separate entrance to the day hospital, that is, patients can immediately go to the procedures without going to the appointment. our doctors, i believe, should work in better conditions, and there are also problems with buses so that drive around, but here everything is already in place, and you still want people to live in more modern conditions, and the village does not die, on the contrary, there was development,
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life would continue to flourish. and the village is developing; the number of residents has not decreased in recent years. more than 300 children are growing up, when medical services and assistance are provided on site, it means a lot, it’s very great that national projects initiated by our president vladimir vladimirovich putin have begun to be implemented, they allow the villages to be revived, restored, built new, to make people feel comfortable. thanks to modern technologies of block-modular construction, the construction cycle of such objects has been reduced by almost half. today is the primary care modernization program. one of the largest in the khabarovsk territory. we are building a lot of primary care facilities. this year, four faps have already been put into operation. these are villages such as marusino, pushkino, fedorovka, voskhod. at the exit there are five more fap shops and two outpatient clinics. now, the degree of readiness of these objects is very high. there are plans for about ten more new ones next year
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fapov and outpatient clinics. based on modular designs according to standard designs, the speed of construction of such objects. will only be a few months. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead khabarovsk. now let's talk about sports, another round took place in the rpl. krasnodar has regained its leadership, but they are discussing not only the results, but the weather conditions in which they had to play in the capital. we’ll discuss snow matches with alexander abramovo, he’s joining me, sash, good morning, well, tell me what the reaction to the matches is when you have to play in such conditions. sash, good morning, the most eloquent reaction yesterday was from the head coach of the russian national team in rostov, valery karpin, he was in real anger. so, according to roshydromet, moscow suffered the heaviest snowfall on december 3 in 145 years of observation. in the capital , two matches of the seventeenth round of the rpl, csk rostov and lokomotiv zenit, were scheduled for sunday, december 3. huge snowdrifts, a blizzard and storm cyclone oliver
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did not become a reason to cancel or postpone the matches. this and there is winter snow football. did you like football? is this football? well, that's it, then what are you asking? you ask the person who made the decision to play, i don’t know who made it, but the person who made it, ask him about russian football, what did he even think? what we saw today is this, this is the murder of football, but with something like that in russia there is not much football, to put it mildly, if we played spring-autumn, then this would be the twenty- ninth-thirtieth round now, then postpone you can’t, because you have to play the last round everyone at the same time, for this they made a transition to... to autumn, spring, for what? to watch this crap? the rage of the head coach of rostov and the russian national team can be understood; shortly before the start of the match, the field of the stadium in parena was under a huge snow cover, the field was being cleaned with a tractor that drove straight across the lawn. and during the match , stadium workers ran onto the field with shovels. the idea
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was that this would make the markings on the field more visible. chilean legionnaire of muscovites, victor mendez celebrated his goal against rostov in the surroundings of the match. the chilean jumped into a snowdrift. csk eventually beat rostov with a score of 2:0. probably, in such weather conditions mm. supporting your team is not very comfortable, not very comfortable, we are talking about this too, it is clear that we will not succeed with the transition, we will still catch something, but we will play the match on good pitches, let’s say, when, when they are good , in the summer , when we, say, take a break from the championship, the match between lokomotiv and zenit began a few hours later than the posov match. at the stadium in cherkizovo they prepared for the snowstorm in advance. agronomists covered the lawn with film. under the conditions in which they had to work, the stadium services worked with the best efficiency. the lokomotiv-zenit match
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ended up starting with a half-hour delay. it was also agreed that the match would be suspended in the middle of the first half to clear the field lines. everyone is watching the forecasts, the situation was expected, so we used ukrainian material to accumulate the maximum amount of snow on the surface. clean it off with tractors without damaging it yourself lawn, we're coping for now, thank god, we'll see what happens next, in any case, all services are ready, we'll try so that football wins, and we'll help, at the beginning of the first half of the match, the snowfall in moscow was still continuing, perhaps it became one one of the factors was the error of zenit goalkeeper mikhail kerzhakov, already in the seventh minute, maxim glushenkov served from the corner and kirzhakov brought the ball into his own goal. lokomotiv led 1:00 zenit got even at the end of the first half, the goal was scored by the top scorer of the season, mateo casiera. on at the end of an hour of play, lokomotiv midfielder maxim glushenkov brought the team ahead,
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a witty free kick was played, and in the eighty-eighth minute lokomotiv had a spectacular attack with the participation of miranchuk, dzyub and nair tekhnizyan. tehnizyan scored a beautiful goal. 3:1 victory for the locomotive. well done everyone, again i repeat , despite the weather, the cold , the field was beautiful, so thanks to the agronomist who prepared the field, the situation in rostov and cska was much worse than ours, we had good weather and the ball was good apparently, and it was snowing for the first 10 minutes, at first there was a snowstorm, and then everything passed and well, the weather was good, in any case, the day before in moscow it was at least somehow better than a week ago in kaliningrad, when there was no white ball and white spartak uniform at all apparently, there are still days in moscow today, after which there will be one more round left in the russian premier league before the winter break. the deadline for making a decision on possible postponements of matches to the spring is
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tuesday evening. in the area of ​​special risk, again, are two moscow matches. locomotive and ural will play on friday evening, and spartak and krylisov on saturday afternoon. in the moscow region this week they promise up to 20° below zero. sasha, let me remind you that in any case the decision is to play. each time is accepted by the chief referee of the match. thank you, sash, it was alexander abramov. heavy snowfalls also covered europe, including the czech republic, causing power outages. in some areas of germany , train traffic was stopped and airports were closed. churches in britain are organizing shelter for those caught in bad weather on the road. alexander has all the details khabarova. from a bird's eye view this winter landscape in southwest germany looks beautiful. more than 50 cm of snow fell in bavaria and baden-württenberg in one day. those who are least impressed by these cross-codes are transport workers and
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utility workers; for them, first of all, these are never-ending problems. over the weekend , train service in munich was suspended due to snowfall. we had to close the airport and cancel a football match involving bayern munich. in the south of the czech republic, 75 cm of snow fell, transport links were disrupted: going on a trip along the covered roads was possible only as a last resort, but if in the austrian alps skiers can enjoy the snow, then for england, unprepared for such winter surprises, the bad weather became a real test, especially in the cumbria region, ice drifts on the roads there took many by surprise , there was movement... our friends slept
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on the floor that night. snowfall has been declared a snow emergency in cumbria. in some areas the temperature dropped below 10° celsius. it's especially hard low-income families, for them this is a real disaster. we're getting messages from people saying they've already spent all their money on gas and electricity this week. they have nothing to buy diapers or milk for their children, and bread, it’s cold, they have to choose between food and heating. about 900 houses in the north of england were left without electricity for almost a day; due to snow debris, emergency services could not reach the places where the wires were broken. the british met office has issued a warning for northern england and scotland. snowfalls will continue there today. residents of these regions are advised to refrain from traveling unless absolutely necessary. british experts advise drivers, just in case, when going on the road, to take flashlights
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and warm clothes with them. but the weather here is not constant, so everything that fell by the end of this week should melt, what happened can be considered only a rehearsal before christmas. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, vesti, uk. the legendary alfabank credit card is free forever, now even more profitable. get a supercake everyone. i demand a continuation of the fabulously delicious banquet, invest in your country with a reliable broker vtb convenient technological application vtb investments. professionals work. pairs scandinavian burger scandinavian chicken burger at a great price only delicious, period. this year
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billine mobile internet for continuous communication with loved ones on your side pay less global village 7999 in moscow 10, we continue the morning broadcast here
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what we have learned by this time. dozens of flights were delayed or canceled at the capital's airports due to heavy snowfall. over the past 24 hours , snowdrifts in moscow have grown to 30 cm, which is four times more than usually happens at the beginning of winter. more than 135,000 people are currently cleaning the city’s roads and courtyards from snow, and more than 18,000 units of special equipment are involved. in the kupinsky direction. operations, fighters of the group of russian troops west destroyed a warehouse with ammunition of the ukrainian armed forces, in yuzhno-donetsk our grads help the infantry to open enemy strongholds, range firing - tens of kilometers, crews work at each firing position for no more than 20 minutes. the israeli army storms palestinian cities on the west bank of the jordan river, about this:


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